Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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He stole the picture from my Twitter. I hate when people do this shit.
Yeah, looked like he was the actual person holding it. Hey Doom, not sure if you passed over my question or I missed the answer but does your company do the box art for the CEs and all titles or do you outsource it? The box art for the Lawbreakers CE was great.
He stole the picture from my Twitter. I hate when people do this shit.
I believe you can report that to Ebay, since your technically the owner of the picture, and they should cancel the listing. I've had several people contact me over the years reporting my pics where being used by others, but honestly, I didn't really care. And dealing with Ebay is on my long list of things I'm not happy to do, so I never bothered to contact anyone about the issue.

In a strange twist, the Ys order that was "shipped" on the 5th (picked up on 10/31) arrived before my Caldrius Blaze that was picked up on 10/23.  Caldrius must be stuck somewhere because it was "transferred from UPS to USPS' on 10/25 with no updates since.

The box for my PS4 Ys CE has a big dent in the top but the Vita one arrived fine.  It seemed to be packaged fine though and theres no sign of the outter box being crushed so maybe it was shipped that way?  I'm just happy that they arrived!

It took 5 minutes to actually go live!
Seriously, what happened this morning!? :wall:

I had to be in a meeting at work at 11AM today so I was going to quickly place my order at my desk and run over to the meeting room as it usually only takes a minute or two to checkout.
I log in to my LRG account (& PayPal) and start refreshing the Absolver page at 10:58.
11AM rolls around, the counter hits zero, and I continue refreshing the page for 2 minutes straight - nothing.
I quickly pull up the LRG Twitter on my phone to see if the release was delayed again - nothing.
I quickly check a few forums for any updates - nothing.
I keep refreshing until 11:05 when a co-worker comes by and 'reminds' me about the meeting so I give up and head to the meeting, assuming the game will be pushed to 5PM EST like Shadow Warrior 2 was last month.

I get back to my desk after the meeting to find out the game went up at 11:06 and promptly sold out - what?!

I've purchased every LRG & Special Reserve Games PS4 release thus far so I'm really upset that I missed this one because it randomly went up late.

Obviously there are things out of your control but please remember that many of us have to try to buy your games while we're at work so it's incredibly frustrating when listings don't go live at your announced/scheduled times. :(

I'll still gladly support you guys going forward but I'd suggest putting up a small 2nd batch at a later scheduled time if you run into technical difficulties like this again in the future.
It would give everyone who was ready to buy the game(s) at your scheduled time a fair chance.

Yeah, looked like he was the actual person holding it. Hey Doom, not sure if you passed over my question or I missed the answer but does your company do the box art for the CEs and all titles or do you outsource it? The box art for the Lawbreakers CE was great.
We work with our partners on the packaging - they usually supply the art but we'll handle the embellishments. For LawBreakers, we worked with our manufacturer to add the emboss, metallic ink, and spot gloss. It turned out incredible!

For some games, like Nex Machina, we're just supplied raw assets and tasked with arranging them into final art. We have two upcoming Collector's Editions where we actually commissioned some painted art from a professional artist and I think people will be really excited for those!
Seriously, what happened this morning!? :wall:

I had to be in a meeting at work at 11AM today so I was going to quickly place my order at my desk and run over to the meeting room as it usually only takes a minute or two to checkout.
I log in to my LRG account (& PayPal) and start refreshing the Absolver page at 10:58.
11AM rolls around, the counter hits zero, and I continue refreshing the page for 2 minutes straight - nothing.
I quickly pull up the LRG Twitter on my phone to see if the release was delayed again - nothing.
I quickly check a few forums for any updates - nothing.
I keep refreshing until 11:05 when a co-worker comes by and 'reminds' me about the meeting so I give up and head to the meeting, assuming the game will be pushed to 5PM EST like Shadow Warrior 2 was last month.

I get back to my desk after the meeting to find out the game went up at 11:06 and promptly sold out - what?!

I've purchased every LRG & Special Reserve Games PS4 release thus far so I'm really upset that I missed this one because it randomly went up late.

