LEGO Deals

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Some deals/new items I saw at Wal-Mart this morning. They were WIPED OUT. They had 3 boxes of Series 3 MFs for $2.99 each...PASS...already got what I needed for $1.99 at Fred Meyer a month or so ago (although recently they raised their prices too - I guess theLEGO Group forced them). Some clearance deals: Tanker Truck $13.00, Zurg $12.00, Watches (all series) $7.00, Stormtrooper alarm clock $9.50, and of course the Midi SD, which they still had a ton of were $16.00. I think those Destroyers were still hanging around because they were in on a bottom shelf in the SW action figure aisle and not the LEGO section. Glad I found some because LEGO Shop @ Home cancelled them from my order. See my next post for the full story.
^LOL, my sons would bring luggage to increase their carrying capacity.

If the point of the sale-pricing is to draw people into the Lego store to pick up some bargain sets and probably buy a few full-priced sets while they're in there, then the lack of a limited-quantity policy is poor retail strategy. It would make a lot of sense to have quantity restrictions for the first few days of the sale to draw shoppers/children into the store to have a crack at the sale sets, then drop the limits and let the resellers load up on whatever's left to clear out inventory.
Has anyone bought the new SW battle packs? I've got a couple of boys with holiday money burning holes in their size 8/10 jeans pockets, begging to go to the Lego store. We've called 2 local stores in the past 24 hours to pinpoint what time the shipment hits the shelves. The first shipments sold out yesterday at the tail-end of the Boston blizzard.
LEGO Shop @ Home rules! So, why do I say this when they recently cancelled several items from my order that were still "in stock" when the order was placed??? Because they admitted they made a major screw up and made huge amends for it.

My story: For this order, I paid all with VIP points. Apparently, the system didn't understand and put the order on hold. During the hold over the weekend, about half the order sold out. As mentioned before in this thread, items on hold are released back into stock, so my stuff went to someone else. :( I didn't know about losing my held items until today. They had written me on Monday that my order was on hold due to a billing error, instructing me to call. I called and found out that the email and the holding of the order were both done in error. They also asked me to forward the email to their customer care specialist so that they can figure out what happened.

Well, today they wrote me back saying they messed up big time, offered me a very generous gift card refund in the amount of the now "sold out" items I had in the order, plus they are giving me BACK the VIP points I had used to purchase the sold out items!!! For this reason (and others) I think that LEGO Shop@Home is one of the best retailers around. EXCELLENT customer service! I didn't even ask for this, they did it out of pure generosity. :D:D:D Thank you!!!
[quote name='Zepp-Head']Yeah, really. The LEGO stores should limit clearance purchases to what you can carry in your hands only (they don't have carts in the store, right?). That would make it more fair for everyone. And if they drop something, its up for grabs! (I'm kidding about that last part).[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that won't work either. My store let people build stacks behind and near the registers as they shopped and the LEGO store has shopping bags for you to use while you're shopping. If you have more than a few bags to carry, my LEGO store held your bags in the back while you go load your car and come back for the rest. No employee help for shopping or carrying the bags.

I'll agree that their should be a limit on the first day or maybe just the first few hours. After that, it should be everyone for themselves just like any other clearance at any other retailer.

The LEGO store had at least 100 Battle Packs (8014) for $5 each and I'm glad I was able to buy 10+! It just made it easy for army building and future gift giving. And that goes for all the others sets I loaded up on.

I saw a bunch of mom and grandparents who were at my LEGO store 7AM grabbing sets for their kids, I saw resellers who I've seen in past shows and of course I saw collectors and average fans there as well. People are going to bitch all the time about missing out on these clearance sales. And just like an employee told me, this is the best sale they've done in years. Last year, the Christmas sale topped off at 30% off, so why not take advantage of this sale?

Whether they're doing it to stock up on their own collection or resell, there's always going to be someone who's going to get there before you or have more money than you. That's just how it is.

