Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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This thread should be a warning to all future companies who want to post on​ forums to allow customers direct access. You get a lot of entitled "gamers" writing novel length posts about things out of your control over and over again. Posters who write thousands of words a day complaining about shrink wrap and loose discs and then say "life's too short" when people disagree with them.
This thread should be a warning to all future companies who want to post on​ forums to allow customers direct access. You get a lot of entitled "gamers" writing novel length posts about things out of your control over and over again. Posters who write thousands of words a day complaining about shrink wrap and loose discs and then say "life's too short" when people disagree with them.
I just got a crappy shipping job. Should have been right out of the shipping department. If that makes me what you describe. So be it. They messed up. I called them out on it. The other guy got the same thing. And the same issue. Not sure why this is so hard to see but somebody dropped the ball. I mentioned loose disc. And uh oh. LRG loyalists all over me, completely missing the point.

Get over it.
I just got a crappy shipping job. Should have been right out of the shipping department. If that makes me what you describe. So be it. They messed up. I called them out on it. The other guy got the same thing. And the same issue. Not sure why this is so hard to see but somebody dropped the ball. I mentioned loose disc. And uh oh. LRG loyalists all over me, completely missing the point.

Get over it.
I think the only one missing the point here is you. If you had an issue, you should have opened a ticket. If the response to the ticket was inappropriate, they perhaps it would have made sense to post here. Instead, you posted multiple lengthy complaints making reference to a "bad packing job" and yet made only minor references to the purportedly bad wrap and multiple references to the loose disc which you claim wasn't really the point despite making it an even bigger deal by claiming you'd never had a loose disc from any other source. I can understand being frustrated with something, but you didn't even give them all of the facts or a chance to make it right. You're just like all those people who post on Yelp five seconds after sitting down to a restaurant meal and never bother to tell anyone at the restaurant about the concerns you are having so they can try and make it right.

This thread should be a warning to all future companies who want to post on​ forums to allow customers direct access. You get a lot of entitled "gamers" writing novel length posts about things out of your control over and over again. Posters who write thousands of words a day complaining about shrink wrap and loose discs and then say "life's too short" when people disagree with them.
Actually, most companies want to hear feedback from customers about what they are unhappy with. It improves their process, which in turn makes the customer happy and keeps them coming back. Most companies strive to better themselves and hearing customer feedback, both good and bad, is a great way of doing that.

One thing a company absolutely should not do is say, "This is the way it is, deal with it and stop complaining."

​Whooo, I do not envy the completionists around here. This Friday we're staring down the barrel of six total releases of just three games. Anyone looking to get everything is going to be dropping $150 before shipping. I'm only planning on getting one of each title, and the damage will still be around $75.

I'm a little torn over which platforms to go for. I've been leaning toward PS4 for the more recent releases, and have largely been quite happy with that. But with two different versions of Mutant Mudds, I'm kind of thinking that I might want to get one for PS4 and the other for Vita. (just to shake things up a bit) PS4 is usually the safer platform for me to target, as pretty much every indie game on it runs like butter. The PS4 has more than enough muscle for the average indie title. At the same time, I have always liked the form factor of the Vita cartridges, and having portable versions of a game is a pretty big plus. I'll check the PSTV compatibility list on these titles before making a firm decision.

I'm kind of looking forward to the first Switch release that LRG manages to put out. Even if it ends up being a more expensive platform, I may shift my purchasing over to the Switch once the option becomes available.

​Whooo, I do not envy the completionists around here. This Friday we're staring down the barrel of six total releases of just three games. Anyone looking to get everything is going to be dropping $150 before shipping. I'm only planning on getting one of each title, and the damage will still be around $75.

I'm a little torn over which platforms to go for. I've been leaning toward PS4 for the more recent releases, and have largely been quite happy with that. But with two different versions of Mutant Mudds, I'm kind of thinking that I might want to get one for PS4 and the other for Vita. (just to shake things up a bit) PS4 is usually the safer platform for me to target, as pretty much every indie game on it runs like butter. The PS4 has more than enough muscle for the average indie title. At the same time, I have always liked the form factor of the Vita cartridges, and having portable versions of a game is a pretty big plus. I'll check the PSTV compatibility list on these titles before making a firm decision.

