League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='SEH']

fuck ELO, I want IQ brackets. Make all players take an IQ test to determine their rank. I'm tired of playing with these complete fucking retards.[/QUOTE]

I agree. There should be a IQ test to determine your rank, because I have been in games past couple of night where I wonder how they even were smart enough to download the game :lol:.
Been playing Malzahar and he's so much fun! Def. going to get him. I should have enough IP for him and Brand by the next rotation (unless they add Brand to next weeks rotation). Screw WW though. >_>
So apparently there is a new trend for league players who have accounts in 20's. I was playing on my 26 account today (premade with 4 friends of mine, one who is 30, rest are 20's) and well 2 games today had 2 players in the 20's, a lvl 5 and then two 30's and one on both of those teams has over 700+ wins.

Needless to say we got steamrolled, but apparently you can queue up a premade with one smurf, and then one person who has an extremely high elo, and then rest normal and well they pretty much win the game. I had this happen not just today but a lot more than it should happen.

Also I know it isn't free Kennen week but I played 4 games with Kennen in it today. Much more than any of the free champs.
So I decided to give this game another chance last night. Hoooooooooo boy what a mistake. People are still stupid, ranked games are still full of afkers. Like a bad ex, this game did not deserve another chance lol.
Had a couple bad games last night. One game we had a Yi and a Ashe who astounded me with their stupidity. We were getting stomped, and it'd be like you'd see 2 of the other team head into our jungle. So these two would go in by themselves, run into all 5, and blame everyone else who were never even close enough that helped had even been an option. One time in mid I was defending against Malz and 1 other ( dont remember who though). They both are pretty high health, I'm probably around 60% because we just had a teamfight and I had killed their Twitch. Yi comes running in and jumps at these two. I use shumpo and BB, but Yi gets locked down by Malz, and my ult is down. He gets mad and is like "OMG Kat do something!". I tell him my ult is down, and he shouldnt have went in. He's like "Lul is was 2v2 nub". And I'm like "Yeah, and my ult was down and their fed".

I think I'm the only one who even broke even on their lane. And Kat shouldnt even do that much against Malz.
I am starting to love Cho so much. Played a game where the Talon was part afk part not in the lane so I was laning against a Taric and Rammus. Yeah they could not even try to kill me, they were terrible. Plus I had 7 feast kills that game. Went 9/2/17 and then we had a MF, Taric and Nidalee on their team who got 10,12 and 14 deaths respectively and they all three of them only came out to 2 kills total for all three of them.

Apparently this week is everyone who sucks has to play with me week. Today I played 7 games, lost 6 of 7 of those games and every game has at least 1-3 retards who had no common sense. Also about 4-5 of those games had Shaco who was just fucking bad. I mean don't know how to play and constantly feed bad. Also a Lux who told me Cho'Gath can't tank (which I got 28 assists that game as a tanky Cho build).
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Had an alright game last night. We won but it was close. I was Lux mid against a Ziggs. We didnt kill each other, but he out farmed me by a lot. You really cant stop a good Ziggs from farming :( Anyhow, it was one of the few games where neither team had a feeder, and everyone was playing fairly smartly. The only time I was like "OMG, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" was after 3 of us took dragon. We're retreating towards blue with the entire enemy team chasing. I hit the 2 leaders with a snare so we can all run, but the next thing I know Shen taunts into the middle of them. Then our Volibear is in there too. I unload everything into the fight while trying to stay back, but we end up losing 3 people in a fight that could have been avoided entirely. But the 2 of us held the lane. We had been down 3 towers kind of early, as the other team was roaming a lot and taking towers. But we had a really good push mid, got their inhib, and then got bot to the base tower. After a couple more split pushes, it was pretty much over.
Patch Preview is up


Got some Lux changes! I like the sight thing, but the overall cooldown on E is bigger. Since that's my main early game spell, I'm not crazy about that.
Nice changes to Lux and Ziggs. Was looking into getting Lux and the 'light' addition is pretty cool.

