Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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You guys realize Windjammers on Neo-Geo is worth like $1,500+ on cartridge and pretty much 100% unattainable for anyone who wants it, right? Even the Japanese CD version is over $100 and is quite rare (not to mention how few people own an NGCD and how bad the loading times are). Not really a game I'd get upset about because it has an existing physical release.
Most people on CAG don't know what the Neo-Geo is, let alone Windjammers. It's not a $1500 game, but it's up there. I bought Flying Power Disc on AES in 2002 for ~$125 IIRC. Haven't seen an English AES copy up for sale in quite a while.

My only hope is you guys will make the CE something special. Not just an alternate cover and art pamphlet like Lili.

Just so you know, getting rich is not the same as making a living, you know that right? If I could consistently earn what I do from a job for the next 20+ years, and just cover my bills, mortgage, vacations, etc, I would do that all day, everyday. There are tons of business that made millions, and in some cases billions, to now be out of business.

At what point in time would games that would cost $40/$60 normally at retail, and now being sold for $24 give the impression of making boat loads of cash? And at the $40$60, it's going to Sony and the developer. Here you have a $24 game with a part going to Sony, the developer, and now LRG(2 guys & staff). You really don't need to have a HUGE understanding of how business works to know there's not a lot going around in that equation.

But it works, games sell out, and pay for the next, and around and around it goes. Just because someone owns a business that isn't putting millions in the owners pockets, does not mean it's not successful or worth running and providing a product. Especially when you "love" what your doing.
I know you like to play smartest guy on the forum so I'm going to allow you to continue to play that role. However, do not put words into my post no where do I mention making millions of dollars but the comments made that I've come across that try to put it across as if they are doing this out of the kindness of there hearts and that what they take home is less then whoever else they pay out; so like I said originally if that is truly the case their business model is skewed. You can continue to over analyze and tell me about how business works now.

does anyone know how many of The Flame in the Flood (PS4) double packs there will be? not sure if i should try for it or not.

I have to agree; however I think I saw LRG either here or on twitter "claiming" they dont turn much of a profit hard to believe thats the case, and if it is the case there business model is obviously skewed and needs addressing.
Profit is profit, if it's 10 cents, or 10 million dollars, so if their not making much, and your not concerned, or saying they don't need to make millions, whats the problem exactly? I based my comment on yours, as I see the business they are running as successful, you apparently don't.

You don't have to agree with anything I said(which you apparently don't), but a profit is the end goal of running a business, so if it's profitable for those running it, why say their methods are skewed? Their providing for their families and themselves, so if they don't need to make millions, but they are profitable, why, make the statement at all?

So they aren't making millions which is OK, but they aren't making a lot, which is also OK, so why is their planned "skewed" exactly? I would say your comment was skewed, and I'll leave it at that. And for the record, I'm probably the dumbest person posting on these boards, as I know personally I DON"T KNOW ****! And that's the exact reason I'm probably smarter than 95% of those around here, as I have a true opinion of myself, which is sorely lacking from most here.

This sucks. I've only missed one LGR ps4 release, which was Saturday Morning RPG. But I'm in Jacksonville, my internet has been out since Sunday because of Hurricane Irma, and the 4g on my phone is barely working. So unless my internet works by the morning, I'm gonna miss the games in the morning :(
This sucks. I've only missed one LGR ps4 release, which was Saturday Morning RPG. But I'm in Jacksonville, my internet has been out since Sunday because of Hurricane Irma, and the 4g on my phone is barely working. So unless my internet works by the morning, I'm gonna miss the games in the morning :(
Where ever you were when you posted that.... maybe that's a good location for purchasing games? My last two LRG purchases were through my phone and I think the tower was only 3G. Heck I didn't even get the waiting cue thing... straight to checkout and done.

Where ever you were when you posted that.... maybe that's a good location for purchasing games? My last two LRG purchases were through my phone and I think the tower was only 3G. Heck I didn't even get the waiting cue thing... straight to checkout and done.
My 4g has been real inconsistent. Ranging from not working at all to being able to load 480p YouTube videos. I'm just thinking I won't be able to load everything fast enough. We'll see, I'm thankful I have electricity now, and other than some large fallen tree branches, my family didn't sustain any injuries/damage.

