Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


182 (100%)
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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Thanks for posting this. They SHOULD have it linked to on their main page, but I'll just bookmark them now.

EDIT: Well this explains why no one has gotten anything yet.

Check out what the Limited Run Games shipping room is currently shipping out.

Currently shipping:

Please note that detailed updates on all pending games can be found here. Our shipping team ships out items by common order grouping, with the most common orders going out first. Please check here frequently to see what is currently going out!
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Thanks for posting this. They SHOULD have it linked to on their main page, but I'll just bookmark them now.

EDIT: Well this explains why no one has gotten anything yet.
Except in the 2nd link you can see this:

"The BIT.trip

Currently in the process of shipping!


Currently in the process of shipping!"

So are they shipping or not? I assume The Bit Trip is as I've already seen unboxing videos of it, so I'm guessing Screencheat is holding up my order then?

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Looks like Metronomicon and Revenant Saga stock (barely) survived the weekend. I'm not surprised on Revenant Saga since there's a pretty big stigma against Kecmo RPGs, but Metronomicon is one of the better games they've published.

Looks like Metronomicon and Revenant Saga stock (barely) survived the weekend. I'm not surprised on Revenant Saga since there's a pretty big stigma against Kecmo RPGs, but Metronomicon is one of the better games they've published.
Not surprised. Kemco RPGs, like you had mentioned, have a stigma of being not so great. When I see Kemco games nowadays I think generic mobile phone JRPGs. Metronomicon is a cool game, but it isn't anything special. Oddworld has a solid fanbase which made it more attractive to collectors and scalpers alike. eBay is flooded with Munch's Oddysee resellers.

Saw on Twitter Doug mentioned that he was excited to announce the next set of releases this week and that one was s shmup. Being a big shmup fan, I am patiently waiting for the announcement, Doug!

Metronomicon (PS4) - 99 Copies Remain

Revenant Saga (PS4) - 147 Copies Remain

Revenant Saga (Vita) - 15 Copies Remain

Note all of those games are still in the manufacturing step and aren't available to ship.  Also Oddworld isn't ready to ship as they are waiting on playing cards and then the CE box (and possibly other stuff?) is still in the production process.

I'm surprised (though I shouldn't be) that despite the backlash against the idea of a page to track production process they caved and put up a couple hidden pages...

Credit to Potatoeman

I'm not surprised that they would still bugle the whole idea and hide the links to that production-updates page.  Is that anywhere on the site or just hidden in some tweat or other forum?

I'm not surprised that they would still bugle the whole idea and hide the links to that production-updates page. Is that anywhere on the site or just hidden in some tweat or other forum?
They sent this out in a tweet. They also said in a tweet that they plan to start live streaming the shipping process, I think I'd rather watch paint dry. There's no way that filming them putting games in boxes will increase the rate at which you'll eventually get your shit. :whistle2:

They sent this out in a tweet. They also said in a tweet that they plan to start live streaming the shipping process, I think I'd rather watch paint dry. There's no way that filming them putting games in boxes will increase the rate at which you'll eventually get your shit. :whistle2:
Very true, but it might explain how this phrase came to be. LOL

LRG announced that at least one of  their March 9th releases is the Ps4 game Lethal League. Also Douglas said on twitter he'd be playing it today at 5 P.M. EST on twitch.

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Yeah, that looks like another one of those games that really doesn't deserve a physical release. That's okay, though, as they keep releasing more titles like this, and I get to save more money. Haha

Easy skip for me. I have no one to play it with, just like like dat other co op game.

Hopefully i can get the other two to save on shipping
Lethal League has been bundled a lot on PC. It does look like some fun local multiplayer action. Big pass from me. Also Metronomicon in PC bundle today as well.

Easy skip for me. I have no one to play it with, just like like dat other co op game.

Hopefully i can get the other two to save on shipping
No one to play lethal league with? It's got online. I'm sure you could get some matches set up with some other collectors in this thread.
LRG announced that at least one of their March 9th releases is the Ps4 game Lethal League. Also Douglas said on twitter he'd be playing it today at 5 P.M. EST on twitch.
I’d never heard of Lethal League until just now and I have to say this looks like a really fun party game. There’s a good chance I’m picking this one up.
Are there any games left that have under 100 numbering? I stopped buying games at 101 but I thought there were still a few left in the 1-100 Collection to come out yet.
Lethal League has been bundled a lot on PC. It does look like some fun local multiplayer action. Big pass from me. Also Metronomicon in PC bundle today as well.
Not only was it bundled a lot, but it was massively given away for free recently (for Steam). If you just want to play it and don't care about platform, free steam keys are easy to obtain. It's a good game and it's fun to play with people online (or offline), but I'm not sure if there's many people playing online anymore if you want to play with randoms.

It's up there with Screencheat being one of the more fun indie multiplayer experiences I've had. Easy to learn/get into as well.

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I just noticed that Doug is right, SLG definitely is a blatant rip off of LRG.

You started off by being an exact copy-cat and to the point where it's offensive now. You don't even stick to your own "differentiating factor" of giving a game a month of promotion before a sale, you just drop a sale a day later now.

