Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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I think there's probably less interest to own physical PC games. I game on PC/console/handhelds. Love the PC platform, it's the best platform IMO, but for whatever reason, I have no interest in collecting physical games for the PC... 

I think there's probably less interest to own physical PC games. I game on PC/console/handhelds. Love the PC platform, it's the best platform IMO, but for whatever reason, I have no interest in collecting physical games for the PC...
At least you get a steam key with The Silver Case. I don't think I'd ever play VNs on a PS4 so if I did buy any for PS4 it'd be purely to collect and not play. Vita and PC are my preferred platforms for VNs.

It has been so long since I purchased a physical copy of a PC game. This is what held me back from getting the Silver Case. That, and the fact that the holidays are coming up and I need to start thinking about buying gifts as opposed to my personal collection. I appreciate LRG putting out this, and I hope they put out more of them in the future. But I did pass on it personally. I partially blame the industry, for training me over the course of the past decade to buy PC games digitally.

I think there's probably less interest to own physical PC games. I game on PC/console/handhelds. Love the PC platform, it's the best platform IMO, but for whatever reason, I have no interest in collecting physical games for the PC...
Agreed. PC games are not nearly as collectible as console/handheld games, probably partly due to lack of uniformity in packaging, wildly different PC hardware and software, and online DRM (among other issues). A PC retail game may not run on a given system, or may not be usable at all down the road, as PC architecture and OS changes over time.
Agreed. PC games are not nearly as collectible as console/handheld games, probably partly due to lack of uniformity in packaging, wildly different PC hardware and software, and online DRM (among other issues). A PC retail game may not run on a given system, or may not be usable at all down the road, as PC architecture and OS changes over time.
That's your opinion and it's ill-informed. It's certainly not shared by the large number of people that purchased this release or the thousands of others who happily collect PC games. The collectible PC game market is significant and growing both in the US and Europe. As Indiebox and now Gamestop/Gametrust have discovered, there is a a desire among a sizeable number of PC gamers and collectors to actually own PC games on physical media. Indeed, Indiebox has regularly done 5000 copies of each of its monthly releases, which is impressive considering that up until very recently, subscribers didn't even know what game they were getting until after they purchased a subscription.

That's your opinion and it's ill-informed. It's certainly not shared by the large number of people that purchased this release or the thousands of others who happily collect PC games. The collectible PC game market is significant and growing both in the US and Europe. As Indiebox and now Gamestop/Gametrust have discovered, there is a a desire among a sizeable number of PC gamers and collectors to actually own PC games on physical media. Indeed, Indiebox has regularly done 5000 copies of each of its monthly releases, which is impressive considering that up until very recently, subscribers didn't even know what game they were getting until after they purchased a subscription.
I'd hardly call a print run of 5000 copies evidence of a "significant and growing" market. It does prove that there is -some- demand out there, but for the reasons I noted previously, PC physical games are just not a very sought after collectible. Your opinion is no less "ill-informed" than anyone else's, though; you might want to remember that.
I think nearly 2K copies of a PC game on preorder is pretty solid.  If they had just tested the market with 1500 like Breach & Clear, nearly 500 people wouldn't have gotten the game and scalpers would have swooped in to make sure those that really wanted it wouldn't have gotten it.  Same with 2K.  You get that whole scalper mentality and you sell out but the customer base is much more heavily re-seller based.  So this time around the scalpers are axed from the equation.  They can still buy and re-sell but there isn't an automatic large re-sell market from people disappointed they didn't get it due to it selling out in minutes or whatever.   It also axed the casual buyers that get caught up in the hype of buying something.  You really had to want to buy the game... especially at this price point on a platform where most games are 50% off on sale within a year digitally if not 90% off through some bundle or sale.

I think the game sold exceptionally well for what it is.  This was the highest priced release by LRG (right?).  It was the first PC game published by LRG (not like the 5K copies that indiebox is now able to do after building a customer base for PC games).  It is the first actual LE published by LRG.  It is a new release of a game most people outside of Japan never played let alone even heard of for 2.5x the price of the base digital version (there's a chance it wouldn't be good).   There are people that love LE's, personally I don't care at all for them.  They just take up too much space and come with junk I look at once and then maybe never again.   Really the thing that sold this was Suda51/Grasshopper.  As much as I love Suda51 games... I'm not a premium price shopper for his games and I don't love every single game he's made.

