Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I received the Valis collection (Switch) yesterday and have to say that overall I'm pretty disappointed with it.  Not really LRG's fault as they aren't really responsible for the content but I guess I expected more from the "all-new English localization" they originally mentioned in their marketing for it.  This collection only includes 1 Japanese version of each game, with optional English subtitles.  I had expected to at least also include the English translated versions of the games.  I guess I've been spoiled with other "classic" games collections which include much more.

I received the Valis collection (Switch) yesterday and have to say that overall I'm pretty disappointed with it. Not really LRG's fault as they aren't really responsible for the content but I guess I expected more from the "all-new English localization" they originally mentioned in their marketing for it. This collection only includes 1 Japanese version of each game, with optional English subtitles. I had expected to at least also include the English translated versions of the games. I guess I've been spoiled with other "classic" games collections which include much more.
So the menus and titles etc aren’t translated like a localized game? It’s just subtitles over an otherwise JP version?

So the menus and titles etc aren’t translated like a localized game? It’s just subtitles over an otherwise JP version?
The main menu has English text for the options/etc but shows the Japanese cover art for the games. The games themselves are the Japanese versions with optional English subtitles. They used the Japanese PC Engine CD versions of II and III but could have instead used the US Turbo CD versions. Or better yet, include both. Like I said, I guess I'm just spoiled by so many other collections that include Japanese and English versions of games.

There are many versions of the first Valis games as it was released on various consoles and in different languages. This only includes the Japanese Super CD version. It would have been great if it included more of them.

This is the last chance to pre-order River City Girls 2! Don't bother waiting because no other stores will get copies of this game! Of course, you can be my guest and either wait to buy the inflated copies on eBay or buy the import version with the first game with the ugly cover that doesn't have an ESRB rating and the cover isn't even in English. For everyone else, pre-order now before the window closes tonight!
This is the last chance to pre-order River City Girls 2! Don't bother waiting because no other stores will get copies of this game! Of course, you can be my guest and either wait to buy the inflated copies on eBay or buy the import version with the first game with the ugly cover that doesn't have an ESRB rating and the cover isn't even in English. For everyone else, pre-order now before the window closes tonight!
Yes, I will/have pre-ordered the import version because it has both games for less and comes out in December versus who the fuck knows for the LRG release. What a weird way to scare people into ordering from LRG.

Also, I saw you shitting on Best Buy in the YMMV thread about their lack of pre-order dates when again IT'S LRG'S FAULT FOR THAT. You make the whole LRG situation worse with the way you defend them and prove our points in the process.

Seriously, get your head out of LRG'S ass. The weather is fine out here.
You would think a community of gamers would appreciate a company bringing them games that otherwise would have never been published physically, but no. It absolutely infuriates me to no end knowing that this thread, along with the other online whiners, are some of the first results on Google when you search for LRG.
Not going to write you a book when one is already written here for you and two of the authors are dudes you worship. Go back to page one and you can read and catch up to the rest of us that have been following this company since Breach & Clear on the Vita. You'll see how they over reacted to simple questions and eventually wore out their welcome. No one has to convince you of anything, read it for yourself instead of acting like one of those cult followers that has drank so much of the cult kool-aid that you have rationalize fully the crazy crap into your norm.

It's a business. Buy from them or not. It's not the end of the world if you miss a release. No one is going to care if your NA collection is not complete. And when you are gone from the earth your collection is going to be so crazy that those that loved you will just donate it all because they have no clue what was your favorite game or game series since you left so much behind that they just will remember you for being crazy dedicated to buying massive amounts of games without any real rational thought behind it.

Best of luck to you. Life is short. Defending companies is something that should be saved purely for the shills that get paid to do this kind of work.

Yep, despite what the store pages say there's even a part in the support ticket fields to just cancel an order. Give them the order number, explain why and if it's not about to ship they should do it. Even when they went "we're about to ship scott pilgrims so we can't cancel that" they did it anyway in mid september when i politely asked again around the time of the last newsletter. Just put your order number/numbers in the field, say "hey, i no longer have interest in these" and they should work with you on them. They may ask for your paypal email if it's a year+ order, but otherwise it should go smoothly and if it doesn't somehow you can refer to the tweet josh made in the summer
That's interesting.... thanks for the info. I'm sure that might come in handy at some point. I did somewhat recently try to cancel a distro title that was taking a long time to ship and they said they couldn't because it had entered a shipping queue or something like that. I won't swear to it (I am sure I posted it around that time), but I think it actually shipped 3-4 weeks later. That's a long gap to be in the middle of the "point of no return" for cancellations.

