Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Snug is probably what you don't want, as the reason the disc comes undone, is due to pressure being applied. It's been confirmed more than once, that a box or mailer function about the same, as disc come loose in boxes with padding, boxes without. The PS4 cases have a design flaw, that's it, nothing more, nothing less. If a game case is damaged during transit, LRG will replace it, as they keep extras for that reason.
That hasn't really been "confirmed" - I know it's been stated, but it's really impossible for it to be true. A box and mailer can't function the same. I understand that it's possible for a game to be packed in a box and arrive with a loose disc, but it is still much more unlikely than if it's sent in a mailer. If the box is sturdy enough (and the one's LRG uses are) pretty decent, it's going to take quite a hit to exert pressure on the actual PS4 case. It takes almost nothing when it's sent in a mailer. We know other items are going to end up on top of that mailer and putting direct pressure on the case 100% of the time. No way that is the case with a box.

Or I'm wrong and am just an anomaly - I've bought a ton of PS4 games that have been shipped. The percentage of loose discs from games shipped in a box are not even anywhere near the realm of the number of loose discs I've received from mailers.

Anyone need a copy of Pixel Gear?  I have two copies I purchased, one for myself and one for a buddy.  I can't do VR due to motion sickness, and my buddy bought a copy from LRG himself lol.  Looking to sell both for what I paid + shipping.  Toss me a PM if you are interested.

I'll probably get in trouble for posting a For Sale post here, but this is the most active LRG thread on these forums since nobody ever checks the one in Trading.  Just looking to help another CAG out.

That hasn't really been "confirmed" - I know it's been stated, but it's really impossible for it to be true. A box and mailer can't function the same. I understand that it's possible for a game to be packed in a box and arrive with a loose disc, but it is still much more unlikely than if it's sent in a mailer. If the box is sturdy enough (and the one's LRG uses are) pretty decent, it's going to take quite a hit to exert pressure on the actual PS4 case. It takes almost nothing when it's sent in a mailer. We know other items are going to end up on top of that mailer and putting direct pressure on the case 100% of the time. No way that is the case with a box.

Or I'm wrong and am just an anomaly - I've bought a ton of PS4 games that have been shipped. The percentage of loose discs from games shipped in a box are not even anywhere near the realm of the number of loose discs I've received from mailers.
I have to agree with your findings. In my personal experience, just from LRG, PS4 games shipped in a box come with a loose disc under 5% of the time, while PS4 games shipped in a bubble mailer come loose over 60% of the time, maybe more. There is a huge discrepancy between the two so if loose discs are a concern for you - always use the shipping box option (when ordering one PS4 game by itself).

I have to agree with your findings. In my personal experience, just from LRG, PS4 games shipped in a box come with a loose disc under 5% of the time, while PS4 games shipped in a bubble mailer come loose over 60% of the time, maybe more. There is a huge discrepancy between the two so if loose discs are a concern for you - always use the shipping box option (when ordering one PS4 game by itself).
What's funny is, the one time I ordered a box from LRG, they sent one PS4 game with zero padding, in a rather large box. So the game slammed around from one side of the country to the other, and no loose disc. I came to the conclusion right then and there not to buy another box, as whats the point? If the disc didn't come free under those conditions, I considered it a roll of the dice. I've never received a loose disc for any system ever, except for the PS4, so that also tells me there is a flaw in the case. As all other system games have come in mailers, with none being loose upon arrival.

I guess for those who want piece of mind, have at it, but as shown here many times, a loose disc is an easy fix. And if your actually playing games(yeah, I know, a novel concept right?), then a loose disc is a non issue as well.

BTW, looks like a brutal Friday for PS4 collector's uh? 3 games in one day should be agin da law! LOL At least if your going to have 3 releases on the same day, make sure there all standard releases, with no CE or OST.

Yeah, Friday is going to be super expensive.  I plan on getting one of each game for each system (though only one Thimbleweed Park CE - the Switch one). 

