[Likely DEAD] Free Metroid Prime 2: Echoes by sending an e-mail


Possible "deal" summary:

1. Send e-mail to [email protected].
2. Address e-mail to William Davenport.
3. Include your full shipping address.
4. Mention that you want to become a bounty hunter or something witty and you need software to help you gain the necessary skills.
5. If you send it in soon enough, I am fairly certain you will receive the Metroid Prime 2 Demo disc.

No guarantees, from me.

Further background was included in the original post, but then I noticed it was pretty confusing, so I typed the numbered list above.

Original post is quoted below:

OK, actually, I'm not certain if you're getting a Metroid Prime 2 Demo, but that would make the most sense. This is part of the Metroid Prime 2 advertising campaign where they have fake websites, etc. If you applied to a job to work at Athena Astronautics through monster.com and were early and creative enough, they sent you a copy of the game. If you're like me and you applied late enough and uncreatively enough, you got an e-mail telling you that you were accepted and will receive software to help prepare you for your career as a Bounty Hunter. I can only assume this is just the demo. Then at the end of the e-mail it states:

"If you have any colleagues that you feel are up to this challenge, you
are welcome to forward them my contact information. However, space is
limited, so early applicants are given priority. The galaxy could use
a few more aspiring heroes like yourself."

So, send an e-mail to [email protected] and see if you get a demo or maybe something better.
Good question. I'm a boob.

Send your full shipping address.

I guess you could try to dazzle them by saying you want to be a bounty hunter and can curl into a ball or something. Also, address your e-mail to William Davenport.
It might be easier to just apply for the job on monster.com. I don't know. There are two job postings there if you search for Athena Astronautics, but the one I applied to is #25037649.

If someone just sends an e-mail, let us know what kind of response you get.
Eh, not too bad. Much like registering on any website these days. I typed my "resume" real quick and put some stuff about being a big adventurer, etc. It might have been more of a hassle if I already had a real monster account or something. I guess I'd try the e-mail first since it's easiest.
I sent an email though I really didn't know what to say to them. I will let you know what response if any I recieve in return. Thanks.
[quote name='AtlusParker']Wow, they'll send a demo?

Think it'll get here before the game releases in 2 days?[/quote]

Maybe that is why they are trying to get rid of these.
[quote name='AtlusParker']Wow, they'll send a demo?

Think it'll get here before the game releases in 2 days?[/quote]

Pretty sure. Not 100%. They'll send something if you're fast enough.

[quote name='The-Bavis'][quote name='AtlusParker']Wow, they'll send a demo?

Think it'll get here before the game releases in 2 days?[/quote]

Pretty sure. Not 100%. They'll send something if you're fast enough.


BBC needs rhetoric tags.
[quote name='CaptainObviousXl']how do they get your address[/quote]

You type it in your e-mail to them. I'm going to edit the OP so this is all more clear. I pretty much rambled on in haste when I started and should have fixed it up long ago...
Hey, kids, just got my package and it didn't have the demo disk after all... it had the full game and a cheesy letter! Pretty cool! Too bad I made it a point to buy it on release day. No complaints from me, though.

I'm open to ideas as to what to do with this new one. Might be ebay-able since it came in sci-fi bubble wrap with a letter and folder about the promotion. Thoughts?

(Let me get this one out of the way: "You could give it to me :) " My Response: "NO!")
[quote name='The-Bavis']Hey, kids, just got my package and it didn't have the demo disk after all... it had the full game and a cheesy letter! Pretty cool! Too bad I made it a point to buy it on release day. No complaints from me, though.

I'm open to ideas as to what to do with this new one. Might be ebay-able since it came in sci-fi bubble wrap with a letter and folder about the promotion. Thoughts?

(Let me get this one out of the way: "You could give it to me :) " My Response: "NO!")[/quote]

You could shove it up your ass. :D
i hope i get a full game, i think my letter was pretty good to.what day did you send yours.
OH also were was it shipped from and were do you live?
[quote name='CaptainObviousXl']i hope i get a full game, i think my letter was pretty good to.what day did you send yours.[/quote]

Looks like it was on 11/9. Did you ever get a response from them?

Well, I took zionoverfire's advice, and now the game just smells funny... any takers?
I just got a package in the mail in response to my application. It contained a Metroid Prime 2 folder, acceptance letter and a copy of Echos. I'm so fired up right now!!!

Bet mine is too late :cry:

Sent on Sun 14th . . . I did do a matching resume on Monster.

Anyway, here's my letter:

Dear Commander Davenport or, if he has been captured/devoured in the recent deadly strikes, to whom it may concern,

One of my colleagues at the Alpha Sparta Star Base (employed at one of your subsidiaries) informed me of an opening in your academy. I desperately hope my application is not too late!

I am definitely prepared to accept any challenges that lie ahead as a member of the esteemed Athena Astronautics team. I spent the best years of my youth as a Galactic Girl Scout. I earned merit badges by displaying skills ranging from properly preparing freeze-dried Haligonger to mining Weckenger fuel crystals by hand. As important as these basic skills are, I also learned powerful values that directly coincide with the Drake Equation. I'm sure I don't need to inform you of the what it means to take the Ophelia Oath . . . I did the ceremony as a member of Gold Star Explorer Class (I'm only one of four in my generation to achieve this highest level). I do not like to brag but these times of crisis have shown me that a sense of urgency is now necessary.