I'm kind of looking forward to the first Switch release that LRG manages to put out. Even if it ends up being a more expensive platform, I may shift my purchasing over to the Switch once the option becomes available.
Actually, it's two games this Friday (each is available on both Vita and PS4) for a total of four SKUs. Risk of Rain isn't going on sale until the 26th.

I think the only one missing the point here is you. If you had an issue, you should have opened a ticket. If the response to the ticket was inappropriate, they perhaps it would have made sense to post here. Instead, you posted multiple lengthy complaints making reference to a "bad packing job" and yet made only minor references to the purportedly bad wrap and multiple references to the loose disc which you claim wasn't really the point despite making it an even bigger deal by claiming you'd never had a loose disc from any other source. I can understand being frustrated with something, but you didn't even give them all of the facts or a chance to make it right. You're just like all those people who post on Yelp five seconds after sitting down to a restaurant meal and never bother to tell anyone at the restaurant about the concerns you are having so they can try and make it right.
I mean, did you actually read anything lol?
Or was it easier just to decide to attack me? I opened a ticket the day I got my item, just in case you missed that part. We'll see what happens.

And trust me. I get the point. Lol. Keep smiling buddy. You need it.
I mean, did you actually read anything lol?
Or was it easier just to decide to attack me? I opened a ticket the day I got my item, just in case you missed that part. We'll see what happens.

And trust me. I get the point. Lol. Keep smiling buddy. You need it.
Yeah some of the loyalists are annoying. They act like they have stock in a company that has no stock options. If someone has a valid complaint then they are entitled to make that complaint here. Your complaint is valid. The irony is some of these loyalists have gone on tirades making the same complaint you're making here, in the amiibo or/and CE thread. This same complaint has been made repetitively when amazon or bb shipped their amiibos or ce games in shitty mailers. No one tells them some of the nonsense going on in this thread. It's exactly the same thing.

I feel so left out. Everything I've ordered from LRG has come in great shape. I'm not freaking out about not having dozens of tickets. Since I can easily play Skull Girls via digital I'm not uber upset about any delays and have no anger towards LRG, especially since it is out of their hands. I've read umpteen times about the loose disc issue in this thread yet still have this urge to be included by breathing on a game and having the disc come loose just so I can complain ad nauseum about something that has been addressed multiple times. I want so badly for a game to come beat up as hell by the Post Office so that I can blame LRG and join the crowd. Screw stopping at opening up a ticket and getting the issue resolved. I need  a reason to vent, dammit. Come on LRG! Take away the ticket system and stop giving me such great service! I need a reason to hee and haw in this thread. Quit being so damn good at what you do.

I mean, did you actually read anything lol?
Or was it easier just to decide to attack me? I opened a ticket the day I got my item, just in case you missed that part. We'll see what happens.

And trust me. I get the point. Lol. Keep smiling buddy. You need it.
Sorry, but that actually makes it far worse. You didn't even bother to wait for a response to escalate things. Sounds like you're the one that needs to learn that life is too short and to keep smiling.

Yeah some of the loyalists are annoying. They act like they have stock in a company that has no stock options. If someone has a valid complaint then they are entitled to make that complaint here. Your complaint is valid. The irony is some of these loyalists have gone on tirades making the same complaint you're making here, in the amiibo or/and CE thread. This same complaint has been made repetitively when amazon or bb shipped their amiibos or ce games in shitty mailers. No one tells them some of the nonsense going on in this thread. It's exactly the same thing.
Actually, people do raise the exact same issues every time someone bitches about bad packaging from Amazon or other retailers. In fact, some of the same people who "liked" your response are notorious for complaining about people raising shipment issues in other threads. The difference here is that LRG is actually responsive and doesn't deserve to be threatened or attacked because they make an effort to provide a reasonable response and accommodation. Big retailers on the other hand send canned responses and do nothing to improve or respond in an accommodating manner.