That's interesting.... thanks for the info. I'm sure that might come in handy at some point. I did somewhat recently try to cancel a distro title that was taking a long time to ship and they said they couldn't because it had entered a shipping queue or something like that. I won't swear to it (I am sure I posted it around that time), but I think it actually shipped 3-4 weeks later. That's a long gap to be in the middle of the "point of no return" for cancellations.
Yeah I’ll just add that when they initially told me no on scott pilgrim for the same reason, a polite reminder 2 weeks later led to them letting me cancel. Their CS is generally chill so it should be helpful for the future
I don't think it needs to be said, buuuut remember that the customer service rep is probably some underpaid worker who is not responsible for LRG being LRG.  Typically applies to all CS reps.

So be righteous to them, but ensure your feedback is well documented. 

Edit:  And on the weirdest of off-chance the CS rep(s) read our internet scrawling, you're likely not paid to defend the company; if you are told to do so, that's the marketing departments job (or customer retention in bigger corps), so ask for a raise!

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Not that I buy into it... but didn't the guys say over and over and over how they paid their workers well above the norm?   Not that they shouldn't be paid even more, but this was something they pretty heavily touted behind the shipping prices and so on.

Still, yeah, no reason to unload on a cog in the machine just trying to do their job.  Hopefully none of them have enough time to be on the internet defense force on the side since the cueue to even get a response from them is so long.

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I got 2 emails about Dawn of the Monsters for switch 1 from 9/10 telling me the same thing as yours and 1 from 10/4 telling me make sure your shipping address is up to date by 10/6
OMG someone is watching this thread I just got an email my order with Dawn of the Monsters has just shipped

Not that I buy into it... but didn't the guys say over and over and over how they paid their workers well above the norm? Not that they shouldn't be paid even more, but this was something they pretty heavily touted behind the shipping prices and so on.

Still, yeah, no reason to unload on a cog in the machine just trying to do their job. Hopefully none of them have enough time to be on the internet defense force on the side since the cueue to even get a response from them is so long.
Yes, Josh repeated a lot that he paid them living wages. I don't doubt that tbh, but even a great wage isn't enough to make me not worry about crunch. Even when I was pretty angry at the BMZ3 CE the biggest factor for me not just wasting time on a support ticket was because I know the CS gets overwhelmed as is and they're pretty much the innocents in all of this. One of the CS folk was even active on the discord and was an amazing, friendly person while she was there, eager to help people with their orders and fix them as much as she was able. She even hung out and was great in their livestreams too.

TBH I mostly just remember how when Doug held that horrid AMA he openly stated the shiren debacle was enough to make him "completely shake up CS so such a thing wouldn't happen again" even though I argue CS had next to nothing to do with that outside of initially telling people they could only get a $10 refund, and I think that was just because Josh didn't communicate the full refund policy to them in time, leading to the confusion and my initial bout of anger towards the rep. (which I immediately apologized for in the follow up replies I made when that full refund progressed) Even though it wasn't CS's fault at all!

Ultimately I feel their CS are treated more like scapegoats more than anything else and with the small size of LRG's staff all these releases flooding in cannot be healthy. Even when I see stuff like Enclave HD PS4 sell under 1K across all SKUs, that's still a lot of stuff coming in alongside all the other titles that ended preorder this month, along with their bigger games that smash MOQ and are in the thousands range (Them shifting focus and pausing shipping out other games whenever Castlevania, Contra, Scott Pilgrim, Star Wars, etc has always been a thing as far back as I can remember).

Not that I buy into it... but didn't the guys say over and over and over how they paid their workers well above the norm? Not that they shouldn't be paid even more, but this was something they pretty heavily touted behind the shipping prices and so on.