Next time, bring your mom and penny rolls!
[quote name='Darthjer']I was at my Lego Store not long after they opened Sunday morning and saw almost exactly the same thing. Some guy was loading at least four of the motorized AT-AT's into bags and a customer at the other register asked how much some of the Star Wars sets on the end of the counter were. The employee ringing her up laughingly told her that the same guy was getting them and had four more hand-trucks worth in the back still to load into his van. I don't remember the exact wording, but it seemed like there had already been a few trips made to his truck, and was apparently granted a store employee to help him haul his haul. The only things left clearance-wise were some of the MIDI-Star Destroyers (which I skipped cause I'm still trying to build up my mini-figure collection) and The Battle Of Alamut (which I already have).

If it was for a local Lego building club, then I wouldn't have as much of an issue with it, but then, if it was for a local Lego club, they could have done it outside of store hours. I guess the whole thing's my own fault for not e-mailing my purchase or order directly to the store. Props to the guy for thinking ahead.

I just got back into the buying and building of Lego and the whole thing really, really soured me on the Lego Store specifically, and Lego in general.

Re-reading this, it seems a little whiny, but I just felt like after my last post brought out the TRU Boo-Birds, it's a little ironic that my crappy Lego experience was at the company owned store. And that I wasn't the only one who got a taste.[/QUOTE]

What a coincidence! I was at my local LEGO store as well and started to chit-chat with a very nice employee. When I asked about the motorized AT-AT, and other stuff on sale, he told me some dude placed a ridiculous order a day or so ago. The dude cleared out all the motorized AT-AT's, Venators, Home Ones and every City set on sale. He said it was an International order and the dude was located in the UK, spent over $1500. I would have loved a motorized AT-AT, but the thought of some dude hoarding all those sets for himself is nauseating. I asked if there was a policy on a-holes like that and he said no. In fact, he said the manager has no problem with sales like that because the store inventory is being cleaned out. Very sad.

I agree with some of the posts on a limit for clearanced items. I used to be a hardcore sneaker collector, where certain shoes came in batches of 200-500 for a whole coast, and those seemed easier to attain than some sets. Depending on what local shop you went into there was a limit of two pairs per person, max. Wish they did the same in their stores.
LEGO hasn't shipped out my s@h order yet...which is odd, usually they're pretty quick. Probably has something to do with the big influx of Xmas sale orders, but I just want to know all of my items were located in stock.
[quote name='ItzTitoYo']I agree with some of the posts on a limit for clearanced items. I used to be a hardcore sneaker collector, where certain shoes came in batches of 200-500 for a whole coast, and those seemed easier to attain than some sets. Depending on what local shop you went into there was a limit of two pairs per person, max. Wish they did the same in their stores.[/QUOTE]
Sneakerhead eh? Are you on ISS or Niketalk? That's funny, because I still have about 300+ pairs (deadstock) to get rid of. If LEGOs were produced in such limited quantities (I'm assuming you bought Jordans, SBs, Air Max?), then I would feel more strongly on limits, but they're not. These days, there are more LEGO stores than sneaker boutiques.
While I understand the complaining about people who buy up all of the sale items, there is almost no incentive for a retailer not to sell as many items as they can when given the opportunity. Sure, it sucks for customers who come in later, but you should have gotten there sooner. It is how all sales work these days, especially for clearance sales, it is all stuff that they are trying to clear out and open up the space. As long as it is gone it is all the same to them.
[quote name='elsnerma']LEGO hasn't shipped out my s@h order yet...which is odd, usually they're pretty quick. Probably has something to do with the big influx of Xmas sale orders, but I just want to know all of my items were located in stock.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='JAYMATIK']These days, there are more LEGO stores than sneaker boutiques.[/QUOTE]
If only Cleveland could get one.
[quote name='JAYMATIK']Sneakerhead eh? Are you on ISS or Niketalk? That's funny, because I still have about 300+ pairs (deadstock) to get rid of. If LEGOs were produced in such limited quantities (I'm assuming you bought Jordans, SBs, Air Max?), then I would feel more strongly on limits, but they're not. These days, there are more LEGO stores than sneaker boutiques.[/QUOTE] and ISS. Haha, I do SB's and Maxes! I wasn't expecting a fellow sneakerhead here! Awesome. Either way, I have tons of DS kicks I'm about to let go to afford some of the older sets. I want the Deathstar and I'm thinking my Brazil exclusives are going to handle that price. I got really cool with most of my local SB account Boutiques and never had a problem getting a shoe stored away for me, but I never took that for granted. I could have easily bought 2+ pairs and capitalize, but I never felt right charging someone a ridiculous amount from what I paid. And you know how desperate some sneakerheads get when the right shoe and size are available!

