League of Legends anyone?

Well it's official, Riot Singed will have a final sale before it goes limited. However, PAX Jax is gone for good :(. He's been replaced with PAX Sivir. Man, I really wanted that Jax too.

Anyways, here's a look at the new skins to come:


Bizzaro Annie
Victorious Jarvan IV (The Gold Elo Limited Skin)
Demolisher Nunu
Pax Sivir
Dragonslayer Vayne
Pentakill Karthus
And Talon's double bundle, Crimson Elite and Renegade Talon.
I'm not even sure why they make Nunu skins anymore. Sure, there are champions that have more skins than him, but that Sesame Street Nunu and Nunu Bot are just too good to passup.

Talon's skins are kinda junky to me. Original makes him look like an unoriginal Marvel hero. Then he has one that makes him look like a Bandit meets The Warriors. And his final one is a pretty poor mesh of Magneto and Judge Dredd. x.x I was looking forward to him too.
If anyone is going to PAX or has a friend going that could snag a pair of PAX Sivir skin codes, I'd be willing to pay reasonably for them.
Any of you guys willing to help a complete newbie learn to play the game? I understand the general idea of the game, but have no idea what is the right way to play. I know this type of game is not friendly to new people so it would be nice if some cool people would be willing to help me out without being judgmental about it.

Ingame id = MordacaiB
Learn to last hit minions during the laning phase. It's how you get most of you gold. It keeps your lane from being pushed (and less likely to be ganked).

Buy wards whenever you can. Place them at entrances into lanes (IN BUSHES which Flippr still hasn't learned), buffs, Dragon, and Baron.

Don't buy any runes until you're level 20.

Check www.leaguecraft.com www.mobafire.com and www.solomid.net for guides on Champions. I'd start with leaguecraft. Mobafire has a better layout but I find the guides more offensive-based than I like. Solomid guides are made by higher elo players, they don't always translate well into normal.

Know the role of your champion and play to that role.

Once you unlock Flash and Ignite, take them. Everyone takes Flash/Ignite.

Also, patch notes. Kind of small this time but it's going to take at least 10 hours since they're implementing some Dominion stuff.

New Skins in the Store

  • Renegade Talon
  • Crimson Elite Talon
  • Demolisher Nunu
  • Dragonslayer Vayne

PVP.net Store
  • Added a Purchases tab that contains a history of all your purchases
  • Champions tab redesigned to feature full art splashes
  • Home page layout graphics updated
  • Home page now features a progress indicator for content being loaded
  • Filtering and search redesigned to be more visually appealing and compact
  • Made several fixes and tweaks to padding/alignments/font issues throughout the store

PVP.net v1.42.34
  • New landing page design
    • Now displays YouTube videos (Champion spotlight/Community Spotlight, etc). These videos can be expanded to full screen
    • Top news articles from LeagueOfLegends.com are displayed in the lower left
    • Featured and sale items from the store are now displayed in the top right
    • Redesigned the banner scroller to make it smoother
  • New art and layout for the End of Game screen
  • Improved messages for game invites to include game type
  • Updated the design for map/game selection
  • Summoner's Rift Autumn map is now directly selectable from the custom game screen

League of Legends v1.0.0.124
Talon, the Blade's Shadow
  • Noxian Diplomacy: Talon viciously stabs his enemy, dealing heavy physical damage and causing them to leave a blood trail that Talon can use to track them.
  • Rake: Talon fans out three blades in front of him that quickly return to him, dealing damage and slowing any target hit in either direction.
  • Cutthroat: Talon leaps behind his target and silences them for a short duration, amplifying the damage of any of his follow up attacks and abilities.
  • Shadow Assault (Ultimate): Talon enters stealth for a short duration, gaining a movement speed boost and sending blades that deal damage to all enemies in their path flying in every direction. Once the blades reach a certain distance, they pause and form a circle. When Talon reappears from stealth, the blades return to him, once again dealing damage to any opponent they pass through.
  • Mercy (Passive): Talon's auto-attacks deal additional damage to a target that is under the influence of any crowd control effect.


