Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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1- You really need to learn how to spell and learn basic sentence structure.

2- Don't be that asshole who insults someone and uses that pathetically lame phrase "I'm just being honest" as if it gives you immunity from being a dick. It's a really pitiful way to feel justified to yourself in what you say. Kind of like how people say hurtful things to others and in order to protect themselves they follow it up with "I'm just kidding".

3- No one cares if you like the game or not. You're just one person out of billions. Why would anyone care if you don't like one game? That's why we have so damn many games, because not everyone likes everything game. You're insignificant in this world, and you're personal taste in just one video game is even less insignificant.

Like my grandma always said, just because you can act like a horses ass doesn't mean you have to.
This is the internet get over it.
Wow... the fuck is going on in this thread?
Internet soldiers fighting for what they believe in...... and trying to shove there views down ppls throats thats all. If I think the game was terrible so be it. I am not going to please some guy on the internet, and I am sure not taking back what I said. Paragraphs wont help either and Ill type how I please. [emoji41] [emoji11]


Internet soldiers fighting for what they believe in...... and trying to shove there views down ppls throats thats all. If I think the game was terrible so be it. I am not going to please some guy on the internet, and I am sure not taking back what I said. Paragraphs wont help either and Ill type how I please. [emoji41] [emoji11]
Yes, never try to change or better yourself. ;)

Internet soldiers fighting for what they believe in...... and trying to shove there views down ppls throats thats all. If I think the game was terrible so be it. I am not going to please some guy on the internet, and I am sure not taking back what I said. Paragraphs wont help either and Ill type how I please. [emoji41] [emoji11]
You're so renegade.

Any word on if Stranger's Wrath will be PSTV compatible?
No, unfortunately (just like the digital version) - no PSTV support. Adding support would have required a full rebuild of the binary which was out of the question. As this is our oldest Vita re-release yet - it is built on a very old and rickety codebase where even the slightest change could cause things to completely break. It was necessary for the physical release to mirror the digital release as much as possible.

Oddworld will have two covers. A blue cover limited to 1000 copies and a reversible cover.
The blue cover will also be available on their website.
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They were unsure how they would handle quantities. They seemed to be debating two total, or one limited and two regular edition.
Is the 1000 special on top of the total amount, are a part of it? If it is just the 4500 total, allowing for 3 copies per is not going to work, as this is going to be super popular, and I could see some missing out with allowing 3 per customer.

I think it should be listed separately, or automatically included it with those who buy 2 copies(up to the first 1000 of course). Listing it on it's own is probably the most fair way to handle it.

Is the 1000 special on top of the total amount, are a part of it? If it is just the 4500 total, allowing for 3 copies per is not going to work, as this is going to be super popular, and I could see some missing out with allowing 3 per customer.

I think it should be listed separately, or automatically included it with those who buy 2 copies(up to the first 1000 of course). Listing it on it's own is probably the most fair way to handle it.
The 1,000 is on top of the 4500 and 850 copies of that 1,000 are going to be sold at PSX this weekend. LRG is holding 150 copies for non-PSX buyers, but they haven't decided whether to just list them for sale or raffle them or do some other method.

I might just pay separate shipping to try and get the PSX variant, and then try for the regular editions at the afternoon time.

At this point, I would have rather they just sell them all at PSX, so I won't feel like it's a normal LRG release I have to have since it wasn't made available for purchase, or at least in theory that's what I'll keep telling myself. :p

I have to say though, this is kind of a slap in the face for people who were intending to have the whole collection thinking all they have to do is be awake at the right time, and not needing to jump through any extra hoops to keep things going.

Mixed feelings about all of this. ~_~

I say this living on the opposite side of the country and having no way to go to PSX, but if you're going to make the variant exclusive to that event, make it exclusive. 

Dangling 150 copies for sale/giveaway online is only going to tease people and rile them up more when they're not able to get one.

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I might just pay separate shipping to try and get the PSX variant, and then try for the regular editions at the afternoon time.

At this point, I would have rather they just sell them all at PSX, so I won't feel like it's a normal LRG release I have to have since it wasn't made available for purchase, or at least in theory that's what I'll keep telling myself. :p

I have to say though, this is kind of a slap in the face for people who were intending to have the whole collection thinking all they have to do is be awake at the right time, and not needing to jump through any extra hoops to keep things going.

Mixed feelings about all of this. ~_~
Yeah I have to agree on the mixed feelings. I HATE when companies sale stuff at places that only a handful of people can get to, "N" pulls that shit at their NY store, when they could just as easily sale stuff on their online site and offer it to everyone, not just those with access to NY.