I feel silly even worrying about this after all that's happened, lol... But I have enjoyed buying, and playing the LGR releases.
This sucks. I've only missed one LGR ps4 release, which was Saturday Morning RPG. But I'm in Jacksonville, my internet has been out since Sunday because of Hurricane Irma, and the 4g on my phone is barely working. So unless my internet works by the morning, I'm gonna miss the games in the morning :(
As long as I can buy 2x Caladrius so I can get one, I could buy the games for you. But you'd have to pay me for them, pay the shipping, be patient until they are distributed from LRG, and not complain about the condition in which they arrive. If you're good with that then its np, I'm always happy to help. I send packages out all the time and know what I'm doing so it's no problem at all. Better let me know right away though if you want all three of these games tomorrow morning.

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As long as I can buy 2x Caladrius so I can get one, I could buy the games for you. But you'd have to pay me for them, pay the shipping, be patient until they are distributed from LRG, and not complain about the condition in which they arrive. If you're good with that then its np, I'm always happy to help. I send packages out all the time and know what I'm doing so it's no problem at all. Better let me know right away though if you want all three of these games tomorrow morning.
Thank you for the offer, but I don't want anyone to go through the trouble of buying and having to ship the games. My 4g is doing better, so I might be able to still get the games. I do very much appreciate the offer. =)
I have to agree; however I think I saw LRG either here or on twitter "claiming" they dont turn much of a profit hard to believe thats the case, and if it is the case there business model is obviously skewed and needs addressing.
It's skewed towards putting money into developer's pockets, not ours. This isn't a problem that needs addressing. It's why I started doing this. I didn't start it to get rich. My game company was sinking and I needed a lifeline. Developers are choosing us over the competition because we actually care about them and their bottom lines - not just our own.

What we're doing has never been restricted "only to games that haven't had a physical release" - from the start it has always been preserving games, period, and providing collectors an alternative to digital. A port of a Neo-Geo game still deserves preservation on a new platform. The fact that it exists as an AES/MVS/NGCD release doesn't preserve the PS4 or Vita game. If someone wants to play it on a specific platform 20 years in the future, there should be a physical option for that.

Even if a game has come out in Asia - not everyone imports games just because you do. An existing release in Asia does nothing for someone who only buys, collects, or plays North American releases.

This mindset that we're a cashgrab is ridiculous because the quality in our catalog is insane - we haven't put out a single game that is objectively bad. For every game you'll point out that is "bad" (in your opinion) there is a DARIUSBURST, Oddworld, Firewatch, Shadow Complex, Oxenfree, Shantae, Wonder Boy, Ys, etc.

If you just lined up award-winning or generally loved games from our past slate, you'd have more games in that lineup than most physical publishers have even released on the platform. I've said it before - when we're releasing Life of Black Tiger or My Name is Mayo, you can call us whatever you like; however, while we're releasing well-loved cult-classics like Windjammers, it's not really appropriate.

I'm sure that's a play on words. Profit is only talking about what they have after paying for all those trade shows they attend, the trip to Japan (didn't they go there not that long ago?), the employees including their own salaries, and so on. Ultimately they could turn almost no profit but still be pulling in a nice six figure salary each at the same time. Heck I think they said that they pay a living wage of around $15/hr to their lowest end people.

I'm pretty sure there are unlimited numbers of copies on PSN. Outside of that there are also plenty of other ways to play the game without resorting to the actual NeoGeo hardware.
Sorry, I just spit out my caviar and my glass of Cheval Blanc 1947. Your right on point here. I can't type long because the connection on my private jet isn't very good. I'm actually off to Italy right now to buy a Ferrari.

When we say we don't make much we mean we don't make much. I wouldn't say that if I took home a nice six figure wage. Up until three months ago, I worked three jobs (Mighty Rabbit, Limited Run, and I was a full-time teacher at a local community college). I wouldn't do that if I was making doctor money. I stopped doing it because I had no time for life. I was missing out on my daughter's early years because I was constantly working.