Still, yeah, no reason to unload on a cog in the machine just trying to do their job. Hopefully none of them have enough time to be on the internet defense force on the side since the cueue to even get a response from them is so long.
Yeah, they bake shipping department costs into shipping:

Agreed on all accounts, though. The people you'd interact with aren't the people making the decisions, they don't deserve your ire.

My issue isn't the $5.75 for shipping or whatever it is now, adding a little materials and handling fee is fine. It's that they don't use First Class, which we all know costs like $4. Makes you wonder what the profit margin is on the shitty DHL service they're using.

My issue isn't the $5.75 for shipping or whatever it is now, adding a little materials and handling fee is fine. It's that they don't use First Class, which we all know costs like $4. Makes you wonder what the profit margin is on the shitty DHL service they're using.
I'd imagine it's not about cost savings as much as it is about logistics and cost control (limiting how expensive it is to ship). They were pretty much overloading their local USPS office. Free package pickup doesn't apply to First Class... just Priority, Express, package returns, and international. So they were likely looking at even worse delays on shipping and much higher shipping costs if they didn't work through someone like DHL, UPS, or another company that has agreements for local distribution through the USPS. I could imagine they could even have gotten so backed up that their entire facility could have overflowed with packages waiting to go out.

At the end of they day I doubt they are making a profit on shipping. It's probably just enough to do the job and pay their employees in the shipping department. This isn't the early days when it was 1500 copies of a vita game and most packages were a bubble mailer and they could work a couple days (Doug by himself) to package things up and get them to the post office. It's probably more like 10k packages a day or every other day or something.

Woof it took me a long time to figure out what my password was for this.

Some people told me this thread was getting kind of crazy with accusations so I figured I better come back and clear some stuff up. 

None of these other accounts are me, this is and will always be my only account by the way.

No one "ran us out" from the forum either. Josh and I collectively decided to stop visiting forums as a whole one day and let marketing post on them instead.  :razz:

Woof it took me a long time to figure out what my password was for this.

Some people told me this thread was getting kind of crazy with accusations so I figured I better come back and clear some stuff up.

None of these other accounts are me, this is and will always be my only account by the way.

No one "ran us out" from the forum either. Josh and I collectively decided to stop visiting forums as a whole one day and let marketing post on them instead. :razz:
Hello Doug.

how are things

Well, this should make for an interesting evening of replies to this thread...

Edit-What if IATCG has been Doug's alt this entire time  :hot:

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Woof it took me a long time to figure out what my password was for this.

Some people told me this thread was getting kind of crazy with accusations so I figured I better come back and clear some stuff up.

None of these other accounts are me, this is and will always be my only account by the way.

No one "ran us out" from the forum either. Josh and I collectively decided to stop visiting forums as a whole one day and let marketing post on them instead. :razz:
Wow. Did not see this coming.

As I live and breathe

Woof it took me a long time to figure out what my password was for this.

Some people told me this thread was getting kind of crazy with accusations so I figured I better come back and clear some stuff up.

None of these other accounts are me, this is and will always be my only account by the way.

No one "ran us out" from the forum either. Josh and I collectively decided to stop visiting forums as a whole one day and let marketing post on them instead. :razz:
Maybe you can clarify something from 4 months ago.

Which is from:

The actual posts were deleted (the contents of the first is in the CAG link above) but, well, none of these other accounts may be one of you here but well, they sure could be one of you there.

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Maybe you can clarify something from 4 months ago.

Which is from:

The actual posts were deleted (the contents of the first is in the CAG link above) but, well, none of these other accounts may be one of you here but well, they sure could be one of you there.
TBH I strongly believe that expensive onion guy is the Pokechaos individual and that’s what they remind me of the most. I do not think it’s josh or doug and i think insinuating that they are such is a silly thing to do. With how people like that goku guy that keeps tweeting at me are, I just honestly feel it’s someone like I used to be, and just a LRG mega fan, nothing more. I still remember that individual nuked their reddit account as soon as someone pointed out that flooding trustpilot with astroturf reviews was a pretty bad idea, so I think it was just someone trying to get a rise out of people or (as I have personally dealt with a few times) someone who defends the company due to fear of their own gaming collection going down in value and wanting to not hold a bag. (instead of buying to just, play the darn games)

You’d be surprised how vicious people get when they treat games like a stock that need to go up. You see the same in grading circles too.
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Well, I certainly hope they take the constructive criticism in stride...

