League of Legends anyone?

Yeah, banned until the 4th. Pretty sure it was because I told some shit Teemo in a ranked game to die in a fire. This is like my 5th ban, so dumb.
Looking for some more people to queue with, especially during Spring Break week >.<

Defyn is the profile name if any of you wanna add me. On pretty much every day, and always on vent.

Although I do more watching of streams than playing nowadays...
Had a good game last night with Dusk. It was really back and forth the whole time. We'd destroy them in team fights, but they had really good pushers so they took more towers. We were like a half hour in and I realized I was 8/0/8. They must have realized that too, because their Fiora came straight for me every fight. Bad idea, because while they could kill me like that, it gave Graves triple kills like 3 times. He ended up 20/5. When it was all over I think I was 10/3/8.

I may buy Fiora. I'm 28 ip away, so maybe I'll get her tonight.
Well, I think it's time to uninstall this game. I tried a game with Waughoo today, sucked as Naulius. Had a good game with Taric. Then an awful game with Taric since our Veigar quit after it was 2-4 and their Kassadin got blue.

Next time I figure I'll just try to have fun. I pick Udyr but their Rammus counters me hard and I fall behind. Our Ryze is a putz. He didn't read chat when I said I didn't need help at wolves so he stole XP. First time I see Rammus he takes forever to come help, I end up dying because Ahri gets there. Then he rages at me because I run when I know I'll die if I stay.

I hate this game.
I had two good ones last night with Dusk and his friends. With 5 people premade, I expected to get destroyed. First game we invaded their jungle, killed their Ahri, and stole blue. That blue let me just rape their Malz. Like, I made him recall, he was in the lane about 40 seconds and he had to recall again :)
We just destroyed them all game. I think they only got one tower.

The next game we didnt do so good. Invaded jungle again, stole blue but I didnt get it. Meanwhile they invaded our jungle, and stole our blue. I was doing good against Ahri early, but after level 6 she finally figured out how to avoid my attacks. She wasnt killing me, but I couldnt stop her from pushing. The other lanes did alright, but not as well as we needed. We ended up eventually losing all 3 outter towers, and was down like 8 kills. They had warded the hell out of the map, because they always came when we were going after buffs. Finally they pushed mid and we were able to kill like 3 of them and we turned it around. We ended up killing all buy Kog once, as he was trying to take our top tower. We just went right through mid inhib and took both inner towers, and won.

I tried Fiora in a coop game with Ice. I think I like her, but had a bad start because I lanned with a Jarv who kept stealing my CS. Like I'd take some damage so I'd start autoattcking for lifesteal. He'd be last hitting during this, and was last hit the one I'm auto attacking. Like really? You have the entire wave to kill minus 1, but damnit you NEED that one I was killing. Anyhow, she's fun to play so far but I dunno how good I'll do with her. She's really a snowball champ. If you start badly, you might as well give up because you're screwed. But with a good start she rapes.
[quote name='icedrake523']Well, I think it's time to uninstall this game. I tried a game with Waughoo today, sucked as Naulius. Had a good game with Taric. Then an awful game with Taric since our Veigar quit after it was 2-4 and their Kassadin got blue.

Next time I figure I'll just try to have fun. I pick Udyr but their Rammus counters me hard and I fall behind. Our Ryze is a putz. He didn't read chat when I said I didn't need help at wolves so he stole XP. First time I see Rammus he takes forever to come help, I end up dying because Ahri gets there. Then he rages at me because I run when I know I'll die if I stay.

I hate this game.[/QUOTE]

The community has always been terrible, but it's been on a really, really fast decline in recent months. It doesn't matter what level you are, what ELO you are, etc... the trolls are everywhere and it's insanely out of hand. I find it harder and harder to enjoy myself while playing. For every one game that is fun and everyone is courteous, you get 25 that are filled with asshole trolls or unbelievably bad players.

Whats worse is the trolls don't get punished. I get temp banned every other month because I tell some idiot troll to die in a fire, meanwhile they get to keep playing and ruining everyones experience.
For some stupid reason last night I tried another game last night. I was Irelia top against an Urgot. He was such a pain in the ass. All he'd do is hide in the bush by the river, shoot his gas thing, and then spam Q. He had like 3 times as many minion kills as me. At one point we were chasing Shyvana from mid towars bot and nearly killed her but Cho Gath was just farming minions and didn't bother to come help.

I'm definitely done with solo queue for awhile.
I'll never fall to the dark side. I don't want to learn all new items and champions and boring shit like denying.