I pay my employees well, rather than myself, because it's the ethical thing to do - and because, you know, people deserve to be paid a livable wage and not have to struggle for everything. I haven't taken a vacation in seven years and the one I'm finally about to take is to Orlando for God's sake. Douglas took a "trip to Japan" but it was actually to meet with business clients and to attend BitSummit. It wasn't a leisurely vacation he flew to for kicks, though he did get some personal activities in.

We don't make much because I choose to value my employees and the developers I work with over myself. That shows in my work with them and they respect me for that. Whevener you're mad that someone took a game to us instead of retail - it's because we treat them better than other publishers. They aren't a number to me. I'm genuinely excited about their games and even more excited to be making them money.

Nothing gets me more exasperated than people thinking we're loaded. I wish I was soulless enough to value myself over others and live like a king, but I'm not.

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I'm sure that's a play on words. Profit is only talking about what they have after paying for all those trade shows they attend, the trip to Japan (didn't they go there not that long ago?), the employees including their own salaries, and so on. Ultimately they could turn almost no profit but still be pulling in a nice six figure salary each at the same time. Heck I think they said that they pay a living wage of around $15/hr to their lowest end people.

I'm pretty sure there are unlimited numbers of copies on PSN. Outside of that there are also plenty of other ways to play the game without resorting to the actual NeoGeo hardware.
This post makes me laugh.

No six figure salaries being made here...

My first trip to Japan was all 100% my money from saving over three years and I ended up doing work while there. My second trip was all for work and anything I did on my own time came out of my money that I had to once again, save up for.

I don't understand what enjoyment trolls get from staying on a thread about a company they clearly don't like or understand.

They just like to think for you. 

It's okay. I beileve. 


It's skewed towards putting money into developer's pockets, not ours. This isn't a problem that needs addressing. It's why I started doing this. I didn't start it to get rich. My game company was sinking and I needed a lifeline. Developers are choosing us over the competition because we actually care about them and their bottom lines - not just our own.

What we're doing has never been restricted "only to games that haven't had a physical release" - from the start it has always been preserving games, period, and providing collectors an alternative to digital. A port of a Neo-Geo game still deserves preservation on a new platform. The fact that it exists as an AES/MVS/NGCD release doesn't preserve the PS4 or Vita game. If someone wants to play it on a specific platform 20 years in the future, there should be a physical option for that.

Even if a game has come out in Asia - not everyone imports games just because you do. An existing release in Asia does nothing for someone who only buys, collects, or plays North American releases.

This mindset that we're a cashgrab is ridiculous because the quality in our catalog is insane - we haven't put out a single game that is objectively bad. For every game you'll point out that is "bad" (in your opinion) there is a DARIUSBURST, Oddworld, Firewatch, Shadow Complex, Oxenfree, Shantae, Wonder Boy, Ys, etc.

If you just lined up award-winning or generally loved games from our past slate, you'd have more games in that lineup than most physical publishers have even released on the platform. I've said it before - when we're releasing Life of Black Tiger or My Name is Mayo, you can call us whatever you like; however, while we're releasing well-loved cult-classics like Windjammers, it's not really appropriate.
I wasn't talking about the games themselves, but the ever increasing variants, editions, etc and the constant stretch of all platforms basically going for as much double dipping as possible. That's treading a thin line between doing favors for collectors and developers with physical releases and exploiting the hell out of the collector target audience to Activision/EA/Ubi/Nintendo levels.

And not just LRG in particular, its everywhere and just keeps escalating.

Once in a while with something special like Y's or Wonder Boy is cool (mostly because I'm a JRPG whore), but seems every game announced now is starting to always have a CE/LE and multiple variants now.

I err on the side of supporting LRG but lately the constant double dipping is just fatiguing.

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I wasn't talking about the games themselves, but the ever increasing variants, editions, etc and the constant stretch of all platforms basically going for as much double dipping as possible. That's treading a thin line between doing favors for collectors and developers with physical releases and exploiting the hell out of the collector target audience to Activision/EA/Ubi/Nintendo levels.

And not just LRG in particular, its everywhere and just keeps escalating.

Once in a while with something special like Y's or Wonder Boy is cool (mostly because I'm a JRPG whore), but seems every game announced now is starting to always have a CE/LE and multiple variants now.
I don't see what is wrong with CE/LEs I always gravitated to buying those versions anyway before we started LRG. If I really like the game or am excited about it I want the extras.