Yeah, Friday is going to be super expensive. I plan on getting one of each game for each system (though only one Thimbleweed Park CE - the Switch one).
Yeah, I'm only looking at the NS Thimbleweed CE for now, but I may just go with the standard release. The more I look at the CE, the more I'm not sure the $30 extra is worth it. I'm a HUGE point & click guy, so I may go that route just because. In a worse case, I can sell the CE, and just buy the standard later.

Easy pass week though Thimbleweed looks excellent. I think Mamadora is expensive, as it's a pretty short game. The other is not great looking.

Probably bad timing for the publisher to put Thimbleweed Park on sale for $9.99 on the eShop:

You're going to have new customers on Friday looking at a $25+ S&H premium and 3-month wait for buying the physical version.
It won't matter. I know I am still getting that sweet sweet physical copy.
Yeah, it won't matter at all, as I've noticed this trend many of times, for $5 and under PSN/Steam titles, and the products on Friday move just fine. I might even say they move better, as the sales tie in with the physical and raise interest. If we all had saving money at the for front of this hobby, most of us wouldn't buy much of anything physically. As digital is always a much better savings over all.

Anybody want rainbow moon vita? I'd trade it for momodora if you wanna get an extra copy...

I have the card and sticker too... It'd be a little cheaper to trade me than buying from eBay.

I want the game I just don't wanna spend money haha.

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How does Thimbleweed Park control on the Switch? I've always been partial to mouse controls for point-and-click adventures, but I'd really like to use my eShop credit for the $9.99 price right now. Not sure when Thimbleweed will be $9.99 on Steam. Anyway, are the Switch controls good, and how do they work to move the cursor around?

How does Thimbleweed Park control on the Switch? I've always been partial to mouse controls for point-and-click adventures, but I'd really like to use my eShop credit for the $9.99 price right now. Not sure when Thimbleweed will be $9.99 on Steam. Anyway, are the Switch controls good, and how do they work to move the cursor around?
Not a switch owner myself, but wouldn't you just touch the screen?
Probably bad timing for the publisher to put Thimbleweed Park on sale for $9.99 on the eShop:

You're going to have new customers on Friday looking at a $25+ S&H premium and 3-month wait for buying the physical version.
Yeah...Jotun was free when LRG released it, and it sold out immediately on both waves, even after people noted it was free in the LRG thread, and people were still like, "I'm buying it!"

Not saying it won't have any impact, but it's certainly not as big of an issue as you're implying it would be. :p

Yeah...Jotun was free when LRG released it, and it sold out immediately on both waves, even after people noted it was free in the LRG thread, and people were still like, "I'm buying it!"

Not saying it won't have any impact, but it's certainly not as big of an issue as you're implying it would be. :p
Agree. It's one of the reasons I find the whole "not a good value" argument to be so stupid. This is a physical product with many advantages (and arguably at least one disadvantage in the cost) over a digital download. The market for digital and physical is not the same and in some cases barely overlaps at all, especially for more niche indie games of this type. Sure, there may be some small group of people that only values physical at $5 or $10 above the discounted digital price and won't go more than that, but those people aren't the majority of the buyers of releases of this type and they never will be.

Anyone receive Munch's Oddysee and get a cover art they didn't show? I ordered one regular Vita and one CE and the regular copy is neither shown on their product page. It's not a big deal for me, but I was kinda hoping for the classic green one.

Anyone receive Munch's Oddysee and get a cover art they didn't show? I ordered one regular Vita and one CE and the regular copy is neither shown on their product page. It's not a big deal for me, but I was kinda hoping for the classic green one.
That sort of seems like it'd be more rare if it's one that's not advertised, lol.

The CE ones are supposedly just be one of the two they've advertised, but if the one you got isn't neither of those, I'd say you got something even more rare.

Could you provide a photo possibly? Now I'm curious. XD

That sort of seems like it'd be more rare if it's one that's not advertised, lol.

The CE ones are supposedly just be one of the two they've advertised, but if the one you got isn't neither of those, I'd say you got something even more rare.

Could you provide a photo possibly? Now I'm curious. XD
Sure, I'm wondering if it's the PAX variant? That'd be odd if it somehow got slipped into the regular ones though.

