Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Mine shipped. ^__^
As did mine.


more the merrier. Hopefully I get more games I want.
This exactly^

I knew it wouldn't be long before others tried to get in on this trend. In the end, it's just more physical games for those who want them. Hopefully any new competition improves on LRG wrongs, and adds their own innovation to the physical landscape for the better.

According to the LRG Twitch page, the mysterious PS4 game will be announced on August 9. And theres an update on that mighty rabbit studios worker

Douglas said when the devs were working on Deadline, they were paid with vita copies of Breach and Clear instead of cash so that explains a lot now.

According to the LRG Twitch page, the mysterious PS4 game will be announced on August 9. And theres an update on that mighty rabbit studios worker

Douglas said when the devs were working on Deadline, they were paid with vita copies of Breach and Clear instead of cash so that explains a lot now.
They already confirmed that to me a few pages back. ;D

Well...more than a few pages back. :p

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This exactly^

I knew it wouldn't be long before others tried to get in on this trend. In the end, it's just more physical games for those who want them. Hopefully any new competition improves on LRG wrongs, and adds their own innovation to the physical landscape for the better.
Are there any other companies like LRGs? I know Fangamer made Shovel Knight, but I think that was their first and only, right?

Are there any other companies like LRGs? I know Fangamer made Shovel Knight, but I think that was their first and only, right?
Fangamer did RCR as well, but there's a new company supposedly added to the mix, so we'll know more soon I guess.

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Are there any other companies like LRGs? I know Fangamer made Shovel Knight, but I think that was their first and only, right?
That's not really like LRG though since Fangamer was approached by the developers to make the physical run happen.

Shovel Knight was developed, and published by Yacht Club Games.

In this case, Fangamer is actually more of a distributor, rather than the publisher.

The other company is supposed to be going after "hot" games and will be focusing on PS4, according to Josh's Twitter feed. He said that they will probably only go after 5% of the games that LRG would be going after.
The other company is supposed to be going after "hot" games and will be focusing on PS4, according to Josh's Twitter feed. He said that they will probably only go after 5% of the games that LRG would be going after.
I guess that really won't impact me at all then, since I'm only in it for the Vita games.

Looks like LRG will still have that market cornered.

I'm sure other companies that are even thinking about going the LRG route are still hesitant to pull the trigger on the Vita.

They already confirmed that to me a few pages back. ;D

Well...more than a few pages back. :p
If you are on a pc browser it's just the last page where I suggested that might be the situation and you confirmed it...


Fangamer did RCR as well, but there's a new company supposedly added to the mix, so we'll know more soon I guess.
I'm really curious about this new company. Is it another idie that has games of their own to publish or someone completely new to the market?

The other company is supposed to be going after "hot" games and will be focusing on PS4, according to Josh's Twitter feed. He said that they will probably only go after 5% of the games that LRG would be going after.
If that's the case and they mainly focus on PS4 then I won't be buying much from them. Hopefully they do Vita stuff as it's probably the more "hot" games that I'd actually be hot to buy (or pre-order, if they do that).

The other company is supposed to be going after "hot" games and will be focusing on PS4, according to Josh's Twitter feed. He said that they will probably only go after 5% of the games that LRG would be going after.
I really shouldn't be getting this excited, but I want to know what exactly this other company defines as "hot games". :whee:

Are there any other companies like LRGs? I know Fangamer made Shovel Knight, but I think that was their first and only, right?
I mean I'm not aware of any other companies besides those two that do direct only sales to collectors. Nordic, Soedesco, Sold Out and Rising Star Games all release budget titles for the PS4 in the US including many formerly PSN only games so they could easily move into this market. They generally try to get retail and Amazon distribution as well, so I don't know that they are really direct competitors to LRG as their financial model is different.

While I'm stoked to hear of the possibility of more physical games, I have to admit it'll probably stop me from collecting a full lrg set. Right now it's doable enough for me, but if you mix in another company doing 2 per month I'm gonna have to pick and choose somewhere. Unfortunate because I have a full run of them so far.
Just noticed that Asure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack (3DS) is being published directly by Yacht Club Games.  So if they are venturing forward to publish more stuff... that would make sense.  They technically weren't a competitor before but may be branching out to do just that.  If that's the case then the games will likely be produced enough to see retail like Shovel Knight (PS4/WiiU/3DS) and now Asure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack (3DS) (Gunvolt 1&2).   If that's the case, maybe there's some hope for more 3DS stuff like the Phoenix Wright 3DS games.

I think it's possible the game(s?) they possibly lost out on was the Atelier Arland Trilogy.  But then, they seem to lean towards it being PS4... so I guess only time will tell since they aren't saying anything specific.