I don't get it. Aren't you a collector? Why gripe about the availability of Collectors Editions?

I'm not a collector per se but I do like that there are options to pay more for extra stuff. Sometimes I like it and pay the extra, and sometimes I opt for the vanilla version.

Isn't that the point of all of this? Variety?
I don't see what is wrong with CE/LEs I always gravitated to buying those versions anyway before we started LRG. If I really like the game or am excited about it I want the extras.
Collectors editions in and of themselves aren't so bad. It's more the multiplicative effect of: (CE with undetermined cover sealed inside at time of shipping + n standard variants) * platforms. It explodes quickly.

I like collecting but it feels intentionally abusive sometimes if you're someone suckered into double dipping repeatedly. It doesn't help with quantities either. Probably a couple 100 copies to be freed up if even a small thing like being able to know which variant is in the CE?

First world problems are still problems.

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I don't get it. Aren't you a collector? Why gripe about the availability of Collectors Editions?

I'm not a collector per se but I do like that there are options to pay more for extra stuff. Sometimes I like it and pay the extra, and sometimes I opt for the vanilla version.

Isn't that the point of all of this? Variety?
He's a self-hating collector. Seriously, just look back over some of his past posts and he keeps posting the same things over and over and over again. Its rants about how there are too many new collectors or that Youtube is ruining collecting or that everyone just buys games to flip them or that the only reason people want certain games now is that the resale value has increased. I mean the guy literally doesn't have a rational thought in his head and must live an absolutely miserable life to be so upset that he can't control his own collecting compulsion, all the while having this imaginary competition with all the new, greedy, Youtube driven collectors out there. Honestly, variants and CEs and everything else are great because it gives people more choices. Nobody needs to buy them all and I'm sorry, but if the fact that something exists is going to be so frustrating and emotionally difficult for you, maybe it's time to find a new hobby that isn't so stressful.

Collectors editions in and of themselves aren't so bad. It's more the multiplicative effect of: (CE with undetermined cover + n standard variants) * platforms. It explodes quickly.

I like collecting but it feels intentionally abusive sometimes if you're someone suckered into double dipping repeatedly. It doesn't help with quantities either. Probably a couple 100 copies to be freed up if even a small thing like being able to know which variant is in the CE?

First world problems are still problems.
What you've described isn't a problem at all. It's a mental compulsion that you seem to have that you want to project on everyone else. You seriously need to stop. You tried to derail the PSVita thread with this crap and thankfully you were shut down immediately.

Most people on CAG don't know what the Neo-Geo is, let alone Windjammers. It's not a $1500 game, but it's up there. I bought Flying Power Disc on AES in 2002 for ~$125 IIRC. Haven't seen an English AES copy up for sale in quite a while.

My only hope is you guys will make the CE something special. Not just an alternate cover and art pamphlet like Lili.
The CE will definitely be special. I'm looking forward to revealing it. Not even really sure how we're going to mock it up because the box design is going to be really unique in order to house and display the contents.

What you've described isn't a problem at all. It's a mental compulsion that you seem to have that you want to project on everyone else. You seriously need to stop. You tried to derail the PSVita thread with this crap and thankfully you were shut down immediately.
Shut down? I say my peace in the heat of the moment and move on. I don't stalk people like Blojay does. Sorry if I try to be conscious of sometimes inflammatory posts derailing threads lately and let it die because people like you have tender sensibilities.

You're still butthurt over that one post months ago painting the average mainstream American consumer and voter as stereotypical mindless trailer drone Wal-Mart clientele aren't you? You've been snippy and poking the hornet's nest ever since.

The context of which was relevant in a discussion of how mainstream audiences just buy whatever is hip and popular or whatever they see on TV such that quantity sold is not indicative of a superior product. (eg Call of Duty vs anything else).

It's the friggin internet. I think you take my comments more seriously than I do sometimes.

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Shut down? I say my peace in the heat of the moment and move on. I don't stalk people like Blojay does. Sorry if I try to be conscious of sometimes inflammatory posts derailing threads lately and let it die because people like you have tender sensibilities.

