Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Snagged my copy of Momodora this morning and now patiently awaiting the opportunity for a copy of Bunny. In addition to this I just purchased Injustice 2 complete edition and GTA 5 from Best Buy. Despite the sale and GCU discounts, my wallet is hurting. If Rabi Ribi or Salt and Sanctuary pop up next month I'm gonna scream, part happiness that they are finally here and part agony at my whittling bank account.  

Snagged my copy of Momodora this morning and now patiently awaiting the opportunity for a copy of Bunny. In addition to this I just purchased Injustice 2 complete edition and GTA 5 from Best Buy. Despite the sale and GCU discounts, my wallet is hurting. If Rabi Ribi or Salt and Sanctuary pop up next month I'm gonna scream, part happiness that they are finally here and part agony at my whittling bank account.
Yeah, we should hopefully start seeing some of these long term games soon, as CSH is the one I'm waiting for.

Yeah, we should hopefully start seeing some of these long term games soon, as CSH is the one I'm waiting for.
The Cosmic Star Heroine delay is almost certainly related to the fact that the game is still not available on Vita. Vita porting delays have pushed back numerous titles before, so it shouldn't really come as much of a surprise.

The Cosmic Star Heroine delay is almost certainly related to the fact that the game is still not available on Vita. Vita porting delays have pushed back numerous titles before, so it shouldn't really come as much of a surprise.
Yeah, I was aware of the delays, and that the Vita was the hold up, just still waiting patiently, that is all. LOL

Sitting here waiting for the clock to click down.  Plan on getting PS4 copy of  Thimbleweed & Momodora.  I'm debating on also putting in a separate order for a Switch version of Thimbleweed as it's a game I could see myself really enjoying on the Switch.....even though I don't actually own a Switch. :lol:

The Cosmic Star Heroine delay is almost certainly related to the fact that the game is still not available on Vita. Vita porting delays have pushed back numerous titles before, so it shouldn't really come as much of a surprise.
Ironing the bugs and compressing the game enough to fit on a cart definitely took a while. At least it is done now

Sitting here waiting for the clock to click down. Plan on getting PS4 copy of Thimbleweed & Momodora. I'm debating on also putting in a separate order for a Switch version of Thimbleweed as it's a game I could see myself really enjoying on the Switch.....even though I don't actually own a Switch. :lol:
I don't own one either, but I can hijack juniors system after hours if need be. LOL Yeah, I'll probably just wait until I get my own unit somewhere down the road. It's no rush, as I now have 6-8 titles for it, so I'll be ready when the time comes.

Got 2x Momodora so I can give one to my brother, and 2x Thimbleweed for Switch so I can give one to my BIL. Too bad Momodora isn't on Vita.

I also ordered Bunny Must Die for Vita at SLG, switched to another tab to do stuff for 5 minutes, then came back and found that it had rejected my credit card-- something about the American Express payment terminal not being ready. I switched to a Visa and checked out successfully, but saw stock was down to 2% by then. Now it's sold it. That was a close one. Good reminder to wait for the order confirmation screen!

Edit: Also, I think LRG big boxes would sell better if they depicted the CE contents. That would make it so much easier to get excited about. I do like that the Thimbleweed Park product page actually says something about the game rather than leaving it entirely up to me to figure out whether the game is up my alley.

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I also ordered Bunny Must Die for Vita at SLG, switched to another tab to do stuff for 5 minutes, then came back and found that it had rejected my credit card-- something about the American Express payment terminal not being ready. I switched to a Visa and checked out successfully, but saw stock was down to 2% by then. Now it's sold it. That was a close one. Good reminder to wait for the order confirmation screen!
I had the same trouble with my AMEX. I think it cost me the soundtrack bundle =\

I missed Bunny Must Die. Had to try it from my cellphone because I was at work and didn't have access to desktop. I got 404 errors the first couple times I tried to add the game to my cart. Finally got it in there and then the process hung up while trying to finish up with paypal. By the time it refreshed I got the dreaded "We've updated your cart to reflect the current inventory. The item is out of stock" message. 