I don't like it as much as either of the ones TBH, but it's still a nice clean design!


Sure, I'm wondering if it's the PAX variant? That'd be odd if it somehow got slipped into the regular ones though.

I don't like it as much as either of the ones TBH, but it's still a nice clean design!
I'm almost 100% certain this was the third image they posted on the original twitter announcement. They stated there that there were two standard covers and a PAX variant. This would be the variant.

If you really hate it, sell it on ebay for more than enough to pay for a can cover variant from ebay?

Sure, I'm wondering if it's the PAX variant? That'd be odd if it somehow got slipped into the regular ones though.

I don't like it as much as either of the ones TBH, but it's still a nice clean design!

I'm almost 100% certain this was the third image they posted on the original twitter announcement. They stated there that there were two standard covers and a PAX variant. This would be the variant.

If you really hate it, sell it on ebay for more than enough to pay for a can cover variant from ebay?
Ah, another PAX variant. I guess that makes sense. XD

But yeah, that seems like the kind of thing you can easily flip, and then just purchase a standard copy, and keep the profit.

I'm sure there will also be others that might be willing to trade, and you can still maybe get something extra as well on top of that. ;D


Agreed though, the standard cover is still my favorite one out of the 3.

Oh yeah, I’m not complaining! I opened my CE and the green can cover was inside so I’m good. I’m goong to PAX next week so I’ll report back👍
Yeah...Jotun was free when LRG released it, and it sold out immediately on both waves, even after people noted it was free in the LRG thread, and people were still like, "I'm buying it!"

Not saying it won't have any impact, but it's certainly not as big of an issue as you're implying it would be. :p
Mecho Tales went on sale for a big discount right before the LRG release. lol.

Mecho Tales went on sale for a big discount right before the LRG release. lol.
Yes, but Jotun was a critically acclaimed darling with plenty of visibility. Mecho Tales was a tepidly received game from a developer who has never really made it big, and had considerably less enthusiasm surrounding it. It was not really much of a surprise that it was one of the slowest-selling games on LRG. The fault for this had nothing to do with the digital sale. It was a matter of the game not having a big following from the beginning.

A title like Thimbleweed Park won't have any such issues. It has gotten lots of coverage, even public reviews on major blog sites like Kotaku and Polygon. And it comes from some of the biggest, most well-known names in it's genre.

This coming week, Kill the Badguy is the title to watch for slow sales. Momodora comes from a developer with a sizable following, and isn't the only title in its personal franchise. It also has a striking art style that makes for good marketing material. Kill the Badguy is relatively unknown, and is the most likely title to receive a lukewarm reaction.

Yes, but Jotun was a critically acclaimed darling with plenty of visibility. Mecho Tales was a tepidly received game from a developer who has never really made it big, and had considerably less enthusiasm surrounding it. It was not really much of a surprise that it was one of the slowest-selling games on LRG. The fault for this had nothing to do with the digital sale. It was a matter of the game not having a big following from the beginning.

A title like Thimbleweed Park won't have any such issues. It has gotten lots of coverage, even public reviews on major blog sites like Kotaku and Polygon. And it comes from some of the biggest, most well-known names in it's genre.

This coming week, Kill the Badguy is the title to watch for slow sales. Momodora comes from a developer with a sizable following, and isn't the only title in its personal franchise. It also has a striking art style that makes for good marketing material. Kill the Badguy is relatively unknown, and is the most likely title to receive a lukewarm reaction.
LRG linked the Youtube trailer for Kill the Bad Guy in one of their recent videos and some of the comments on the trailer were harsh. In fact, it got more down votes than up votes (which doesn't seem to happen much). It does seem to be reviewing OK though (nothing great, nothing terrible). Still, hard to see why they felt this was worthy of physical preservation over something that is more well received. Every single game doesn't need to have a physical copy.