You're still butthurt over that one post months ago painting the average mainstream American consumer and voter as stereotypical mindless trailer drone Wal-Mart clientele aren't you? You've been snippy and poking the hornet's nest ever since.
The context of which was relevant in a discussion of how mainstream audiences just buy whatever is hip and popular or whatever they see on TV such that quantity sold is not indicative of a superior product. (eg Call of Duty vs anything else).

It's the friggin internet. I think you take my comments more seriously than I do sometimes.
This is no place for your politics based stereotyping and bashing of other people.
Nothing gets me more exasperated than people thinking we're loaded. I wish I was soulless enough to value myself over others and live like a king, but I'm not.
This is why your doing well, and why so many other American businesses are in the trash. To many taking off the top, and not from the bottom, and relating success to some mythical "$". And before the usaul suspects chime in, when I say "doing well", I'm not referring to money at all, as that is just one small measure of any true success.

I wasn't talking about the games themselves, but the ever increasing variants, editions, etc and the constant stretch of all platforms basically going for as much double dipping as possible. That's treading a thin line between doing favors for collectors and developers with physical releases and exploiting the hell out of the collector target audience to Activision/EA/Ubi/Nintendo levels.

And not just LRG in particular, its everywhere and just keeps escalating.

Once in a while with something special like Y's or Wonder Boy is cool (mostly because I'm a JRPG whore), but seems every game announced now is starting to always have a CE/LE and multiple variants now.

I err on the side of supporting LRG but lately the constant double dipping is just fatiguing.
Don't wanna get into it too much but... I actually agree here. Seems like we're getting CEs and variants more often now... and as a collector, I end up buying them.:p

This is why your doing well, and why so many other American businesses are in the trash. To many taking off the top, and not from the bottom, and relating success to some mythical "$". And before the usaul suspects chime in, when I say "doing well", I'm not referring to money at all, as that is just one small measure of any true success.
It's true. It's why games can sell 5 million copies and be considered a "failure" because they wanted 12.5 million. All the too big for their own good AAA conglomerates run by "investors" that forgot how to make games and blow all their money on fancy buildings and plastering ads everywhere like the Call of Duty banner on top of E3 convention center like nobody knows what it is. Wonder how much that cost.

Like who the fuck are they to decide, before the game is even out, that they are going to make XXX dollars and should sell YYY copies? The entitlement with American game companies is obscene.

Worse is that previously before indy publishing became so embraced, if any startup had something good and started making headlines, someone like EA would gobble them up, throw a bunch of guns and Michael Bay explosions and versus mode at it completely obvious to the fact that NOT having those things is why it was great, and then bury the IP in a landfill forever when it didn't perform like they demanded because they ruined it.

Just read about Activision's Bobby Kotick and some of his condescending and abusive comments about his customers (eg gamers) if you want to know what is wrong with the video game business today, particularly in the western world where it's all about big money and monetizing machismo and mainstream appeal now.

Japanese have always had a more passionate and personal investment in the games they make.

Thankfully small devs and publishers are starting to chip away at these assholes even in the west.

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hey just checking if anyone got night trap pc version yet? i got a email with shipping number on the sep 7 but its still sitting at shipping label created usps waiting item. first time i had a label made sitting this long and wanted to check with rest of you guys on info.

I like that they're producing trading cards for the older releases, but wish there was some way for original purchasers from way back to get the older cards, hasn't really been much in the way of rewards for long time supporters since we got no tickets etc for all those older releases

Didn't they announce ~20 pages ago that they intend to offer trading card packs for separate purchase? Maybe I'm just not remembering correctly.
Didn't they announce ~20 pages ago that they intend to offer trading card packs for separate purchase? Maybe I'm just not remembering correctly.
Yep, there supposed to be sold in random packs by years end I believe. Just like normal trading cards, so if you get a bunch of doubles, or some extra rare ones, sell, trade, or whatever else to get the ones you may be missing. I think I have one extra so far, but I may have sold that one, I'd have to check.

oh that's good to know, I asked on twitter and was told they were for inclusion with packing when they release held back stock to the market