So I bought Brand and REALLY like him. His combos are so deadly and so much fun to pull off, especially in team fights. Melting (no pun intended) through enemies -
I found a post that says that the cooldown on E is only going up a second. I can live with that. I also like the Ziggs change. Minefield does hit kinda hard, but the mana reduction is good. I was getting ready to buy a set of mana regen runes just for him.

Theres a thread on the LoL forums suggesting they add a "Your team has slain the Dragon" message, which is only visible to your team. I'd really like that to happen.
[quote name='Luxuria']Nice changes to Lux and Ziggs. Was looking into getting Lux and the 'light' addition is pretty cool.

So I bought Brand and REALLY like him. His combos are so deadly and so much fun to pull off, especially in team fights. Melting (no pun intended) through enemies -
Just tried Nautilus for the first time. Riven counter jungled me a lot and no one ever came to try to help so I was behind quickly. I was 1/9 at one point but had like 9 assists. I said I've come back from worse and they laughed since I sucked. Because obviously the 1/9 tank can't do anything. But we still won because of a fed Vayne and Anivia and pretty good Irelia. Would have won sooner but our Vayne had to go clear minions bot when there was a standoff in mid.
[quote name='icedrake523']Just tried Nautilus for the first time. Riven counter jungled me a lot and no one ever came to try to help so I was behind quickly. I was 1/9 at one point but had like 9 assists. I said I've come back from worse and they laughed since I sucked. Because obviously the 1/9 tank can't do anything. But we still won because of a fed Vayne and Anivia and pretty good Irelia. Would have won sooner but our Vayne had to go clear minions bot when there was a standoff in mid.[/QUOTE]

Gotta love the people more obsessed with farm rather than actually fighting with the team.
I'm so far not impressed with Nautilus jungling. Every time I have one he fails at ganks and gets behind early.

Also, whats with Junglers who see some one mid pushed clear to the tower, and are like "Oh I'll get Wolves then gank". But by the time they get wolves the wave is back too far again. That happens all the time. I'll often tell them "Give them a sec, they'll push to the tower again" But then the jungler always just leaves to do something else. Really? It's seriously gonna be 10-15 seconds before they are at the tower again, you really cant wait that long for a kill or assist?
[quote name='SEH']Gotta love the people more obsessed with farm rather than actually fighting with the team.[/QUOTE]

That's always the best time to do it :roll:
Just played Nautilus again that was pretty much a "How to kickass with Nautilus"

BTW, if you give him a good, strong leash, he can get his anchor at level 3 instead of 4 and gank sooner. Get the hint, Waughoo?

EDIT: Another awesome Nautilus game. It may only be 3 games, 1 of which I sucked, but he's definitely becoming one of my favorite junglers. Like a better Amumu as far as jungling goes.
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I was just in a bot game with the most retarded people ever. Fizz was 0/14 and still level 11 by the end of the game, Nocturne didn't know what backdooring was, and Poppy just killed minions. I was Volibear and trying to kill them but couldn't 3v1.

I quit just as we were about to lose.
I had a game last night with this terrible Nautilus. I was about to murder a low health Shaco with mah lazor, and Naut just pulls him right out of it! What a nub!
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Baby got back.

So Morgana is on free rotation starting tomorrow. Seems like I won't be using her for a week. I need to find a new main. D:
[quote name='Waughoo']Wow, so the Skarner escaped you AND you misjudged the Lux's ability to kill him. You really suck[/QUOTE]
He didn't escape me, I was going around to cut him off while you chased him the way he was going. I was expecting you to fail in killing him since you usually do.
I'm currently in a ranked game. I'm jungling Fiddle and have been ganked 3 times at my blue by their jungle, their top, and their mid. Meanwhile, our top and mid just sit in their lanes doing absolutely nothing. I cant wait for the chat telling me I suck.