However, it would be a historically safe bet that a small indie gets bought out, the top names stick around at least one year, keep their nose clean, and get sweet golden parachute deals to leave the company to work on their "next big idea."  Typically happens with small companies after acquisitions, so perhaps there is hope LRG will stop over-promising and under-committing.

Perhaps landing some better titles that don't hit $1.99 from the time the order opened and the time the product finally ships? 

Also, aside, I recommend using a password manager; you shouldn't be memorizing passwords in 2022. 

Woof it took me a long time to figure out what my password was for this.

Some people told me this thread was getting kind of crazy with accusations so I figured I better come back and clear some stuff up.

None of these other accounts are me, this is and will always be my only account by the way.

No one "ran us out" from the forum either. Josh and I collectively decided to stop visiting forums as a whole one day and let marketing post on them instead. :razz:
so have you been sending your team to post on sites like this in your defense?

Woof it took me a long time to figure out what my password was for this.

Some people told me this thread was getting kind of crazy with accusations so I figured I better come back and clear some stuff up.
None of these other accounts are me, this is and will always be my only account by the way.

No one "ran us out" from the forum either. Josh and I collectively decided to stop visiting forums as a whole one day and let marketing post on them instead. :razz:
"However, it would be a historically safe bet that a small indie gets bought out, the top names stick around at least one year, keep their nose clean, and get sweet golden parachute deals to leave the company to work on their "next big idea."  Typically happens with small companies after acquisitions, so perhaps there is hope LRG will stop over-promising and under-committing."

What? Is this insinuating we plan to leave?

We aren't going anywhere.

The other accounts aren't us. We don't type that way nor have time to do such a thing.

What I meant about marketing is if they visit a forum they use a handle like limitedrungames not some random accounts to pretend to support us. That's unprofessional and against the rules.
Thank you for clearing this up, Doug! Now that it's finally confirmed that I'm not you, of course, that bizarre Seafoam guy is now accusing me of being yet another person! I already told you that I'm Gregory Stevens and I'm a hardcore game collector which is why I have no problem defending LRG, Josh, and Doug as much as I can against the vile haters online. LRG has fans who are willing to defend them. Get over it!

Doug, what do you think about that Seafoam guy writing long winded articles about you online and constantly attacking you on Twitter and then playing the victim when people defend you from his vicious and hurtful attacks? Maybe he's Goku guy all along and arguing with himself for attention?

Also, Seafoam insulted your AMA on Reddit. Don't let haters like him get you down. You did great answering the questions on your AMA and hope Josh will also do one soon. You guys are basically celebrities to us collectors.
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I'm not here to cause drama and want nothing to do with them.

I don't need to add to anyone's stress nor mine. Just here to help.
Exactly, he's a nobody!


While you're here I want to thank you and Josh for keeping physical games alive and helping out the collecting community so much. Just ignore the drama and haters. There are thousands of satisfied fans, myself included, who love everything you guys do and will continue to buy from you and support you no matter what.
Regardless of anything I hope your time from sell to ship decreases from the long quite a bit of months wait. I rarely order anything because by the time I get my games they're barely on my mind anymore and I may be inclined to just sell it, or I get it cheap digitally over time. I haven't wanted any of your releases for a while mainly because you aren't licensing games I really want physical. At least know we have one person here posting when your stuff is up for pre-order or purchasing, so we are informed. You also have a huge fan in Mr. Smiley gif who will buy anything of yours.

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Thank you for clearing this up, Doug! Now that it's finally confirmed that I'm not you, of course, that bizarre Seafoam guy is now accusing me of being yet another person! I already told you that I'm Gregory Stevens and I'm a hardcore game collector which is why I have no problem defending LRG, Josh, and Doug as much as I can against the vile haters online. LRG has fans who are willing to defend them. Get over it!

Doug, what do you think about that Seafoam guy writing long winded articles about you online and constantly attacking you on Twitter and then playing the victim when people defend you from his vicious and hurtful attacks? Maybe he's Goku guy all along and arguing with himself for attention?

