League of Legends anyone?

Twitch isn't bad if you get reasonably fed early game (which honestly isn't that hard on him).

Vayne is really good vs bad people, if they don't know how to shut her down or to target her then she can just get fed really easily and go on to 3shot everyone, on the other hand if you are playing against good people then you will struggle early game and never really shine.

Caitlyn is probably a good champion to start learning on because of the range, Graves would also be good, but I feel not quite as easy as Cait.
I was getting trolled almost every game yesterday

So then i decided i needed to win. MUNDO SUPPORT TIME

I went like 4-0-13 or something CRAZY like that.

He works really well with a AD carry that can move (Corki/tristana) to apply super pressure.

Then another game we had a jungle yi with smite/revive. He built wriggles/boots of mobility/FOUR zeals.

We ended up winning and he went like 9-3-5

He would just run to the enemy towers, slice them up, then run away.

Or run to the enemies when he had low health, use meditate to gain armor/MR, then wait for us to hopefully follow him in

Was hilarious
[quote name='Phelmo']Twitch isn't bad if you get reasonably fed early game (which honestly isn't that hard on him).

Vayne is really good vs bad people, if they don't know how to shut her down or to target her then she can just get fed really easily and go on to 3shot everyone, on the other hand if you are playing against good people then you will struggle early game and never really shine.

Caitlyn is probably a good champion to start learning on because of the range, Graves would also be good, but I feel not quite as easy as Cait.[/QUOTE]

I am the #1 Cait IN THE WORLD
[quote name='Waughoo']Hey we had a bad Irelia last night too! She was jungling and I was Ziggs mid against Cait. I kept getting Cait lowish, and she's just pushing and auto attacking the tower. Irelia wont gank when Cait's at the tower of course, she waits till Cait is on her way back to her tower, then jumps in. Cait gets away, and of course it's MY fault. Then I get her low again, Irelia comes to gank but runs in when Cait is still on her side of river. She's been pushing hard the whole game, so why you wouldnt wait 5 seconds till she's at least in the middle of the map is beyond me. She's scared off again and it's my fault of course. Then the ONE TIME Irelia ganks with Cait at the tower, it's when I'm out of mana. I have enough mana for my Q, thats it. Irelia rages that "The best zoner in the game should have been able to do something, but all I did is throw one bomb". At various times she tried to gank other lanes, really badly. It's always everyone elses fault though. She blames me for not pinging for ganks when she's at wraiths because she's busy watching the map (wtf?). It's funny because everyone on both teams tells her how bad she is, and she takes the normal "lulz you nubs are terrible, we'd win if my team wasnt so bad". Trolls suck.[/QUOTE]

At least when I jungle, you know I'm not going to come gank.

[quote name='Morphx2']I am the #1 Cait IN THE WORLD[/QUOTE]

Only when I'm supporting you :razz:
Just had an awful game. I smashed Kennen mid as Swain. 20 minutes in I was 5-0 and he was 0-1 (I constantly left to gank and STILL had more CS). Games going well, looks like we're going to win, but as usual, once the laning phase breaks down, my team thinks it's a good idea to feed Kennen. At the 30 minute mark Kennen is 8-1. Yup, my team fed him 8 kills in the span of 10 minutes.

Every single team fight they focus Blitz and Maokai. I tell them over and over, Kennen > Graves > Sona, THEN the tanks. Nope, gotta kill Blitz every fucking time. 45 minutes in and we're getting shit on, I try to surrender and obviously they vote no. 50 minutes in and the game is over. Shits so stupid.

No matter how you do in laning phase, people will always ruin whatever sort of progress you've made. Oh, you shut Kennen down, well let me fix that and feed him kill after kill so he's all of a sudden unstoppable, then on top of it we'll not put any focus on him whatsoever.
I just had a Ken in mid. He was beating me, not by much, but I couldnt do much with him. I called for a gank from WW only to have Ken cocaine ball away. So WW goes down river, runs into enemy WW. I go to help and Ken shows back up and kills us both. 2 kills for Ken. So then later Ken has pushed to tower, our WW goes to jump him and before I can even leave the tower the enemy WW flashes over the wall, then ults me. Meanwhile enemy Panth ults me. Ken gets 2 more kills and a tower. We all get pushed back to towers and locked down. Spent a very long time slowly losing towers. I'm #1 target, so even under my towers I'm getting jumped on. It gets to the point where 4 of us can just barely kill Ken, but then his team comes and cleans up. They dont die because Soraka keeps them alive, and she's never where you can get to her. Bad game.
Been playing Twitch and rolling with Smite to try and steal buffs. I love the ragers in champ select. They dont seem to understand that I can go invis and easily steal buffs.