LRG totally came up with the idea of announcing games on sale the day before the sale. :p

Jokes aside, I get the situation is upsetting, but I definitely feel as though Dennis wasn't trying to cause problems and was actually trying to help resolve the issue.
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That looks old school. Brings me back to R-type.
I was thinking 'Gradius' myself, but yeah. If someone took too quick a look, or even not that quick a look, they may not be able to tell the difference. Well, easy pass for me. But I think at this point, all PS4 games are a pass for me. I have a big enough HDD for my PS4 whereas Vita storage is a bigger problem.

No Vita version?! :headache:

EDIT: Never mind, the dev commented on that tweet that there might be one eventually. :whee:
What I don't understand is why eventually? This game is already available on vita, the game released on both the same day. Why release only the PS4 version now and not both. Seems like a collectors edition cash in. I will be skipping this waiting for a vita version, if it ever arrives, eventually.

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Super Hydorah looks great! Reminds me a lot of Gradius, I'll be ordering a copy of this for sure!

For those interested Giant Bomb did a quick look a few months ago and you can check that out here

Only edition of Super Hydorah is going to be a CE? Or did I read that wrong.
$39.99 for the CE limited to 3,000 copies and $24.99 for the standard edition limited to 1,000 copies.

I am just going for the standard and hope I can get one with such a small print run. I don't need the extras with the CE and would rather save some cash.

$39.99 for the CE limited to 3,000 copies and $24.99 for the standard edition limited to 1,000 copies.

I am just going for the standard and hope I can get one with such a small print run. I don't need the extras with the CE and would rather save some cash.
Thanks, I'll go with a standard copy, too.

Can't say I've heard of Hydorah before; figured this was another case of LRG sitting on their thumbs for three years and releasing a game so old that I'd never heard of it before. Very surprised to discover it only came out a couple months ago. Does look interesting, though, in an R-Type kind of way.

At this point, all I'vd been waiting for is Ribi-Rabi and Icey, but since Icey is on sale on PSN this week, I'll just give up waiting on LRG for it. Could be three years for them to get around to it for all we know. Life's too short to keep waiting.

Can't say I've heard of Hydorah before; figured this was another case of LRG sitting on their thumbs for three years and releasing a game so old that I'd never heard of it before. Very surprised to discover it only came out a couple months ago. Does look interesting, though, in an R-Type kind of way.

At this point, all I'vd been waiting for is Ribi-Rabi and Icey, but since Icey is on sale on PSN this week, I'll just give up waiting on LRG for it. Could be three years for them to get around to it for all we know. Life's too short to keep waiting.
I'm also waiting for ICEY, but 40% off isn't low enough IMO--it'll hit 60% off at some point, probably sooner than LRG's release. :razz:

I was thinking 'Gradius' myself, but yeah. If someone took too quick a look, or even not that quick a look, they may not be able to tell the difference. Well, easy pass for me. But I think at this point, all PS4 games are a pass for me. I have a big enough HDD for my PS4 whereas Vita storage is a bigger problem.
Yeah, for sure Gradius, I really don't see "R-Type" in this at all.

What I don't understand is why eventually? This game is already available on vita, the game released on both the same day. Why release only the PS4 version now and not both. Seems like a collectors edition cash in. I will be skipping this waiting for a vita version, if it ever arrives, eventually.
Yeah, I don't understand this either. They seem up for on Twitter, but why the delay? I'm cool at the movement, as it's money saved for now, but this type of game seems a perfect fit for Vita. At this point in the Vita's life, if a game isn't stated officially as coming soon, I figure it's not coming, and don't plan on it. Their either going to offer it, or not. That mystery shit is cool, when something comes from it. Night Trap on the Vita was a possibility as well, and we see where that went.

Yeah, for sure Gradius, I really don't see "R-Type" in this at all.

Yeah, I don't understand this either. They seem up for on Twitter, but why the delay? I'm cool at the movement, as it's money saved for now, but this type of game seems a perfect fit for Vita. At this point in the Vita's life, if a game isn't stated officially as coming soon, I figure it's not coming, and don't plan on it. Their either going to offer it, or not. That mystery shit is cool, when something comes from it. Night Trap on the Vita was a possibility as well, and we see where that went.
The Vita version needs additional work and we aren't sure when it's going to be done.

I'm also waiting for ICEY, but 40% off isn't low enough IMO--it'll hit 60% off at some point, probably sooner than LRG's release. :razz:
Oh, I agree on both points. Normally it's 75% off or bust for me on most digital games. And I totally expect it to drop lower by the time LRG gets around to releasing it. I guess I'm just a little sore over Icey. I belong to a group of local game developers who get together once a month to record a podcast discussing whatever game the new host chose at the end of the previous month. Afterwards, a new host is chosen, they pick a game, we all play it for a month, and repeat. Kind of like a Book Club for games.

in January, Icey was chosen. I hadn't bought it because I was holding out for LRG's release. Eventually, February's meeting came and I didn't get to participate since I didn't get to play it. Que Sera Sera, I suppose. Still annoyed by it, though.

I agree this information would be helpful. Fingers crossed that its done soon.

I am really excited for a physical release of Super Hydorah for vita.
I understand the developer not wanting to make a commitment, just in case it doesn't happen. But, at this point that's the reality of most Vita titles(KS as well), so it won't be a surprise to anyone. I'd rather just get the truth from the start, as the issues their probably trying to avoid is gonna happen anyway, so why not just lay all your cards on the table.

bread's done