  • Unbreakable Will
    • Duration adjusted to 7 seconds at all ranks from 6/7/8 seconds
    • Physical and Magical Damage reduction reduced to 50/60/70% from 75% at all ranks


  • Leap Strike damage reduced to 20/45/70/95/120 from 35/60/85/110/135
  • Empower
    • Damage reduced to 60/95/130/165/200 from 75/110/135/180/215
    • Empower now breaks spell shields


  • Attack damage per level increased to 2.8 from 2.5
  • Attack speed per level increased to 2.5 from 2
  • Reckoning
    • Now scales with bonus attack damage at a 1.0 ratio in addition to a 1.0 ability power ratio
    • Damage amplification increased to 6/7/8/9/10% from 5% at all levels

Lee Sin

  • Resonating Strike will now only automatically attempt to attack champions rather than all enemies


  • Javelin Toss
    • Mana Cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 60/70/80/90/100
    • Cooldown reduced to 6 seconds from 7 seconds
  • Pounce
    • May now be affected by Cooldown Reduction
    • Cooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3 seconds
  • Primal Surge
    • Mana cost adjusted to 60/80/100/120/140 from 65/70/75/80/85
    • Base heal adjusted to 50/85/120/155/190 from 60/90/120/150/180
    • Ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.25
  • Swipe ability power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.2
  • Aspect of the Cougar now grants 10/15/20 armor and magic resistance instead of 10% Dodge
  • Fixed several tooltip errors (especially those in Cougar form)


  • Command: Dissonance base damage reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 from 70/120/170/220/270
  • Command: Protect shield ability power ratio reduced to .4 from .6
  • Fixed a bug with Command: Shockwave dealing extra damage at ranks 11 and 16


  • Aria of Perseverance
    • Base heal reduced to 25/50/75/100/125 from 35/70/105/140/175
    • Ability power ratio reduced to .25 from .35
    • Now grants double her passive aura bonus to her heal target and herself for 3 seconds
  • Reduced the lockout time while casting Sona's songs to make them more responsive
  • Fixed a bug where Hymn of Valor and Aria of Perseverance caused her to deal 20% reduced damage


  • Recommended Items updated
  • Base health increased to 446 from 426
  • Base health per level increased to 71 from 67
  • Starcall
    • Cooldown reduced to 2.5 seconds from 3 seconds
    • Base damage reduced to 60/85/110/135/160 from 60/90/120/150/180
    • Ability power ratio increased to .4 from .25
    • Mana cost reduced to 35/40/45/50/55 from 40/50/60/70/80
    • Shred increased to 8/9/10/11/12 from 8 at all levels
    • Maximum stacks reduced to 10 from 20
    • Range increased by 30
  • Astral Blessing
    • Ability power ratio reduced to .45 from .9
    • Cooldown increased to 20 seconds from 10 seconds
    • Base Heal increased to 70/140/210/280/350 from 60/120/180/240/300
    • Armor buff increased to 25/50/75/100/125 from 20/35/50/65/80
    • Armor buff duration increased to 5 seconds from 4 seconds
    • Cast range increased to 750 from 650
  • Infuse
    • Ability power ratio increased to .75 from .6
    • Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 15 seconds
    • Silence duration adjusted to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 from 1/1.5/2/2.5/3
    • No longer grants double Mana when casting on yourself
  • Wish
    • Ability power ratio reduced to .7 from 1.3
    • Mana cost reduced to 100/175/250 from 200/275/350


  • Base attack speed increased to .625 from .613
  • Imbue
    • Ability power ratio reduced to .6 from 1.1
    • Cooldown increased to 20/19/18/17/16 seconds from 16/15/14/13/12 seconds
    • Basic attacks now reduce Imbue?s cooldown by 1 second (from 2) but the reduction now increases to 3 seconds when attacking an enemy champion