In high school, I completed an Interstellar training module that established my ability to withstand the demanding rigors of space travel. In addition, my Space Economics class was taught by a leading figure in the free-trade movement, Dr. Mary Clausewitz. As a mentor, she taught me that being tough is not sufficient in today's environment . . . we must also show compassion for the peace-loving species in the universe. For those that harm humanity, no mercy is the only course of action. I know my marksmanship rating of 9.99 in the Bambamanna rifle competitions does not mean much in relation to facing real combat . . . but my skills have remained sharp with regular range training. Also my dexterity is shown in my anti-gravity mark of 4.7 (which has not been matched in the past five years that the Coalition has been officially tabulating results).

According to my medical records, my neural gel assessment has continually rated a perfect seven . . . without any stimulants! This was one of the reasons why I was accepted to join the elite Space Exploration Corp at the Mood Academy. There, I majored in Astrosociobiology, in fact, my thesis on the quark effect in the spontaneous generation of life forms is scheduled to be published in the journal "Beyond Natural." This stimulated a job offer from Advanced Science which promises to be lucrative but would ground me forever.

My studies have gone well . . . I posted straight As in almost all of my studies (the B in Quantum Physics was still the high in my class) until my mother's untimely illness brought me back down to Earth. I could sit around cursing Zeus for her unlikely Plazmite radiation poisoning . . . but the Metroid threat is now being felt even on Earth. Her recent passing has freed me from my worldly commitments. While my readmission to Moon has been accepted, I'd like to by-pass completion of those studies now and get started on my career. I truly miss the Moon and want to go much, much further.

I will ZAP my credentials, certifications, medical history, and vid testimonials--if necessary. I know I am attempting to jump more than a year in the average course of qualification but I feel my time is now and we all have to rise to the threats against our civilization.

Temporarily, I hope, I am earthbound with the following coordinates:

Thank you for the consideration.

May the wisdom of Athena be with you and shall Lillith help to smote the dark beasts in your path.
For those who received the game . . . when did you submit your "application"???

BTW, I spent about a half hour on the letter . . . it just poured out of me . . . even if I get squat . . . it was fun.
Will Mr. Davenport reply to your e-mail? Also how long does it take for the game to get shipped. I sent my e-mail sometime last week and have not gotten a reply yet.
I sent in a mostly truthful resume on the 15th as well as a cover letter highlighting my outstanding abilities. Have yet to get any response, I even sent in a follow up e-mail recently.
Well, I sent in my e-mail just now.. It certainly wasn't as witty as schultzed (thanks for raising the bar, by the way :wink: ), but, HOPEFULLY, it'll do.
Well, I sent my email:

"Sir, I am a Grade C Bounty Hunter in the middle of a dangerous
mission. I lack the skill to complete my goal. My enemy has
out-witted and out-fought me every step along the way. If I do not
attain my goal I will almost definitely be terminated. As of last
evening I have been trapped in an empty shaft. My enemy looms over me
now and will undoubtedly destroy me shortly. I need your help.
Please send me the appropriate software and training material to
defeat my foe and collect my bounty. With this training I will
overcome any obstacle and become a champion of the people, a true
bounty hunter."

Then I listed my "coordinates" I sure hope I get the game. Otherwise I cant afford it. Either way though, awesome promotion.

*EDIT* Just read schultzed's. Well that puts mine to shame. Well maybe the bar is really low, and I'll get a copy, and you'll get 3.
lol jesus... for the people who have gotten the game thus far what did you write? and did you just do a resume, an e-mail or both? Plus when did you send? I did mine on sunday the 14th as well but mine was nowhere near as detailed as say schultzed's... so I'm wondering if I should even bother looking out for this.
I just gave it a shot through monster.com.

I figure that once the "deal" is dead, they'll pull the job listing. Just a thought...
i just did the email and the monster.com

so for those that recieved theres when did u do it which way did u do it and how much info did u put into the resume?? how long did it take to arrive??
Here's the way my timeline went:

Applied at monster.com on 11/9 and my resume was no where near as impressive as the letters listed here. I just put some crap down real quick and wrote "I feel the light" at the end. Then, I got an e-mail on 11/11 telling me that I had been accepted, that I would receive software and to pass on Davenport's e-mail address to others who are interested. I would hope that if you're getting nothing that they'd e-mail you and tell you "Thanks, but no thanks," but maybe their just swamped or something.

I read on another message board that peoples' letters that came with the game have a (some number)/25 at the bottom. Mine has an eight. Possibly only 25 issued, which would be very few since they told me to tell my friends and family.

Can jginisio post what number his is? If we can find a duplicate number then there'd be more than 25 available.
Hmm, I only did the letter. Do I have to do the Moster thing too? Also what exactly do you do for Monster?
[quote name='The-Bavis']Here's the way my timeline went:

Applied at monster.com on 11/9 and my resume was no where near as impressive as the letters listed here. I just put some crap down real quick and wrote "I feel the light" at the end. Then, I got an e-mail on 11/11 telling me that I had been accepted, that I would receive software and to pass on Davenport's e-mail address to others who are interested. I would hope that if you're getting nothing that they'd e-mail you and tell you "Thanks, but no thanks," but maybe their just swamped or something.

I read on another message board that peoples' letters that came with the game have a (some number)/25 at the bottom. Mine has an eight. Possibly only 25 issued, which would be very few since they told me to tell my friends and family.

Can jginisio post what number his is? If we can find a duplicate number then there'd be more than 25 available.[/quote]

ahh I never got an e-mail... oh well.. it was a nice thought.
bread's done