I have two Lego stores within traveling distance and that's way less than the sneaker boutiques in NY. So that essentially makes getting certain sets at the right price much harder. Good thing I made a friend at my local store! Let's see how this goes for future purchases especially for the minifigures which I still haven't seen around any TRU or LEGO store.
[quote name='Pirate331']Bad-ass. Nothing on Lego about when it'll happen though. Hopeful news anyway.[/QUOTE]

My guess would be April with the grand opening in May. Lego seems to like doing that.
1 luggage found, 1 to go (the one with all the legos!!)

Was on, and saw the sandcrawler back in stock at 139.99....that thing is from awhile ago. Also, saw that the mindstorm was dropped down to 140 some dollars, but only if your store has it for store pickup. Also have the republic gunship and you get a free backpack...but only if you can order it store pick up.

I also see the republic cruiser, trade federation....lots of oldies. But what store got these in?!!!

Does anyone know if you can use TRU rewards online??

You guys with Walmarts are so lucky...wish I could go! This has got to be the best year for lego sales.
My son finished the Clone Turbo Tank yesterday. Today he did Harry Potter Lego Quiddith set. I wish I could go to the stores the snow is really bad where I live.
After reading about all the good deals people were finding, I ventured out to my local Wal Mart today, and was very happy to find they had a whole pile of the lunar limo, so got one of those, plus I went a little crazy and got a prince of persia fight against time or whatever it's called, 2 different atlantis sets, and a star wars arc 170 that were all marked down 50%. I looked real hard at the clocks for $9...if I coulda found a storm trooper I would've got that too, but all they had were Darth, Anakin and Yoda. it was like a whole isle of lego deals....hard to walk away, but I now must resist wal mart for a few days til they're all gone and the temptation to buy more (look honey, they're 1/2 off! yeah...that went over well :roll:) subsides...
The problem with the sales is they would have been sold out yesterday of EVERYTHING (And I really wanted a Darth Vador Clock) and it snowed and was cold. I have several Walmarts near me, but I have no car, so I would have to bus or walk to them and that's just too much to find out there are no sales left. I'll probably go to a Walmart next week, a Target on Thursday. I really hope they have a clock hiding somewhere for $9. I actually need an alarm clock, I have been using my iPod. :lol:
As of 3 pm, the Natick Mall Lego store had stacks of discounted Mon Calamari, Midi Destroyer, & Clone Walker Battle Packs; and many Farms, Pig Farms, Horse Trailers & Tractors. There were also dozens of those $2 mini-boxes (travelers, pig-farmers, jesters) and tons of series 3 minifigs -- also train tracks galore. The store was absolutely packed (as was the mall parking lot) -- we had a blizzard here which kept most people at home until yesterday afternoon so there was a lot of pent-up consumer demand :) I'm always impressed by how helpful and friendly the Lego staff is, even with the crazy crowds.

All the new battle packs (which was the prime motive for our shopping expedition) were cleared out :( but one nice sales person managed to find 1 Mandalorian set in the stockroom-- apparently all 3 cases were sold out in an hour. No Carousels or Taj Mahals or City Houses or Community Workers, but we scored a Motorized AT-AT Walker, which made the whole trip worthwhile. Just as I was leaving the counter, someone was returning a Motorized Walker, which of course I snagged right away. We also bought 2 of the new SW sets (Naboo, Geneosis).
Anyone else notice the Toy Story Pizza Planet Truck Rescue was half off?
I went into the LEGO store looking for the huge republic cruiser. First they told me they had 3 on hold for people. Then after my son and I wandered around looking for about 15 mins one of the employees walked out of the back with one and asked me if I still wanted to purchase it. Just miraculously appeared in the back I suppose...then I bought a Tantive IV for 10% off because the box was damaged. Overall a good experience and I got what I went for.
Picked up some more of those little baggies Target sells in their holiday section as stocking stuffers. They are rip-offs normally, but for $2 each, I figured what the hell. Got over 100 pieces, including two figures, for $6 and tax.
I don't understand this holding bullshit. If you can buy out the whole store without limit then it should be first cone first serve. I might get to the Natick mall on Friday, can I just call and have them hold all the farm sets?
[quote name='bigdaddy']I don't understand this holding bullshit. If you can buy out the whole store without limit then it should be first cone first serve. I might get to the Natick mall on Friday, can I just call and have them hold all the farm sets?[/QUOTE]

