Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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See on the cover art where it says "fangamer" and not "Limited Run Games"?

That's the difference, the publisher. They've said a few times here that doing a print run doesn't necessarily guarantee exclusivity to the rights for physical releases.
It doesn't say LRG or Fangamer on the cover art. It just shows the Double Fine logo.

The description even says "This region-free physical edition of Broken Age was published by Limited Run Games. "


Josh just confirmed that Fangamer is selling off their promotional stock

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It doesn't say LRG or Fangamer on the cover art. It just shows the Double Fine logo.

The description even says "This region-free physical edition of Broken Age was published by Limited Run Games. "


Josh just confirmed that Fangamer is selling off their promotional stock
I would guess these may be some leftovers, and since DoubleFine uses Fangamers for some of their merch, they got some copies. Or they always had them, and just held them until now. LRG just states the amount produced, not how many that are offered at any given time, so DF/FG may have always had copies for their own usage from the start, who knows?

I stand corrected.

I see my mistake. I was looking at undertale and not broken age. That good ole lack of reading comprehension.
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Saw the Broken Age post on CAG's main page and bought a couple copies from fangamer.  From my quick research, they appear safe and reliable to order from, but that was just a quick assessment as I didn't want to take too much time to place an order before these sell out.

Anyone here order from fangamer before?  Also, since I ordered 2 copies, will they ship in a box or just cram them into a bubble mailer? (I requested in my order if they could mail in a box if possible). 

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Saw the Broken Age post on CAG's main page and bought a couple copies from fangamer. From my quick research, they appear safe and reliable to order from, but that was just a quick assessment as I didn't want to take too much time to place an order before these sell out.

Anyone here order from fangamer before? Also, since I ordered 2 copies, will they ship in a box or just cram them into a bubble mailer? (I requested in my order if they could mail in a box if possible).
First they are safe & reliable, so no worries about that. As to whether you get a shipping box, well my lone vita copy of Shovel Knight was actually shipped in a tiny vita sized box all on it's own so you're probably safe.

Saw the Broken Age post on CAG's main page and bought a couple copies from fangamer. From my quick research, they appear safe and reliable to order from, but that was just a quick assessment as I didn't want to take too much time to place an order before these sell out.

Anyone here order from fangamer before? Also, since I ordered 2 copies, will they ship in a box or just cram them into a bubble mailer? (I requested in my order if they could mail in a box if possible).
I order from them all the time, and more often than not, I've gotten bubble mailers, but never any damages. They are great in regards to overall service, but I don't think I've even needed anything from CS, so can't speak to that, but overall, their one of my favorite gaming related retailers. They have a bunch of stuff now I want to get, just trying to get the funds together.

Awesome, happy to hear. Thanks for your input guys! :D
Honestly, some of the nicest things I have in my gaming collection have come from Fangamer, great site with great products. Besides me wanting some items currently, they have some upcoming I'm also looking forward to. They also give you these little freebie bags with your orders, nothing great, but cool little origami or buttons or something.

I had to cancel my undertale collectors due to unforeseeable financial circunstances but I'm hoping to score one soon.

I really like fan gamer stuff.
I have to admit. I have purchased every single LGR PS4 release except Sunday Morning RPG, just because I missed that one. But Chariot has me thinking of not buying anything on the 13th. I own that game, I don't like it at all, and really don't have any interest in Chariot.

And passing on Chariot makes me feel like I shouldn't bother with Absolute Drift Zen. Looks like a cool game, but if i'm going to start only buying the LGR releases I really want to own... So skipping Chariot is making the pass on Drift much easier.
I was in the same situation on PS4, only missing Saturday Morning RPG. I stopped at Drive Drive Drive, Neurovoider, N+++, Lawbreakers, Asdivine Hearts and some others. For every Wonder Boy there are several average or worse ones. Not that I believe in Metacritic but you can see the overall consensus of these games. Or legit Steam reviews.

