League of Legends, new DotA game!!!


35 (100%)

Not sure how many of you are a fan of that notoriously known mod:
Defense of the Ancients
The Allstars are coming together to make a new game: [size=+1]League of Legends[/size] due in 2009. [size=+1]Beta Sign-ups [/size]are happening now and I'd like to start a referral thread here.
Please Refer:
and make at least 5 posts.

[size=+1]Official word on Emissary contest[/size]
How does it work?
You tell your friends about the League of Legends forums, they sign up for League of Legends and put your name in the referral field.
At 6 P.M. PST on Friday, October 17th, the contest will end and we will announce a winner shortly thereafter.

What are the conditions?
The user you refer has to make at least 5 posts prior to the 6 P.M. deadline on October 17th
The user you refer must have entered your username in the referral field during registration.
Any users you have already referred will count towards your total as long as they entered your forum name in the referral field when they signed up.

What do we win already!?
The user who has referred the most people to the League of Legends forums as of Friday, October 17th at 6 P.M. will become our first “Emissary of the League”. A user who is designated an, “Emissary of the League” is one who goes the extra mile to contribute to the League of Legends community, and deserves some special recognition. They will be rewarded with an avatar, a colored name… and a little something extra in the future…
Does it need the expansion? Thats the only suck part about DotA. I never got the expansion and now I can't find it standalone in any b&m. Just battlechests : /
This game seems like it's a little different than DotA, or they just have some fancy descriptions that make it seem completely from left field.

In the FAQ:

Is League of Legends an MMORPG?
League of Legends is not an MMORPG. However, League of Legends will have a persistent game element that is in the spirit of an MMORPG. That is to say, while a large aspect of the game will be session-based battles; there will also be persistent elements, such as the Summoner, abilities, and levels that exist continuously throughout the game. We will also offer very powerful in-game guild support. Additionally, we will have robust, ongoing community management and support. Ready to infuse some fast-paced, competitive action into your MMORPG experience?-League of Legends here we come.


Is League of Legends an RTS?
League of Legends is not an RTS. However, League of Legends will allow players to engage in short, session-based battles in the spirit of your favorite RTS games. League of Legends will also feature robust multiplayer features such as intelligent matchmaking, tournaments, ladders, and other forms of competitive teamplay.
...huh? I'm confused. Does DotA play really differently from the traditional Warcraft III? I never played III and only seen videos of DotA. I did play Warcraft I and II, but I feel like I have no point of reference.
[quote name='typeRJ']
...huh? I'm confused. Does DotA play really differently from the traditional Warcraft III? I never played III and only seen videos of DotA. I did play Warcraft I and II, but I feel like I have no point of reference.[/quote]

In DotA you control 1 hero. There are some exceptions when you get a few minions.

I wonder if this will take off. It sounds really cool. I love DotA style of gameplay but have been playing it for years and burned out a couple months ago.
I'm sure it will require TFT like DoTa

It will be a playable custom game
Hope it has some strong RPG elements, that will get me to play (but I do love ladder)
I haven't played DotA (sounds like my type of game) or WCIII.

I keep hearing that the DotA community is full of pricks...that true?
[quote name='Serik']I haven't played DotA (sounds like my type of game) or WCIII.

I keep hearing that the DotA community is full of pricks...that true?[/QUOTE]

If you play pub games, then yes, a lot of them are pricks.
Looking at the characters... a lot of them look like modified WCIII models. The spells are all pretty much the same. Even the icons look stolen.

All-in-all... it looks pretty much exactly like DOTA.
[quote name='Serik']I haven't played DotA (sounds like my type of game) or WCIII.

I keep hearing that the DotA community is full of pricks...that true?[/quote]

well the community is full of immature, 13 yo kids , so yes
I have an idea, lets all be the blademaster and use the cheat to get 500 agility. Then we can call everyone that didn't cheat a noob!
At this point Demigod is best described as "DOTA Inspired." Superficially it's like DOTA, in gameplay it's substantially different.

Demigod is much more accessible, due in no small part to the fact that its engine is actually designed for the game, as opposed to DOTA, which was shoehorned into WC3 and shows.

However, DOTA is a much deeper game because of that, and further, there's simply more to DOTA than Demigod. The skill cleft between a DOTA newb and a DOTA pro is immense -- I'd say it takes about six months to a year of regular DOTA play (and research) to learn every hero and all of their moves, learn and understand the more obscure mechanics, learn a handful of item builds for each hero, learn appropriate counters, and most importantly, develop your intuition for the game.

Alternately, download a maphack and just cheat. Warcraft 3 doesn't even try to stop hackers on custom maps, so go hog wild as long as you don't try to alter server-side stuff. So you can't make yourself invulnerable or have infinite gold, but you can see the whole map at all times, for instance.
Blizz bans hacking in custom too.. Warden checks for any third party programs even if you're not in a game (e.g. using a namespoof in a chat room or something).. it's just that they haven't banned anyone in a while, ladder or custom. New DotA has an -ah command that's supposed to prevent hacks, but I'm not sure how well it works.

Regarding the topic at hand, DotA didn't even get very popular until Ice Frog took over so it's pretty lame that these guys are trying to ride on the laurels of his success. DotA wasn't any sort of unique idea, same shit has existed since Starcraft under different names. I think Aeon of Strife was the first popular one, but I could be forgetting something.

It's just like the tower defense folks.. tons of tower defense games coming out now but they've been around since SC too (Turrent Defense was the first I think, pure air and no mazing, then it evolved).

I have no problem with devs being unoriginal so long as they make a fun game, but these guys saying "Ooo, creators of DotA Allstars" is pretty damn lame. The saddest part is DotA Allstars wasn't even the first DotA on WC3.. although DotA wasn't an original concept, DotA Allstars was just like a mash-up of all the existing DotAs at the time.
To me, it really doesn't matter if it's "lame" or not. I mean I agree with you, the marketing trope "from the creator of..." is corny at best, but I don't find it to be some kind of ethics-shattering statement.

The important thing is, DOTA is finally a.) getting some competition and b.) becoming a recognized genre of its own.

And yeah, Aeon of Strife was first, but at this point that's just trivia. It's not significant, and nowhere near as many hours went into it as they have into DOTA.
bread's done