League of Legends anyone?

I want to buy her, but 6300 feels like a slap in the face. After this whole fiasco (broken champions, ridiculous server outages, horrendous patches, etc...) I figured they would've thrown the community a bone and priced her at 3150.
I thought they were throwing a bone with her bundles.

Valk is a 520skin and it's in the first bundle, instead of the second one. So you can pick up Leona and Valk for 1235RP. I might do that later this week.

[quote name='RisenShadow']You and me both, rabbit. Time to rushplay those ranked!

Maybe we should try a premade 3v3 sometime[/QUOTE]

Dunno, I hear that's a pretty rough category. A team of 1300s got matched up with a team of 1900s the other week. There was a youtube video of it reporting the 1900s for harassment as well.

Aside from that, Tryn, Jax, Mordekaiser, Singed, Shaco, WW, and Nunu kinda dominate that map. I hear Yorik's nothing to joke about there either.
[quote name='RisenShadow']You and me both, rabbit. Time to rushplay those ranked!

Maybe we should try a premade 3v3 sometime[/QUOTE]

Dunno, I hear that's a pretty rough category. A team of 1300s got matched up with a team of 1900s the other week. There was a youtube video of it reporting the 1900s for harassment as well.

Aside from that, Tryn, Jax, Mordekaiser, Singed, Shaco, WW, and Nunu kinda dominate that map. I hear Yorik's nothing to joke about there either.
i'm getting her with IP, maybe a skin later when i have the time to play her (she's too popular right now).


first game of the day and no one wanted her, so i tanked. 2/0/10.
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I wish Leona was delayed again. I haven't played with one good one. This last game, the one fight she initiated was under their turret, it was 3v5 and we said to go back. This is why I play tanks. No one else wants to do it, and those who do usually suck at it.
guess im getting to play her a lot, 3-0 so far. she seems pretty balanced, if anything a little underpowered.


Did one game last night, it was hard fought but we lost. I was in a lane with Renekton and we were vs a Caitlyn. Right there is a problem cause she out ranges us both by alot and can last hit all day. Then Ren left to go jungle. Now Cait has nothing stopping her from farming, as I can even get near her. I finally pushed her back to the tower then recalled. By the time I got back the tower was gone, it was 1/3 health and she took it out in like 5 seconds flat.

After that we just couldnt kill her or their Lux, they were too good at staying back and had everything warded/mushroomed/trapped so we couldnt gank. Our Ashe tried several times to arrow them, but everytime they would flash out of the way.

Even though she got fed though, Cait could NOT kill me. She missed 3 ults in a row on me cause our Sona would take the hit then heal. The 4th hit me, but didnt kill me. She was pissed :)
[quote name='icedrake523']That's a pretty low scoring game for over an hour.[/QUOTE]

yeah, alistar stole all our kills :p but it was really KILL SECURED!

I had top lane against Renekton

He couldnt touch me or do anything. As soon as he sliced and diced near me, i would just net away and poke him some more.

I basically just farmed and didnt join team fights till mid to late game.

The enemies were on the bottom tower, and i was pushing top and they were like GO BOTTOM!!!

Are they stupid? By the time i would get there, they would be gone.

It was a tough game though. Back and forth till the last 2 team fights where we just blew them up.
picked up nocturne

strange champion

first game i lost: 4-10-5 (my team was all like that)

Second game i won! 13-5-20

i need a nice jungle route and crap, figure it out tomorrow

dont forget, #1 cait in the WORLD, carrying you scrubs to victory :p
[quote name='Waughoo']I still dont know why they wanted to focus me so much[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was wierd. Maybe cause you guys were stopping them from coming to me so, they thought they had to kill you to get to me!
Game 3 of Nocture: Lots of ganks that I got. 15-6-8. But our Gankplank fed an EVE and Leona top. And bottom decided to let Morde farm the whole game.

And our Alistar didnt do anything, half my team ran into the jungle the wrong way over and over into them when they saw the enemies were in there.

Yeah, we lost. I cant carry idiots
I think I've figured out where my source of frustration lies with this game. It's the people that don't acknowledge they screwed up or that they are just playing badly. We had a Cho yesterday who'd constantly let teammates die to Malz' ult because he wouldn't knock up.

Both myself and my friend politely told him at least six times that if he'd knock him up, it'd stop his ult. Eventually after so many times, the entire team started to get frustrated with him and his response was "fuck YOU $$$$$$S ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU DIED fuck OFF".