"Whose going bot"?

- Uhh...I'm Twitch, I'll be bot.


- I'm just gonna try and steal buffs...


How do you reach level 30 and still have no concept of trying to counter-jungle?
I loved running Blitz Maokai on bottom. Darn shame nobody wants to do double tank bot anymore. It's all about AD Carry + Support... how's the jungle looking these days anyways? I played a total of about three normal games since they've changed it.
It's manageable. The old jungle was still better.

Here's the new champs, supposedly a melee tank


And patch notes:

New Skins in the Store
  • Heartseeker Vayne
  • Subterranean Nautilus
  • Abyssal Nautilus

PVP.net v1.54
  • Co op versus AI
    • Added Ziggs, Master Yi, Nasus, Ezreal, and Nidalee to the bot roster
    • Players can now add many more of the Beginner bots to Custom Games
  • Spectator
    • Major item purchases will now be visually distinguished on the Scoreboard
    • Ranked Teams
      • Match History and End of Games stats for Ranked Teams are now accessible via the Team Profile
  • General
    • PVP.net will now wait for 8 seconds after a queue dodge before requeuing

League of Legends v1.0.0.134
Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths
  • Staggering Blow (Passive) – Nautilus’ first basic attack against a target deals bonus physical damage and immobilizes the opponent briefly. Staggering Blow cannot trigger on the same target more than once every 12 seconds.
  • Dredge Line - Nautilus throws his anchor forward. If he hits an enemy, he'll drag himself to his target and his target to him. If he hits terrain, he'll drag himself to the terrain and the cooldown is reduced.
  • Titan’s Wrath- Nautilus places a shield on himself that absorbs additional damage based on his maximum health. While the shield is active, Nautilus' attacks deal damage over time to units around him.
  • Riptide- Nautilus slams the ground, causing the earth to ripple out in waves. Each wave deals damage and slows the targets hit. This slow decays over time. Multiple waves that hit the same target deal reduced damage.
  • Depth Charge(Ultimate) – Nautilus launches a depth charge towards a target that picks up speed as it travels. This charge knocks up all enemies it encounters while traveling and explodes on impact, stunning the target and launching them into the air.

  • Spirit Rush
    • The allied ultimate HUD indicator will now remain green until all 3 spell casts are used
    • Cooldown between casts increased to 1 second from 0.75
    • Cooldown increased to 110/95/80 seconds from 90/80/70

  • Pulverize mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120
  • Headbutt mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 70/85/100/115/130
  • Triumphant Roar mana cost increased at later ranks to 20/35/50/65/80 from 20/30/40/50/60

  • Fixed a bug where Miasma's slow was not stacking with many other slows in the game
  • Noxious Blast ability power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 0.9
  • Twin Fang damage reduced to 50/85/120/155/190 from 60/95/130/165/200

  • Parrley mana cost increased to 50/55/60/65/70 from 40/45/50/55/60
  • Raise Morale range reduced to 1200 from 1500

  • Fixed a bug where H28G Evolution Turrets could survive when Heimerdinger died if they were being teleported to

  • Transcendent Blades' allied ultimate HUD indicator will now remain green until all 4 spell casts are used

  • Thundering Shuriken cooldown increased to 8/7/6/5/4 from 7/6/5/4/3

  • Vengeful Maelstrom's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now turn grey as soon as it is cast

  • Fixed a bug where Absolute Zero's slow did not grant assists

  • Defensive Ball Curl armor and magic resist values reduced to 40/60/80/100/120 from 50/75/100/125/150

  • Blade of the Exile's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now remain green until the shockwave cast is used

