Left 4 Dead - Gen. Discussion & Info

best way for safty first is on easy and and let the bots do all the shooting, and you just keep punching. Only fire if you have to adn make sure you firing ahead with with no body near you.
Does anyone know if getting incapped prevents the Man vs. Tank achievement from unlocking? The tank incapped me after I hit it with a few auto shotgun blasts, but I was able to finish it off with the pistol from the ground. There were no environmental hazards that could have harmed the tank, and on the next loading screen it even showed:

"Did the most damage to the tank"
Me - 2XXX
Other dude - 0
Other dude - 0
Other dude - 0

And yet I didn't get the achievement. :( Is it possible that someone meleed the tank or something, and it voided the achievement without actually causing any damage?
Killed off 2 teammates in the safe room then me and my buddy spawned the tank. I unloaded to all hell on it and my friend did nothing but lure it around. My friend died and then the tank incapped me. I dropped it DURING THE RESTART with my pistol and got the achievement. So no; being incapped doesn't disable the achievement.

We did this before we were smart and realized molotovs make life easier.
[quote name='SumOG']basically im just running straight thru the game as fast as possible without getting hit by the special infected
just let me kno which level you are most familiar with

Hey OG when are you available to do an expert run? I see you on sometimes but I'm not sure if you want to play L4D
I played a couple days ago. 'Twas my first time since February or March. I just played by myself on Normal... I never did play above Normal except once. I got the "Cr0wned" achievement, and the one for no players taking damage from the witch.

I got this game months after release, and then school was going on, so I haven't gotten to play nearly as much as I'd like. But I'd be down for a campaign on a higher difficulty, or to play Versus, or Survival which I've never done.
Got Man vs. Tank last night, just killing off the two AIs and playing the Death Toll finale with a friend until we both unlocked it. Then for the heck of it we decided to go for Untouchables on the dock, and we were a hair's breadth from having it-- at the last second my friend got hit by a piece of thrown concrete from a tank. :p
I will have this game again soon and if I am not playing something else I would be more than happy to help people with it. Untouchables is pretty easy on Dead Air's finale, there was a youtube video I watched that helped me get it on my first try with the AI.
im down for some expert play
have yet to get the cheesements
there have been several instances where i was left behind when we get rescued =/
im not blaming anyone...just wat happens
If you guys want Nothing Special, or any campaign achievement really, play through the campaign until you get to chapter 5, while you're still in the safe room vote to return to lobby, then just load the game back up again, no make sure you don't get hit by any special infected for the finale and you'll get Stomach Upset and Nothing Special. Also this works for expert (play first 4 chapters on easy then change to expert), safety first, anything. I recommend the Dead Air campaign and get on top of the plane you fly out on. You could try the Jesus room on No Mercy or the rock on Death Toll but getting on top of the plane on Dead Air is the easiest method.

To get on top of the plane you have to push some carts in between this truck and the plane so that you can jump up onto the truck and jump across to the top of the plane. The carts you need to push are a bit tricky and I'm not even 100% sure how to get them to move, I just kept throwing a propane tank into them and they were moving slowly.
[quote name='SumOG']im down for some expert play
have yet to get the cheesements
there have been several instances where i was left behind when we get rescued =/
im not blaming anyone...just wat happens[/QUOTE]

Sorry I couldn't help you ;)
Just got the game back today, feel free to send me a message to play (GT same as username here). I will at least send you a message back letting you know if I am available to play or not.
[quote name='freshzen']Also this works for expert (play first 4 chapters on easy then change to expert)[/QUOTE]Didn't know this, thanks. I'll try it with some friends soon.
Well I'm finally catching up on my BACKLOG of games and wanted to know CAG's opinion on Left 4 Dead.

I want to play the campaign through to the end but I'm not sure if it's better to play by myself or with another player?
Is it like GOW2 in that the Co-Op is SOOOO much funner to play through with a friend than by yourself or is it just as entertaining playing by yourself??

Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks!
The game is meant to be played with other people. There's only 4 campaigns and they are easily completed in a day if you play by yourself on something like Normal. Expert is meant for 4 people who co-ordinate well together.

Or, you could just cheat and do the Easy -> Expert glitch (?) and be done with it.
[quote name='cmart05']the game is not meant for single-player whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

The exception being if you're just in the mood to play something easy and kill some stuff. Similar to killing some bots in PDZ.
[quote name='nnthomas']The game is meant to be played with other people. There's only 4 campaigns and they are easily completed in a day if you play by yourself on something like Normal. Expert is meant for 4 people who co-ordinate well together.

Or, you could just cheat and do the Easy -> Expert glitch (?) and be done with it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='gr8asianman']I enjoy it more when I'm playing co-op, so if you have a friend(s) to play with I say go for it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='cmart05']the game is not meant for single-player whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='jkanownik']The exception being if you're just in the mood to play something easy and kill some stuff. Similar to killing some bots in PDZ.[/QUOTE]

Thanks guys. Seems like the consensus is co-op. I don't think I have 4 friends that have L4D so 2man co-op will have to do for now.
[quote name='jkanownik']The exception being if you're just in the mood to play something easy and kill some stuff. Similar to killing some bots in PDZ.[/QUOTE]

meh, the only time I played single-player was to get the red mist achievement other than that I'd rather watch paint dry than play single player.
Just got this game from another cager so I'm as green as you can get but I'm always up for any mode, feel free to send me a FR!
it's so much more than a new campaign though, this is definitely a buy hey geist looks like we'll playing soon again LOL

Left 4 Dead 2 doesn't mean the end of downloadable content for the original game, as Valve announces Crash Course, a new single-player, multiplayer, and versus mode campaign for the Xbox 360 and PC. Crash Course ties together the No Mercy and Death Toll campaigns from the original release, adding a little bit of continuity to the title and taking the piss out of the daring helicopter rescue at the end of No Mercy all at once. It just won't be as much of a relief once you know that the helicopter isn't going to stay airborne long enough to do your team any good.