I think I'll give up LoL once Waughoo has his spawn to take care of since he's the only one I play with regularly and I imagine you'll be perma-banned by then, CK.
Honestly, I dont have fun in HoN. Not even a little. Dota2 I at least have a vague understanding of a few champs, so I'm not totally in the dark there. But the communities for both HoN and Dota are so bad I dont think I'll be playing them much.

I'm not having terrible luck with Solo Queue recently. I get a couple bad teammates here and there, but it's not usually bad enough for us to lose.

Had one game the other day where I was supposed to go mid against Malz. Before we even get into lanes their Heimer walks into our top tower. Then Malz never showed up so their Heimer came instead. He'd push the lane constantly, but I got like 3 kills on him. I'm better his team was pissed. But it was clear he wasnt doing it on purpose, other than maybe that first death. Around level 4 Malz came back, but couldnt come mid against me cause I had like 2 kills and 2 levels on him.
Very close to quitting this game and all MOBAs for good.

I played 1 more game last night before I went to bed. I was Singed solo top and against Fiora. I knew right then I won the lane. I could have killed her at level 2 but I ran out of mana. Bot lane, GP and MF, weren't doing well against Trist and Leona. But then I started getting in fights. Gragas got jumped by 3 mid as I was heading down to help, ended up finishing off their Brand and their Riven tried to get me under my turret but the combination of that and poison killed her. Then late game I would head for Tristana and flip her just as she'd jump away so she'd end up jumping back into my team and dying.
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Got my refund for Kennen and Nautilus to buy Brand and some runes.

Had a co-op game where I went top to gank and accidentally stole the kill. The Nunu and Kennen threw a shit fit about it. Later Nunu was getting blue, I asked for it, he said nothing, so I took it. Then he raged at me hard. Game dragged out for 38 min because those 2 then chose to be idiots. I wasn't the most polite player but I've played with much worse and never whine about being KS'd in bot games. They reported me in post-game for that and Kennen told me to choke on nails.
I went 4/1 within 20 min in the game and my team surrender and reported me lol cause I was "not helping". They went for Maokai the tank and I went to kill Veigar on their team cause he's who you're suppose to take out[the squishest]. They all died attacking maokai and wanted to report me and 2 of them did lol...

But even the enemy team said I did the best and the Fiora and Vayne who reported me fed lol 2/5 and 4/6. You gotta love playing with randoms
After plummeting a bit I finally started to hit an up swing in ranked. Won three games with graves pretty easily but had trouble on the fourth. I was laning with soraka but the enemy ez was still bursting pretty often and giving me trouble. I got first blood on him but eventually he got a double kill off us and took the tower with janna. Things were looking really bad at this point as top was nearly down and mid was being pushed hard and our jungle noc was nowhere to be seen. Whenever he did show up he played really aggressively and chased too much and ended up dying more than one. We were stalemating for a while until we got into a team fight where i scored a double kill and assisted killing a third.

At this point i felt we should take baron but no matter how much I pinged my team would not come. I knew we needed it so i started to solo it. I was pretty fed by this point so i was able to get it down about halfway by the time my team came to help. It was an easy take and it won us the game. I always hate when the team doesn't go for baron when its an obvious choice.
I played one solo queue last night, as there was like no one on (Mass Effect 3 maybe?). I thought we were so screwed. I call mid, then someone else does too. I'm thinking "ok, fine, I'll just deal with it" but they end up going bot anyhow. We have a jungle Skarner who is doing a good job early at ganking. He ganks my Morg in mid twice, we get one kill out of it. Then he gets a 2 for 1 on bot. But then Skar just sits in a bush for awhile. Then he starts like, walking randomly around the map. He starts going towards Morg like he wants to gank, and ends up running under the tower and getting locked down there. A little while later he goes "Ok, I'm back, sorry. Told my wife to just 'click around'". Really? You couldnt just recall and avoid giving up a kill? Then our Yi goes AFK. Doesnt say anything. So Riven takes top from full health while he's gone. Then he comes back under leveled. Meanwhile their WuKong has been beating up on bot (he came from top so it's 2 v 3). He gets a little fed and dangerous. Him and Morg came at me in mid, but I flash away to the tower. I keep running and he chases me thru 2 towers and to the inhib tower. My Q is on the longest cooldown ever for some reason, so all I got is my ult. I hit him with that and get his health to nothing, but he still kills me under the tower and walks away. We finally are all there in game and start winning team fights. It's the only thing we can do, so of course we dont do it. Yi likes to run and farm top while their whole team comes to gank him, skarner likes to run alone to their blue. Our Zil is KSing everyone and they are getting pissed at him. Two of our guys go bot to kill their Ashe. I had put up wards around Baron just before so we could force a team fight, but no, lets kill Ashe. Well like 1 of their team goes to help Ashe and 2 of ours start baron alone. I go to help them, but we're all squishies. They keep attacking baron even though I'm pinging that 3 of them are coming. We get in the fight and Zil dies like instantly, our Ashe is dying quick and I only have time to fire a lazor and throw a couple spells before I die. Then our Skarner and Yi show back up. Yi dies, but somehow Ashe still lived through all that and gets a triple kill. They push through the inhib, and they end up surrendering.