I'm all for LRG selling there products at a trade show, but at least whenever something like this is done, it should be split in half at the very least, that way those at the show have a decent qty, and then those online have the same chances. Or maybe even 1/3 for the show, as the online crowd will be bigger.

If they do only offer 150 through regular means, I'll have to try for that 1, and then try to get a regular copy separate as I don't see being able to get this LE any other way. It is what it is I guess, as I'm still happy to be able to get this game physical, but I would like a fair shot for the more limited copy.

Yeah I have to agree on the mixed feelings. I HATE when companies sale stuff at places that only a handful of people can get to, "N" pulls that shit at their NY store, when they could just as easily sale stuff on their online site and offer it to everyone, not just those with access to NY.

I'm all for LRG selling there products at a trade show, but at least whenever something like this is done, it should be split in half at the very least, that way those at the show have a decent qty, and then those online have the same chances. Or maybe even 1/3 for the show, as the online crowd will be bigger.
It makes a lot of sense.

Nintendo has a very expensive retail location in New York City so one of the things they do to get people to go there is have exclusive items, giveaways, more stock than anywhere else, etc...

LRG is paying for an expensive booth at PSX, and this is a great way to get people to visit it.

There will be copies sold on eBay or other secondary marketplaces, and anyone going for a 100% complete LRG collection will have an opportunity to buy it. None of us are entitled to being able to forever purchase anything we want at retail price. I still haven't tracked down the Hyrule Warriors and MK8 Limited Editions NOA sold at the NYC Store because of how much they go for, but I don't have any ill will about it. If I wanted a copy right now I could pay the premium and get it.

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It makes a lot of sense.

Nintendo has a very expensive retail location in New York City so one of the things they do to get people to go there is have exclusive items, giveaways, more stock than anywhere else, etc...

LRG is paying for an expensive booth at PSX, and this is a great way to get people to visit it.

There will be copies sold on eBay or other secondary marketplaces, and anyone going for a 100% complete LRG collection will have an opportunity to buy it. None of us are entitled to being able to forever purchase anything we want at retail price. I still haven't tracked down the Hyrule Warriors and MK8 Limited Editions NOA sold at the NYC Store because of how much they go for, but I don't have any ill will about it. If I wanted a copy right now I could pay the premium and get it.
As I stated at the end, I'm happy to get physical, I'm not going to loose any sleep one way or the other, but the online community is where LRG has gotten there support, why not offer something like this to them as well in a decent amount of numbers? Is that out of line to ask?

As I stated at the end, I'm happy to get physical, I'm not going to loose any sleep one way or the other, but the online community is where LRG has gotten there support, why not offer something like this to them as well in a decent amount of numbers? Is that out of line to ask?
If it's the same as what's available to everyone online, where's the incentive for someone to go out of their way to visit the PSX booth?

If it's the same as what's available to everyone online, where's the incentive for someone to go out of their way to visit the PSX booth?
Getting the game a week early, not paying $5 shipping and getting a guaranteed copy rather than having to fight it out on the website on the 9th. Those sound like pretty good incentives to me.

"Opinions are just like ***holes, everyone has one"

-The Internet
Nope, the vocal majority isn't going to win this one. Sorry. It's a piece of colored paper on a game you're not going to open. If there were 5000 of them, then people would buy the one with the best art. Companies offer variants at trade shows all the time. You gotta get used to it. It's incentive to visit their booth.

Everyone still has access to buying the same game. If you want a different cover badly enough you can buy it on the aftermarket. Really not that big of a deal.

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I also just remembered that you are an Ebay reseller. You should understand these things already. :shame:

I say this living on the opposite side of the country and having no way to go to PSX, but if you're going to make the variant exclusive to that event, make it exclusive.

Dangling 150 copies for sale/giveaway online is only going to tease people and rile them up more when they're not able to get one.
This is also a very good point. No point in rewarding the people that run script / shopify bots.

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Nope, the vocal majority isn't going to win this one. Sorry. It's a piece of colored paper on a game you're not going to open. If there were 5000 of them, then people would buy the one with the best art. Companies offer variants at trade shows all the time. You better get used to it. It's incentive to visit their booth.