Damn, almost 1400 standard and 1100 PS4 Big Boxes still in-stock for Thimbleweed Park. The Switch demand was real today.
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I missed Bunny Must Die. Had to try it from my cellphone because I was at work and didn't have access to desktop. I got 404 errors the first couple times I tried to add the game to my cart. Finally got it in there and then the process hung up while trying to finish up with paypal. By the time it refreshed I got the dreaded "We've updated your cart to reflect the current inventory. The item is out of stock" message.
Another chance at 9am pst

I'm just wondering if they're going to put up the soundtrack bundle again. There's only 300 total soundtracks printed, and they're split between the Vita and PS4 bundles, so that would mean they only had 75 of each bundle when it dropped... if they are going to put up more when the second wave drops.

So, how did the Thimbleweed NS CE go yesterday overall? Did everyone who wanted it, get a copy? For those of you getting all the PS4 games as well, was there any problems trying to get so many items at once?

I was pretty busy most of the day, but each time I passed thru, the thread seemed kind of dead, especially for the first NS game offering. I didn't see to see many complaints or issues from the masses, just curious how it went overall.

I'm pretty shocked at how slow the PS4 version of Thimbleweed is selling.  Looks like only about 1200 CE's have sold with over 50% remaining.  Even the SE has over 500 left and it's almost been up for 24 hours.  I know a lot of games last for many days but higher quality ones usually sell out quick (momodora sold out within an hour I think).  I don't know if it's because P&C games just aren't that popular or if it's because the Switch version isn't limited so maybe that hurt sales since this won't be perceived as a "rare" game?  The Switch CE sold in minutes but maybe that's because it's LRG release #1 for that console.  Either way, I loved the old Lucasarts point and click games so I'm glad it got a physical release.

I'm pretty shocked at how slow the PS4 version of Thimbleweed is selling. Looks like only about 1200 CE's have sold with over 50% remaining. Even the SE has over 500 left and it's almost been up for 24 hours. I know a lot of games last for many days but higher quality ones usually sell out quick (momodora sold out within an hour I think). I don't know if it's because P&C games just aren't that popular or if it's because the Switch version isn't limited so maybe that hurt sales since this won't be perceived as a "rare" game? The Switch CE sold in minutes but maybe that's because it's LRG release #1 for that console. Either way, I loved the old Lucasarts point and click games so I'm glad it got a physical release.
Yeah, the NS version was going to do well, as it was the first offering, but P&C games are very niche. Thimbleweed is one of the more well known ones for sure, but yesterday was just a busy day, and LRG didn't help with having so many games same day.

Broken Age did pretty good when it was offered, but I believe Fangamer started offering leftovers awhile back, and they still have the PS4 in stock, while the Vita was gone rather quickly. P&C is also better to use with touch controls or a mouse, so by default, I think smart and touch screen devices are going to be first choice more often than not for these types of games. The Vita would have killed yesterday if it would have had a version, but oh well.

Yeah, the NS version was going to do well, as it was the first offering, but P&C games are very niche. Thimbleweed is one of the more well known ones for sure, but yesterday was just a busy day, and LRG didn't help with having so many games same day.

Broken Age did pretty good when it was offered, but I believe Fangamer started offering leftovers awhile back, and they still have the PS4 in stock, while the Vita was gone rather quickly. P&C is also better to use with touch controls or a mouse, so by default, I think smart and touch screen devices are going to be first choice more often than not for these types of games. The Vita would have killed yesterday if it would have had a version, but oh well.
Usually, given the option I will always pick PS4 over Switch. It is my go to system when play. But I ended up grabbing the Switch version of Thimbleweed Park at the last second for the exact reasons you mentioned. The touch screen just seemed the way to play this game, and if for some reason I don't like to play it like that, I can still dock it and get the same experience I would have had on the PS4. Plus, it is nice having their first Switch game.

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On Thimbleweed Park is the touch-screen for the Switch going to work for the point & clicking?  This is a pretty big factor in the decision to get it on Switch.   It would have to be a separate NS port with touch compatibility. 

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On Thimbleweed Park is the touch-screen for the Switch going to work for the point & clicking? This is a pretty big factor in the decision to get it on Switch. It would have to be a separate NS port with touch compatibility.
It supports touchscreen yes

I think I'm out on LRG buys, I've been being a dumbass lately with spending, probably gonna sell off a good chunk of my physical ps4 titles

It supports touchscreen yes

I think I'm out on LRG buys, I've been being a dumbass lately with spending, probably gonna sell off a good chunk of my physical ps4 titles
Sorry to hear. Games are meant to be played me thinks, so I am hoping some of these LRG games and other backlog games (mine included of course) get played.

