Left 4 Dead - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='draven1089']SUMOG sorry I missed your invite yesterday. didn't realize it till I was done playing VS. However I'll be on tonight for most of the night. So if you wnat to play (goes for anyone) shoot me an invite. Doesn't matter if I already have the ACH that you'll be going for I just like to play and maybe in turn we can get nothing special.[/quote]

Same here. Hit me up tonight if someone wants help.
[quote name='Anexanhume']That's exactly what I'm going to try tonight. No one who has added me seems to want to do it, so I'll try it by myself tonight. The only other achievement I have to get that will take something other than time to get is barf bagged. (genocide and red mist will just be time sucks)[/quote]
Dude, I'm down for that, but I have no idea when I'm going to have time to play.
[quote name='Ronin317']Dude, I'm down for that, but I have no idea when I'm going to have time to play.[/quote]

Haha, we got it last night, but thanks for the offer :D
I really hope the 360 version will get this..

Left 4 Dead, by the Numbers

April 30, 2009 - Charlie Burgin

Valve has always seen the value in gathering real-world gameplay data and using it to improve our products. Now we're hoping you'll find it as useful as we do. With the creation of the L4D stats page, our customers will now be able to see a wide variety of gameplay data across all of Left 4 Dead's various game modes.

Use the stats page to track your performance; see which aspects of your gameplay are improving over time, which are your go-to weapons, and how often you use various characters and features.

You can also use your stats page to compare your statistics against other players, giving you a quick and easy way to see how your accomplishments measure up to your friends and find players at your own skill level. You can also track negative statistics (like damage dealt to other teammates, for example), giving you a good idea of which players to avoid.

The stats page is broken up into four different pages: Overview, Weapons, Versus and Survival.

The Overview page contains an at-a-glance breakdown of your overall gameplay stats: your most recent game data; favorite characters; favorite level one and level two weapon; and how often you use and share pain pills and first aid kits. You can also see your total games played, finales survived, and the total number of zombies you have killed so far.

The Weapon page displays your usage of the various weapons available in Left 4 Dead. For each weapon you use in-game, you can see the number of shots fired; your total kills with that weapon; your head shot total; accuracy; and percentage of kills.

The Versus page shows how often you play as each of the playable zombies in Left 4 Dead, and how well you perform with each. For every zombie type you can track your average life span; the most damage dealt in a single life; and the number of special attacks you did successfully. Additionally, you'll be able to tally the number of Versus games played you've played to date; the number of games completed; and the highest Survivor Team Score you've obtained.

The Survival page tracks your best time; the number of times you've played, and your medal level, if any, for each of the Survival maps. You can also track your overall Survivor progress, with a running tally of your total medal count for each medal type, as well as your absolute best time for any map.

We just made the L4D stats pages live, so check it out for yourself. The stats have been collected since 12/12/08 with weapons stats tracking beginning 2/11/09.

So, beat No Mercy and Death Toll on Expert.

Start to end, from lobby to escape, surviving.

Got the beat a level on Expert achievement...

0/4 levels for the other...

What.. the.. fuck..
[quote name='cmart05']I really hope the 360 version will get this..

That would be nice, but they could at least fix the survival timekeeping first.

On a side note, I have all the achievements except genocide and red mist, and I'm not even halfway to genocide :shock:
stats page looks interesting
it would be nice if each character had their own perk...endurance/strength/speed/etc.

gonna play a campaign on easy to get several achievements...safety first/nothing special/stomach upset...wats the best/easiest campaign to play?
and would anyone like to join? i'll be one around 7ish...nyc time
I'd be down to play tonight, I'm free from 3PM PST onwards through the night. Could use some help with these achievements:
Untouchables, Blind Luck, Zombicidal Maniac, & What Are You Trying to Prove?