  • Overload mana ratio reduced to 7.5% from 8%

  • Ki Strike
    • Damage increased to 10-112 (+10% bonus Health) from 10-95 (+8% bonus Health)
    • Cooldown is now reduced by 1.5 seconds whenever Shen attacks instead of 2 seconds when being attacked
    • Now grants Shen 10/20/30 energy when he Ki Strikes
    • Damage now scale correctly with all sources of bonus Health (% health runes, Juggernaut mastery)
    • Added a buff timer for Ki Strike's cooldown (like Ziggs' Short Fuse)
  • Vorpal Blade
    • Energy cost adjusted to 60 from 70/65/60/55/50
    • Damage adjusted to 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.6 ability power) from 70/105/140/175/210 (+0.75 ability power)
    • Heal effect changed to 6/10/14/18/22 (+2% of Shen's maximum Health) from 18/26/34/42/50
    • If Vorpal Blade deals the killing blow, it will now trigger 33% of the heal effect for Shen
    • Allied damaging spells can now trigger the heal effect, in addition to attacks (Vorpal Blade cannot trigger itself)
  • Feint
    • Feint duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5
    • Energy cost reduced to 40 from 45
    • Shield amount adjusted to 70/120/170/220/270 (+0.6 ability power) from 50/100/150/200/250 (+0.75 ability power)
    • While Feint is active, Ki Strike’s cooldown reduction on hit is increased to 3 seconds from 1.5
  • Shadow Dash
    • Cooldown reduced to 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds from 10
    • Energy cost increased to 120 from 120/115/110/105/100
    • Restores 40 energy per champion affected (rather than a flat 50 energy if you affect one)
    • Now deals 50/85/120/155/190 damage (+0.5 ability power) to Champions
    • Taunt duration adjusted to 1.5 seconds from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2
    • Shadow Dash now grants Shen 50% physical damage reduction from taunted targets
  • Stand United
    • Channel time increased to 3 seconds from 2.5
    • Shield duration reduced to 5 seconds from 7.5
    • Shield amount increased to 250/550/850 from 200/475/750

  • Fixed a bug where Flame Breath could shred the armor of shred-immune units (Dragon, Baron Nashor)
  • Dragon's Descent allied ultimate HUD indicator will now go grey immediately after using

  • Power Chord damage adjusted to 10 per level from 14 + 9 per level
  • Hymn of Valor passive attack damage and ability power aura reduced at earlier ranks to 4/8/12/16/20 from 8/11/14/17/20
  • Aria of Perseverance passive armor and magic resist aura reduced at earlier ranks to 3/6/9/12/15 from 7/9/11/13/15
  • Song of Celerity passive movement speed aura reduced at earlier ranks to 4/8/12/16/20 from 8/11/14/17/20

  • Improved Soraka's basic attack to be more responsive
  • Starcall mana cost adjusted to 20/30/40/50/60 from 35/40/45/50/55
  • Astral Blessing mana cost adjusted to 80/110/140/170/200 from 90/110/130/150/170
  • Infuse
    • No longer affects Soraka when cast on allies and cannot be cast on self
    • Ally mana restore increased to 40/80/120/160/200 Mana from 25/50/75/100/125

  • Shadow Assault's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now go grey immediately after casting

  • Crimson Pact will now correctly work with all sources of bonus Health (% health runes, Juggernaut mastery)
  • Hemoplague damage amplification reduced to 12% from 14%
  • Tides of Blood healing bonus adjusted to 4/5/6/7/8% per rank from 8% at all ranks

  • Fixed a bug where Majestic Roar could reduce minion movement speed to 0

  • Eternal Thirst now deals 3-16 magic damage per stack, and restores an equal amount of health
  • Infinite Duress damage changed to 250/335/420 (+2.0 bonus attack damage) from 200/300/400 (+1.67 total attack damage)
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.679 from 0.644

  • Cyclone's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now go grey immediately after using
  • Fixed a bug where Crushing Blow could reduce the armor of shred-immune units (Dragon, Baron Nashor)

  • Arcane Barrage's allied ultimate HUD indicator will now remain green until all 3 spell casts are used

  • Fixed a bug where Chronoshift could prevent a clone from expiring, allowing them to survive indefinitely until killed

  • Sight Wards and Vision Wards now have a 0.5 second cooldown
  • Hextech Revolver spell vamp reduced to 12% from 15%

  • The disconnect notification will now only be shown to enemy players if a player disconnects and remains disconnected for 5 minutes. The message will continue to be shown without a delay for allied players.
  • Heal and Clarity summoner spells will now restore health/mana to the caster even if they are untargetable when the summoner spell is cast (Fizz's Playful/Trickster, Vladimir's Sanguine Pool, Zhonya's Hourglass)
  • Baron Nashor can no longer critically strike, but his base damage has been increased 10% to compensate
  • Updated Baron Nashor's character stats so that his attack damage reflects how much damage he actually deals
  • Kill messages in chat now have team colors and display who was slain
  • Added Colorblind colors for Morgana’s spell shield and Spectator pings
  • Fixed a bug where some particles would flicker unintentionally
  • Fixed a bug where kill indicators were missing golden borders
Co-Op Versus AI

