Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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blah blah.... loose disc.... blah blah..... seriously, just open a different thread about loose disks and then everyone jump over there and talk in circles to your heart's content. I'm over it. seriously, I just skip over it.... but it's getting old. 

Back on topic....

I hope now that they have done a deal with wayforward, which I'm sure will sell out ASAP, that they will look into what other games they have.... primarily DOUBLE DRAGON, which I would love a physical copy of :)

I also second the idea of getting the Contra on retail, but know that Konami is a pain in the ass to deal with, however NECA got the rights to Contra figures, so they can't be impossible to deal with. 

According to Natsume, they are going to be stocking more copies on Amazon with the keychain at some point. No word if this will require a reprint or if this is just more stock they didn't put up yet.
I was planning on ordering this today too! I hope they restock soon, I wanna play this. Keychain is cool, but I really just want a physical copy of the game.

Look what came in the mail today

It's freaking huge [emoji41]
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Look what came in the mail today

It's freaking huge [emoji41]
It's a vinyl record right? Is this the first one you've seen in person, as they are all that size.

Was there supposed to be an announcement for a new LRG Vita game for next month soon?

Thought they said either on this friday or this weekend, or did it get postponed.

Yes it's vinyl record size, first one I've seen. Well worth the 30 dollars.
Years ago I was at my local comic shop, and the owner had some king of framed gold record, or some soundtrack related piece and a little kid was like, what's that?

I think that was the first time in my life I felt "old". LOL

I'm in a weird place where I grew up with dad listening to records, but my first stereo had a cd player. I had cassettes for years for stuff like Walkmans but my stereo was a cd player.

I'm well aware of vinyl and the players and more or less how they work, but I can say I was never allowed to touch it and by the time I was old enough we'd moved to cds haha.
I'm in a weird place where I grew up with dad listening to records, but my first stereo had a cd player. I had cassettes for years for stuff like Walkmans but my stereo was a cd player.

I'm well aware of vinyl and the players and more or less how they work, but I can say I was never allowed to touch it and by the time I was old enough we'd moved to cds haha.
For me growing up, I came in at the tale end of 8 track tapes in the 70's, so while I saw one every once in a while, I think only one relative had a player, so I personally don't think I ever once used one.

LP's and cassette tapes was the order of the day for me until about high school when CD's came out, but I didn't get a player until I got a job after graduating.

I'm in a weird place where I grew up with dad listening to records, but my first stereo had a cd player. I had cassettes for years for stuff like Walkmans but my stereo was a cd player.

I'm well aware of vinyl and the players and more or less how they work, but I can say I was never allowed to touch it and by the time I was old enough we'd moved to cds haha.
Records are definitly a cool medium for music. They sound great and have huge 12x12 artwork.

They do have their downsides as they need to be flipped and there are lots of records released/remastered these days that are double vinyl. So put on side A, flip to side B, put on side C, flip to side D. It definitely becomes a pain in the rump. Extra care needs to be taken just like with retro games IE. Cleaning, maintenance, care, etc.

Some music snobs swear by records sounding the best; I've listened to hundreds and overall agree about the quality, but I have heard cassette tapes that rival vinyl records. (First Skid Row album comes to mind)
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Some music snobs swear by records sounding the best; I've listened to hundreds and overall agree about the quality, but I have heard cassette tapes that rival vinyl records. (First Skid Row album comes to mind)
Yeah, I never had a sound system on a high enough level to really allow the records to shine, but I've known many people over the years who know more and better than me, and they agree with you as well.

I'm a fan of old tech and past history, as I love the stories and history involved with most things. But when it comes to my own personal usage of such items, I'm all about convenience, and records and cassette tapes just don't have a place for me along side digital music players. As you stated, records have to be flipped, as do cassette tapes and the issues that come from wear are a pain to say the least.

I love old game systems and consoles as well, and while I collect many, you'll almost never see me playing any, when I can run a game through an emulator, as it's just to much work in this day and age, but I do respect the purist who go that route.

Records are definitly a cool medium for music. They sound great and have huge 12x12 artwork.

They do have their downsides as they need to be flipped and there are lots of records released/remastered these days that are double vinyl. So put on side A, flip to side B, put on side C, flip to side D. It definitely becomes a pain in the rump. Extra care needs to be taken just like with retro games IE. Cleaning, maintenance, care, etc.

