League of Legends anyone?

I'm taking a break from solo queue. Been 0-7 the last 2 days. My 2 games today had idiots. First game, our bot lane fed and our solo top Sion just blamed me that Shaco would gank him (because wards wouldn't have helped that).

The next game we did ok but our Akali was retarded. She'd chase so far for kills. Then towards the end, she just ran into the fog of war and got ganked. At the very end, she went top (our tower was down) and just stood in the bush for about 4 min, then initiated (by herself) on Cait and got ganked.
Forums: "Hey Riot! We've got lots of great ideas for new champions, you should totally use some!"

Riot: "F-that noise! We're gonna rip off Disney and use one of their characters!"

Played a 5-man with ck, waughoo, and 2 other guys. I was going to solo top Galio but let the other guy do it as GP (Kat and GP lane didn't sound good).

Damn is Galio good in a 5-man premade. I did one ult where Kat had like 10 hp but Corki was attacking me and Kat got away. Also helped Kat got away from Shaco, my Bulwark kept her alive with barely any HP while I sped her up with E and slowed Shaco with Q.

The final fight though, was awesome. We got their 2nd top turret and just decided to get tank their mid turret. I drew aggro. All 5 of them were close, so I flashed to them and ulted. I died but it got us an ace. It could have ended then and there with the other 4 pushing but they surrendered. Galio is so much fun in an organized team.
[quote name='icedrake523']Played a 5-man with ck, waughoo, and 2 other guys. I was going to solo top Galio but let the other guy do it as GP (Kat and GP lane didn't sound good).

Damn is Galio good in a 5-man premade. I did one ult where Kat had like 10 hp but Corki was attacking me and Kat got away. Also helped Kat got away from Shaco, my Bulwark kept her alive with barely any HP while I sped her up with E and slowed Shaco with Q.

The final fight though, was awesome. We got their 2nd top turret and just decided to get tank their mid turret. I drew aggro. All 5 of them were close, so I flashed to them and ulted. I died but it got us an ace. It could have ended then and there with the other 4 pushing but they surrendered. Galio is so much fun in an organized team.[/QUOTE]

You forgot that the one where I had like no health, Corki was gonna chase me but you ulted him, so I jumped back in and ulted too. He dies and goes in chat "OMG are you serious?!?".

That one at the end was great though, Ice ulted, so I did too, and GP ulted while Riven and Morg did their thing to them. Wiped out like 4 of them at once, and killed Shaco as he ran away.
That's the one I was referring to.

The last ult was such an ideal Galio ult. I tanked the turret, 4 of them grouped up (we killed Olaf a few seconds ago). My flash and ult were so, so I thought "This is as good a time as any to do it." Flash, ult. Waughoo jumped in, Gangplank ulted, Morgana ulted. After it happened, I typed "Worth it" into all chat, which it really was.

If Waughoo doesn't record it with FRAPS and put it on YouTube, I will do it this weekend (while I'm waiting for Skyrim to install).
[quote name='Waughoo']Forums: "Hey Riot! We've got lots of great ideas for new champions, you should totally use some!"

Riot: "F-that noise! We're gonna rip off Disney and use one of their characters!"


Haven't played in a while.... but stitch???

I will look up my name next time I play, and post it up. Need to get back into the groove of things.
[quote name='icedrake523']That's the one I was referring to.

The last ult was such an ideal Galio ult. I tanked the turret, 4 of them grouped up (we killed Olaf a few seconds ago). My flash and ult were so, so I thought "This is as good a time as any to do it." Flash, ult. Waughoo jumped in, Gangplank ulted, Morgana ulted. After it happened, I typed "Worth it" into all chat, which it really was.

If Waughoo doesn't record it with FRAPS and put it on YouTube, I will do it this weekend (while I'm waiting for Skyrim to install).[/QUOTE]

Nah, I'm probably not gonna Youtube it. I've got work everyday this week except yesterday and Skyrim.

I think this board may die for a couple weeks when Skyrim comes out.
[quote name='icedrake523']5-1 yesterday. 0-5 today. Played Trundle in 2 games since I felt like trying a diff jungler. I completely forgot that any tanky DPS that doesn't have CC or a gap closer sucks, especially against champs with built in blinks.

Also DC'd since my stupid internet resets. Forgot it's an hour earlier b/c of the time change. That was pretty much the end for us then.

Time to go back to solo top.[/QUOTE]

Trundle has a gap closer and a rather nice one at that. :>
Defense tree looks amazing. They're also buffing jungle experience so junglers don't require the EXP mastery in order to stay competitive with laners.

I really don't see myself pushing down utility that often anymore.
Fizz looks like he's gonna be annoying, a good player is just gonna dodge everything you toss at him. I dont have the reflexes to do that though.

Skyrim is too good.