I'd hardly call a print run of 5000 copies evidence of a "significant and growing" market. It does prove that there is -some- demand out there, but for the reasons I noted previously, PC physical games are just not a very sought after collectible. Your opinion is no less "ill-informed" than anyone else's, though; you might want to remember that.
5000 copies is very significant considering just like many of the LRG titles, Indiebox makes physical versions of games and charges $20-$30 plus shipping for them in a blind subscription package and that these same games are often sold digitally for a dollar or two. Physical game collecting in general is a niche and while I think there is little doubt that there are more console collectors than PC game collectors, there are extremely sought after and extremely valuable PC games just as there are extremely valuable and sought after console games. I personally know a ton of PC game collectors and there are numerous forums and Facebook groups dedicated to PC game collecting. Indeed, there is one Facebook PC collecting group with 1750 members, many of whom are very active. There is fierce competition on Ebay for many in-demand PC titles and certain titles regularly go for hundreds of dollars when they come up for auction.

As for my opinions, unlike yours, I actually base mine on facts and data, not ignorant generalities informed by a narrow world view. The fact that you think that just because you don't care about something means that nobody else does is just sad, but consistent with my experiences with you where you show up in Nintendo threads and spend all your time bitching about what a terrible company Nintendo is instead of discussing the deal in question. So, no, I don't need to "remember" anything as I'm not the one constantly attacking people for liking things I don't.

*garbage snipped*
Give it up man, you're just beating a dead horse. I've seen you sh*t on plenty of people in other threads, you seem to have issues with anger management/aggression.

Give it up man, you're just beating a dead horse. I've seen you sh*t on plenty of people in other threads, you seem to have issues with anger management/aggression.
What a perfect response. You've resorted to the double cliche of posting a lame meme and attacking someone personally who has gotten the best of you in an argument. You're a real class act.

What a perfect response. You've resorted to the double cliche of posting a lame meme and attacking someone personally who has gotten the best of you in an argument. You're a real class act.
Except, you didn't "get the best" of anyone. You just cited some anecdotal evidence that there are SOME collectors of physical PC games, which I never disputed. I said that PC games are not very collectible, for a number of obvious reasons, and that console and handheld physical games are much more collectible. I don't think many people (except argumentative ones like you who like to talk down to and belittle people) would argue against that point.

But if, in your own mind, you think you "won" that argument, I'm glad it makes you feel superior. You're "winning" about as much as Charlie Sheen or Donald Trump, not really something to be proud of.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
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Except, you didn't "get the best" of anyone. You just cited some anecdotal evidence that there are SOME collectors of physical PC games, which I never disputed. I said that PC games are not very collectible, for a number of obvious reasons, and that console and handheld physical games are much more collectible. I don't think many people (except argumentative ones like you who like to talk down to and belittle people) would argue against that point.

But if, in your own mind, you think you "won" that argument, I'm glad it makes you feel superior. You're "winning" about as much as Charlie Sheen or Donald Trump, not really something to be proud of.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Again, you're confusing your personal beliefs and opinions with objective facts. PC games are objectively collectible as they are actively collected by thousands of people worldwide. There are organized forums and groups where such collectors engage in discussions and other community activities. There are companies, including two of the largest game retailers worldwide (Amazon and Gamestop), that not only sell PC games, but actually have their own physical exclusives of such games. Perhaps most telling of all, there are thousands of completed Ebay auctions for PC games that show a pattern of those games selling for substantial amounts of money. So, factually and objectively, your statement that PC games are "not very collectible" is false.

I find it ironic that you would cite Trump and Sheen, both of whom engage in exactly the same brand of name calling and confusion of opinion versus fact that you are clearly engaged in here. If you have objective facts showing that PC games are "not very collectible", I'd love to hear them. Otherwise I will assume that what you really meant to say is that PC games are "not very collectible" to you.

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I'll side with whoever doesn't use that annoying tapatalk sig. Can't you people turn that shit off?!

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Never ordered off LRG before, but I made an account and I want to get both Shantae titles. 

If I log in at 10 AM sharp, should I have any issues getting it, or does it usually sell out instantaneously?

Also, I hear they do not do combined shipping, so what should I expect to pay per title if I am in the US ?

Never ordered off LRG before, but I made an account and I want to get both Shantae titles.