Some music snobs swear by records sounding the best; I've listened to hundreds and overall agree about the quality, but I have heard cassette tapes that rival vinyl records. (First Skid Row album comes to mind)
I've been into vinyl for a long time, but I agree that there are downsides and I've never quite understood the desire to collect video game soundtracks on vinyl. Frankly, I stick to records that were originally released on vinyl or are complete albums. I have little interest in music composed and/or mastered entirely digitally that was never intended to be a cohesive album simply slapped on vinyl because it's the cool thing to do.

I've been into vinyl for a long time, but I agree that there are downsides and I've never quite understood the desire to collect video game soundtracks on vinyl. Frankly, I stick to records that were originally released on vinyl or are complete albums. I have little interest in music composed and/or mastered entirely digitally that was never intended to be a cohesive album simply slapped on vinyl because it's the cool thing to do.
I would guess that 95% of those who buy those soundtracks on vinyl, don't even have a way to play them, and are just getting them for collecting purposes. So since most of these are never even getting played, the fact that they weren't originally released for this format is moot, but I do agree with you.

Sorry I'm sure this is asked a lot. I'm considering getting One Way Heroics tomorrow morning, just curious how much LRG charges for shipping?

Sorry I'm sure this is asked a lot. I'm considering getting One Way Heroics tomorrow morning, just curious how much LRG charges for shipping?
It's a flat $4.99 rate regardless of how many items you buy.

BTW, I recommend trying out the demo first to see if you'd like the game--I thought I would, but the demo convinced me otherwise.

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Sorry I'm sure this is asked a lot. I'm considering getting One Way Heroics tomorrow morning, just curious how much LRG charges for shipping?
It's a flat $4.99 rate regardless of how many items you buy.

BTW, I recommend trying out the demo first to see if you'd like the game--I thought I would, but the demo convinced me otherwise.
And that flat rate is per order, so if you end up having issues with their system, and having to make more than one order, you'll be charged that rate again per separate order.

So it's best to try for everything in one order, but sadly, that's not always possible, especially with their wonky ass system(and staggered start times). But if your planning just one game, you'll be good.

It's a flat $4.99 rate regardless of how many items you buy.

BTW, I recommend trying out the demo first to see if you'd like the game--I thought I would, but the demo convinced me otherwise.
Good call, didn't realize there was one. Gonna check it out tonight.

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Tomorrow I need to decide whether I want to order all 4 games at once and have them ship in an oversized bubble mailer for one shipping cost, add the $5 for the box, or break it up into two orders and pay the extra $5 shipping cost (while getting additional inserts and stickers).

Records are definitly a cool medium for music. They sound great and have huge 12x12 artwork.
They do have their downsides as they need to be flipped and there are lots of records released/remastered these days that are double vinyl. So put on side A, flip to side B, put on side C, flip to side D. It definitely becomes a pain in the rump. Extra care needs to be taken just like with retro games IE. Cleaning, maintenance, care, etc.
Some music snobs swear by records sounding the best; I've listened to hundreds and overall agree about the quality, but I have heard cassette tapes that rival vinyl records. (First Skid Row album comes to mind)
Well, records don't really sound that good, they never have, that's why they were easily replaced. It wasn't until recently records have become cool again by hipsters and millennials, because now it's cool to like retro shit before the others did. It's more of a sheep following the herd it walks in mentality of those generations.

Once you got into 2nd and 3rd generations cds and past the 1st Gen of just slapping shit on a cd without mastering they were vastly better. But as Profesional sound engineers have proven time and again using Soundwave matching samples that showed the frequency range of the sounds produced, measurements of things like channel separation (how much the information from the two stereo channels could be kept isolated from each other), signal-to-noise ratio, and dynamic range (the difference between the softest and loudest sounds the source was capable of reproducing). And every possible measurement of the sounds-- which are, after all, vibrations in the air that are quantifiable that records are in every field inferior.

It used to be cool to sit in Starbucks with your laptop, it's cool to wear tight pants and have a beard now, it's cool to like records as well. But all cool things eventually die off once that group gets tired of "being savvy and cool and unique" in a group of a million other people doing the same thing then the fad dies off and records slip into obscurity again.

Being part of the cool kids, or rose tinted glasses can make anything seem better than it is though.
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Well, records don't really sound that good, they never have, that's why they were easily replaced. It wasn't until recently records have become cool again by hipsters and millennials, because now it's cool to like retro shit before the others did. It's more of a sheep following the herd it walks in mentality of those generations.