Really bad players, but we still win.
I saw you on waughoo (no mass effect 3 here sadly). Was gonna invite you to a game but you logged out by the time my game finished. If you see me on next time and want to play send me an invite. No promises on my gameplay though.

Played a few more games as graves. Lost two games. The first due to a feeding urgot that called top and fed wukong like a boss. By the time he rolled around to me i couldn't do any damage to him and he killed me easily. The second was due to the fact that the team would never stick together and no matter how far back i stayed the enemy skarner ulted me EVERY SINGLE TIME and my team did nothing to stop it. They would just watch me die as they focused the enemy tank.

Luckily I played one more game where i got laned with an actual support. Soraka healed and harassed the enemy team constantly letting me farm up which let me carry the game 15-0. I'll probably stop playing rank for a bit. Getting a little tired of graves.
Eh, noone on to play with tonight. I decided to do a custom with Fiora just to see what happens when you get fed with her since I've seen few good Fioras.


I had 2 quadras in one game, 49 kills total, and 1 death. My death was from chasing under the nexus towers for a penta :(
I had a hilarious game today. We had a Twisted Fate on our team who was bad and I will get to that part later. So about 10-15 mins in, he starts bitching that the enemy team is playing Shaco, Tryn and Mundo and that they are noobs basically because they are using the three most OP champs in the game (and that's the only reason they are winning he claimed). So I was Soraka and this TF was yelling to report me because I was useless. Now I was support Soraka and well I was playing support Soraka correctly.

So that game it took that AD Twisted Fate 35 minutes to get a kill :lol:.
This week I was having issues with my laptop. Sometimes when the game would go to the load screen, nothing showed up. So I'd have to close it all and restart LoL once or even twice to get into the game.
Played a game as Brand. Finished 5/8/6, but one death was an execution from the tower.

I had a decent start but their Fiora then started ulting me every fight so it was harder to do stuff. At one point I saw Fiora coming mid near me, Olaf, and Ez. As soon as she gets in the bush, I E and Q her to stun her and start chasing her back since she has no HP. But no one helped and she just ults me and gets away.

I was up against Ziggs, who wasn't that good but I was being cautious. He went mia and I saw him going bot near our ward so I pinged. He ends up killing our Ez who raged at me for not calling mia. Our Soraka was a bitch since there were 2 times I needed a heal and she did nothing.

But for my first game, it wasn't too bad and we did win.
Yeah, that Vlad was bad. He kept pushing out waaay too far and dying. He wasnt even getting ganked, he was just pushing out then getting killed in the lane! Then we keep getting into 4v5 teamfights because he's busy pushing top too far. We'd just barely lose the fight, then he wouldnt get back. Just kept pushing so they'd come kill him. His response is that "Shut up! You guys all suck too! Check my history, I'm better than you". I said "Your history doesnt matter, you're sucking now" and he's like "OMG just shut up and quit complaining!".

I just dont get these people. If you are doing bad and keep dying in your lane, stop pushing the lane! It's not a hard concept. If your team is in a fight, go help!
And if you're sucking, stop rushing a Rabadon's and save for a Chain Vest or Negatron Cloak.

I won a game earlier despite being 3/9. I was Wukong, built tanky, and just went in, ulted. My goal became to protect Caitlin since I knew we would only win because of her (we had a support Lux, AP mid Taric, and jungle Alistar).
Just thought I'd let you LoL players know I have a Sealed Collector's pack up for trade/ sale if any of you have any interest in it.

Hopefully I am not violating any forum rules in doing this, didn't see anything in the rules about it.
I'm still new to LOL if anyone would love to help me understand this a lil more I'd deeply appreciate it. I'm still a noob. All I do is try to buy the sets that are offered but end up getting confused. I also get killed alot. Would love to get help with builds.
What are you confused about specifically? If you are confused on builds for the different characters there are lots of guides available online, and video guides on youtube. I can hop on my smurf account sometime for you new players if you'd like to play. Lemme know.
Eh, like any community game there's a lot of lingo to learn. Abbreviations and lingo. Strategies. (Names of strategies, lol). It's just a lot to absorb all at once. With the runes, the masteries, the gear...it's just a lot to understand all at once -- at first.