If I log in at 10 AM sharp, should I have any issues getting it, or does it usually sell out instantaneously?

Also, I hear they do not do combined shipping, so what should I expect to pay per title if I am in the US ?
Usually it's about 5-10 minutes, but with 6000 copies, on PS4, it should be available much longer than that. Be sure to be logged into LRG, and paypal(if you're using it) beforehand, so you can get in and out quickly. I don't think they discontinued combined shipping though, it's usually about $5, even with 4 games.

Never ordered off LRG before, but I made an account and I want to get both Shantae titles.

If I log in at 10 AM sharp, should I have any issues getting it, or does it usually sell out instantaneously?

Also, I hear they do not do combined shipping, so what should I expect to pay per title if I am in the US ?
The print sizes are pretty large for these titles, so logging in at 10 shouldn't be an issue. Most here usually log into PayPal and LRG a few minutes before the items go live just to be safe.

If you order both games in the same transactions, then you pay shipping once. If you do separate transactions, then you pay shipping again. Shipping for one item was something like $5.21 last time.
That's your opinion and it's ill-informed. It's certainly not shared by the large number of people that purchased this release or the thousands of others who happily collect PC games. The collectible PC game market is significant and growing both in the US and Europe. As Indiebox and now Gamestop/Gametrust have discovered, there is a a desire among a sizeable number of PC gamers and collectors to actually own PC games on physical media. Indeed, Indiebox has regularly done 5000 copies of each of its monthly releases, which is impressive considering that up until very recently, subscribers didn't even know what game they were getting until after they purchased a subscription.
True that.. But come on, PC is known for digital format... It's like saying 10 people like to collect while 90 people just happy with the dirt cheap prices they paid for the PC games. The biggest advantage for PC gaming has always been the game prices. $50 for a PC game? The pre-order number for Silver Case tell you what it means. Anyway, we'll see what the collectible price will be for Silver Case shortly. I don't collect for profit, so I don't care for the inflated price one way or another. But like the CAGs said, two factors for those of us didn't want it... #1. It's a PC release #2. It's coming to the PS4. Rest my case...

Question... I saw LRG's #28 is up on the website, what's #26 and #27?

Limited Run #24: Shantae Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut (PS4)

Limited Run #25: Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (PS4)
Limited Run #28: Volume (Vita)

Shantae is mine. I will get those games.

Anyways, someone is selling me their copy or Dragon Fantasy Tome of something something for the Vita for 30 dollars. Comes with the LRG extras. Good deal?
True that.. But come on, PC is known for digital format... It's like saying 10 people like to collect while 90 people just happy with the dirt cheap prices they paid for the PC games. The biggest advantage for PC gaming has always been the game prices. $50 for a PC game? The pre-order number for Silver Case tell you what it means. Anyway, we'll see what the collectible price will be for Silver Case shortly. I don't collect for profit, so I don't care for the inflated price one way or another. But like the CAGs said, two factors for those of us didn't want it... #1. It's a PC release #2. It's coming to the PS4. Rest my case...
I don't completely agree with bojay, but I will say some PC releases are more appealing and hold their value better than their console/handheld counterparts. It depends on the game and quantity that were produced. Steins;Gate is a good example of this. The PC version is worth more than the Vita/PS3 versions, probably because it was overproduced for Vita/PS3 and Jast did the PC box which made it far more limited. Hardly anyone wants the PS3 version of it. Axiom Verge is another example of a PC game that's worth a lot and holds its value. Yes, they're individual examples and a lot of PC collectors editions aren't worth shit but that proves my point.. people sometimes care more about the actual game than what platform it's on. I've skipped all of the Vita/PS4 releases so far because I didn't care about the games, but The Silver Case was an instabuy for me because it's something I really wanted. I wish I'd ordered the the Axiom Verge indiebox. I regret not getting it, the steelbox version is still a good deal at $20 though for those that missed out.

The thing is, if it's a game that no one cares about, people are far less likely to buy a PC CE of it. The same thing doesn't apply to Vita LRG releases because you have people that want the "complete" vita library physically so they'll buy it even if it's a shit game. I have a feeling the PS4 version of The Silver Case won't be worth as much as it is for PC. NISA will most likely produce more copies than LRG did (even if they do a collectors edition release), and I just don't feel like there are all that many PS4 collectors when compared to Vita. If a vita version were coming, I think it'd be a different story.