You should leave while you're ahead
So true. LOL

Actually, people do raise the exact same issues every time someone bitches about bad packaging from Amazon or other retailers. In fact, some of the same people who "liked" your response are notorious for complaining about people raising shipment issues in other threads. The difference here is that LRG is actually responsive and doesn't deserve to be threatened or attacked because they make an effort to provide a reasonable response and accommodation. Big retailers on the other hand send canned responses and do nothing to improve or respond in an accommodating manner.
Yeah, Amazon is the fuck ing worst. I only contact them for my own piece of mind, but I never expect them to make any improvements. They send me those packaging survey's all the time, and I swear for everyone I've ever filled out, the shipping is getting worse and worse. Their CS is still pretty good, and with prime, it's a definite good evil in the long wrong, but boy do they suck in the shipping dept.

My DariusBurst and Nova-111 came in today, along with a random separately mailed, hand written envelope from LRG.  It had two reward tickets in it for apparently no reason.  I haven't actually kept track of the reward tickets I have gotten, I just kinda throw em in a box for now.  I wonder if I got these by accident? I know they check your tickets when you redeem them, so I didn't toss them in with the rest.  I guess I need to go through my tickets later and see if they add up to what they are supposed to be.

Anyone else get anything like that? If not, I'm wondering if they accidentally sent me tickets instead of the Esther insert.  It is the only support ticket I've opened recently. 

Sorry, but that actually makes it far worse. You didn't even bother to wait for a response to escalate things. Sounds like you're the one that needs to learn that life is too short and to keep smiling.
Sorry friend. I'm just responding to people who like to attack other members. I've said from the beginning I was seeing how it plays out. I'm just responding to other members who blindly follow and cannot take any criticism of their favorite company. Facts are facts bro. I'm sorry you can't see that.

I'm smile everyday friend. But I value my money. If I receive subpar anything, I am going to question it. If you don't, more power to you.

I'd like to see where I was attacking LRG? I've stated that if this issue is rectified to my likings I'll take my business elsewhere. I know it won't be missed in this thread but that is my consumer right.

If I was a company shipping something out and there was an issue (maybe I am the crazy one for thinking a double, unfolded bubbler mailer is a poor choice to ship something with a 2,000 copy print run) I'd would most definitely want to know so I could get to the bottom. I mean some one else got the same double sized, unfolded mailer and a loose disc. (Oh crap, I said it). Maybe, just maybe the giant red bubble mailer was a poor shipping medium.

Come down to the real world and smell the crisp air. It's invigorating!! Hope your night rocks, I know mine will.
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You can tell us all day long about it's not us it's Sony. Blah blah blah.

I have never received a loose disc ever during my PS4 ownership. I must be near 100 that I have bought. Majority were shipped in the right size bubble mailer. This time I received a game in the wrong sized mailer. Yes, there is a chance of that happening but the responsibility to ship in a properly sized package falls completely on you. I don't know who shipped your stuff but I'd be pissed right now. Your business is built on collectible limited items. To ship out something that is one of your highest pricetag items without care is not a good idea.

If you sent me the right sized mailer and I had this issue I may believe it. But I got a poorly shipped product with no care for the contents. And both cards were folded and the disc is loose and on yeah 'wonky' shrinkwrap. You tried telling me that the mailer should have been folded making me look like the fool. Nope. No such luck. Now another customer had the same complaint. Gotta be something there.

Hey you got my 60 bucks. I'm not happy with how I received your product. My Future dollars will be decided on how this plays out.
So how many lotteries have you won in row? You must be super rich to from winning lotteries if you are lucky enough to have 100+ PS4 games and not have a single floater. That is seriously defying odds.

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Actually, people do raise the exact same issues every time someone bitches about bad packaging from Amazon or other retailers. In fact, some of the same people who "liked" your response are notorious for complaining about people raising shipment issues in other threads. The difference here is that LRG is actually responsive and doesn't deserve to be threatened or attacked because they make an effort to provide a reasonable response and accommodation. Big retailers on the other hand send canned responses and do nothing to improve or respond in an accommodating manner.
Amazon is just as responsive. They immediately refund your order the second you make any time of complaint in regards to packaging from my experience. I received a damaged new mario 3ds last fall. I made a complaint and they refunded the order fully and gave me $100.00 to purchase another one. I'm unclear where some of the comments you treat as facts are derived from. Amazon is as big as they come.

Also welcome Doug!

Someone give me a refresher course, what's the difference between the two Mutant Mudds games again?  I can't remember if I was planning on only get one or both.