It supports touchscreen yes

I think I'm out on LRG buys, I've been being a dumbass lately with spending, probably gonna sell off a good chunk of my physical ps4 titles
Yeah, it's always good to self check yourself every now and then and make adjustments. At this point, I'm pretty much just buying "limited" releases, and with most of those being kind of cheap, I'm doing OK at this point. I really only buy for the Vita at this point, and a few NS titles here and there. Since the Vita is dying off, and I'm being really selective on NS titles, so this year is looking up financially speaking so far.

I just checked, and the Momodora soundtrack bundle was available again, but the Add to Cart button was replaced by a red Pre-Order button.  I tried to order a copy, and I was able to go through the check-out process fine, and I got a confirmation e-mail, too.

And now I went back on the site and it says the bundle is sold out again.  I guess there was a cancelled order that freed up at least one copy?

I just checked, and the Momodora soundtrack bundle was available again, but the Add to Cart button was replaced by a red Pre-Order button. I tried to order a copy, and I was able to go through the check-out process fine, and I got a confirmation e-mail, too.

And now I went back on the site and it says the bundle is sold out again. I guess there was a cancelled order that freed up at least one copy?
Yeah, that happens from time to time, so long as the order went thru, you should be OK.

I think there's a couple of reasons why games aren't selling as fast as they used to.

I don't think it's a reflection of the "quality of the games", rather I think it's....

1. the novelty of "limited physical release" of games has worn of. LRG pumps them out (which is good, more choice for the consumer) but many other copycat companies are doing the same.

2. Resellers aren't making as much money, so less people flipping. The official LRG reseller Chris is sitting on two copies of Kero Blasters (bless his little Grinch sized heart) so he's not buying 10 of everything

and finally we have people like

Ryan La Rue

PO Box 172

Colton, OR 97017

[email protected]

who is burning people left and right on ebay, and hurting the buying/selling/trading market..
Damnit, I agreed with other that this Jeff guy shouldn't be posting his BS here.

So I ignored his post and now this i_heart_vinyl_and_video_games / Ryan La Rue screwed me over on ebay as well.

People need to block this tool.

It would be classic if he bought stuff from Chris and they could just screw each other over and over again. ha ha

Damnit, I agreed with other that this Jeff guy shouldn't be posting his BS here.

So I ignored his post and now this i_heart_vinyl_and_video_games / Ryan La Rue screwed me over on ebay as well.

People need to block this tool.

It would be classic if he bought stuff from Chris and they could just screw each other over and over again. ha ha
Yeah, you're not fooling anyone.
Damnit, I agreed with other that this Jeff guy shouldn't be posting his BS here.

So I ignored his post and now this i_heart_vinyl_and_video_games / Ryan La Rue screwed me over on ebay as well.

People need to block this tool.

It would be classic if he bought stuff from Chris and they could just screw each other over and over again. ha ha
i_heart_vinyl_and_video_games literally has 100% positive feedback with over 1100 reviews. You just created your account a few days ago... Something doesn't add up.
i_heart_vinyl_and_video_games literally has 100% positive feedback with over 1100 reviews. You just created your account a few days ago... Something doesn't add up.
I would encourage everyone to report the seller to Ebay as this is clearly against their terms of service and should result in the seller's account being banned. There is no evidence this buyer did anything wrong and it frankly seems ridiculous that this seller keeps registering fake accounts here after he was banned over what I understand are a couple of worthless trading cards. Totally disgusting.

I would encourage everyone to report the seller to Ebay as this is clearly against their terms of service and should result in the seller's account being banned. There is no evidence this buyer did anything wrong and it frankly seems ridiculous that this seller keeps registering fake accounts here after he was banned over what I understand are a couple of worthless trading cards. Totally disgusting.
I think you have it backwards though. I assume you intend people to report the buyer, not the seller.

I think you have it backwards though. I assume you intend people to report the buyer, not the seller.
No, I intend that they report this seller who keeps posting what appears to be an innocent buyer's address here and elsewhere. This seller was banned from here and now has registered a new account to keep harassing a buyer who by all accounts has perfect feedback and wouldn't risk his reputation or account on Ebay over a couple of trading cards that the seller sent without tracking apparently.