Also, I have no idea what masteries to build anymore. I was finally at the point where I could set masteries for any champion within the last ten seconds before a game starts. But I've got nothing now. Nothing :(

OH, btw, last year for Black Friday Riot had some skins on sale for 75% off. Not much different than normal, but I'll take it.
i like how the utility tree forces you to throw 4 useless points into it before you can work your way down. it has things i need for an AD jungle but i gotta get mana per 5 first? :roll:

and i have to get attack speed to get armor pen? how are those even related? totally anti-riven.
How is that new? You needed 8 in Utlity to get to the extended buff duration. The extra experience isn't actually necessary anymore since they bumped up the Exp gain so you'll hit level 2 from double golems or blue buff.
i just dont like throwing away 3 points just to get down to another level. before there was at least health regen, now it's just mp5. so i get faster downtime now instead :oldman:

at least the movement speed is nice.

jungling is noticeably faster now though, so i guess they achieved what they wanted.
I like the MP per lvl mastery actually. It's great for melee champions that just need that extra kick of MP, but you feel bad for actually building any in your builds. But yeah, for Riven that must be a pain. You could always forgo the buff extension and go down defense instead.
[quote name='panzerfaust']i just dont like throwing away 3 points just to get down to another level. before there was at least health regen, now it's just mp5. so i get faster downtime now instead :oldman:

at least the movement speed is nice.

jungling is noticeably faster now though, so i guess they achieved what they wanted.[/QUOTE]

Do 1 point in the top left summoner spell mastery (since you should always get Flash) and 3 in the death timer reduction, it's an underrated mastery. The old HP regen was crap anyway. Then 4 in the MS and 1 in buff duration. I think it's better than the old way since you get improved Flash a lot easier.
My favorite thing about the new change is it's not always 21/9 anymore, there are reasons to dump a few extra points in a tree.

[quote name='RabbitSuit']OH, btw, last year for Black Friday Riot had some skins on sale for 75% off. Not much different than normal, but I'll take it.[/QUOTE]

Cmooooon, hextech Janna!
Jungle Skarner is ridiculous now

I cleared ALL the camps (Wolves, blue, wraiths, red, double golem), was full hp and i believe level 4 while the solo lanes were level 3
[quote name='Morphx2']Jungle Skarner is ridiculous now

I cleared ALL the camps (Wolves, blue, wraiths, red, double golem), was full hp and i believe level 4 while the solo lanes were level 3[/QUOTE]

ALL junglers are ridiculous right now. Udyr can clear in 3:10.
Surge+Yi is so unfair lol. We managed to win, but every time Yi showed up in a lane we had to send half the team to chase him away. New changes aren't really balanced yet.
;_; Finally get to play some normal games. Feeder, Feeder, Feeder, NO FEEDER so my internet drops for twenty minutes and I get a leave as Lee Sin 5-0-2.
Riot posted the Black Friday Sale!

Every single skin listed before will be removed from the store for good, becoming limited edition skins, after the Black Friday sale too.

· Sasquatch Nunu 130RP
· Nottingham Ezreal 130RP
· Blacksmith Poppy 244RP
· Masquerade Evelynn 130RP
· Scuba Gragas 244RP
· Spectacular Sivir 244RP
· Mr. Mundoverse 130RP
· Toxic Dr. Mundo 130RP
· Swamp Master Kennen 130RP
· Hextech Sion 130RP
· Yellow Jacket Shen 130RP
· Red Riding Annie 130RP
· Leopard Nidalee 130RP
· Dragon Knight Mordekaiser 130RP
· Sonoran Kog'Maw 130RP
· Kingpin Twitch 130RP
· Professor Ryze 244RP
· Shamrock Malphite 130RP
· Highland Tryndamere 130RP
· Pharaoh Amumu 130RP
· Badger Teemo 130RP

Each champion will also be on a 20% RP discount for the duration of the sale. Mhm, kinda sucks that I already own four of the skins though.
I've been playing this game off and on.I always play with people and not against. If you want to add me I am bearswillmessUup.I play as Zilean,Twist of Fate and sometimes Annie.
I'm in a SKyrim induced break from LoL. So I probably wont be playing much for a couple weeks. I am however keeping track of the board here.
I got the Valkyrie Leona skin. To be honest, it's not the greatest. Her eyes are kinda big and cross-eyed and I don't like how the shield has a sign hanging from the bottom of it, but it was 260 RP, Norse related (like Skyrim) and it shows off her gams.
yeah that skin is really weak, which was disappointing because i thought a valkyrie skin would of been boss. should of had wings =[

white knight riven and prestigious leblanc are my favorites
Just had a game as Jarvan where I started out terrible (0/8). Looked like we were going to lose bad but we got an ace top and pushed it. Every team fight after that we won. I'd start with my Q+E combo, then Ult Cait so she'd have to run away. Granted I died every single team fight but 1 death for 4-5 kills is worth it. They ended up surrendering since I got too tanky for them to kill me and any of my teammates.

I miss Skyrim :whistle2:(

BTW, if you have an Android phone, here is a good LoL app

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love playing as Sona but I hate the pickups mentality.

kept dieing from everyone chasing running tanks (which never usually results in a kill), leaving a squishie but high damage caster to f me up (which could be killed quite easily). Finally started complaining and they told me I was support, I was there to keep them alive and to be quiet. lol gg noobies

On the other hand I will occasionally get the player who has obviously played ranked teams before, will go get you blue buff, etc, and we end up running house. It's just not that common.

Anyways, hit BigPopov up if you want to play sometimes. I don't PVP that much though, lack of time lately. Sona player, sometimes Morgana.
Thanks Rabbit.
I'd be happy to start a team with anyone. My last couple teams have fell through after tournaments, even though we placed top 10 in two of them.
Like I said, feel free to add me, and maybe we can play a game or two and see whatsup. :D
[quote name='crystalklear64']only person from cag i've even seen on recently is duskwraith.

not really enough for a team.[/QUOTE]

That's cause we're all playing Skyrim.
bread's done