​Whooo, I do not envy the completionists around here. This Friday we're staring down the barrel of six total releases of just three games. Anyone looking to get everything is going to be dropping $150 before shipping. I'm only planning on getting one of each title, and the damage will still be around $75.

I'm a little torn over which platforms to go for. I've been leaning toward PS4 for the more recent releases, and have largely been quite happy with that. But with two different versions of Mutant Mudds, I'm kind of thinking that I might want to get one for PS4 and the other for Vita. (just to shake things up a bit) PS4 is usually the safer platform for me to target, as pretty much every indie game on it runs like butter. The PS4 has more than enough muscle for the average indie title. At the same time, I have always liked the form factor of the Vita cartridges, and having portable versions of a game is a pretty big plus. I'll check the PSTV compatibility list on these titles before making a firm decision.

I'm kind of looking forward to the first Switch release that LRG manages to put out. Even if it ends up being a more expensive platform, I may shift my purchasing over to the Switch once the option becomes available.
Completionists are more concerned with the total time to checkout having to add 6 things to cart and being a nervous wreck fearing something will sell out before check out. The money doesn't matter because if you don't spend $150 now it will be $600 later or you will always be at 99.9% complete.

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Speaking of, are there going to be bundles for this one?  4 items is still quite a bit.  

Limit 1 for all of them helps though.  The last time we had a multiple game release at 2800 it was limit 2 on the morning release, those are the worst.

Should really stagger the releases even by 5 minutes.  It's going to be hell for those who are doing Vita, PS4, and Switch, and you have all live on the same day with multiple titles.

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So how many lotteries have you won in row? You must be super rich to from winning lotteries if you are lucky enough to have 100+ PS4 games and not have a single floater. That is seriously defying odds.
Dude, your really need to stop with the tantrum. I mean your just making a fool of yourself now. Give a rest man. I have my issue, why do you feel the need to try and come down on me for it with wise ass comments and talking down to me? Is this how you treat people in the real world? If so, go help out in a soup kitchen or spend some time children's hospital. Seriously, you could use some positive in your life.
Sorry friend. I'm just responding to people who like to attack other members. I've said from the beginning I was seeing how it plays out. I'm just responding to other members who blindly follow and cannot take any criticism of their favorite company. Facts are facts bro. I'm sorry you can't see that.

I'm smile everyday friend. But I value my money. If I receive subpar anything, I am going to question it. If you don't, more power to you.

I'd like to see where I was attacking LRG? I've stated that if this issue is rectified to my likings I'll take my business elsewhere. I know it won't be missed in this thread but that is my consumer right.

If I was a company shipping something out and there was an issue (maybe I am the crazy one for thinking a double, unfolded bubbler mailer is a poor choice to ship something with a 2,000 copy print run) I'd would most definitely want to know so I could get to the bottom. I mean some one else got the same double sized, unfolded mailer and a loose disc. (Oh crap, I said it). Maybe, just maybe the giant red bubble mailer was a poor shipping medium.

Come down to the real world and smell the crisp air. It's invigorating!! Hope your night rocks, I know mine will.
No, you posted here multiple times because you wanted attention and felt a need for some validation for your absurd positions. A person that felt good about themselves and was happy wouldn't have felt the need to keep posting in an attempt to garner sympathy and support.

Like I said, if you had bothered to wait for a response and the response was poor, I could understand posting about it here. That would make sense. Repeatedly complaining about the use of a bubble mailer when LRG and virtually every other retailer big or small uses them to ship games, some of which far exceed the average value of the $25 games LRG sells or even the $60 game you bought is just silly. That is not what potentially caused the shrinkwrap to be wonky and it sure didn't cause the disc to go loose. Maybe it led to the sticker or postcard getting bent, but that doesn't seem to be your focus. As you said yourself, you knew you could have upgraded to a box for a small additional fee and if you had ordered a second item, you would have received a box by default. I'm not sure what you are really expecting from LRG. They said they would look into it and responded to your ticket asking for photos. The ball is in your court.

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Amazon is just as responsive. They immediately refund your order the second you make any time of complaint in regards to packaging from my experience. I received a damaged new mario 3ds last fall. I made a complaint and they refunded the order fully and gave me $100.00 to purchase another one. I'm unclear where some of the comments you treat as facts are derived from. Amazon is as big as they come.

