LEGO Deals 3

Looks like the C3PO poly is this years TRU big book free with purchase item.  Free with any Star Wars construction purchase of $40 or more. Starts on 11/1.

Is the Mos Eisley Cantina out of production or something? Plenty of stores around me still have 'em.
That's what I'm wondering. I still see it in stores and it's still available at all major online retailers. In fact it's on sale on Amazon now for $55
No luck on finding the 3P0 bags on sale early around Atlanta. I checked Marietta last night and a friend checked Duluth today. No go. Anyone tried Northpoint this week?

I did find the $4 last-year bat sets, though, so it was worth the detour on the way to a pumpkin carving party!

I know this is a bit of a shot in the dark, but does anyone on here have the "Sea Cow" and would be willing (pretty please) to measure its assembled size? 

Or know where I could find out the max height/length/width (assembled)? 

Trying to figure out if we would have room to display it.

Many, many, many thanks in advance.

I know this is a bit of a shot in the dark, but does anyone on here have the "Sea Cow" and would be willing (pretty please) to measure its assembled size?

Or know where I could find out the max height/length/width (assembled)?

Trying to figure out if we would have room to display it.

Many, many, many thanks in advance.
  • MetalBeard’s Sea Cow measures over 22” (58cm) high, 24” (61cm) long and 7” (19cm) wide
I'm not that impressed for the price of it but i need to see the inside.
The brick/cent ratio is pretty great but there's no away around the fact that by modeling an actual building they were more limited in finding something with a pop culture tie in and feasibility. At 4600 pieces it's the third highest piece count ever. I can only imagine what those interior must be with that many pieces to use. I imagine the reason they didn't show the interior is because they're going to make it it's own reveal.

LEGO Ifeas rejected 14 projects of the last round which is really lame. Guess we will probably see a few stolen ideas in 2016.
I saw that, but it's understandable. The science adventures was the only one I thought had a chance, though I really wanted A'Tuin.

Edit: And Death and Binky.

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LEGO Ifeas rejected 14 projects of the last round which is really lame. Guess we will probably see a few stolen ideas in 2016.
Wow. Each time they make an announcement, they manage to be even more annoying.

Would it really be so hard to weed out the ones that they know (1) can't and (2) won't get made first, before pretending to the world that these people have a shot? They're not doing anyone a favor. They're only making the rejection worse.

And if they have to reject 13 submissions, there's something seriously wrong with the process. Either 10,000 supporters isn't enough to show demand, or they're just not being honest with the whole idea behind Ideas.

For a process that's supposed to celebrate Lego builders and reward hard work and great ideas, it always manages to feel like a giant brick middle finger.

The new Ghostbuster set, the giant Avengers helicarrier, there have been a few others too.
Yeah. Here's from Lego Ideas about the Ghostbusters HQ that had 10000 supporters and got rejected:

Review Results for Ghostbusters HQ

Our team has thoroughly considered the possibility of releasing this project as a LEGO set according to the criteria of the LEGO Review. Unfortunately the LEGO Review Board has decided that we will not produce this project as a set.

Thank you to Sergio512 for the passion and creativity that went into this project, and to all of you who voted so that we would have the opportunity to consider this as a potential LEGO set. We’re sorry to deliver this disappointing news.
In other words, thanks for the great idea, doing all the work, and getting all those supporters. It was so great, we decided to make one ourselves and not even say a word about yours.

It's not even about the royalty, though god knows they could certainly afford one with a $350 set. It's about giving credit where it's due, and being honest with your customers and fans.

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Yeah and LEGO is trying to cover their legal ass by saying these ideas were their ideas before they were on LEGO Cuusoo or LEGO Ideas, but I don't really fully believe that. That might work, but I find it funny that Portal and Wizard of Oz are both made now after their sets were dismissed by the Cuusoo group. Oz I could see as set, Dimensions is made by WB which I think made the movie, but Portal 2 being added seems very odd to me. Like they went "Hmmm...." after it reached 10,000.

Like Blanderstalker said, it's not the money that bugs me, I'm not getting the money anyways, but it's the fact that these people took their time and get a form letter of "no thanks, we pass' on their ideas for a set only to have it become a set ears later.

Didn't see it here, so it's worth mentioning:

Metalbeard's Sea Cow is sold out at, and it's the kind of sold out that doesn't restock.  So much for warning us with "retiring soon"

Still available at some Lego stores, and available at  I'm considering it, since I have gift cards and a RED card.

Didn't see it here, so it's worth mentioning:

Metalbeard's Sea Cow is sold out at, and it's the kind of sold out that doesn't restock. So much for warning us with "retiring soon"

Still available at some Lego stores, and available at I'm considering it, since I have gift cards and a RED card.
It was known a while ago that it would be retiring soon.