Once you got into 2nd and 3rd generations cds and past the 1st Gen of just slapping shit on a cd without mastering they were vastly better. But as Profesional sound engineers have proven time and again using Soundwave matching samples that showed the frequency range of the sounds produced, measurements of things like channel separation (how much the information from the two stereo channels could be kept isolated from each other), signal-to-noise ratio, and dynamic range (the difference between the softest and loudest sounds the source was capable of reproducing). And every possible measurement of the sounds-- which are, after all, vibrations in the air that are quantifiable that records are in every field inferior.

It used to be cool to sit in Starbucks with your laptop, it's cool to wear tight pants and have a beard now, it's cool to like records as well. But all cool things eventually die off once that group gets tired of "being savvy and cool and unique" in a group of a million other people doing the same thing then the fad dies off and records slip into obscurity again.

Being part of the cool kids, or rose tinted glasses can make anything seem better than it is though.
I wasted my time reading this. I'm unclear why you wasted your time typing it.

It's a flat $4.99 rate regardless of how many items you buy.

BTW, I recommend trying out the demo first to see if you'd like the game--I thought I would, but the demo convinced me otherwise.
Thanks for the reminder on the demo. I got it the last time and never got around to playing it... after actually having played it, all I can say is wow, that was disappointing. More disappointing considering this is from teh same studio that gave us the Dangan and Zero Escape series.

Thomas Was Alone doesn't look like my cup of tea, either.

EDIT* There actually is a PC/Mac demo for TWA. Kinda made me change my mind... it's pretty fun. :p

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Thanks for the reminder on the demo. I got it the last time and never got around to playing it... after actually having played it, all I can say is wow, that was disappointing. More disappointing considering this is from teh same studio that gave us the Dangan and Zero Escape series.
That demo must be horrible. I don't think one person in this thread has enjoyed it. I wonder, is it because it's such a niche game, or does the gameplay suck that badly, or is the demo simply not representative of the full game? Most of the reviews I've found for the game have been really positive so I'm still going to chance it, but man, they really must have shat the bed with that one.
For what it's worth, a large chunk of the fanbase prefer One Way Heroics Plus (the original) over Mystery Chronicle (the remake). I do try to support Spike Chunsoft by buying most of their games, but I think I'll pass on this one.

For what it's worth, a large chunk of the fanbase prefer One Way Heroics Plus (the original) over Mystery Chronicle (the remake). I do try to support Spike Chunsoft by buying most of their games, but I think I'll pass on this one.
I was one of the negative demo impressions. I'm still tempted to get this....but I don't know. I didn't mind the low FPS....mainly just the gameplay wasn't amazing.

People are buying Thomas Was Alone before its even up. It has about 75% stock on PS4 and vita versions. I thought they had this figured out after last time.

i was like i think i remember this game and  not sure where...  i have it on steam.. one way.....  was thinking about buying now not sure...  didnt care for it on steam and thinking its giong to really suck on vita with the very small type and maps 

That demo must be horrible. I don't think one person in this thread has enjoyed it. I wonder, is it because it's such a niche game, or does the gameplay suck that badly, or is the demo simply not representative of the full game? Most of the reviews I've found for the game have been really positive so I'm still going to chance it, but man, they really must have shat the bed with that one.
Download and play the demo. I think the demo is representative of the final game (I've seen some videos of later gameplay). I didn't find the game fun at all. It's like a combo of a runner and a roguelike mixed with a little depression.

I'm split on whether I want these on  vita or ps4...I just can't decide. I'll decide last minute when one game is up and  the other isn't and I frantically add whichever version to my cart lol. 

wonder if these games stick around later... scalpers should be  backing off with last 2  realy not selling

rainbow moon is really lacking in resales it seems  35  i mean you break almost even 

the  last game seems the same

and these have higher runs

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I'm split on whether I want these on vita or ps4...I just can't decide. I'll decide last minute when one game is up and the other isn't and I frantically add whichever version to my cart lol.
Yeah, I'm super split on this run... didn't think I'd want Thomas Was Alone but actually ended up playing the demo quite a bit.

EDIT* Standard shipping is now $5.25. Sitting in cart with the OST... hopefully it stays in stock until the game goes live.

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It will be interesting to see how quickly these sell out.  The quantities are fairly high (for an LRG release) but the limit has been raised to two per platform per title.  I still think the Vita versions go quickly.

bread's done