LRG linked the Youtube trailer for Kill the Bad Guy in one of their recent videos and some of the comments on the trailer were harsh. In fact, it got more down votes than up votes (which doesn't seem to happen much). It does seem to be reviewing OK though (nothing great, nothing terrible). Still, hard to see why they felt this was worthy of physical preservation over something that is more well received. Every single game doesn't need to have a physical copy.
Well, they had different thinking a few years back, and some of the games still being offered from the "lets sign everything" days of old. I personally don't have an issue with it, as I thought Mecho Tales was complete garbage, so it was the first Vita game I passed on. It also sold out, and made LRG some funds, as well as Arcade Distillery. And making money is the end game of having a business, so more power to all those involved.

LRG linked the Youtube trailer for Kill the Bad Guy in one of their recent videos and some of the comments on the trailer were harsh. In fact, it got more down votes than up votes (which doesn't seem to happen much). It does seem to be reviewing OK though (nothing great, nothing terrible). Still, hard to see why they felt this was worthy of physical preservation over something that is more well received. Every single game doesn't need to have a physical copy.
Pretty much the only reason they picked it up was because they liked it. :lol:

Yeah...Jotun was free when LRG released it, and it sold out immediately on both waves, even after people noted it was free in the LRG thread, and people were still like, "I'm buying it!"

Not saying it won't have any impact, but it's certainly not as big of an issue as you're implying it would be. :p
That's a fair point, I just think asking a $30 premium after S&H and a 3-month wait isn't the best first impression to make on a new group of customers. I'm curious how pre-orders will turn out.

Still, hard to see why they felt this was worthy of physical preservation over something that is more well received.
I don't think it's about deciding what's worthy of a physical release anymore, especially since LRG had no success working out deals with the bigger companies that have many of the games from the wishlists' we were making when they started. There's been enough bad games published to show they're pretty much publishing whatever they can sign. Some good games, a few great, but a lot of mediocre/poor titles too.
I just think asking a $30 premium after S&H and a 3-month wait isn't the best first impression to make on a new group of customers. I'm curious how pre-orders will turn out.
I think it'll do well on Switch. Thimbleweed Park is pretty well loved and it's the well loved games that bring in gamers. It's the not so loved games and the games that people just don't know a thing about that struggle to sell out. Having an open preorder also makes it to where bigger resellers can really maximize their profits if they see that this is a game that will resell well (and I think it's highly likely it will).

I don't think it's about deciding what's worthy of a physical release anymore
I don't think it ever was. That was just a good PR move. Sort of like asking for "support" for Thimbleweed Park as if this is some kind of charity.

I don't think it ever was. That was just a good PR move. Sort of like asking for "support" for Thimbleweed Park as if this is some kind of charity.
Yeah I absolutely hate that. Same with the VR game. Base sales on a non-exclusive preorder only game that let's be honest - isn't everyone's cup of tea... to get a proper feel for how many Switch titles are gonna sell they need to do a 24 hour preorder window for an exclusive, critically acclaimed title (Golf Story please)... THAT will gauge the interest. Thimbleweed I can't wait for TBH but I'm buying it for PS4 because anything I can get Sony I buy Sony... I'm not the only one.

Scientific method right the fuck out the window.

But whatever. It's all love. Hopefully I'll be able to get a copy of the first Switch game I want...

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Thimbleweed I can't wait for TBH but I'm buying it for PS4 because anything I can get Sony I buy Sony... I'm not the only one.
I usually do too, but remember Thimbleweed is a spiritual successor of point-and-click games (Maniac Mansion / Day of the Tentacles / Secret of Monkey Island), so a Switch makes more sense this time around.

It's also worth noting that the LRG team comes from an indie development background. They didn't start off as an small-scale physical game publisher. They started off developing their own games. When they sign some of the smaller, obscure titles that don't have a lot of presence or publicity, it's often because those titles are small. As an indie developer themselves, they have a lot of natural sympathy and appreciation of the challenges facing small-time development teams and individuals. That's a big part of why we see these small-scale efforts slipped in amongst major efforts like Thimbleweed or OddWorld. The LRG guys originally started their publishing as a Hail-Mary, not actually as a way to make lots of money. They transitioned into publishing out of a combination of desperation, enthusiasm, and recurring revenue. Throwing a bone now and then to fellow indie devs, some of which they probably have personal relationships with, is not that surprising.