Obviously there are things out of your control but please remember that many of us have to try to buy your games while we're at work so it's incredibly frustrating when listings don't go live at your announced/scheduled times. :(

I'll still gladly support you guys going forward but I'd suggest putting up a small 2nd batch at a later scheduled time if you run into technical difficulties like this again in the future.
It would give everyone who was ready to buy the game(s) at your scheduled time a fair chance.
We actually have around 100 copies leftover that will be sold later. Our site didn't update automatically as it should have, and I was focused on cover art that needed to be submitted today. I didn't hear about the error until 12:05 and promptly fixed it. Sorry for any trouble!
After three attempts I think I will be finally getting my Dear Esther replacement cover. I got a response to my ticket that one is being mailed to me. This time I even got an email order confirmation about it. I'm glad this got resolved.

I also opened another ticket about getting duplicate covers on some games. Unfortunately LRG support will not allow me to exchange these for the opposite covers. Pretty disappointed in that response. I know there's no guarantee on receiving each cover variant, but I must have the worst luck in that this happened with three games in a row (Wonder Boy, Ys PS4 and Ys Vita). I had a couple of people reach out to me for a possible trade on Wonder Boy, but we all had the Master System cover. Looks like I will have to buy additional copies of these games on eBay to complete my collection.

Going forward I wish LRG could guarantee copies of each cover variant, perhaps offering a bundle. It seems like a disservice to collectors to not offer something like this.

After three attempts I think I will be finally getting my Dear Esther replacement cover. I got a response to my ticket that one is being mailed to me. This time I even got an email order confirmation about it. I'm glad this got resolved.

I also opened another ticket about getting duplicate covers on some games. Unfortunately LRG support will not allow me to exchange these for the opposite covers. Pretty disappointed in that response. I know there's no guarantee on receiving each cover variant, but I must have the worst luck in that this happened with three games in a row (Wonder Boy, Ys PS4 and Ys Vita). I had a couple of people reach out to me for a possible trade on Wonder Boy, but we all had the Master System cover. Looks like I will have to buy additional copies of these games on eBay to complete my collection.

Going forward I wish LRG could guarantee copies of each cover variant, perhaps offering a bundle. It seems like a disservice to collectors to not offer something like this.
If your referring to how the covers come placed under the shrink wrap when a two sided cover is offered, that is next to impossible. They may come 90/10, 60/40, 50/50 from Sony. So there is no possible way to guarantee how many of each, until they arrive, and who the hell in their right mind would even go thru thousands of copies to even count that? I honestly wouldn't even say I would try, as that just opens up the avenue of complaints, as you see here.

If they could get 50/50 split from Sony, that would be a different story, but they can't, so what they offer is a nicety and not much more. Just accept that more often than not, your going to get the same cover when buying the same game twice. If you want different covers shown, open one copy, flip it over, and the problem is solved.

I believe you can report that to Ebay, since your technically the owner of the picture, and they should cancel the listing. I've had several people contact me over the years reporting my pics where being used by others, but honestly, I didn't really care. And dealing with Ebay is on my long list of things I'm not happy to do, so I never bothered to contact anyone about the issue.
I did that ONCE. Ebay did "sell one like this" and used the original listings photo, guy messaged me threatening me if I don't take down my listing. This was back before smartphones, I didn't have a digital camera, and the item had no stock photos. Nowadays there is no excuse for stealing other folks images.

a couple ppl did steal my photo. complained to ebay and no help. they never respond. sent a polite msg to the sellers and they just ignored u.

After three attempts I think I will be finally getting my Dear Esther replacement cover. I got a response to my ticket that one is being mailed to me. This time I even got an email order confirmation about it. I'm glad this got resolved.

I also opened another ticket about getting duplicate covers on some games. Unfortunately LRG support will not allow me to exchange these for the opposite covers. Pretty disappointed in that response. I know there's no guarantee on receiving each cover variant, but I must have the worst luck in that this happened with three games in a row (Wonder Boy, Ys PS4 and Ys Vita). I had a couple of people reach out to me for a possible trade on Wonder Boy, but we all had the Master System cover. Looks like I will have to buy additional copies of these games on eBay to complete my collection.