Not to mention the champions..since, there's a lot of them.
[quote name='lilboo']I just started playing this. I suck, but I am having a fun time. So far I'm liking Sivir and Annie.
But it's only been 1 day.[/QUOTE]

One of those will change, the other will stay the same. And it won't be the way you hope.
I think that will depend on if you get a good group together to play with. We've been having a lot of loses recently, which isnt so fun. But almost all of those loses are due to us picking up randoms to fill in who are just plain stupid.

Last night I was so ticked off. Been playing abit of Caitlyn and havent been doing too bad. Me and Duskwraith were duo queuing with him as Leona. As soon as we get to champ select I called me and him bot and picked Cait. So someone locks in Ez after I say that. We ask if he can handle mid, and he's like "No, you go mid. First time Ez" so I queue dodge. So we get to champ select again and do the same thing, I call bot with dusk. AGAIN someone locks Ez! We ask if he can handle mid, no response. The rest of our team asks him if he'll be ok, no response. We have no AP. So I'm like "Great, I guess I'll go Lux then... in mid...".
We go in game and I go mid. Ez is like "Lux go bot." The whole team goes off on him for leaving during queue. Then he spends the rest of the game telling everyone how bad they are. He pretty much breaks even with Orianna mid, and doesnt do BAD the whole game. But Lux/Leona bot is an alright lane usually, but we've got Vayne/Olaf. Both of them are hitting really hard, and of them did true damage. Olaf could do like 1/3 of Leona's health in one hammer throw early. We could push them back, but then we'd get ganked by the world's fastest Warwick. Like seriously, we had river warded at baron and the bush and he was just suddenly on us. And he didnt have TP, so he didnt just tele into the bush or anything.
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That's what's really been pissing me off. People are incredibly selfish, not caring about team comp, and then bitch and moan because you suck despite doing poorly themselves.

I LOVED the Gangplank last night who didn't last hit at all because it would push the lane. He had 16 CS in 16 minutes! I went to try to gank twice, once I went in but he flashed in for some stupid reason and ended up dying. The Fiora was still low HP but I had low mana and her passive, he raged at me for not finishing her. Then I waited in the river bush again, then decided to go mid since I arrived when another minion wave was pushing which would be in my way when I Powerballed. He raged at me again.

Now do you guys get why I play co-op so often?
I did have a pro juke last night. I was at the river entrance above dragon and just chased for a kill. Then the fed Fiora showed up. I ran back to river and then to the river bush. I ran up in the bush and into the next bush by the upper river entrance. She completely lost me. Even her teammates were like "Pro juke"
So many terms. Need to learn.

Not to mention learning to pick people for team comp. This is going to be addicting, maybe
[quote name='Waughoo']I did have a pro juke last night. I was at the river entrance above dragon and just chased for a kill. Then the fed Fiora showed up. I ran back to river and then to the river bush. I ran up in the bush and into the next bush by the upper river entrance. She completely lost me. Even her teammates were like "Pro juke"[/QUOTE]

Do you want me to put that on YouTube?
[quote name='lilboo']So many terms. Need to learn.

Not to mention learning to pick people for team comp. This is going to be addicting, maybe[/QUOTE]

You know, I probably should make a beginners guide or at least a terms guide for new players and put it on the OP. Maybe I'll do that.

If you're wandering what a juke is, it's when you use the grass/terrain to lose enemies who are chasing you. In the example I had above, I ran into some grass so the enemy could not see me. When they followed me into the grass I quickly exited it via a route he didnt expect. This gave me enough distance to escape.

Hey heres a video showing a guy doing some good jukes!

Ice, I dont know that ONE juke is quite enough for warrant a youtube video. But it was pretty good cause one hit and I was dead.
Love the players that will bitch about you jungling no matter what. I just jungled Olaf, ganked top, got our GP a kill, then immediately went and kill their jungler at their blue, then went straight back top and got GP another kill. What does bot do? Obviously complain about it. "Ya know, their bot has been pushed you could gank anytime now". Seriously? I just got us three kills and you're bitching because I haven't made my way bot within the first seven minutes of the game?