Unbelievable. I finally get a chance to take our blue and our Nid comes over and spears it...

And there it is in end-game chat. "Dis fid so bad rofl".
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Had a couple games with Dusk last night. Had one where I'm mid vs Kat. I had 2 early kills on her. Dusk is top as Sejuani vs Nasus. I dont remember who our jungler and bot was, but neither was doing too hot. Bottom both died probably 3 times during laning, each of them was like 2/4 fairly early and then lost their tower. Our the enemy Fiddle is at our blue when our jungle tries to stop him. Bot comes to help, and so do I. But bot is all low health going in and dies. Our jungler escapes, and I run back to mid tower. 3 of them tower dive me, but I keep running around the tower and snaring when I can. Almost killed 2 of them before I finally died. Once everyone is back up, they start talking shit to Dusk because he's still top. He's trying to stop Nasus from getting over farmed, and is keeping him off the tower. Dusk has more farm than Nasus, and has their tower lower, and only died once because a 3 person gank under his tower, and the feeders on bot are basically telling him he's lost us the game. Got to love these people

Then we did a game with one of his friends who decided to be stupid and do jungle EZ. As soon as the game starts the other team starts calling us all noobs. Ez is expecting the other team to come try and kill him in the jungle. I throw my E into the bush between blue and mid and they're ALL THERE. I get grabbed by Blitz and pulled into all of them. But, apparently they forgot they were supposed to kill me, I take a couple auto attacks and get down to like half health before I get back to the tower. I'm like "Really, I get pulled into all of you and you cant kill me?". I dont think we lost anyone that fight, but both sides almost lost a couple. Still went on to lose that one too.

Well, I had a game where we had a Nunu who we all thought was going support, but his name was TrickOrTroll (something like that) and decided to mid where LeBlanc was! So our Kennen (who wanted to go AD) was bottom soloing and died to Jarvin and Graves. Kennen was whining asking for help, so i said ask nunu. So then Kennen got mad and decided to follow me around (jungle Nocturne). I went top and helped our top lane WW kill the enemy. Then WW manned up and went bottom and Kennen went top because he was whining like a little girl. So then WW and I just went on a slaughtering spree killing everyone and said fuck our team, we will win!

And so we did! We carried the crap out of the game, we played like we were on vent with our ults and ganks.

The best one was WW was at the tower kinda low and Jarvin and Graves were pressuring. I stayed a little back so the enemies couldnt see me, because i KNEW they were going to dive him. So as soon as Jarvin did his flash/dash pop-up, i flashed in (ult was down), and WW ulted him, then i feared him. We killed him and then chased Graves.
From what I know, they NEVER put champs on sale with IP. It's more than likely a price drop.

Edit: Just went 7/1/8 Morgana with only boots. I was owning mid lane and never had to back. :D This is why it's a mistake to not ban her when I get to use her.

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Man Veigar free for the week and I main veigar so I want to seem some Veigar players :(, but I'm going to wait till my friends get on since I don't like playing with randoms
[quote name='Lightning00']Man Veigar free for the week and I main veigar so I want to seem some Veigar players :(, but I'm going to wait till my friends get on since I don't like playing with randoms[/QUOTE]
There are probably going to be a lot of terrible Veigar and Morgana players. It's kinda like free Ziggs week. Everyone planed him but a lot of people were terrible as him and if you were more skilled as your character mid, you pretty much won the lane easily.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']There are probably going to be a lot of terrible Veigar and Morgana players. It's kinda like free Ziggs week. Everyone planed him but a lot of people were terrible as him and if you were more skilled as your character mid, you pretty much won the lane easily.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but I hardly see any Veigar player and my friend who play haven't even met one free for the week Veigar but many Morgana. Man I remember when Zigg first came out it was a breeze for me in mid but now there's a couple that push me back quite easily

Oh well I did not bad last game let's see this game
Ok so playing against a team who had a Yi go 19/7/2 23 minutes in. He built a Infinite Edge, Phantom Dancer, Hex Drinker, and Beserker's Greaves in that time and pretty much could take down 2-3 of us in a teamfight (our team was pretty bad, although I was mostly watching bot lane, he was top and then mid for teamfights so I never fought him except for like once).