Though my xbox will probably red ring while I'm playing tonight, since it likes to do that. Let me know if anyone is down and if so, what time.
I really like playing expert campaigns(and it's more fun helping people trying to get the achievement for beating the campaigns) so if you guys need a player hit me up. I'm usually on at nights EST time.
[quote name='cmart05']I really like playing expert campaigns(and it's more fun helping people trying to get the achievement for beating the campaigns) so if you guys need a player hit me up. I'm usually on at nights EST time.[/quote]

Same here, except I'm on PST.
I still need to beat them on expert, it's hard to find people online to do it who have a mic. Then again I'm not sure how the hell you can really expect to play with out one, but that's just my opinion.
Count me in for Expert campaigns as well. I have tons of playing experience with Cmart so we make a solid team and L4D is a lot more fun when you're helping out others. I'm sort of a social butterfly so I enjoy meeting new people.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Count me in for Expert campaigns as well. I have tons of playing experience with Cmart so we make a solid team and L4D is a lot more fun when you're helping out others. I'm sort of a social butterfly so I enjoy meeting new people.[/quote]

What a crock. Every time we play together you're complaining about people who won't leave you alone :lol:
He must mean that he is a social butterfly with certain people.

However it's true, L4D is better with the more better team you get together.
[quote name='cannibalgirl']He must mean that he is a social butterfly with certain people.

However it's true, L4D is better with the more better team you get together.[/quote]

I'm just giving him a hard time. But he loves to play as Zoey, seriously. He won't play unless he can be Zoey.
Anex isn't messing around. If you invite Geist to a game, you should make sure that the other three characters have already been chosen so he doesn't get angry about having to play with someone other than Zoey.
It's not that fun, because the "prep" is not really that satisfying.

What I'd like to see, is a customizable Survival mode where you can choose what types of enemies show up (i'd like just Zombies). Also, it would be amazing to have a mode where you can build your own fort, place gun turrets, walls, stock up on food ect. That would make me a happy Francis.
[quote name='cannibalgirl']I guess when he loves a character, he loves a character.

Is it just me or is Survival not as fun as expected?[/quote]

survival mode is fun, but it doesn't have the staying power that they might have hoped. versus still rocks hard and campaign is great, too.
[quote name='Anexanhume']What a crock. Every time we play together you're complaining about people who won't leave you alone :lol:[/QUOTE]

LOL! Wow... if anything you've just supported my comment. I wouldn't have so many e-groupies/stalkers if I kept my big wide gaping mouth shut. I'm not talking about any cute and charismatic grown women either. It's a tie between hyperactive urban 16 - 30 year old males and random players of either gender incapable of taking a loss gracefully. ;'(

I honestly used to average 5 - 10 messages a damn day. No way in hell am I proud of it. ;\

[quote name='cannibalgirl']He must mean that he is a social butterfly with certain people.[/QUOTE]

Amen. You hit the nail right on the head. The only problem is most of my friends invite their crew in when I'm overly comfortable and extra witty. We crack a few jokes, vibe, get along great and I end up with a ridiculous amount of new surprisingly possessive people to play with hell bent on monopolizing my time. ;\

I'm horrible at first impressions and somewhat selective when it comes to social situations in real life, but act exactly the same when thoroughly chilled out. Even still, I don't seem to attract half as much attention compared to XBL. >_>

[quote name='Anexanhume']I'm just giving him a hard time. But he loves to play as Zoey, seriously. He won't play unless he can be Zoey.[/QUOTE][quote name='IvanHood']Anex isn't messing around. If you invite Geist to a game, you should make sure that the other three characters have already been chosen so he doesn't get angry about having to play with someone other than Zoey.[/QUOTE]


For the love of all that is bright and beautiful in the world please do not believe a single word of this ridiculous ploy designed to force me into the body of that irritating noob at life. ;(

My hatred for Zoey is well known in my social circle. Your jackassery is not appreciated... 'friends'. ;P
Zoey is probably the smallest target so why not?