  • Turtle Stance
    • Heal reduced to 10/12/14/16/18% from 12/14/16/18/20%
    • Mana return reduced to 5/6/7/8/9% from 9/10.5/12/13.5/15%
  • Fixed a bug with Phoenix Stance where the activation damage was counting as single target spell damage for Spell Vamp or Rylai's


  • Three Talon Strike knock up duration slightly reduced
  • Audacious Charge slow duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 1.75 seconds


  • UI Improvements
    • New scoreboard with new art!
    • Removed upper left redundant champion info
    • Floating text is now prioritized to show important events such as being stunned or silenced much more quickly
    • Kills are now displayed as "Kill Callouts" along the right hand side of the screen and show assists
  • Added a new ping functionality: You can now ping to signal your teammates to fall back
  • You are now able to mute players from the scoreboard
  • Improved prioritization for selection of units around towers
  • Made improvements to loadtimes and frame rates for Summoner's Rift, Twisted Treeline, and Tutorials
  • Toggle spells no longer cancel channeling when turned off
  • Made improvements to camera panning to make it smoother
  • Made improvements to how Fog of War interacts with the environment to enhance the visual display (does not affect the gameplay aspect of Fog of War)
  • Fixed a bug where Champions could be pulled across the map while teleporting
  • Fixed several issues where character animations would sometimes freeze
  • Fixed several bugs associated with reconnecting to a game
  • Fixed several bugs associated with load time crashes
  • Fixed a rare bug that caused in-game crashes
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Welcome MisterBee :) You can add me in-game, I'm Rabbitsuit. And I'd give you advice, but I just freaking lost a co-op yesterday.

2 v 5, after 53minutes, I couldn't push faster than all of the bots.
Felt bad.
Felt very bad.

On a good note, today's patches are GODLIKE. First off, Elo Bracket Changes!

Platinum elo is now just 25more than what old Gold used to be! Gold is actually less than the previous Silver elo! Never went into ranked, but damn it all, I am now.
Whats up Bee!

Add me in game: FlipprDolphin

I know everything, so you can ask me questions. The rest of these guys all learned from me.

So here is what to do:

1) Start playing.
2) Figure out what you dont know what is going on and ask us.
3) Then we will tell you.

Then go back to Step 1!

Look at what icedrake says, and ask us what words you dont understand :)
[quote name='icedrake523']Learn to last hit minions during the laning phase. It's how you get most of you gold. It keeps your lane from being pushed (and less likely to be ganked).

Buy wards whenever you can. Place them at entrances into lanes (IN BUSHES which Flippr still hasn't learned), buffs, Dragon, and Baron.

Don't buy any runes until you're level 20.

Check www.leaguecraft.com www.mobafire.com and www.solomid.net for guides on Champions. I'd start with leaguecraft. Mobafire has a better layout but I find the guides more offensive-based than I like. Solomid guides are made by higher elo players, they don't always translate well into normal.

Know the role of your champion and play to that role.

Once you unlock Flash and Ignite, take them. Everyone takes Flash/Ignite.

Also, patch notes. Kind of small this time but it's going to take at least 10 hours since they're implementing some Dominion stuff.


You dont NEED to push the ward in the bush!!!!!!!!!

Tell me a good reason to put a ward in the bush!

You put it between the exit of their jungle, dragon, and the bush.

You put it in the bush, it will be too late if you are extended.

You need a warning, not to see them standing there!

A wild Rammus appears charging down the river. Powerball, activate! Oh no, your ward is in the bush and you dont have enough time to run!

A wild Rammus appears charging down the river. Powerball, activate! Your ward is far enough to see him coming and you have time to run!

Crisis averted!
[quote name='MisterBee']Any of you guys willing to help a complete newbie learn to play the game? I understand the general idea of the game, but have no idea what is the right way to play. I know this type of game is not friendly to new people so it would be nice if some cool people would be willing to help me out without being judgmental about it.