Going forward I wish LRG could guarantee copies of each cover variant, perhaps offering a bundle. It seems like a disservice to collectors to not offer something like this.
I know it is disappointing but I would really try to get out of the habit of needing to have every different sealed variant box art cover if I were you. Just tell yourself that its the same game on the double-sided versions, because you have both arts once it is opened. There will be no shortage of additional variants and convention exclusives in the future.

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I did that ONCE. Ebay did "sell one like this" and used the original listings photo, guy messaged me threatening me if I don't take down my listing. This was back before smartphones, I didn't have a digital camera, and the item had no stock photos. Nowadays there is no excuse for stealing other folks images.
Honestly, I never really cared, as I try my best to take good pics, to properly represent what I'm selling. So if some one is using my pic with out permission, it doesn't hurt me. As I list hundred of items, with mostly 100% feedback, so a buyer can easily tell mine was the original, as all my pics are normally done the same way.

I guess if I had some content where I created a picture, that was making me money from the image(print ads, models, etc), I may get it taken down. But I just figured most where people like you, who may not have a camera, or can't find a picture elsewhere. Or if I got people contacting me about an item they thought I sold them, when it was some one else, but I think that happened maybe once in 10+ years.

I could also put my Ebay username in the pic, as many do, but that looks ugly to me. So I never bothered unless I was selling something on a certain site, where your user name was a requirement, to prove you had the item, and not scamming people.

I used a pic from a quick google images search for a sale once.  I needed some unboxed pictures from a brand new expensive figure set that I obviously wasn't going to open.   Two people messaged me on Ebay and proceeded to brutally harass me for using their pictures, after I responded to them.  I use my own photos whenever it's possible which is 98% of the time.  I feel no remorse for using those publicly available photos as stock photos, even differentiated as such from the actual photos in the listing description.  It was really petty and disturbing the way they chose to handle the issue.  So I won't be responding to anyone that messages me if I happen to use another google image for something I can't unbox. 

People can be really self-centered and crazy.  Don't publish pictures on the internet if you don't want other people to have them. 

Unless you plan to use your patent attorney, don't send me threatening messages.   Twats. 

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To be fair, that eBay policy even refers to another listing on eBay, and somebody else using their photo.

That's the policy on eBay, and you agree to abide by it as a seller.

Not trying to make a big thing out of this, but also to let you know, you don't have to go the extreme the other way too on this issue just because you had a bad experience with it. :p

And no, I don't give a crap neither, and people really should lighten up a bit if they do see it, and not go into crazy rabid mode over it.


Did you report the messages by the way?

I actually find that messaging policy on eBay is pretty strict, and you could've gotten them back with that if you really wanted to, or for future reference.

Any type of threatening messages results in their messaging ability to be suspended, lol.

Some people just really can't help themselves, and that's a good way to deal with them too.

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Did you report the messages by the way?

I actually find that messaging policy on eBay is pretty strict, and you could've gotten them back with that if you really wanted to, or for future reference.

Any type of threatening messages results in their messaging ability to be suspended, lol.

Some people just really can't help themselves, and that's a good way to deal with them too.
I've had some bad messages come my way in the past, that I reported, and Ebay did jack shit about it. They are all but useless in my experience from the "seller" side of things. For some God awful reason, buyers are 110% angels, while sellers are complete trash.

Which if everyone stopped selling tomorrow, their site would go away. But for someone like me who sells tons of items, and having no less than one negative feedback point out of thousands at any given time, i'm treated like crap for any and all problems. It really is a very one sided company.

They even monitor messages thru their system now, and will suspend your account for any little thing that may seem to violate one of their policies. But if you have an issue of any kind, good luck, as they could care less unless your the buyer, and then they'll bend over backwards to satisfy your needs.

Hey Doomstick any chance the Skullgirls stuff will be available at some point to those who didn’t have a preorder? I see a page on the site that is numbered higher than where we are now. I’m hoping that’s a yes. Just worried since everyone has been complaining over and over about delays in shipping.