Yeah. Here's from Lego Ideas about the Ghostbusters HQ that had 10000 supporters and got rejected:

In other words, thanks for the great idea, doing all the work, and getting all those supporters. It was so great, we decided to make one ourselves and not even say a word about yours.

It's not even about the royalty, though god knows they could certainly afford one with a $350 set. It's about giving credit where it's due, and being honest with your customers and fans.
Um, the set is based on Brent Waller's Idea which was posted almost a year prior to Sergio's. The description even mentions it being on store shelves. Has TLG released a box image yet to see if it has the Ideas branding?

That's why I was curious about what was 'stolen.' Ghostbusters doesn't appear to be. Portal and Wizard of Oz are a unique animal being in the game space.

Um, the set is based on Brent Waller's Idea which was posted almost a year prior to Sergio's. The description even mentions it being on store shelves. Has TLG released a box image yet to see if it has the Ideas branding?
Brent Waller's idea, and the link you provided above, is for the Ecto-1 and the minifigures. That's what is "in stores". The picture has the HQ, but that was not included. If you read the text on the page you linked to, that's quite clear.

The HQ, as shown by Lego so far on the web and on their page, doesn't mention Ideas, and there is no Ideas page or announcement for it. It is not listed as an Ideas product, present or future.

If anything, they should be crediting Brent or Sergio or both. But they're not.

The HQ was an Ideas project that made it to 10000 supporters and was rejected. Now it's available for sale. You do the math.

I love me some Ghostbusters and got the Ecto-1, but this price is a bit too steep for me. Might as well get a PS4 this year for that price.

Brent Waller's idea, and the link you provided above, is for the Ecto-1 and the minifigures. That's what is "in stores". The picture has the HQ, but that was not included. If you read the text on the page you linked to, that's quite clear.

The HQ, as shown by Lego so far on the web and on their page, doesn't mention Ideas, and there is no Ideas page or announcement for it. It is not listed as an Ideas product, present or future.

If anything, they should be crediting Brent or Sergio or both. But they're not.

The HQ was an Ideas project that made it to 10000 supporters and was rejected. Now it's available for sale. You do the math.
Ahh, you're right. The final build looks just like his. Pretty shady.

Is the Mos Eisley Cantina out of production or something? Plenty of stores around me still have 'em.
I see it, I just don't want to pay full price. Was going to get on, but it's OOS or something. What a horrible website it is.

I was hoping for a Target clearance on it :)

thebrickfan has some interesting screenshots from the new Doctor Who level, it shows The Flintstones and The Jetsons.

How much do you have to spend to get the free C3P0 at ToysRUs?  $30?  

I picked one up last week for $3.99, but looking at it in the packaging and boy am I disappointed, particularly when the picture on the packaging clearly shows the figure to be shiny chrome/gold.  Nothing but dull cheap plastic inside.  I already have enough dirty/dingy Sand Crawler and Jabba slave-droid C3P0s, was hoping for an all polished up god of the Ewoks C3P0.

I'll only buy the stolen angle if the interior is very close.  The exterior is not that close.  I would expect something made specifically to look like something out of a movie WOULD look similar to a similar level of detail build.  And the guy whining about them not telling him about something that was not officially released is downright hilarious.  Who the hell is he that they would tell him jack?  All I see this doing is killing the Ideas line because they get thousands of entries every time and the idiots will be lining up to claim every set from now on was their idea.  Why deal with that kind of headache?  Just kill it and be done with it.

I'll only buy the stolen angle if the interior is very close. The exterior is not that close. I would expect something made specifically to look like something out of a movie WOULD look similar to a similar level of detail build. And the guy whining about them not telling him about something that was not officially released is downright hilarious. Who the hell is he that they would tell him jack? All I see this doing is killing the Ideas line because they get thousands of entries every time and the idiots will be lining up to claim every set from now on was their idea. Why deal with that kind of headache? Just kill it and be done with it.
I'm with you on that. Hell, I was making Lego Millennium Falcons long before Lego was.

Plus, Lego has stated that they want the Ideas sets to be around the $60 price point. Anybody creating large sets like this should expect rejection.
Didn't see it here, so it's worth mentioning:

Metalbeard's Sea Cow is sold out at, and it's the kind of sold out that doesn't restock. So much for warning us with "retiring soon"

Still available at some Lego stores, and available at I'm considering it, since I have gift cards and a RED card.
Hey, just wanted to thank you real quick, I picked one up and may have missed out if I hadn't seen your message. Many, many thanks!

Some Star Wars 2016 sets....

So now Brickiest has a link to a website with 2016 pictures.

A run down in case LEGO lawyers come....