i know my local store has a general "no-holding" policy, especially around the holidays. it's just not fair to the customers who are actually at the mall with money in hand.
[quote name='bigdaddy']I don't understand this holding bullshit. If you can buy out the whole store without limit then it should be first cone first serve. I might get to the Natick mall on Friday, can I just call and have them hold all the farm sets?[/QUOTE]

You can call and try, but they're not keen on holding items at the Natick Lego -- my mother was actually in the store around noon and asked them to hold 2 new (full-priced) battle packs for my sons, yet the sets were sold by the time we arrived 2 hours later (I know, my mother should have just bought them -- as I've already told her :) . The sales woman who had unsuccessfully reserved them for my mother told me that they hold items in the back room until someone specifically asks for them, in which case they just sell them. She also told me that they usually can hold things for 24 hours, but when it gets crazy it's hard to hold things at all because another sales person usually finds them and sells them to another customer. The farm sets were on a higher shelf which wasn't marked with a sale sign (although the boxes had a hand-written $44.99 red sale sticker), so they weren't obvious unless you were looking for them. Good luck!
My wallet hates me today, I bought around $600-$800 worth of Legos today.

Not mentioned (at least I don't remember) Fire Boat is $35 and the Fire Helicopter is $16 at Wal-Mart. Also the Star Wars ARC is $30, the Tie Defender was $25. The first wave of Atlantis Sets were all 50% off, I picked up the Portal to Atlantis don't know if I should keep a second one, any opinions? If you like Transformers they also had ROTF Skywarp and Ramjet for $11

At Target YMMV on this one, I saw Kings Castle, Hogwarts Castle and Clone Turbo Tank on clearance but stuck at 15% for now. Also saw Darth Vader's Tie, first wave of Atlantis sets, the World Racers set with the 2 boats, and I can't remember if it was the Police Station, Fire Station or another City set of the same style on clearance too.

@Bigdaddy, calling ahead to hold items at the Lego Store is great if you can't get there early enough but I do agree they should limit the sale of things because it's going to sell out regardless, at least hot ticket items.

@husher180, still no tracks, I'm going back on Thursday, they said there expecting a big shipment.
With some exceptions (many people around here are great), adult fans of anything that are generally for kids (legos, action figures, videogames to a degree) are insufferable douches.

I actually live near the Potomac Mills Lego Store now and I would've lost my shit if I saw someone loading up a fucking handcart with legos bound for ebay. That shit is vile. I couldn't do it, I'd look at myself in the mirror and not be able to leave the house.
[quote name='bostonqt']You can call and try, but they're not keen on holding items at the Natick Lego -- my mother was actually in the store around noon and asked them to hold 2 new (full-priced) battle packs for my sons, yet the sets were sold by the time we arrived 2 hours later (I know, my mother should have just bought them -- as I've already told her :) . The sales woman who had unsuccessfully reserved them for my mother told me that they hold items in the back room until someone specifically asks for them, in which case they just sell them. She also told me that they usually can hold things for 24 hours, but when it gets crazy it's hard to hold things at all because another sales person usually finds them and sells them to another customer. The farm sets were on a higher shelf which wasn't marked with a sale sign (although the boxes had a hand-written $44.99 red sale sticker), so they weren't obvious unless you were looking for them. Good luck![/QUOTE]+

I have gone to the Natick Mall once in 2-3 years, they are really nice there, but I'm not wasting my time for LEGOs in a screwed up sale.

I understand clearance is to make room for new stuff, but a limit of 3-5 sets is too much to ask? if it doesn't get bought within a week, lift the limit on it.

Thankfully I have a very large LEGO collection over the last 15 years, so it sames me money and time, and shit stories like the ones here. I just stick to Amazon sales and buying small sets for the minifigures.

For parking at Natick, use the old Sears parking garage. It's better than the new mess they made.