Also welcome Doug!
That is 100% not true in most cases. Amazon regularly tries to offer small amounts of compensation for damage and sadly, many people accept it. They will also do a return and exchange, but they don't bother to change their shipping packaging the second time around, even if multiple people have the same issues. Amazon's customer service is very much generic and not personalized and while you may have gotten a generous (or likely badly trained rep) in your situation, I can guarantee had you called or e-mailed a minute later, the next rep would have addressed it in a different and likely much more unfavorable manner.

That is 100% not true in most cases. Amazon regularly tries to offer small amounts of compensation for damage and sadly, many people accept it. They will also do a return and exchange, but they don't bother to change their shipping packaging the second time around, even if multiple people have the same issues. Amazon's customer service is very much generic and not personalized and while you may have gotten a generous (or likely badly trained rep) in your situation, I can guarantee had you called or e-mailed a minute later, the next rep would have addressed it in a different and likely much more unfavorable manner.
It's been true every time my wife or I have had any type of issue with an order on amazon. Returns, damaged items, you name it. This is getting moot as all hell.

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It's been true every time my wife or I have had any type of issue with an order on amazon. You're right though. I'm probably just lucky. Luckily I didn't have to take pictures and send it to them.
That certainly hasn't been my experience nor the experience of many people who have posted in other threads complaining of damage. Frankly, I have curtailed my Amazon purchases significantly in the past couple of years because I realize they aren't good at packaging, even stuff they should be experts in like books. In any event, the point remains that even a big company with tons of resources like Amazon doesn't care very much about user feedback and will just follow a script in most cases to deal with packaging problems. I know I sure never saw Amazon ship a replacement more safely than the original item that arrived damaged.

That is 100% not true in most cases. Amazon regularly tries to offer small amounts of compensation for damage and sadly, many people accept it. They will also do a return and exchange, but they don't bother to change their shipping packaging the second time around, even if multiple people have the same issues. Amazon's customer service is very much generic and not personalized and while you may have gotten a generous (or likely badly trained rep) in your situation, I can guarantee had you called or e-mailed a minute later, the next rep would have addressed it in a different and likely much more unfavorable manner.
Most of my Amazon issues fall in one of two categories. The first is an item is sold out and can't be replace, and the other is for things that can be replaced, so I do an exchange. As stated above, they do the same shit the second and third time around, so it's a crap shoot more often than not in regards to a replacement that isn't damaged. Either way, I would say probably 60%-70% of my Amazon orders arrive with some form of damage.

The rare sold out items is where I raise the most stink, as I can't get a replacement for those items, and that is when I have to get a discount or some kind of credit. They normally do something in these cases that makes it OK, but I really wish all these big box stores offered a VIP shipping program, where you could pay extra, to get proper time spent on the packaging.

The reason they don't care, is it's not worth the time, as they would rather one guy do a few hundred items in an hour, than one guy doing maybe 25-50. They would rather send the credit or replacement. But with a special service, and the extra pay, it would cover that persons salary with no problem. But that's wishful thinking, as if it hasn't been offered by now, it's not happening(but it would be nice).

No, you posted here multiple times because you wanted attention and felt a need for some validation for your absurd positions. A person that felt good about themselves and was happy wouldn't have felt the need to keep posting in an attempt to garner sympathy and support.

Like I said, if you had bothered to wait for a response and the response was poor, I could understand posting about it here. That would make sense. Repeatedly complaining about the use of a bubble mailer when LRG and virtually every other retailer big or small uses them to ship games, some of which far exceed the average value of the $25 games LRG sells or even the $60 game you bought is just silly. That is not what potentially caused the shrinkwrap to be wonky and it sure didn't cause the disc to go loose. Maybe it led to the sticker or postcard getting bent, but that doesn't seem to be your focus. As you said yourself, you knew you could have upgraded to a box for a small additional fee and if you had ordered a second item, you would have received a box by default. I'm not sure what you are really expecting from LRG. They said they would look into it and responded to your ticket asking for photos. The ball is in your court.
Oh I'm sorry. I thought this was a public forum. Didn't realize that I had to follow your protocol. I'll strive to be better next time. Yet here you go again attacking me. I posted a simple statement. Go back and read it. Someone else posted, I asked if it was the same kind of mailer and off we go, you and the other LRG loyalists come out swinging about loose dics. Blah blah blah. I've yet to see anything that I have said negativity about the company. Care to provide an example?