Well I have it backwards then. I've been around since this started as well but I thought it was the buyer trying to shame the seller claiming he didn't receive the items or whatever.

Regardless, I agree it's messed up to continually spam the guy's name and address all over the place. 

Anyone else getting overwhelmed with all these companies doing physical releases? Between these and the companies that do new Dreamcast releases, I'm starting to miss the days I could walk into Best Buy, EB or even look on Amazon and see all the games that were coming out in one spot. There's starting to be too much to keep track of in my opinion.

Anyone else getting overwhelmed with all these companies doing physical releases? Between these and the companies that do new Dreamcast releases, I'm starting to miss the days I could walk into Best Buy, EB or even look on Amazon and see all the games that were coming out in one spot. There's starting to be too much to keep track of in my opinion.
Well, the fact is, most retailers are reducing physical media space. So the only way to get them is from over-priced online sales.

Glad I don't care about physical and just buy digitally. I'd hate to be F5ing a website just to get the change to pay 1-3x the price of digital for a physical release because it comes with a toy and sticker.

Anyone else getting overwhelmed with all these companies doing physical releases? Between these and the companies that do new Dreamcast releases, I'm starting to miss the days I could walk into Best Buy, EB or even look on Amazon and see all the games that were coming out in one spot. There's starting to be too much to keep track of in my opinion.
I'm the exact opposite, as I haven't cared much about normal retail locations in years, and only go when an item can only be had locally. Since I don't normally buy games new(having a backlog means I don't pay full retail very often), I'm waiting on sales to be offered 9/10 times, so having tons of games in one spot doesn't mean much.

Since the "limited" market, is actually limited, I follow and get the ones I want as they are released, then I no longer have to worry about them(or paying inflated prices later). Regular retail and digital only items are what's hard for me to follow, as tons of games get released weekly across all system and formats. That to me is 10x worse than any of these "limited" offerings.

All of these "limited" titles always get mention here are in a few other threads, so I'm never at a loss whenever one is offered. Of course most titles can be had cheap in digital format, but to get full games physically for normally what is a third of new retail releases. I'm much more satisfied buying these games(and spend way less in the process), and waiting for sales on standard retail releases.

I'm somewhat surprised that most everything but Momodora is still in stock from Friday. Thimbleweed PS4 standard outsold the Big Box Edition as more Big Box Editions are in stock. I passed on everything and slept through the morning sale. It was a good weekend. I'm passing on Thimbleweed Park for the Switch as I prefer the PC for point and click games. I actually want to play Modomora, but it's the fourth game in the series and the others are on PC so that's where I plan to eventually get it. I have no problem being digital only for my pc purchases.

Anyone else getting overwhelmed with all these companies doing physical releases? Between these and the companies that do new Dreamcast releases, I'm starting to miss the days I could walk into Best Buy, EB or even look on Amazon and see all the games that were coming out in one spot. There's starting to be too much to keep track of in my opinion.
Even then, you missed out on stuff. Like the DC days when Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 came out. It was nowhere. I ended up finding 20+ copies randomly at a walmart on discount and ended up hooking up all of my dc game buddies up with copies at cost + shipping. Many games were very hard to find. Limited release is nothing new. What is new is having a kind of equal chance at getting these random smaller print games. What is interesing though is looking backwards and seeing how huge systems libraries were and how they seem to keep getting smaller with each generation.

It helps, that I don't collect for any specific systems and I'm cheap. So most of these releases I'm fine just keeping cheap digital only purchases. It's the games I know I'm hyped for that cause me to cave in and preorder or dive into one of these smaller publishers system of hoops to get.

Anyone else getting overwhelmed with all these companies doing physical releases? Between these and the companies that do new Dreamcast releases, I'm starting to miss the days I could walk into Best Buy, EB or even look on Amazon and see all the games that were coming out in one spot. There's starting to be too much to keep track of in my opinion.
I see where you are coming from and I agree. It's hard to easily get an idea of everything coming out in a given month now with limited releases and retailer exclusives. I picked up 20 games this past month alone and that isn't including the LRG games I ordered and have yet to receive!

bread's done