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Hey Doomstick any chance the Skullgirls stuff will be available at some point to those who didn’t have a preorder? I see a page on the site that is numbered higher than where we are now. I’m hoping that’s a yes. Just worried since everyone has been complaining over and over about delays in shipping.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We're selling a small amount of leftovers on January 1st. The game was sold as a manufactured-to-demand preorder so it wouldn't be fair to customers who preordered it if we sell a huge additional quantity. It'll likely be 1,000 copies or less being sold on each platform.

After three attempts I think I will be finally getting my Dear Esther replacement cover. I got a response to my ticket that one is being mailed to me. This time I even got an email order confirmation about it. I'm glad this got resolved.

I also opened another ticket about getting duplicate covers on some games. Unfortunately LRG support will not allow me to exchange these for the opposite covers. Pretty disappointed in that response. I know there's no guarantee on receiving each cover variant, but I must have the worst luck in that this happened with three games in a row (Wonder Boy, Ys PS4 and Ys Vita). I had a couple of people reach out to me for a possible trade on Wonder Boy, but we all had the Master System cover. Looks like I will have to buy additional copies of these games on eBay to complete my collection.

Going forward I wish LRG could guarantee copies of each cover variant, perhaps offering a bundle. It seems like a disservice to collectors to not offer something like this.
We'll probably be able to exchange Ys in two weeks, but Wonder Boy is a no-go. We only have ~20 copies on hand right now so they're reserved for replacing damaged games - plus, they're all the Master System cover. Sony didn't give us an exact 50/50 split of either game (they never do - which is why we can't guarantee unique covers, though we do try every time). They shorted us on our Ys shipment so more will be arriving next week - which should provide us with some of each cover.

You hope? LOL
They could ship us 300 copies of the same cover - you never know, haha! At a baseline, we could help out with a raw cover sheet down the line - but I don't really know if that would accomplish anything.

Considering we were short on one cover and short by 300 games - it's actually highly plausible they're all that cover! We may actually be able to help here since that would likely be the cover the person is missing.
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i wanted to chime in on the Nicalis VS Limited Run Games debate. I'm sure Limited Run Games is more friendly towards developers, and they have created an awesome market in which competitors are following suit. So I'm happy Limited Run Games exists !

However, I don't feel Limited Run Games is as consumer friendly as Nicalis. It is NOT fun to fight over releases that last a couple of minutes. It is not fun to STRESS over getting a copy of a game. It is NOT fun to pay double the money to scalpers who routinely buy multiple copies to flip. It is not FUN to fight scalpers with BOTS who buy everything up instantly. 

You know how nice it is to just see a game is announced by Nicalis, be able to get excited about the release knowing you CAN actually buy it, and how relaxing and SIMPLE it is to just go over to Amazon's/Best Buy's web site and pre-order it. 

Limited Run Games has grown in popularity, and rightfully so.... however they need to make sure their games are easier to purchase. I still don't know why they can't just open a release for sale for 24 hours, and then ship whatever that amount is pre-ordered. Their "limited" approach of releasing games in such small numbers is simply taking the fun out of buying/collecting games. Yes, they like to preserve the games for consumers, but that doesn't mean anything if the consumers can't even buy the game to begin with. 

So It seems Housemarque is struggling financially and they're abandoning the arcade,shoot em up genre. Since LRG are releasing Nex Machina next Week, could they also release more games from them in the near future? I know there's an Asian-English release of Alienation and Matrerfall.
So It seems Housemarque is struggling financially and they're abandoning the arcade,shoot em up genre. Since LRG are releasing Nex Machina next Week, could they also release more games from them in the near future? I know there's an Asian-English release of Alienation and Matrerfall.
I think they explained that Sony may have exclusive rights to those other titles and that signing them for a physical release would require doing a deal with Sony.

I did some research on the titles releasing Friday 11/10 and both seem to be critically acclaimed and highly regarded by most.  In other words, quality releases.  Even Crawl, which comes out at a later date, is generally considered a unique title, though not nearly as critically acclaimed as the other two.

I hope LRG continues to focus on publishing such highly regarded titles and continues with this quality over quantity approach.  I'm still not decided as to whether I'll be picking up the overpriced CEs for these or just the standard editions, but I will definitely be trying to add both games to my physical collection.