Everyone still has access to buying the same game. If you want a different cover badly enough you can buy it on the aftermarket. Really not that big of a deal.
I wasn't aware you were the official spokesperson for LRG. It's not about winning this particular argument and while you have a right to your opinion, your beliefs are not facts. It's quite possible that this variant could result in longer term damage to LRG sales and expansion hopes if people feel that by not being able to obtain this variant that they no longer have a complete collection. Some people have already started to move away from buying both platforms for certain games and some people decided not to buy Stealth Inc. at all as sort of the first step to getting off the LRG train. Personally, it doesn't matter to me as I'm not a variant collector, but I've seen the kind of gross aftermarket variants have created in the comic world and I am hopeful this really just is a one-off for LRG. I would also note that many variants, even convention exclusives, are typically available before or after the fact from distributors for MSRP. It's pretty unusual nowadays for a cover variant to remain a true convention exclusive.

Getting the game a week early, not paying $5 shipping and getting a guaranteed copy rather than having to fight it out on the website on the 9th. Those sound like pretty good incentives to me.
Agreed, and I would say any fan of their is going to visit their booth if they had an exclusive there or not, as everything they have released has been exclusive and limited, so people are going to visit to try and get past games, or some free swag. Having a limited game there isn't going to change those facts.

Nope, the vocal majority isn't going to win this one. Sorry. It's a piece of colored paper on a game you're not going to open. If there were 5000 of them, then people would buy the one with the best art. Companies offer variants at trade shows all the time. You better get used to it. It's incentive to visit their booth.

Everyone still has access to buying the same game. If you want a different cover badly enough you can buy it on the aftermarket. Really not that big of a deal.
There is nothing here to "WIN", people are giving their personal thoughts and opinions on this particular situation. I didn't know there was a prize to be had, or WON! If they offered 10 online, I would try the same as if they offered 150, or 500. If I get one great, if I don't, I'm not boycotting them either way, so I don't see the point of the replies.

Yes, I've been to many trade shows, and I'm well aware of making exclusive items to get people to your booth, as stated above, that would have happened anyway, as LRG often offers past releases at trade shows, so I'm sure the same amount of people would have come by anyway, just to see what they have, and maybe get some stuff signed and some freebies.

Iome people have already started to move away from buying both platforms for certain games and some people decided not to buy Stealth Inc. at all as sort of the first step to getting off the LRG train. .
I think judging anything about LRG from Stealth Inc is letting your personal opinion cloud your judgement.

Not getting a variant != Not having a complete collection.  They are going be numbered the same.  You won't be missing a numbered entry if you don't get one.  "Because I have to have everything!" is never the right answer to anything.  That's just a personal shortcoming.  A reasonable person would simply go onto Ebay and buy one of the variants on release week when it will be at its cheapest, if they had to have it that badly. 

Did people keep all four covers of Shantae as well?  I didn't see any discussion about that one. 

Not getting a variant != Not having a complete collection. They are going be numbered the same. You won't be missing a numbered entry if you don't get one. "Because I have to have everything!" is never the right answer to anything. That's just a personal shortcoming. A reasonable person would simply go onto Ebay and buy one of the variants on release week when it will be at its cheapest, if they had to have it that badly.

Did people keep all four covers of Shantae as well? I didn't see any discussion about that one.
They were double sided covers, so everyone that bought either version got both covers for that particular platform. Again, you're just expressing your opinion. Some people believe that a complete collection requires getting every variant. It's not your place to decide for them how to think or feel.

I think judging anything about LRG from Stealth Inc is letting your personal opinion cloud your judgement.
I'm simply stating that a number of people on various forums have described Stealth Inc. as the game that helped them get off the every game LRG train. Personally, I'm still on the train, but I do worry that as time goes on, fewer collectors will support these releases, resulting in fewer copies printed and a contraction rather than an expansion of LRG's business which I feel would be bad for the rest of us.

Man, LRG really knows what they're doing. Releasing a "super exclusive" cover art on a product that already gets a ton of attention because it's exclusive and limited.

I'm simply stating that a number of people on various forums have described Stealth Inc. as the game that helped them get off the every game LRG train.
I'm still bitter about Soldner X. Yet I can't get myself to let go of my copy of Breach & Clear, so I keep buying...

They were double sided covers, so everyone that bought either version got both covers for that particular platform. Again, you're just expressing your opinion. Some people believe that a complete collection requires getting every variant. It's not your place to decide for them how to think or feel.
Now you're playing both sides of the coin. I'm aware that Shantae has double sided covers, but the reverse side doesn't show when the games stay sealed. We are obviously discussing the serious collector here who is keeping a set of their LRG games sealed. A super limited, variant cover art doesn't (well def shouldn't) matter to someone who opens their LRG set.

Any person fitting the bill you guys described would require four sealed Shantae games. Which has not previously mattered to people expressing themselves on this board.

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