There's not much point in complaining about such releases. If you want them, get them. If not, don't. Unless you're an obsessive who just can't seem to help themselves, it doesn't really affect you that much.

There's not much point in complaining about such releases. If you want them, get them. If not, don't. Unless you're an obsessive who just can't seem to help themselves, it doesn't really affect you that much.
Yeah, this is why I never have an issue with some of the lesser known or wanted titles that LRG offers. I didn't support Mecho Tales, as it looked bad, as well as previous efforts by that developer, but who knows, in a year or two, a game worth having might happen. Then the funds from a game like Mecho Tales was put to good use.

This was a part of LRG early draw for myself personally, as I like to support the little guy when possible. Sadly, it doesn't look like the future will offer as many games as the past, but for LRG to offer bigger name titles as well, is nice to see(as those some times need help getting to retail as well). I'm a gamer, and I just want to game. Guys around here shouldn't get so bent out of shape over games they don't see as worthy, as one man's trash, is another man's treasure.

Yeah, this is why I never have an issue with some of the lesser known or wanted titles that LRG offers. I didn't support Mecho Tales, as it looked bad, as well as previous efforts by that developer, but who knows, in a year or two, a game worth having might happen. Then the funds from a game like Mecho Tales was put to good use.

This was a part of LRG early draw for myself personally, as I like to support the little guy when possible. Sadly, it doesn't look like the future will offer as many games as the past, but for LRG to offer bigger name titles as well, is nice to see(as those some times need help getting to retail as well). I'm a gamer, and I just want to game. Guys around here shouldn't get so bent out of shape over games they don't see as worthy, as one man's trash, is another man's treasure.
LRG can sell what they want but I see their "slowing down" as just a PR move to appease detractors not something that will actually happen. They're just hoping in the meantime people will continue to buy everything before the "slowdown". They are in the business of making money. Doesn't matter to me as I'm pretty selective. For people who can't help themselves well.....

I can't imagine LRG will ever go 1 game a month. Strictly Limited is doing how it should be done. Or Play Asia.

Received my Oddworld CE and Metronomicon bundle yesterday.

LRG can sell what they want but I see their "slowing down" as just a PR move to appease detractors not something that will actually happen. They're just hoping in the meantime people will continue to buy everything before the "slowdown". They are in the business of making money. Doesn't matter to me as I'm pretty selective. For people who can't help themselves well.....

I can't imagine LRG will ever go 1 game a month. Strictly Limited is doing how it should be done. Or Play Asia.

Received my Oddworld CE and Metronomicon bundle yesterday.
Strictly Limited is a poorly run business that can't even get their PR right on that one game a month and keeps dropping things last minute rather than pursuing their purported business model which was to spend a full month promoting a game before release. I also think that if LRG had released 99 Vidas, the same people that always bitch about LRG never releasing good games would have gone to town complaining. I think Play Asia gets credit because of their nice collector's editions for a reasonable price (of course that's subsidized on the back of low wages and poor working conditions for the folks that actually print and package their stuff), but their game quality with a few notable exceptions is far worse than anything LRG has ever released.

I believe that LRG is really going to slow down as they have apparently had discussions since GDC about the pace of their business impacting not only their customers, but their own health and well-being. According to Douglas, they have signed very few new games recently and they are continuing to spread the existing signed releases further out.

Personally, I am very disappointed that LRG is slowing down. It means many worthy games will never see a physical release. I guess all the whiners and OCD collectors get credit for that, but for the rest of us that actually love having a lot of options in niche indie physical games, we'll just have to accept that it's no longer gonna happen.

Yeah I absolutely hate that. Same with the VR game. Base sales on a non-exclusive preorder only game that let's be honest - isn't everyone's cup of tea... to get a proper feel for how many Switch titles are gonna sell they need to do a 24 hour preorder window for an exclusive, critically acclaimed title (Golf Story please)... THAT will gauge the interest. Thimbleweed I can't wait for TBH but I'm buying it for PS4 because anything I can get Sony I buy Sony... I'm not the only one.