Then it hit me. If players would just be like "Yeah, my bad, I missed with that one, I'll try to get it next time" instead of being so insanely hostile, I'd rage a lot less. Instead, all these people act like they're doing nothing wrong and that it's everyone elses fault.
[quote name='Megazell']^ That can be said for a lot if not all games online, though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know, but the margin of players on LOL that act this way seems to be much larger than most other games.
I wish people would grasp the concept of not initiating a team fight when you are out numbered. I dont know how many times people just jump into a 3v5, die, and get mad about it. If you're outnumbered and not severely fed, dont fight. Fall back to a tower, hold them till your other teammates arrive. Or better yet, keep them busy while your teammates push lanes.

I also keep seeing this situation. One player gets caught in the jungle, but is running back to base with low health the other team in pursuit. Maybe one or two of his teammates show up to help, but he's too injured to do much. Instead of just escorting the person to a tower, people will initiate the entire other team. Lets do the math now, theres like 3 of you, 1 almost dead, and your other 2 are on their way but not here yet. You're up against 5 enemies who are most likely all full health. How is this going to turn out well? Everytime is ends up with all 3 of them dying, and the other two showing up too late. Usually one or two of the enemies are low now, so at least one of the remaining teammates will think "I can get them!" ignoring the fact that there are still 3 almost full health enemies with them. Then you end up with one guy left to defend against 4-5 enemies while everyone else is dead.

Basically people dont understand you just DO NOT fight when you're in an equal or better position than the enemy.
probably :)

was a good game though too

i was annie top vs morde

was even, except he always lived with like 20 hp after my huge burst and then i died

only happened 2 times though, but he snowballed from everyone else and was really hard to stop
Flip and I had a bad game last night. Once we were finally able to start one, since the servers suck, we get grouped with idiots. First noone wanted to take mid. Then we mention we're on skype and they start the 'Only 14 year olds use skype' bullshit. I'm bot with Yorrik, against Leona and Renekton. We push it out abit too far, and Flip says to watch out cause their Xin is coming. So Yorrik ignores him and gets ganked. Flip says that he told him Xin was coming, so Yor tells him to "Eat a dick".

And the rest of the game went like that, comeone would give advice or warnings, and Yor would tell them to "Eat more dick". I died a bunch on bot because Leona's blink kept going further than I expected, then I would be stun-locked by her and Xin. Also I ran into Xin in the jungle once, he bursted me to about 15% health in 3 hits, but I was able to flash away. Xin went like 9-0 before we could get a surrender through. Bad game
[quote name='Waughoo']Flip and I had a bad game last night. Once we were finally able to start one, since the servers suck, we get grouped with idiots. First noone wanted to take mid. Then we mention we're on skype and they start the 'Only 14 year olds use skype' bullshit. I'm bot with Yorrik, against Leona and Renekton. We push it out abit too far, and Flip says to watch out cause their Xin is coming. So Yorrik ignores him and gets ganked. Flip says that he told him Xin was coming, so Yor tells him to "Eat a dick".

And the rest of the game went like that, comeone would give advice or warnings, and Yor would tell them to "Eat more dick". I died a bunch on bot because Leona's blink kept going further than I expected, then I would be stun-locked by her and Xin. Also I ran into Xin in the jungle once, he bursted me to about 15% health in 3 hits, but I was able to flash away. Xin went like 9-0 before we could get a surrender through. Bad game[/QUOTE]

...wow, that actually sounds like the other team of the really good game I had last night. I don't recall seeing your names, though. I was playing blitz.
We've been using skype in place of vent for awhile, cause it's just easier to hop on it and drag people into our chat than passing out vent info.
[quote name='icedrake523']Game dun broked[/QUOTE]

Same shit as last night. Gotta love the way the LOL servers just decide to break themselves multiple times a week.
Just had what started out as an awesome game, but went sour when our pubbers refused to continue playing. Our pub Poppy was 17-4, fed as hell, yet kept saying there was no way we could win. As a team we were up by like 20 kills and had massive pushes going. She decided to AFK in base, so we lost.

Perfect example of why I hate everyone who plays this game.
Ice and I had a long game that should of been shorter, my team just like to fight them at their towers.

Eventually i told my team to wait for THEM, instead of us going to find them.

Then I did a random trap and found them. So then we all came

Ice stopped fiddles ult, and then we won cause i wasnt focused to hell and back
[quote name='icedrake523']Monkey King gameplay preveiw. He might be coming out Thursday. Which means he'll be delayed until next Wednesday.

Do they just roll some dice that have champ names on them and whatever champ comes up they just mix existing powers together?

This weeks champ appears to be what would happen if we merged Garen, Jax, and Shaco together!
bread's done