This genocidist achievement is nuts, I've played a fair bit and only have about 8k kills.
Amen. You hit the nail right on the head. The only problem is most of my friends invite their crew in when I'm overly comfortable and extra witty. We crack a few jokes, vibe, get along great and I end up with a ridiculous amount of new surprisingly possessive people to play with hell bent on monopolizing my time. ;\

I'm horrible at first impressions and somewhat selective when it comes to social situations in real life, but act exactly the same when thoroughly chilled out. Even still, I don't seem to attract half as much attention compared to XBL. >_>

Who needs first impressions? They're usually horrible no matter who you are in my opinion. But let's just all settle it with good old fashion killing each other in Versus.

xD Woo Hoo!
[quote name='cannibalgirl']Who needs first impressions? They're usually horrible no matter who you are in my opinion. But let's just all settle it with good old fashion killing each other in Versus.

xD Woo Hoo![/QUOTE]

Well said. I grew tired of trying to impress people years ago. Whenever you guys want to go a few rounds you know where to find me. Just make sure you let me know you're from CAG (profile or msg) otherwise I'll probably ignore it.
im always on...
i usually see AiNoGeist playin gears2

my question again is...wats the shortest campaign level? so that i can run it thru trying to get safety first/nothing special/stomach upset
(tried gettin safety first...its funny how bill loves to run into my line of fire... and how the boomer doesnt come out till im surrounded by reg infected..then spits on me...wat a coward)
[quote name='Sparta Omni']First one is the shortest/easiest, I think...[/QUOTE]
Agreed, No Mercy is easiest. A lot of tight corridors and not too much open space. I hate the AI though; their great to help me when I just want to beat a campaign, but for achievements, they're always in my way. I wish you could change a setting to make them hang back more. I guess I could just kill them at the beginning of the level.
I sitll need to get the gold standard in survival mode. Some random team and I got to 8:50. So close!

Most games I join people are just killing eachother.
[quote name='SumOG']im always on...
i usually see AiNoGeist playin gears2

my question again is...wats the shortest campaign level? so that i can run it thru trying to get safety first/nothing special/stomach upset
(tried gettin safety first...its funny how bill loves to run into my line of fire... and how the boomer doesnt come out till im surrounded by reg infected..then spits on me...wat a coward)[/QUOTE]

I for sure say No Mercy, best way to get the Safety First is to stick close to the AI and let them do pretty much all of the shooting, it's boring but best way to make sure you don't accidentally shoot them right before level is over (Has happened to me a few times). Also with the Stomach Upset one again, the AI are pretty good about getting boomers while still far away, also keeping a sniper rifle helps too.
[quote name='SumOG']out of commission...rrod
"ima sad panda" =[[/QUOTE]

My sincerest condolences. ;'(

Please... a moment of silence for Sum's X-Box 360. It shall be missed.
[quote name='ink.so.well.']my sincerest condolences. ;'(

please... A moment of silence for sum's x-box 360. It shall be missed.[/quote]

[quote name='SumOG']out of commission...rrod
"ima sad panda" =[[/QUOTE]

as a fellow red ringer, you have my condolences. may it return harder, better, faster, and indeed stronger.
Expert is crazy hard. Some dude joined our game and all he did was kill my friend and I. What an idiot. He did it twice too, so we booted him.
[quote name='Blackout']Expert is crazy hard. Some dude joined our game and all he did was kill my friend and I. What an idiot. He did it twice too, so we booted him.[/QUOTE]
LOL yea that guy sucked balls. Any Cags wanna help me n Blackout with some expert campaigns?
I need to finish Blood Harvest on Expert, then redo No Mercy/Death Toll, since I DIDN'T GET CREDIT TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT even though it gave me the "Survive a campaign on Expert" one... tag is Warked, make sure you SEND ME A MESSAGE saying your from CAG, or I'll likely ignore/decline your request. I have too many randoms on my list I need to clear out.

Oh, also need the no damage since calling rescue/no special damage entire campaign ones.
bread's done