Steins;Gate is a good example of this. The PC version is worth more than the Vita/PS3 versions, probably because it was overproduced for Vita/PS3 and Jast did the PC box which made it far more limited. Hardly anyone wants the PS3 version of it.
You know there's 2 PC releases, right? The limited set that is worth money, and the normal one. The console also has a limited version in the EU that's been going up in price. The PC version didn't hit North of $100 for awhile either.
You know there's 2 PC releases, right? The limited set that is worth money, and the normal one. The console also has a limited version in the EU that's been going up in price. The PC version didn't hit North of $100 for awhile either.
Yes, I was talking about the limited edition. I wasn't talking about normal editions in my post, aside from LRG. The console limited edition's value went to shit after it was mass produced by Rice, and they had a few deep discounts on it that further dropped the price. It had 2 regional versions btw (US and EU), but they seem to be worth about the same. The console edition's value was actually high at first but dropped quite a bit over time. You could consistently get it for around $30-$40 or so for console, while the PC version has been at $100-200+.

The value may have went up a bit recently though. I have seen a few of the vita editions sell for $100+, but most of them sell for $30-40.

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You know there's 2 PC releases, right? The limited set that is worth money, and the normal one. The console also has a limited version in the EU that's been going up in price. The PC version didn't hit North of $100 for awhile either.
I think you meant 2 console versions? I didn't see a normal one for PC. There's the El Psy Kongroo version which is worth more, but the regular "Limited Edition" can be found somewhat cheap. But yeah, I forgot there are two limited editions for consoles which can be confusing. The price does seem to be going up for El Psy, so I suppose the value is high for both the PC and Vita versions. AFAIK the value was higher for Vita/PS3 before Rice started mass producing it though.

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I think you meant 2 console versions? I didn't see a normal one for PC. There's the El Psy Kongroo version which is worth more, but the regular "Limited Edition" can be found somewhat cheap. But yeah, I forgot there are two limited editions for consoles which can be confusing. The price does seem to be going up for El Psy, so I suppose the value is high for both the PC and Vita versions. AFAIK the value was higher for Vita/PS3 before Rice started mass producing it though.
That's not the post I remember reading.

But no, I meant there's a PC limited edition that sold out in early 2014 ($47), then a normal PC version after.

For console, there's the Rice Digital set, which was underwhelming for the price, especially after factoring in shipping ($80+30).

They cleared out the original inventory and released the 2016 calendar version, which no one cared for. That one is cheap, I think.
That's not the post I remember reading.

But no, I meant there's a PC limited edition that sold out in early 2014 ($47), then a normal PC version after.

For console, there's the Rice Digital set, which was underwhelming for the price, especially after factoring in shipping ($80+30).

They cleared out the original inventory and released the 2016 calendar version, which no one cared for. That one is cheap, I think.
Deleted my first post cuz I remembered wrong about the number of editions. Had to look them up. There are 3 limited editions if you count the calendar one. I don't know if that was really "limited" though, I think Amazon may have sold it at some point too. The regular console Limited Edition (carried by Rice) can be found for $30-40, El Psy seems to be around $140 atm, and no idea about the calendar one. Never cared enough about it to look up prices. I couldn't find the regular PC version on ebay and didn't know of its existence, so I assumed you meant console at first.

Shipping costs were free when I ordered El Psy Kongroo, but I got the US version. I don't think shipping costs were outrageous back then anyway, I paid $76 total for it.

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oh god.. i already can feel my wallet crying.  Volume, Skullgirls, Oddworld, 2 others, and the black friday sale sitll too????  this is gonna be a harsh month

Finally going to get Skullgirls.  I was about to say the hell with it and import a japanese copy as I was tired of waiting.  This is one where I am in for both versions.  Plus it's pre-orders so I don't have to fight for them.

Now just come on Cosmic Star Heroine, so my life can be complete.

Finally going to get Skullgirls. I was about to say the hell with it and import a japanese copy as I was tired of waiting. This is one where I am in for both versions. Plus it's pre-orders so I don't have to fight for them.

Now just come on Cosmic Star Heroine, so my life can be complete.
Yeah, I was going to import Skullgirls as well, especially since it was in English, but funds where slim so I put it on the back burner. Now I'm glad I did.

bread's done