  • Improved Ashe's use of Enchanted Crystal Arrow on long range targets
  • Sivir will no longer get Sanguine Blade on Summoner's Rift
  • Changed the disconnect adjustment to remove the Fighter instead of the Tank on Summoner's Rift
The changes made to Soraka and Sona were a bit excessive. Reducing Sona's abilities by 50% across the board for early/late game? (her abilities were never really OP late game) that's not really balancing, that's butchering.
I think the Soraka rework is actually pretty good. All you'll really have to do is get a Meki or something at the start and you should be fine. I mean, she gets a more responsive auto-attack, lowered mana costs on her Q and W and her E gives out more mana to allies.

I will agree though, Sona got totally fucked.
Sona is a broken support. Her ult belongs to a AP carry or tank, not a support that can give steroids, MS buffs, and a heal. Her passive was retarded for a support, too.
You can't constantly give all 3, especially early game, you'll be OOM extremely fast. The only time you can rotate auras constantly is very late game or with blue buff, which is Sona's weakest phase (specifically, your heal does shit compared to damage). So how her strongest point, early and mid, are completely gone.

I've played Sona for quite a bit, and her ult is not as godly as you make it out to be. For one, there's a nice longstanding bug where her ult completely doesn't work (happens more than it should.) Not to mention travel time, and requiring great positioning to hit more than 2 people. If you want to directly compare other stun ult's, for example, Amumu/Kennen has a far superior ult.
Played a game as Orianna, first in an extremely long while. I forgot how much I love her. Went 16/2/16

I like the Soraka rework. At first I was like what the fuck when I saw it in the video, but it works out nicely in the end.
Went against Karma twice today. I had never seen anyone use her before so it was a surprise. She ended up wrecking my team somehow. I don't even....
She's a pretty damn powerful endgame support. If you ever get the chance, watch Saintvicious's stream when he jungles Karma. He generally only does it when he's drunk off his ass, but it works so well it's sad.
I bought Cait about a week ago now. I second that she is a great champ. With her farming ability if you get any kills and/or assists it is gg because even a poke is hitting hard (let alone if you have her passive up). The only thing that is tricky is she is stationary for a period of time when using her Q or Ult. However, once you adjust to that you'll roll most champs just due to out farming them and her superior range. It is really unfair if I'm going against a lane with no range.
She seems to work exceptionally well in mid/top when the opposing person is not an expert at the game. Most people in the lane will be trying to last hit minions, making them easy targets to her Q. She's also the perfect counter to popular choices like Morgana mid.

You just can't get greedy with her early on. Play her range strengths and constantly kite people, even if you think it's fine they are half health you can finish them off, if you let a GP/Tyrn/whatever close the gap your half life bar advantage will get demolished quick and there's not much you can do to escape.
Annoyed that Shen is the new FotM, I played him a ton before the patch but now I can't play him anymore cause he gets banned all the time :/

Glad to see him get touched up though.
I can see them nerfing him. People calling him OP is dumb though. He only seems OP because he was so UP before. Feint is still a shitty spell, but now it at least helps Ki Strike get up. Vorpal Blade was a good skill early game for sustain but late game it was pointless to ever use it. Now there's a reason to since it gives HP based off his health. One of the problems with the Energy champs is the way they can refund energy and Shen is probably the worst considering he doesn't have the burst of Akali or Kennen or DPS of Lee Sin. Now it's better since he gets energy from champions taunted so he has the energy to do something after it.
I would've liked to see the buffs play to Shen's core strengths, not turn him in to an AP force to be reckoned with. Nerfing many of the support/tank aspects of his spells (Taunt duration, ult cast time and sheild duration) and adding on damage aspects just made his kit a little bit more murky with they intend Shen players to be.

Then again, I'm one of those weirdos who pine for a new support champ, so maybe I'm just trying to thrust those desires on to Shen.
Ok, so doing a bot game for my daily ip win, and we had a Karthus first go AD. Then he was complaining that we are winning the bot game too fast, bot games are not about winning, it's about having fun, getting gold and items. He called me stupid that I wanted to end the bot game fast because I want my daily ip. Oh and this same team thought it would be good to two man dragon with Karthus and Gangplank at lvl 5.