I guess that really won't impact me at all then, since I'm only in it for the Vita games.

Looks like LRG will still have that market cornered.

I'm sure other companies that are even thinking about going the LRG route are still hesitant to pull the trigger on the Vita.
Same here, it's really about the Vita for me, but I guess if the titles are good enough, I may grab a PS4 title here and there(maybe). LOL

Here are the particular tweets of interest

Edit: I can't seem to get the first one to actually post... It was related to publishing PS4 games
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I kind of thought that's what it was going to be.

To be perfectly honest, everyone is technically a competitor to LRG, so until there's an actual company that runs the same or similar model to LRG, it's not a direct competitor per se.

In regards to Yacht Club Games, they're also not really a direct competitor to LRG, even though they're publishing games now too.  The biggest difference, well, their games are retail, and not something that can only be obtained through a store front they developed.  The Vita partnership with Fangamer was different, and something they did as a result of their fans and customer base requesting it to be released on the Vita since it was released on all of the other platforms at retail.  Fangamer is acting as the middle man to distribute this for them. 

If anything, Yacht Club Games may start to span out to be a retail publisher, which is a good thing because it will be more likely that there will be sufficient quantities available to purchase, and it will be available as a regular title published by other companies around.  I'm definitely hoping that they could bring more titles to the retail front for the customer base.  However, trying to pawn this off as some sort of competitive model to LRG is just premature as there's no indication it would be beneficial for them to go that route.  If anything, they're more direct competitors to Capcom than they are to LRG at this moment.

It'll definitely be interesting to see where Yacht Club Games goes with their formula.  They aren't afraid to do full retail or even farm out the distribution and do one major run for the Vita like with Shovel Knight.  I guess time will tell.  All I know is, so far I'm going to be 100% with all the Yacht Club Games offerings for handhelds as I read up a bunch on Asure Striker Gunvolt ... and I think that's actually something I want to own!  Hopefully they keep pushing the boundaries with handheld game publishing.


The effort is much appreciated srocky26.  I went to look at some of the tweets but didn't see everything.


So ... an established company that is going to do some limited PS4 games.  I'm mostly interested in Vita (and 3DS) games, but if they did a US release for inFamous First LIght... I'd be down for that.  Beyond that maybe Strider I'd buy... but not much else on PS4.  It would take something really special and I've looked through all of the PS4 digital only offerings on PSN and didn't really see much else I'd be hot to own.

I'm reading the thread and anytime square hand posts he actually makes the two people with the ugly avatars sound intelligible.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
Buddy, i got a new phone from the BB flips and haven't bothered to change autocorrect. Nor does it let me edit it from the tap app. I didn't bother double posting but thanks for allowing me to clarify.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
Buddy, i got a new phone from the BB flips and haven't bothered to change autocorrect. Nor does it let me edit it from the tap app. I didn't bother double posting but thanks for allowing me to clarify.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
Com'on man, it was a know what else is a joke, the lack of edit in tapatalk. :)

Com'on man, it was a know what else is a joke, the lack of edit in tapatalk. :)
It's also a joke to make fun of avatars when you can't even stop the stupid "Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk" signature from posting every time.


Oh wait this is the LRG thread.

Well two more weeks until Rainbow Moon. I played some a few days ago and thought it was ok... I need to play more to determine if I want a physical copy. I'd welcome some feedback on the game from anyone deep into it.

I'm glad you're able to figure out who I was typing to. I'm not sure why everyone is on edge but hopefully you'll take my comment as constructive. It's ugly. Now let's move on.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
And to think, only months ago, Douglas was stuck at a desk stuffing games into envelopes, then slapping a postage sticker on each package to be shipped out.

We've come a long way LRG.

Is LRG still trying to go after Fatal Frame for Wii U?  I heard there were a few rumblings for that a while ago.  I'd definitely still get it.

Is LRG still trying to go after Fatal Frame for Wii U? I heard there were a few rumblings for that a while ago. I'd definitely still get it.
I don't think they have updated that mission one way or another since they announced they where trying.

As I've stated before, "N" will be a part of that process, so it's probably less than ZERO this will happen, but until they say it's 100% not happening, you can continue "hope".

Yeah, Wii U games are tough I imagine.  I can't see NOA allowing another company to release a physical version of game they already published digitally.

Though they did allow XSeed to release The Last Story and Pandora's Tower at retail, so there is a sliver of hope.

Side note:  Can't believe Devil's Third got a retail release but not Fatal Frame.  A real head scratcher.

bread's done