Also, Seafoam insulted your AMA on Reddit. Don't let haters like him get you down. You did great answering the questions on your AMA and hope Josh will also do one soon. You guys are basically celebrities to us collectors.
Why the hell are you only focusing on me and only me pages later in this thread. Now that I looked at your entire post history you've literally not mentioned *a single other critic* and instead just me and my articles, even though a certain youtube video or other people/communities that blew up about them are right there.

this is starting to feel more like a targeted troll account towards me and I'm not honestly a fan of it, especially with "the haters" terminology that reads like the Intellivision Amico weirdos. Knock this shit off. I haven't tagged Doug or Josh in eons nor do I want or plan to. They know my feedback, it hasn't changed.

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Regardless of anything I hope your time from sell to ship decreases from the long quite a bit of months wait. I rarely order anything because by the time I get my games they're barely on my mind anymore and I may be inclined to just sell it, or I get it cheap digitally over time. I haven't wanted any of your releases for a while mainly because you aren't licensing games I really want physical. At least know we have one person here posting when your stuff is up for pre-order or purchasing, so we are informed. You also have a huge fan in Mr. Smiley gif who will buy anything of yours.
You aren't wrong. Our ship times are inexcusable overall. We just moved the shipping team to our new building earlier this month so it caused a delay but even after, the times need to be shortened!

I think during covid we signed too much not knowing when anything would be ready and now everything is ready for release... we have too much. We acknowledge internally we need to slow down. I've actively said no more often to projects than ever before but there are just so many games out there.

My own personal goal is when we launch LRG EU in Q2 that we can hit refresh on the NA side too and slow down.

Also, all of our staff is paid well and as nice as it'd be we aren't pocketing shipping once you factor in EU, plus staff wages and supplies/equipment.
I politely asked customer service where my order was. They just copied and pasted the below and ignored my request. I placed a order in May of 2021. A year and a half later my 700+ order still hasn’t shipped. I asked for them to ship what was in stock (some of which has been in their wherehouse for a year), and i got nowhere. So 700 in product they refuse to ship because it’s all held up because of double dragon neon collectors edition. The canned response says 8 - 9 months, I’m looking at double that time. I know I’m not the only one.
Woof it took me a long time to figure out what my password was for this.

Some people told me this thread was getting kind of crazy with accusations so I figured I better come back and clear some stuff up.
None of these other accounts are me, this is and will always be my only account by the way.

No one "ran us out" from the forum either. Josh and I collectively decided to stop visiting forums as a whole one day and let marketing post on them instead. :razz:
Can I actually get my orders from now 12 months. Also still clearly an alt account you use it's ok Kevin Durant got caught same thing.

Edit I'm sorry it's about to be a year not 13 months.


And bloodrayne revamped for switch.

Stuff just keeps getting pushed back and back and back. Really is ridiculous.
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Props to Doug for being professional in the face of, uh, people like me.

But like Pokechaos3, lol, enough. You can stop posting now, adults are talking.

Had to ask about the Mr Onion reddit thing. If it was Josh, and no one will ever admit if it is, at least this ensures he now knows we know that it was him if it's him. The small little things in life. time-to-shitpost-cat.gif

Can I actually get my orders from now 12 months. Also still clearly an alt account you use it's ok Kevin Durant got caught same thing.
Edit I'm sorry it's about to be a year not 13 months.
And bloodrayne revamped for switch.
Stuff just keeps getting pushed back and back and back. Really is ridiculous.
Quite bluntly i think it’s ridiculous to insinuate so and so from a company made an alt because someone is overly positive/defensive of them. By that logic I’d have been an alt of them last year, as would anyone here that would casually buy from them off and on. Such accusations help nobody.
You aren't wrong. Our ship times are inexcusable overall. We just moved the shipping team to our new building earlier this month so it caused a delay but even after, the times need to be shortened!

I think during covid we signed too much not knowing when anything would be ready and now everything is ready for release... we have too much. We acknowledge internally we need to slow down. I've actively said no more often to projects than ever before but there are just so many games out there.

My own personal goal is when we launch LRG EU in Q2 that we can hit refresh on the NA side too and slow down.