The Friends sets are very wall-isn, even more than normal to me. There is a cupcake place, another grocery store, the birthday sets and camping sets (Like the jungle ones!)

There are some Nexo Knights that are "Ultimate" and huge, but normal bricks. There is a base and then a massive amount of blocks on the back of the mini figures. Probably $10 sets.

Star wars has those little $10 ships, one is a Ghost with a green woman, looks good for $10.

Elves has a teal dragon that is more molded than NinjaGo but it looks so cute! And a yellow one, and only the heads are molded, the rest look blockish. The sets looks nice, some cool buildings builds.

Another camper, a plane ambulance, garbage truck, a real ugly, but very different, boat transporter that transport cars, 

NinjaGo pirates has cool flying ships, a neat base, finally a small dragon and a big blue one. They look fine as always. (Some more motorcycles and such.) but the three pirate stuff (Two flying ships and the base temple) look fun.

Then some super hero stuff I don't get. 

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I've never found targets Black Friday ad to be all that great (always get Disney Infinity there though) except that one year they misprinted the Anakin/Sebulba pod racer set for $29.99 (should've been the Anakin star fighter I believe). There was a sign posted in the aisle where I found it but it still rung up $29.99 at the register.
The past few years the Lego deals have been a dud, I guess it's time to go to the Lego store and get a random percentage off card.

My Sea Cow showed up...

Target put it in a box about four times taller than the Sea Cow box with "zero" packing, so, yeah, it was trashed.

Looks like it was drop kicked on every side of the box.  Took pictures before opening and video of the actual opening process.  No fill-air or anything.

Really disappointed to say the least.

Noticed that they have, since I ordered, raised the price up to $300.

Does anyone have experience in dealing with Target when something like this happens?



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They'll take care of it for you. Sometimes they give you a gift card. Also, tell phone customer service you will return to a store and then watch it for markdowns!
It's been confirmed through catalog lists that we are getting LEGO Disney Minifigure series, probably in the May timeframe after Series 15 comes out in January.

Also getting 6 Angry Bird sets, we knew that but there are 6 listed.

They'll take care of it for you. Sometimes they give you a gift card. Also, tell phone customer service you will return to a store and then watch it for markdowns!
I am not sure they are, the email response was clearly a form letter, the font sizes don't match where the employee filled in the blanks. (the size difference is laughable, somewhere around 50%)

They told me that if I want a new one I have to return this one and make a completely new order, not addressing the fact that they have (for some reason) raised the price by nearly $50 since I made my purchase.

First pics of Ghostbusters Firehouse interior are now available.

I'm a little dissapointed but admittedly it's much more detailed when compared to most modulars (that are less than half in price) but also it has a piece count that is double in size compared most modulars. 

Nothing like this has come about in a long time so I'm still quite excited and honestly I wonder if these super high count items are going to retire at quicker rate like the Sea Cow did.

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The Sea Cow was out for at least a year and a half, if not two years. It's also based on a movie that the hope for has died down and for a line that is no longer being made. We are getting the new female Ghostbusters in set for too.

Plus that argument is void because the Death Star is still being produced, in it's 7th or 8th year.

And yet the MFin' Ewok village has been temporarily out of stock for months ... it's been available elsewhere but I was hoping for it would come back for double points time.
I hate to complain about something so awesome, but I have complaints about the Ghostbusters HQ. First...I do understand why all of the pieces can not be printed and, as much as it annoys me, having stickers for things like the arcade are necessary. But I can not understand why the Ghostbusters logo on the front is not printed. Look at Dimensions, off the top of my head there's the Back to the Future Hoverboard, Portal Companion Cube, Itchy & Scratchy TV screen and Midway Defender arcade machine (assuming the arcade pieces are printed, we don't know yet (do we?)) none of those pieces would be of any use outside of of their theme. Admittedly the Dimensions are pretty expensive, but they do include the NFC base and game content. Oh, yeah there's also that piece they ALREADY MADE for the Ghostbusters Ecto-1. Just annoying. But that's not why I'm boycotting this set...

My reason for boycotting is the lockers: E Spengler,  R Stantz and P Venkman...where is W Zeddemore? I know he didn't show up until half way through the first movie and OK, yes, I'll give you the fact he wasn't on the poster even, but come on! He was in the second one and did stuff...I think. I actually don't remember much of the second at all. He is pretty awesome in the Ghostbusters comics though. Plus Ernie Hudson is so famous he played himself on Hot in Cleveland, Regis Philbin didn't even play himself on Hot in Cleveland!

One final comment, If I can somehow find this for $200 or less I will buy this. One final final comment, I'll really drop up to $250 on this bunch of brinks...the Ghostbusters arcade game sold me!

bread's done