Hey Doomstick, just seeing if I am understanding correctly, if you didn't have a ticket for a replacement for Dear Esther before that window closed I can just forget getting a replacement cover correct?

And I didn't see anything to indicate otherwise, but the copy of the game in the collector's edition of La-Mulana Ex has the same cover as the vanilla edition correct?

Hey Doomstick, just seeing if I am understanding correctly, if you didn't have a ticket for a replacement for Dear Esther before that window closed I can just forget getting a replacement cover correct?

And I didn't see anything to indicate otherwise, but the copy of the game in the collector's edition of La-Mulana Ex has the same cover as the vanilla edition correct?
I asked support to allow requests for the time being but one or two of them may have missed that. I'll try and remember to remind them tomorrow.

La-Mulana has the same cover in the CE.
I did some research on the titles releasing Friday 11/10 and both seem to be critically acclaimed and highly regarded by most. In other words, quality releases. Even Crawl, which comes out at a later date, is generally considered a unique title, though not nearly as critically acclaimed as the other two.

I hope LRG continues to focus on publishing such highly regarded titles and continues with this quality over quantity approach. I'm still not decided as to whether I'll be picking up the overpriced CEs for these or just the standard editions, but I will definitely be trying to add both games to my physical collection.
All three of these are recently signed games - we still have a few more obscure titles to release that we signed back in 2016 so bear with us a bit. We've been on the "less games, bigger titles" approach for about 6 months now but games can sometimes take 1 1/2 - 2 years to actually release.

Just to fill folks in, full soundtrack CDs in Japan typically cost $30 - $40. Composers expect to earn something resembling this so while something like the La-Mulana CE may seem overpriced to you, it's on par with going rates for Japanese OSTs. It's also 4 discs - 2x what was offered with Wonder Boy and many people loved that CE, which was the same price. The Katsuya Terada art on the poster is also incredible and the multi-level embossed box is going to look amazing.

It's worth mentioning that bigger companies like NISA and Xseed get the soundtrack rights when they sign a game for digital/physical publishing so they don't really have to consider paying the composer when they make a CE. They also sometimes buy up soundtrack rights with a flat payment - we were offered this as the only option on Ys Origin but they wanted far more than our run size could support. :(

Nex Machina has the soundtrack CD, a poster, and four art prints in a printed sleeve. The soundtrack is my second favorite of any game we've released (behind Furi) and the art for Nex Machina is stellar, so the art prints are a cool addition. As with La-Mulana, the box has a multi-level emboss on the character. We've been working on perfecting the emboss for a month with an artist - it will be really nice!
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Hey Josh, and chance to see the full La-Mulana poster before hand? I'm not in to OSTs at all, but if the poster is nice enough, I may be interested in the CE.

At one point, the publisher of Skullgirls suggested a unique cover for each fighter. Would have been 14 or 15 different covers, I think.
Wow. It would be like Alundra all over again! I'll take collecting variant covers over variant disc art coupled with differing rear jewel case art on the inside.
At one point, the publisher of Skullgirls suggested a unique cover for each fighter. Would have been 14 or 15 different covers, I think.
you know who


We'll probably be able to exchange Ys in two weeks, but Wonder Boy is a no-go. We only have ~20 copies on hand right now so they're reserved for replacing damaged games - plus, they're all the Master System cover. Sony didn't give us an exact 50/50 split of either game (they never do - which is why we can't guarantee unique covers, though we do try every time). They shorted us on our Ys shipment so more will be arriving next week - which should provide us with some of each cover.
Thank you for letting me know.

So .... Anyone else excited for My Name is Mayo and their 10 cover variants? :p
OMG, that would be so fitting. I could imagine the back peddling pointing to reviews saying it was critically acclaimed. I'm thankful I don't care about cover variants, garbage games, or compete sets. In a way, LRG helped break me from bothering with a full Vita set (which before LRG was a pretty reasonable goal with around 140 games and only a few that were pretty pricey). Rather than being mad about it, I'm thankful as I don't want to be actively collecting on that level ever again.

bread's done