He then afk'ed for the rest of the game and we took down all three inhibs like 10 minutes after.
So, I think the new champ is kind of OP (shocker). With flat AD reds, a Dorans Blade, and your first skill point going into Reposte, you start with 95AD. It's pretty ridiculous just how much damage you can chunk your opponent for at level one.
Just got out a game with a Jungle Cho who's first words in chat after a fail gank is calling the Malz who used heal a noob and then said all champs who take summoner spell heal are noobs. Later on he said Junglers are not supposed to get kills :lol:, and the team is feeding which we were not.

He finished 0/4/1 as jungle cho. It was hilarious.
Just did a solo queue, expected the worse. As soon as I picked Lux one goes "Nooo! Lux dont catch!"
I'm like "?" and got no response. My expectations lowered. Then I see who I'm mid against, LeBlanc. I can't beat her mid, never have. Best I can do is break even. Expectations lower some more. We get into the game. My teammates all are speaking like Portuguese or something. This is not looking good. I stay way back, as we have no jungler and they have a jungle Fiora that I've never played against. I'm barely ahead in CS, and have LB down to like half health. Then she hits me with her combo. BUT, I land a Q on her before she can jump back... and she's under the tower. She barely lives and I've got like half health. No ult yet. I get some more CS and recall. Things are looking up! Then bot dies... twice.... both of them. Not so great. Then we lose top. I have no idea how. Things are bleak again. But, I'm still beating this LB mid. I've got like 15 CS on her, and she is missing part of her combo every time. I'm making her recall while keeping my mana up. She blows half her mana in one combo, and then I just pop a pot and heal. Then we see Fiora going for our blue. We jump her and get like our 2nd kill. They still have like 5 kills on us, and a tower. They are still pushing bot, so all 5 of us go down there. 2 more kills. Then we go back mid and take their tower. After that, we just steam roll them. They die every time they come near us. I get a double kill and a good snipe later. We take their inhibitor. Then LB starts talking shit. "GG, Noobs", "LoL your bot so noob", "I was watching TV, only reason you win". They surrender! I havent even died! Then we get into chat and I'm like "How did I beat LB mid? I never beat her mid!" and the other team is like "Yup, thats what we thought. Trash talking LB has 200 wins." Everyone else is in the 400s.

Lesson: If you lost a lane you really should have won, dont talk shit.
Wow, again! Solo queued and won! This time I got a couple early kills thanks to Panth ganking. After that my team is like "Your lazor is doing so much damage o.0"
I'm like "Well, they're not buying MR." And our Ren is like "I NEVER buy MR" I'm thinking, oh crap, this isnt good. But we didnt need him apparently. We had a Sion who they needed a minimum of 3 champs to kill. Unfortunately, he completely ignored us all game. Wouldnt' push with us, if we went one way he'd go another. But, they got to the point where they just ignored him because they couldnt do much with him, so he just took towers.
[quote name='Waughoo']Lesson: If you lost a lane you really should have won, dont talk shit.[/QUOTE]

No, it's "Talk shit, especially if you lose a lane you should have easily won."
Man I love the new champ her ulti is very cool, but yeah she's damages a lot if you know how to build her. My cousin is doing great with her so far but can't say the same for the enemy team I've been facing
So i had a ton of IP after my Orianna refund (just couldn't do it honestly) and decided to get Nidalee, Akali, Lux, and LeBlanc. I just did my first Akali match and went 12/0/3. She is so much fun and I can see why she gets banned. Too bad the other team didn't ban her, ha ha.
bread's done