Oh, then when I do gank for them, they fucking back off as I go in. Figures. Thank God for the ignore feature. There's a reason I only play this game once or twice a day now.
I keep meaning to learn to jungle... then I remember that it's always the jungler's fault and I suddenly dont feel like learning :p
[quote name='Waughoo']I keep meaning to learn to jungle... then I remember that it's always the jungler's fault and I suddenly dont feel like learning :p[/QUOTE]

Jungling is super easy, especially now that they nerfed the hell out of the neutral camps. That said, yeah, actually doing it sucks since it's ALWAYS your fault regardless of what happens.
[quote name='SEH']Love the players that will bitch about you jungling no matter what. I just jungled Olaf, ganked top, got our GP a kill, then immediately went and kill their jungler at their blue, then went straight back top and got GP another kill. What does bot do? Obviously complain about it. "Ya know, their bot has been pushed you could gank anytime now". Seriously? I just got us three kills and you're bitching because I haven't made my way bot within the first seven minutes of the game?

Oh, then when I do gank for them, they fucking back off as I go in. Figures. Thank God for the ignore feature. There's a reason I only play this game once or twice a day now.[/QUOTE]

My favorite is when you go top to cover the lane because they need to recall and bot wants a gank that moment.
I get annoyed with the jungler when:
1). They stay in jungle while teamfights/towers are going down right next to them

2). They never even make an appearance in a pushed lane. I'm not saying "OMG GANKS NOW!", I mean when the lane is at our tower, even if you cant actually gank just come let the enemy know you're there. They'll play a little more passive and maybe let your guys farm more.

3). They stay in the jungle long after the laning phase is over.

4). They call a gank, you go in for this gank, they walk away. I've died SO many times because they've pinged for me to go for someone. I get into position to land some CC, hit it, dive in and all of a sudden I'm by myself and gonna die because "Ooohh wraiths are up again!".

5). Junglers that do not understand that landing CC isnt always point and click. I play skill shot champs usually. That means I have to actually predict where they are going to be AND have a clear shot. Bare in mind that the opponent has been trying to dodge these all game now, so when they see me suddenly move they probably know thats what I'm going for. But some junglers will go ape shit on you if you miss 1 skill shot.

6). Junglers who do not share buffs later in game. I know they need early buffs, I dont expect them. But by the 4th blue spawn, you should probably be giving that to someone else.

Bare in mind, this is nothing against junglers in general. These are just particular things they do that annoy me.

On the flip side, heres some stuff the laners do in relation to junglers that annoy me.

1). The jungler comes in, pings for the gank, does everything he is supposed to do. Then the laners sit under the tower or recall. The jungler gets eaten alive, and is usually given some choice messages like "Omg nub jungle!".

2). When people are "helping" leash blue. Sure get in a couple hits if you can, but LEAVE before it gets close to dying! The jungler NEEDS that exp. Or worse yet, when someone just takes the jungler's buff right off the bat. That should be in the "Report user" section.

3). People call for ganks. The jungler is like "Ok, OMW" but is still like at wolves. The lane is like "BANZAI!!!" and jumps in waaaay before the jungler can get there. Again, they will blame the jungler for not having magical teleportation powers.

4). People who think it's the jungler's (or supports for that matter) sole duty to ward. Sure sometimes the jungler is nice and pops a ward in river for you, but thats not his job. Actually... it is. And the supports. And the AD carry. And the tank. And the AP. And that fucking roaming Shaco. It's everyone's job.

5). People who get mad at the jungler for farming their lane WHILE THEY ARE DEAD! Omg, seriously? I've seen some vids of high elo players (looking at you Hotshot) who die, the jungler comes and covers the lane, and they get pissed! THey are keeping the minions off your tower, and they need all the farm they can get. Every minion the tower kills is wasted gold. Just because it's your lane, doesnt mean noone else can farm it.
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Things my jungler does that irks me:

  1. Does the most basic, stonewall008 jungle route which is easy to predict and counter
  2. Demands for a leash from the entire fucking team. There's protecting the jungler, there's invading and then there's a "Give me a strong leash so my game will be slightly better, and top or bottom will just have to deal with it."
  3. Dies to jungle mobs, seriously? Seriously.
Should be a bit more, but those are the only real pet peeves of mine.
Hehe, I had hoped I could flash in and avoid her last attack. Sadly no :(

That lane was annoying though. Not that it was hard, they JUST WOULDNT DIE. Sivir/Sona lane. Sona running clarity and Sivir running heal. I had Sivir so close to dead SO many times. Then Sona or heal would save her. I liked how they would Clairvoyance on the bush to see my traps. Then Sivir would Spell Shield and run into my traps for the mana. Great plan... except you waisted a summoner spell AND you lost like half your health in the exchange... and the fact that it happened twice in a row sure didnt stop them from trying a 3rd time.

But hey, we won and I got some more practice with Cait.
bread's done