And do you really think that poor feedback on a shipping service from a company is not welcomed? You need to get a clue. If your business is collectible type items, I would think that making sure the shipping is on point would be a focus point. I mean, do you really think that they sit back and just not give a hoot on how their product is received by the customer? Would you keep buying if there was an issue Everytime? I doubt it. My point is this. It was a poor choice of a medium. Even Doom said the mailer should have been folded and it wasn't. (You did read all the comments right?) So right there there is a misstep. I would think LRG would absolutely want to be informed seeing their point guy is stating how it should be but yet was not implemented. I'd be pissed if I was him just because he was stating something that wasn't being applied making that person less credible.

So if you can point out exactly where I'm fuming and going on about a loose disc cause i would love to see that in qoutes. Other than that, leave me alone. I've wasted too much of my night on you. I gotta go feel good about myself. Try it out instead of trying to be a tough guy.
That certainly hasn't been my experience nor the experience of many people who have posted in other threads complaining of damage. Frankly, I have curtailed my Amazon purchases significantly in the past couple of years because I realize they aren't good at packaging, even stuff they should be experts in like books. In any event, the point remains that even a big company with tons of resources like Amazon doesn't care very much about user feedback and will just follow a script in most cases to deal with packaging problems. I know I sure never saw Amazon ship a replacement more safely than the original item that arrived damaged.
Hey did you say that you curtailed your purchases due to poor packaging? Where did I see that before?
I don't know what all this fuss is about. I just like owning games on physical media and just get the ones I'm interested in. So far I have 5 LRG releases. I'm super excited for Wonder Boy. There are tons of happy LRG customers out there, but unfortunately companies almost never hear from the happy customers, just the upset ones. So thank you LRG for what you guys do!

Hey did you say that you curtailed your purchases due to poor packaging? Where did I see that before?
Yep. The difference is I didn't post repeatedly about Amazon's poor shipping until I gave them multiple chances to fix things. I also didn't get into a debate with other forum users or the owner of Amazon about why their packaging didn't meet my personal needs or desires. You, on the other hand, shot from the hip and escalated things way above where they needed to go before you even knew what LRG's response would be. You're free to post whatever you want in accordance with the rules of this forum. Having said that, it doesn't mean you get a free pass to post garbage and then just expect that everyone is going to agree with you.

Someone give me a refresher course, what's the difference between the two Mutant Mudds games again? I can't remember if I was planning on only get one or both.
Since it looks like no one answered your question, here it is

One of them is the regular edition (Deluxe) and the other is basically a remix making levels harder.

Wtf why is there 6 releases at once?

I'm done with trying to collect a full set this is just ridiculous now.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
Since it looks like no one answered your question, here it is

One of them is the regular edition (Deluxe) and the other is basically a remix making levels harder.
fucking retarded , really are milking the cow.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
That certainly hasn't been my experience nor the experience of many people who have posted in other threads complaining of damage. Frankly, I have curtailed my Amazon purchases significantly in the past couple of years because I realize they aren't good at packaging, even stuff they should be experts in like books. In any event, the point remains that even a big company with tons of resources like Amazon doesn't care very much about user feedback and will just follow a script in most cases to deal with packaging problems. I know I sure never saw Amazon ship a replacement more safely than the original item that arrived damaged.
I really like LRG and I plan on purchasing their games well into the future. Mutant mudds is probably going to be the first titles I miss outside of Breach and Clear because I'll be overseas. I think it's important not to sugar coat anything a company big or small does. The company can grow in a good direction from both positive or negative feedback. As long as it is constructive in some manner. I purchase at amazon frequently, but for rare items or CEs it's now definitely on a back up basis.

Either way , shit my wallet.
Darius raped me last week.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
I will admit that the last release from 2 weeks ago did rape my wallet too. $210 I'm never gonna get back lol

Not you, just that two exact games except one is more of a patch.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
Yeah, many people suggested putting it both in 1 but it's way too much work.

Doom, I know you said its impossible to do 2 games on a cart but what about 2 carts in 1 package and charge $49.99? Is that still possible?

bread's done