Ingame id = MordacaiB[/QUOTE]

Others here are already covering good general tips. Just play games. Don't be afraid to ask questions while in game. Just know you WILL have people rage at you and be pretty vile abot it at times. /ignore them and keep playing. You will find helpful people too. By the time you're level 30 you should be well in the swing of things.

Now I just need to hit 1400 elo for siliver rating. Every time i get to the 1380s I lose. :(
[quote name='Morphx2']You dont NEED to push the ward in the bush!!!!!!!!!

Tell me a good reason to put a ward in the bush!

You put it between the exit of their jungle, dragon, and the bush.

You put it in the bush, it will be too late if you are extended.

You need a warning, not to see them standing there!

A wild Rammus appears charging down the river. Powerball, activate! Oh no, your ward is in the bush and you dont have enough time to run!

A wild Rammus appears charging down the river. Powerball, activate! Your ward is far enough to see him coming and you have time to run!

Crisis averted![/QUOTE]

First, you put it in the bush so everyone knows if they're standing there. They have to be looking at the screen constantly to know if an enemy went in the bush. And putting it where you do doesn't give that much more visibility.

Second, if you're chasing them for a kill, they'll still be targetable if they go in the bush.
So I bought Irelia and tried her 2 games. Sucked in both, more the last than the first (hate laning against Akali). In both games, one of my teammates just bitches about my build. Every guide I see, says build Tri Force early, then tanky late. In the second game I was working on a Gunblade just because I had no idea what else to get and thought I was tanky enough.

I'm just bored of always playing the same champions. I don't even care if I lose while I'm trying to learn Irelia.
Hate to say it but I side with flippr on the ward issue at least concerning the river wards. bot lane's should be at dragon anyway so no need to double up there. get it as close to the lane as you can while still keep dragon visible. top should have theres between the exit from top jungle and the ramp entrance to the blue rune. keeps you safe from ganks and guards your blue/lets you see if the other team goes to blue from river. when blue is up SOMEONE will always go for it so its a great place to get a free kill if you're in position for it.
You guys are wrong.

The Store now has a purchase history. What's yours?

Garen 10/11/10
Vlad 11/01/10
(Retail Bundle from Best Buy 11/06/10)
Morde 11/08/10
Commando Garen 11/09/10
Pantheon 12/06/10
Nunu 1/19/11
Olaf 1/21/11
Udyr 2/02/11
Xin Zhao 2/05/11
Master Yi 2/13/11
Grungy Nunu 3/15/11
Galactic Nasus 3/29/11
Renekton 4/05/11
Jarvan 4/08/11
Galio 4/22/11
Gragas 5/17/11
Trundle 5/26/11
Singed 5/28/11
Ashe 5/28/11
Twisted Fate 6/4/11
Shen 6/10/11
Nidalee 6/17/11
Maokai 6/23/11
Taric 6/26/11
Gangplank 7/11/11
Leona 7/13/11
Commando Jarvan 7/23/11
Lee Sin 8/14/11
Irelia 8/24/11
Is there a way to copy/paste it all? I really don't feel like typing it all out x_x; Edit, ah, I can use the tabs to just show champions. That'll make it easier.

Retail Bundle Not Shown

Rumble 4800IP 8/25/11
Nunu 450IP 8/24/11
Yi 450IP 8/24/11
Taric 1350IP 8/24/11
Singed 1350IP 8/20/11
Nocturne 487RP 8/20/11
Wukong 6300IP 7/26/11
Jarvan IV 4800IP 6/25/11
Xin Zhao 3150IP 6/18/11
Mordekasier 3150IP 5/19/11
7-Page Rune Bundle 2600RP 5/17/11
Maokai 6300IP 5/17/11
Ashe 450IP 5/17/11
Kog'maw 487RP 5/17/11
Swain 487RP 4/08/11
Anivia 6300IP 3/15/11
Sivir 450IP 2/24/11

I didn't even know I played back in February. How can I be this crappy after all this time? And on a very related note, anybody want to try for ranked 3 v 3s?
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DUDE, Razor has a giveaway with League of Legends right now. They're handing out Tier 3 movement speed Quints (and Tier 3 Critical Damage, but those don't matter) for signups.