Just be smart and buy only the stuff you want. That's what I did. Otherwise you're gonna be left with a bunch of PS4 games you'll never play

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Just be smart and buy only the stuff you want. That's what I did. Otherwise you're gonna be left with a bunch of PS4 games you'll never play
Good advice for sure, but I've got tons of games I want to play that I'll never get to, so what's your recommendation for that? LOL

Good advice for sure, but I've got tons of games I want to play that I'll never get to, so what's your recommendation for that? LOL
Lol, I often look at my collection (with enough in my backlog to last me for years) and think, "ya know, I could never buy another game again and I'd still never get bored." And it has never once stopped me from buying a new game I want!
Lol, I often look at my collection (with enough in my backlog to last me for years) and think, "ya know, I could never buy another game again and I'd still never get bored." And it has never once stopped me from buying a new game I want!
Amen to that^ LOL

Honestly, I've sold many of my collections over the years, as normally I dump off stuff every 5 years or so on average(or as needed). So while my Vita collection is probably my largest currently, I'll probably sell it all off at some point in the future, it just depends on what I start collecting next, and how big that may grow and how fast.

The first collection I ever sold was my Colecovision, to make money for an NES, and I've been doing the same thing ever since. I don't always sell items to get a new one, as some times I just need funds at the time, or maybe house space(and sometimes both).

So at this point, every collection I've ever had has been sold off at some point, with the Vectrex being the last man standing. So while that system has emulation, it really doesn't offer the same experience as using the actual system, so I've kept it. But I have sold off some key items over the years, with a rather rare "Mr Boston" being one of the items(one of only a handful know to exist).

They have around 200 PS4 and 30 Vita. Double Fine is selling off their leftover promo copies.
Would you happen to know if those promo copies come with the slip case cover? Bought 2 copies earlier today so just wondering.

Nice keytar BTW (80's music still rules!). :lol:

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Just announced in a twitch stream they're waiting on the soundtracks before shipping begins on Skullgirls.
LOL, they just keep dangling that carrot don't they?

Look, we finally have it! Oh, wait, not yet bitches!

EDIT: BTW, Windjammers got pushed back a month, so any word on any Vita titles for this month? Another month off would sure be nice, as my wallet is just now getting his wind back from months of treading water and barely staying afloat. LOL

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Does anyone know what this picture at the bottom of the E-mail sent out by LRG advertising Absolutely Drift and Chariot is?

I looked at previous emails from LRG and didnt see this image. Is it a hint to their next release?

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Does anyone know what this picture at the bottom of the E-mail sent out by LRG advertising Absolutely Drift and Chariot is?

I looked at previous emails from LRG and didnt see this image. Is it a hint to their next release?
Good catch, I saw that on my email and paid zero attention to it. I just looked it up as well, nice looking game. I hope this means Resogun is incoming, as I requested that one a while back, and it was super popular.

November has a lot of heavy hitters dropping. Get ready!

Hopefully we can get the Japanese Vita game rated - stupid excited for it but the ESRB shit for it has been ridiculous because the game is hard and we have to record things from the end of the game for ESRB.
I've also managed to sign three Japanese PS4 games that people will get *really* excited about. First one of those should come about in January or February, I'd guess.

We're getting more well-known amongst Japanese developers so we're hopeful that 2018 will be filled with a ton of great Japanese titles.
I've also managed to sign three Japanese PS4 games that people will get *really* excited about. First one of those should come about in January or February, I'd guess.

We're getting more well-known amongst Japanese developers so we're hopeful that 2018 will be filled with a ton of great Japanese titles.
Are you guys responsible for the translation to the English market or are these games that already were translated into English just never released over here?

I've also managed to sign three Japanese PS4 games that people will get *really* excited about. First one of those should come about in January or February, I'd guess.

We're getting more well-known amongst Japanese developers so we're hopeful that 2018 will be filled with a ton of great Japanese titles.
Can I get Phantom Breaker? Pretty please?

November has a lot of heavy hitters dropping. Get ready!

Hopefully we can get the Japanese Vita game rated - stupid excited for it but the ESRB shit for it has been ridiculous because the game is hard and we have to record things from the end of the game for ESRB.
they should have had the rating system setup so a small developer could default a adult rating if they did not want the hassle or have the money for it.

As in quantity or quality?
Heavy hitters are high-quality games that I expect to generate a lot of excitement on announcement. There are several games scheduled in November - should be at least 3 release weekends. Each one should have something really choice on sale with a smaller or more obscure game attached. PS4 and Vita in November, for sure.

Also something really weird and unusual in November. I think we'll announce details for that soon...
bread's done