S@H has removed all the sold out items besides one, the Atlantis crab, probably the best Atlantis 2010 set. :lol:
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[quote name='cutiepatootie']1 luggage found, 1 to go (the one with all the legos!!)

Was on, and saw the sandcrawler back in stock at 139.99....that thing is from awhile ago. Also, saw that the mindstorm was dropped down to 140 some dollars, but only if your store has it for store pickup. Also have the republic gunship and you get a free backpack...but only if you can order it store pick up.

I also see the republic cruiser, trade federation....lots of oldies. But what store got these in?!!!

Does anyone know if you can use TRU rewards online??

You guys with Walmarts are so lucky...wish I could go! This has got to be the best year for lego sales.[/QUOTE]

You can use TRU rewards online. Went to Lego store today and they were pretty cleaned out. Bought some small farm sets, keychains, and community set with all the city minifigures.
[quote name='skiizim']
Not mentioned (at least I don't remember) Fire Boat is $35 and the Fire Helicopter is $16 at Wal-Mart.

@husher180, still no tracks, I'm going back on Thursday, they said there expecting a big shipment.[/QUOTE]

I just found that Fire Boat this afternoon for $16...still no limo/helicopter sets.:bomb:

Thanks for keeping me in mind.

Hey bigdaddy, my Walmart might still have a Vader clock left if you want me to grab it.
[quote name='180husher']

Hey bigdaddy, my Walmart might still have a Vader clock left if you want me to grab it.[/QUOTE]

I might, how much do you think the thing weighs?
[quote name='bigdaddy']I might, how much do you think the thing weighs?[/QUOTE]

If I had to guess, between 4-5 pounds. I picked up the Darth Vader and Anakin one today, I'm still debating if I should keep the Anakin one. I also picked up 6 watches.
Man those sales are crazy... I'm still banned from buying anything though :lol: I need to get to selling all the random stuff I have to make room. Congrats to those that have gotten some amazing deals!
[quote name='encendido5']Man those sales are crazy... I'm still banned from buying anything though :lol: I need to get to selling all the random stuff I have to make room. Congrats to those that have gotten some amazing deals![/QUOTE]

Is that where you been hiding? I think I'm almost to that point, if the Lego Store does get there shipment in on Thursday I think I'm done for. >_
the walmart up in Michigan where i'm visiting has some legos clearanced - debating on buying - they had several of these sets - seeking advice of some CAG lego peeps -

Lego Hero Factory Drop Ship 7160 $24
Lego Atlantis Neptune Carrier 8075 $29
Lego Space Police UnderCover Cruiser 5983 $15

any of these worth it at those prices???

also I missed out on the Midi Star Destroyers for $16 if someone nice wanted to hook me up ! and the Space Police Lunar Limo 5984 for $15...I could trade the me
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mm, read elsewhere that the ARC, palpy's shuttle, and the slave I are now included in the walmart sale .. but i'm sure i'll find the shelves bare at my walmart, since they were near bare when i was there on monday. i scanned the last slave I then and it was full price. there was one apple tree home (supposedly also 50% off) and i didn't scan it because it wasn't on my clearance list. sigh.

really want to hit the off-the-beaten-track walmart that's 35 min away, but we have holiday family/friend stuff today.
Palpatine's shuttle is only down to $40, ARC is $30 if you can find it, but Slave I is not on clearance at any Walmart I've been to (at least 6 so far). The only clearance set I've seen that wasn't the same at all the stores was the airport ($69) and think it was because that store had about 10 - 15 of them on the shelf. Toy dept. managers can manually reduce prices which is what we're seeing with these one-off clearance sets. They are not system wide like most of the others being reported, i.e. the mid-scale destroyer for $16.
well that makes me feel better. someone posted on SD i think that they found it for $40 (slave I).

i'm going to scan everything i can find, though! ;)

the tanker truck was another mentioned and they had one left of that set as well.
Yeah, I didn't see the Slave I on clearance anywhere and I went to 3 different Wal-Marts. Also, Grievous's Ship is a rollback at $40, I did see that Octane Tanker Truck too for $16 I believe.
Woo-hoo. I called the Lego store next to our cousin's in Georgia and they have 10 sets of railroad tracks. Hopefully they can get there and grab a bunch for us.