Save yourself 6000ip? Yes, please.

Their twitter for details -- http://twitter.com/#!/CultOfRazer

Such perfect timing with Riot Singed being on sale. Free runes for the optimum Singed build *_*
Ah, sorry. I thought it was linked on there at the time. Anyways they took it down again from the looks of it. Should be back up again soon.

I was able to get my Tier-3 movement speed quints though. I'm happy that I was able to pick this up :) Just a shame I won't be able to pick up the PAX skins.
I'm trying to do the Razer thing. Had trouble getting the site to accept my info, gave a database error. Then tried again on a different browser, and the whole site gave the error. I finally got in, submitted my info, and got the email. Now the email does the database error >.
Gave up on the free runes. Website is running on a 486 apparently. Razer is definitely saving PC gaming. Guys buy our $3000 shitty laptop so we can upgrade our web servers! Nevermind the fact that you can build a way better PC for under $1k easy.

inb4 Megazell saying he paid $17.89 for his entire rig
I now have my code for my free runes, and lol has over an hour wait to log in... I dont have that kind of time today :(
Haven't played much this weekend. Playing on my laptop sucks. Plus there was that hurricane thing.

I tried out Skarner in a custom game earlier. He's so useless. He just does nothing. No initiation to tank, no DPS, no burst, no support ability. He might be able to tank if his W gave him extra armor and MR instead of a shield.
[quote name='Waughoo']I now have my code for my free runes, and lol has over an hour wait to log in... I dont have that kind of time today :([/QUOTE]

The login queue is based on your Window's time. If you change the time of your clock, your queue is adjusted as such. You have a 51minute wait? Increase your clock by 50minutes and wait just 1 minute.

It supposedly resets itself if you don't do it at a close enough time to where you can login. So I hear, anyways. I haven't tried this, but it's being spammed on the forums.
and pigs can fly too!

so i hear, anyways


no one fucks with him in the lane. it is pretty freaking hilarious

i just need to stop having fun by harassing and last hit more

but he is so silly fun
[quote name='Morphx2']hahaha

i was in 30 min queue

set clock for 30 min

no queue


blah, it still wont let me in[/QUOTE]

Oh :( But the pig thing is still legit, right?
i got banned again. through tribunal this time and for 3 days. guess it goes up each time, but its kinda lame that the tribunal bans stack with previous bans. (got banned by a butthurt riot employee last time)

also it was on my smurf account so... guess i'll have to make a new one : ( i liked my name too.
Looks like AOE is broken. Champs like Teemo, Cait, Karthus, and Cass all have issues with their AOE being ridiculously large. I believe Morde, Orianna, and Urgot also have the issue, but it's unconfirmed, though my friend has been playing Orianna all morning and she definitely seems to have a much larger radius on her ball.

I've been playing Cait and it's been hilarious being able to cover an entire lane with just two traps. People are nowhere near my traps and are constantly setting them off.
Yeah, it's been like that for over a week now. Morde's Cone and Maokai's knockback hits far larger than it should right now. Brand's pillar is also absurdly powerful. Even with boots, it's difficult to escape it thanks to the extra radius around it.

Edit -- That finished fast. Also, QQ, I'll never have that beautiful PAX Jax.
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x.x The above was the last one. Sorry 52club.

Edit -- apparently not, I'll see if I can get you one too 52club.
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The PAX codes are crazy, I was lucky to snag a Sivir one after asking at least a dozen people I knew that were actually there. Never had any luck with the Jax or Nasus ones.
Yeah *_*; this whole thing has been a mess really. I thought I had a chance of picking up a PAX Jax since they decided to hand them out if you played Dominion at PAX (or got lucky on Garen's Spin-to-Win wheel), but it was all to no avail.

I regret not buying one from a CAG for 25 at the last one.
bread's done