Scientific method right the fuck out the window.

But whatever. It's all love. Hopefully I'll be able to get a copy of the first Switch game I want...
I don't see it that way -- surely many Switch titles will be multiplatform (as with Vita/PS4 releases). If Thimbleweed Park can be considered an outlier, then so could an exclusive, critically acclaimed title like Golf Story. (Although surely Thimbleweed's developers would take offense to that characterization, as they received better critic reviews than Golf Story, and I'm not sure that golf-sim/RPG is everyone's cup of tea either, even though it's certainly mine.)

Some of LRG's releases are multiplatform, and some are exclusive. Some are well known, and some are obscure. Some are well reviewed, and some aren't. Some are from developers with a following, and some are from new teams. LRG's releases span every genre, some with more built-in popularity than others. Thimbleweed seems as good a mix of those traits as any. Nothing was going to satisfy everyone.

Personally, I am very disappointed that LRG is slowing down. It means many worthy games will never see a physical release. I guess all the whiners and OCD collectors get credit for that, but for the rest of us that actually love having a lot of options in niche indie physical games, we'll just have to accept that it's no longer gonna happen.
I had that same thought, but so many other small-batch publishers are springing up that I think that's relieving a lot of the pressure. We'll see how many of them survive long-term. I hope most of them do.

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Ah, another PAX variant. I guess that makes sense. XD

But yeah, that seems like the kind of thing you can easily flip, and then just purchase a standard copy, and keep the profit.

I'm sure there will also be others that might be willing to trade, and you can still maybe get something extra as well on top of that. ;D


Agreed though, the standard cover is still my favorite one out of the 3.
Hmm, I might be interested in trading, as there's no way I'll be able to make it to PAX this year. Hope I'm not breaking any rules by mentioning this

Don't forget to make separate orders tomorrow if you don't want your stuff to be held up for 3 months by the Switch preorder. ;)

I might've gotten Timbleweed for PS4 if it didn't also include SwitchTax™ for price parity. :shame:

More junk games, yes even the switch game.. where are the real good games? We're 4 months into 2018 already.

More Switch games...I'm 100% in for Switch over PS4 but I need good games I actually want.  Bring back Oceanhorn or Flinthook.  Publish physical Undertale, Okami HD, Stardew Valley, Bloodstained, Yooka-Laylee, Hyper Light Drifter, etc.

Just got the email from Strictly Limited, and Bunny Must Die is on for tomorrow(well, 3 pm PST today based on their countdown clock).

EDIT: I just realized this listing will be the exact same time as LRG second offering today, is that some king of gauntlet being thrown down? Seems kind of silly to offer your limited item, at the same time as someone else's limited item, but whatever. LOL

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What do you want from them? The same old tired salt and sanctuary request everyone is making? Thimbleweed is hardly junk.
Thimbleweed is a pretty big name title IMO. I agree the other two games are pretty mediocre but I’m really excited for a physical release of Thimbleweed Park. I don’t buy anything digital so I’m happy to have a chance to play it. Growing up the Lucasarts adventure games were my favorite!
Definitely going to pre-order Thimbleweed Park for Switch, but I am also debating on getting Momodora, looks like a solid Metroidvania (I hate that term) game. 

Don't forget to make separate orders tomorrow if you don't want your stuff to be held up for 3 months by the Switch preorder. ;)
I'm not sure the others will be out much sooner. I'm assuming the others are further along in the process, but all we know is they aren't shipping right away. The Switch one is the only one with an actual estimated date, I think (July).

I mean, aren't all LRG releases technically "pre-orders" now? The main difference with the Switch Thimbleweed Park is that it doesn't have a set number.

wasnt thimbleweed park for the ps4 originally 24.99 and 34.99 for switch? or was it always been 34.99 for ps4?? did they raise the price? now im thinking of only getting the switch version.

bread's done