I am dead serious. :roll:
Sometimes I like getting a full build and wrecking but hate games that drag out, too. Had one game where our Amumu rushed Frozen Heart, not even buying boots. He kept dying every fight because he had no HP or MR (since he bought Sunfire after).
I can't make this shit up.

Just got out of a game where an Ahri who never jungled tried to jungle as her (and could not even get wolves without a leash almost killing all three wolves). Then there was a Pantheon mid on the enemy team. All in all we lost because the Karthas who was mid didn't call Pantheon MIA (which allowed him to gank and become fed) and the top lane fed (I was bottom lane).
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I was rockin the house as jungle Sejuani

Then we lost every team fight because our top Fizz had no CS and did nothing and our mid Anivia had no CS and had a really crap build.

All we had was myself, a fed Vayne, and a Sona.

We couldnt do everything
Had a hell of a Lux game last night. At one point I was 7/0. I could kill their Teemo in one combo. I had like 3 of them tower dive me and I walked away with 2 kills. At one point their Cait, Teemo, and Lee tower dove me and our Naughtalis (Dusk). We get the first two of them, but I'm extremely close to dying. Lee is kind enough to kick me away so Dusk and finish him off. But the rest of our team was pretty useless, and the Mundo on the other team would not die. So we ended up losing with me like 8/2 or something.
everytime I try playing Blitz I end up getting the worst teams ever.

Start Dom with the perfect grab through the wall, bringing Ashe right into the middle of our 3 with no teammates around. Team ignores her and proceeds toward whatever the F they were doing. I'm sure you can imagine how the rest of the match went.
Had another Lux game a little while ago. Bot fed their Teemo and Graves, I was about even with Viktor mid, except died once from a failed gank, and Yorrik did ok top vs GP. We had a jungle Nautalis and they had a Lee. Naut was pretty bad at ganks, because he'd jump out and the enemy would have lots of time to get away before he could do anything. I couldnt do snares because Naut liked to either jump out when Viktor was behind creeps, or when I had like 2 seconds left before it was up again. Then Naut would die, like every time he ganked. Same on bottom. He was 0/7 pretty quick. I did alright, but couldnt carry this team with so many feeders.
Me and Dusk lost one last night thanks to a terribad jungle Yi. He was actually good at clearing his jungle, but thats ALL he did. Wait no, he pinged on me for no reason all game. Like, I go back to base for items and health, he pings me then mid like 10 times. He's at wolves, so he could just cover mid for some free xp, but no, pinging is better. After that he just jungled, the entire time. No helping teamfights, no defending the base, just jungling. We also had a Janna who at champ select decided she HAD to play support because no one else was. On guy offered to switch his MF with her (was draft mode), and the guy was like "no its fine". Then he proceeded to bitch all game about him having to be support, and how he should have been a carry. Bad game.

Had another good one though, I think I went like 8/2/22 or something. The rest of our team had really good scores too. We had like double the other teams kills, but they were split pushing so hard we had trouble getting their towers. We did win though :)
^ Sounds like my jungling. I can't stand doing it. x.x I at least try to gank but have failed at doing so 50% of the time.

Had 3 amazing games last night as support. I prefer playing AP mid but like taking small breaks and playing Janna, Soraka, or Sona. So much trolling potential. I actually managed to go 3/2/13 as Janna in one match with 0 minions killed. I called it my 'perfect game' (I was trying to make sure I didn't creep kill). Oh, in me doing so, the Graves I laned with was able to have over 300 CS while the two we were facing at bot had less than 150. Her tornadoes are so much fun to use. While talking about supports, does anyone here use Karma? I've been seeing a lot more Karmas since the last patch which is odd because I never run into one before that. Did someone use her in a tournament and wreck with her?

I almost have enough IP to buy a 6300 character, whoo! Can't decide between Brand, Malzahar or Orianna. That or maybe 2 3100's (Karma and LeBlanc). Malzahar was recently on sale in Jan so I'm leaning towards him or the two 3100s. Any opinions?
Brand has very good burst. His ultimate can be a little underwhelming and stun is a skill shot that requires the target have been hit by one of his spells already so it can take some time to land it regularly.

I've never had success with Malz when I've tried him but I believe he's considered a beast to lane against with his minion and DoT spell that goes to other targets when they die. His ult is a suppress so it's very good, but it also requires him to channel which can leave him open if your isn't there to back you up (and never ult Gangplank).