While Crash Course should be an excellent addition to the Survival and Co-op modes, the core focus of the downloadable content is to deliver " a complete Versus mode experience in just 30 minutes." To that effect they've added a recharge timer for infected teammates, and tweaked item spawning for a more balanced experience.

Gabe Newell took the occasion of this announcement to assure players that support for the first Left 4 Dead is still going full-steam, pun intended. "
Since the release of Left 4 Dead last November, the design team has been excited about creating new experiences for this world and allowing players to do the same, by releasing much of our internal toolset, like the Survival Pack and Authoring Tools," said Gabe Newell. "We're working with the fans toward the ongoing entertainment value of the product."
Look for Crash Course to hit the Xbox 360 and PC this September for 560 Microsoft points.
All of the idiots boycotting L4D2 because they were convinced that it's existence meant that Valve was dropping support for L4D1 can all kill themselves now, please.
[quote name='KingBroly']New DLC is coming out in September

Good news: It's a campaign

Bad news: 360 owners have to pay 560 points for it[/QUOTE]

$7 is not that bad.
sup sharp
seems like when u sign on...i go to sleep
im down for some expert or cheesements
versus is fun too...need good team tho...smoker gets one person...boomer gets the people trying to save the constricted person...and the hunters take cares of the rest
[quote name='cmart05']it's so much more than a new campaign though, this is definitely a buy hey geist looks like we'll playing soon again LOL[/QUOTE]

LOL Word. I'm definitely looking forward to teaming up with you, Ivan and Anexan again. We always do work.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']$7 is not that bad.[/QUOTE]

It is when PC users are getting it for free. I'll pass, I have better things to put my $7 towards, like reserving MW2.
[quote name='SynGamer']It is when PC users are getting it for free. I'll pass, I have better things to put my $7 towards, like reserving MW2.[/QUOTE]

? I'm really hoping you have never bought a piece of DLC for game that was both on PC and 360 then...
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']All of the idiots boycotting L4D2 because they were convinced that it's existence meant that Valve was dropping support for L4D1 can all kill themselves now, please.[/QUOTE]

Lets see if they actually release any original DLC for the game after L4D2 comes out before we praise Valve for its continued support of L4D. At last years E3 I remember one of the Devs I was talking to mention that they were hoping to have a new campaign released every few month but since it was Valve I always will believe it when I see it as everything they do is at a turtle's pace and they always talk big before a game is released.
That $7 could be better spent on putting it towards getting the PC version of L4D as well since it's about 25% of the cost of the game, plus you'd get access to all the user created campaigns as well....for free.

I think that's what I'll be doing instead of getting it for the 360
if you have a gaming PC, then yeah sure I advise the above, but I like many on here don't own a gaming PC and therefore these $7 are worth it, imo.
i want to play the level but damn microsoft 560 points for one campaign??? not interested, you can fly through these levels with other people in your crew. id be willing if it was 300 points but i dont want to use my points for one campaign.
[quote name='sublime90']i want to play the level but damn microsoft 560 points for one campaign??? not interested, you can fly through these levels with other people in your crew. id be willing if it was 300 points but i dont want to use my points for one campaign.[/QUOTE]

You don't play a campaign just once.
[quote name='Anexanhume']You don't play a campaign just once.[/QUOTE]

really? ive only played through the campaigns like 3 times each at the most. i like left 4 dead but the levels are the same just different in the way the enemies come at you.
it would be free but our love microsoft makes them charge, now for the people saying we get a new campaign, I'd call it more of a half campaign seeing as the versus will only take 30 minutes. As much as I love this game I don't think I can talk myself into spending 7 bucks (even tho that isn't bad) on a half baked add on. Valve what are you doing? They use to be so reliable well except for release dates.
My guess is that charging simply isn't Valve's decision. That doesn't really explain why the first one snuck in for free and this one didn't, but I refuse to believe they sat around going '360? Yeah, charging for it! Money, bitches!'.

If anything, I'd assume that the fact that it's *only* 560 points *is* Valve's doing. That's a weird number, one that MS wouldn't have arbitrarily picked themselves. It's totally possible that MS wanted 800 for it, and Valve talked them down... they just couldn't get it down to free.

Honestly, of all companies, I refuse to believe that Valve is out to screw us over.
[quote name='007']My guess is that charging simply isn't Valve's decision. That doesn't really explain why the first one snuck in for free and this one didn't, but I refuse to believe they sat around going '360? Yeah, charging for it! Money, bitches!'. [/QUOTE]
The first one wasn't more than a huge title update full of fixes. It didn't add a whole new campaign to play, mostly a lot of multiplayer enhancements...
from what i understand, microsoft told valve that they could only release one free dlc, valve chose survival, so microsoft is making them charge for this. i would buy it, if it was 5 chapters long. but it is only going to be 2 chapters because valve wants you to be able to beat it in 15 minutes so that the multiplayer can be done in under a 1/2 hour (between the two teams each playing through once.)
Damn 560 points doesn't seem worth it for just 2 chapters. I'll get it cause I'm an achievement whore but I won't be happy about it. Hopefully I can get a cheap copy of Left 4 Dead before it comes out since I already got rid of the one I was using.
bread's done