Limited Run Games is fuck ing awesome. I knew about them from the beginning due to seeing stuff here on CAG about Breach & Clear physical copies. I've only purchased the LRG games I really liked. Jumped in at Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty. Def regret skipping Breach & Clear since it was the one that started it all. Also regret skipping Saturday Morning RPG (PS4 & Vita) since the cover art is just so damn great. Overslept on Monday so missed out on that sweet Shadow Warrior 2 variant cover. Recently picked up N++, Ys Origin (PS4), Night Trap, Wonder Boy, Deemo, Dariusburst (PS4), both Shante's, etc etc. Also excited Skullgirls should be ready soon. It's really cool that there's a physical option for these games that otherwise might have been cursed to a digital only existence. LRG's customer service is also pretty great imo. Compared to most other businesses in 2017 its night & day. And since Josh & Doug aren't making 100k a year in 2017 I hope it's $99,000 for 2018. Plus a 1k year end bonus.

Next up for me will be Caladrius Blaze tmrw. Love me some shmups. The Flame in the Flood looks cool too but I gotta pick & choose as I'm not made of money- like most. Then whenever Salt and Sanctuary finally happens I'll def be trying for that. Still undecided on Windjammers but also a likely purchase for me. Prob go with just the PS4 version like I did with Ys Origin.

But hats off to Limited Run Games!! Keep up the great work Josh & Doug and the entire LRG team!!! Good shit guys. Makes me happy to see young successful Americans doing their damn thing. It's a beautiful thing.

As a side note for no reason: I played Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style (PS1) last night on my PS2 fat I recently bought off eBay. My old one wouldn't turn on anymore.
Who gives a shit about all this?

Caladrius Blaze is coming out tomorrow!
Just giving my perspective as I see some others have many times over. Good or bad it's an open forum. Wanted to let LRG know I'm a supporter & for them not to let the negative people get to them as they're the minority, not the majority.

But yea, also def excited for Caladrius Blaze tmrw!!!! Glad I didn't import.
I'm on the fence on flame in the flood, but really need more tickets :\
LOL, that's when you know you have it bad^

You'll be begging for today's conversations after the Chris posts come back tomorrow at 10:01 am.
The last release, I don't remember seeing any mention of him at all, so hopefully that trend continues. But I know we have those here who love to bring up his listings, which is just free advertising in the end, which is helping him, more than hindering.

Neo Geo home cartridges retailed for 200-300$.

It was always geared toward a "different" crowd.
I had one in the late 90s with 2 arcade sticks, Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury Special and World Heroes 2 Jet. Back then it took me like 250$ to score that and "common" carts were to be had for 50$ or so. I certainly wish I'd kept that.
This thread makes me sad. The majority of it is made up of angry post, and it's in a thread that should be about something fun, collecting/playing video games.

Reading the pages of people arguing over whatever it is they can argue about makes me feel a bit depressed.
This thread makes me sad. The majority of it is made up of angry post, and it's in a thread that should be about something fun, collecting/playing video games.

Reading the pages of people arguing over whatever it is they can argue about makes me feel a bit depressed.
Gaming hasn't been fun since paid DLC.
Hyped for Caladrius Blaze. Looks like a nice package. I've enjoyed playing the import version a lot. Will be cool to get the LRG release. Seeing that Windjammers is also coming is pretty cool. I'll be all over that. LRG are on fire right now. So many great games being released and more in the pipeline.

I'm not at all familiar with Caladrius-I see it's a top down looks kinda like an RSG / Ikarugaish shooter? Considering trying for one.
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Just giving my perspective as I see some others have many times over. Good or bad it's an open forum. Wanted to let LRG know I'm a supporter & for them not to let the negative people get to them as they're the minority, not the majority.

But yea, also def excited for Caladrius Blaze tmrw!!!! Glad I didn't import.
Thanks for the support!
Why is it every time I don't check CAG for a couple of days and come back to this thread there is always a page or two of someone just spewing bs. 

I'm just going to say this.  In this day & age with the majority of game industry as it is and where it's going, LRG is a bright spot for me.

Side note, I've been playing the hell out of Night Trap only taking a break to go see IT.  I'm still no where near sick of it yet. :lol:

bread's done