Orianna is considered very good. She was "nerfed" awhile back but she's still a strong pick. She's especially good at zoning out with her ball. If you can get placing that down, you'll be successful with her. She can be pretty mana hungry though.

Karma is not a well liked support and I believe she has a rework in progress to finally get an ultimate. If you want a support, I recommend Taric.

LeBlanc has some insane burst with her combo. If you go mid, you're pretty much guaranteed to dominate everyone except maybe Kassadin.

I generally suck at AP champs, but I really liked Brand when I've played him in practice and bot games (although I don't have him).
Thanks for the info! I've been REALLY tempted to get Orianna. All I've heard is that she sucks and got nerfed hard, but then I look at her high skill level and the whole ball thing and understand why. I didn't even know Karma was getting reworked. If that does finally happen, then that will be freaking awesome. That whole mantra seems kind of weird.

As for Malz's ult against a GP... Eff GP. x.x I might just get Karma and LeBlanc then. If that rework does happen, it'll be worth it. :eek:
Yes, Orianna got nerfed HARD

I used her around 2 weeks ago. The short ball range. Do NOT use her if you can not get blue. She runs out of mana VERY VERY VERY VERY fast. If you have blue you WILL DO OK. If not blue, do NOT pick her!
I'd recommend Malz or Brand. Malz is still good, it's just that you have to be careful with GP as well as Alistar, Olaf, and Wukong (b/c of his stealth/clone). I've learned the hard way with Skarner and Warwick.

Forgot I had a level 12 account so I decided to jump on this afternoon and play a game. For one, I found it odd that we had a jungler at this low level, but not only that, he was really good. Also, I 1v2'd bottom lane against Volibear and Shaco since I guess Akali and that shit Heimer were queued together, so they both went top.

I honestly cant believe the damn game went 60 minutes. Shaco and I were rolling them from the start and Akali started to come on around 30 minutes in. I kept waiting for the surrender, but they didn't even make an attempt until like 55 minutes in. It was hilarious near the end as I was literally able to 1v5 their entire team, get the ace, then push to win.
I love people sometimes. I am trying to learn fiddlesticks jungle so I lock in fiddlesticks and say jungle in chat. Then this asshole picks Nautilus takes smite, and well starts saying I am jungling and crap. So of course I had to fucking solo top as fiddle against a Galio and Rumble.

We lost that game pretty hard, and that Nautilus was fucking horrible.
Just played a ranked game...I remember why I hate this shit.

I was mid Malz against Kat. I only died to her one time in lane and had roughly 70 more CS along with two more assists, so all-in-all I was winning my lane. Our bottom was an Ez and Soraka who were queued together (so naturally nobody got healed except for Ez). Anyways, they lost their lane (shocking) and started feeding Kat. I believe Ez fed her around 4-5 kills in the span of 10 minutes, just feeding her SS.

Ez then has the nerve to bitch and tell me I lost my lane. I asked how him feeding Kat equaled losing my lane to which he responded "she was mid and is fed now". Like, I don't even understand...words just cant describe the stupidity. It doesn't end there though. The entire time he's bitching asking why I don't kill Kat, so I asked him why he doesn't kill her and he says "because I'm not mid". Apparently you can only kill people who were in your lane, even after laning phase has been over for like 20 fucking minutes.

fuck ELO, I want IQ brackets. Make all players take an IQ test to determine their rank. I'm tired of playing with these complete fucking retards.
Did 2 games last night with Dusk. We won them both. I'm getting tired of bad junglers though. We had a GP in the jungle who at the very least was good with his ult. But I mean seriously, gank a f-ing lane! I was mid against a Karth, and he pushed clear to the tower constantly. GP just ignored it. Top was having a rough time, and he didnt help there either. I went to help bottom a couple times while GP was at Wraiths. Karth pushed to the tower and GP just strolled on by towards wolves. He spent pretty much the whole game just jungling. I really think we won because he kept running into them in the jungle, and when he tried to run they'd run right into us.
[quote name='Waughoo']Did 2 games last night with Dusk. We won them both. I'm getting tired of bad junglers though.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like you miss me :lol:

I'll be getting my new laptop this weekend so I'll be on more often to play. I've not been playing much since I've noticed my computer runs hot even if I play 1 game of LoL.
bread's done