[quote name='aunt beast']well that makes me feel better. someone posted on SD i think that they found it for $40 (slave I).

i'm going to scan everything i can find, though! ;)

Yeah, scan everything. I didn't know that all the watches were on clearance because the little sign they put out said Toy Story Buzz watch. I scanned a SW watch and found out they were all on clearance. I didn't try the Fire Helicopter thinking it was too new, and then I found one with the $16 sticker on it. Now can somebody tell me why it takes 30 seconds for the Walmart scanner to reset before scanning another item??? And why they only have about 4 scanners for the whole store???

[quote name='skiizim']Yeah, I didn't see the Slave I on clearance anywhere and I went to 3 different Wal-Marts. Also, Grievous's Ship is a rollback at $40, I did see that Octane Tanker Truck too for $16 I believe.[/QUOTE]

Tanker truck is $13 which isn't all that great considering it was $15 before clearance. The Light Repair truck is $9, had it been $6 or so I would have bought it.

And how about Walmart and Lego kicking Targets ass with Lego clearance this year. Most of the Target clearance which is 15% off right now, is 50% off at Walmart and Lego stores.
My Wal-Mart has had 3 Lego Indiana Jones sets in the clearance section at FULL price since the end of July. I check on them every 1-2 weeks to see if the prices have dropped yet and as of last night they are still full price. What is up with that? I mean they have clearance stickers on them and everything that still have the full price and they scan at the full price.
[quote name='mmercer13']My Wal-Mart has had 3 Lego Indiana Jones sets in the clearance section at FULL price since the end of July. I check on them every 1-2 weeks to see if the prices have dropped yet and as of last night they are still full price. What is up with that? I mean they have clearance stickers on them and everything that still have the full price and they scan at the full price.[/QUOTE]

I've experienced the same thing at 2 wal marts near me! One has had 3 of the dog fight sets sitting in the clearance toy aisle for months at full price, and the other has 2 dog fights and one temple of doom set with the mine cart also in the clearance aisle at full price. Strangely enough, with all the sets that went on clearance this week, both wal marts moved the sets back to the main lego aisle. The boxes are really beat up too...I think they'd qualify for a discount just for that
My local Walmart brought the Spongebob sets back out for Xmas, when the clearance started they dropped out of the system...Walmart clearance doesn't make sense, so don't kill yourself trying to figure it out.
[quote name='180husher']The only clearance set I've seen that wasn't the same at all the stores was the airport ($69) and think it was because that store had about 10 - 15 of them on the shelf. Toy dept. managers can manually reduce prices which is what we're seeing with these one-off clearance sets. They are not system wide like most of the others being reported, i.e. the mid-scale destroyer for $16.[/QUOTE]
The 2 WMs I've been two have the Airport down to $69. I went again to one of them today and the LEGO aisle is full of LEGOs as well as the 2011 SW sets and Ninjago. Only one I didn't see were the Ninjago spinner packs.

Also stopped by another LEGO store that was a little further than me and aside from the popular sets that sold out quickly on sunday, the store is fully stocked on most sets that were 50% off!
also found the new SW, PQ, and ninjago sets at walmart today, plus they restocked the legos that they had not marked down (e.g., apple tree house and slave I). the fire helicopter was there for $16, still tons of midi destroyers, a few lavatraz and SP limo, clocks and watches.

we picked up the new battle packs and the PQ impulse set.
Walmart by me had a craptastic Lego aisle, but they had a bunch of midi star destroyers and I also grabbed a random Darth Vader's Tie Fighter they had (only one) which was down to $21.
Walmart? What's that? My area doesn't have any Walmarts, unfortunately. I'd have to take a nice bus ride from Manhattan into New Jersey to visit one. :(
[quote name='ItzTitoYo']Walmart? What's that? My area doesn't have any Walmarts, unfortunately. I'd have to take a nice bus ride from Manhattan into New Jersey to visit one. :([/QUOTE]

You should have said something yesterday, =(. My parents left from LAX to New York last night.
tried using's "find at a store" to see if there were any endor sets anywhere in my region and every single store said it couldn't confirm availability. handy!

did anyone find an ARC on clearance at their walmart?
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