Also, all of our staff is paid well and as nice as it'd be we aren't pocketing shipping once you factor in EU, plus staff wages and supplies/equipment.
Well thanks for coming on here and answering some questions. I think I would be more inclined to purchase from you if you had the type of games I like. Less western stuff, and more japanese stuff. But not the Kemco games. Anything but that.

You aren't wrong. Our ship times are inexcusable overall. We just moved the shipping team to our new building earlier this month so it caused a delay but even after, the times need to be shortened!

I think during covid we signed too much not knowing when anything would be ready and now everything is ready for release... we have too much. We acknowledge internally we need to slow down. I've actively said no more often to projects than ever before but there are just so many games out there.

My own personal goal is when we launch LRG EU in Q2 that we can hit refresh on the NA side too and slow down.

Also, all of our staff is paid well and as nice as it'd be we aren't pocketing shipping once you factor in EU, plus staff wages and supplies/equipment.
A refresh in NA would be great, but I imagine that would also mean a further slowdown of releases to catch up? Or at least less ridiculous SKUs?

Ship times need to drop to a month or two for games that already exist digitally to gain confidence back. Titles that aren't released in any form yet, should ship near their digital release, just like standard retail releases. I know there are probably nuances with contracts from game to game, but LRG is big enough now to push for closer releases and in a timely fashion especially since it looks like your company is positioning themselves as more of a traditional publisher now. Otherwise, well, it's like we've been saying throughout this thread for a couple of years now, it looks unsustainable from the outside.

As someone that also has a hand in shipping our company's product, profit on your shipping was never a concern to me personally, but it is always good to hear living wages are being paid to staff no matter what company it is.

Can I actually get my orders from now 12 months. Also still clearly an alt account you use it's ok Kevin Durant got caught same thing.

Edit I'm sorry it's about to be a year not 13 months.


And bloodrayne revamped for switch.

Stuff just keeps getting pushed back and back and back. Really is ridiculous.
I don't have an alt account, sorry life isn't always a conspiracy and can be pretty boring.

A refresh in NA would be great, but I imagine that would also mean a further slowdown of releases to catch up? Or at least less ridiculous SKUs?

Ship times need to drop to a month or two for games that already exist digitally to gain confidence back. Titles that aren't released in any form yet, should ship near their digital release, just like standard retail releases. I know there are probably nuances with contracts from game to game, but LRG is big enough now to push for closer releases and in a timely fashion especially since it looks like your company is positioning themselves as more of a traditional publisher now. Otherwise, well, it's like we've been saying throughout this thread for a couple of years now, it looks unsustainable from the outside.

As someone that also has a hand in shipping our company's product, profit on your shipping was never a concern to me personally, but it is always good to hear living wages are being paid to staff no matter what company it is.
I agree 100% on shipping times.

A refresh in NA would be great, but I imagine that would also mean a further slowdown of releases to catch up? Or at least less ridiculous SKUs?
Ship times need to drop to a month or two for games that already exist digitally to gain confidence back. Titles that aren't released in any form yet, should ship near their digital release, just like standard retail releases. I know there are probably nuances with contracts from game to game, but LRG is big enough now to push for closer releases and in a timely fashion especially since it looks like your company is positioning themselves as more of a traditional publisher now. Otherwise, well, it's like we've been saying throughout this thread for a couple of years now, it looks unsustainable from the outside.

As someone that also has a hand in shipping our company's product, profit on your shipping was never a concern to me personally, but it is always good to hear living wages are being paid to staff no matter what company it is.
I would honestly prefer the physical versions after the publishers have patched their broken launch day games. Almost everything gets a post launch patch and I would prefer a final version on disc over needing to download an update. If you have to download updates and patches to play it kind of defeats the point of limited physical releases.
I would honestly prefer the physical versions after the publishers have patched their broken launch day games. Almost everything gets a post launch patch and I would prefer a final version on disc over needing to download an update. If you have to download updates and patches to play it kind of defeats the point of limited physical releases.
I agree. I think there's a healthy middleground somewhere, just not 12 months. :bouncy:
I agree 100% on shipping times.
I realize there's not a lot you can do about backlog but several posters on here have complained about multi-item orders being held up by one massively delayed single item.
Is there anyway you can implement a system to allow requests to break up those orders into multiple shipments even if logistically it'd require a small surcharge?
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bread's done