Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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It's going to eventually sell out, not sure why people are fixated on how fast or how much stock they have left. You're not going to be rich by hoarding these games.

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It's going to eventually sell out, not sure why people are fixated on how fast or how much stock they have left. You're not going to be rich by hoarding these games.
Hoarding games!? Perish the thought, I bet you'd tell Metal Jesus he's a video game hoarder wouldn't you?

I was trying to say it seem that the people who cares about the stock or how fast it sell out is just worried about the value as oppose of just wanting a physical copy.
It's going to eventually sell out, not sure why people are fixated on how fast or how much stock they have left. You're not going to be rich by hoarding these games.
Because they are kids that run their credit cards up who believe because some of the earlier releases doubled in a week that every limited game will do the same. Then they realize the statement is due and the game didn't double as fast as they wanted. No your not going to get rich hoarding these, but they will dry up and become solid trade bait. The same thing used to happen with the treehouse lithographs.

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Hoarding games!? Perish the thought, I bet you'd tell Metal Jesus he's a video game hoarder wouldn't you?
I'm pretty sure he didn't mean that, he's just talking about the resellers that hoard one specific title thinking they are going to retire on it. I doubt either one of these releases will reach Panzer Dragoon Saga prices.

Because they are kids that run their credit cards up who believe because some of the earlier releases doubled in a week that every limited game will do the same. Then they realize the statement is due and the game didn't double as fast as they wanted. No your not going to get rich hoarding these, but they will dry up and become solid trade bait. The same thing used to happen with the treehouse lithographs.
octodad or whatever its called still has a hard time bringing in 25

crap i knew i should just got 1 of each instead of buying 2 of each to try to flip... wonder if they will go up in vaule or if i be stuck holding them... (when i say flip i mean flip for a newer game they release at a later time--- had extra cash now but not sure will have cash when they release i game i want i dont have cash)

did this say it before


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OTher than Breach and Clear, is there any other release that has increased in value?  I picked up SMRPG  VITA and sold it for about 68 cuz I hated it after testing it out on Steam a week later... looks like it's still selling for that price. 

OTher than Breach and Clear, is there any other release that has increased in value? I picked up SMRPG VITA and sold it for about 68 cuz I hated it after testing it out on Steam a week later... looks like it's still selling for that price.
really should dump my breach 200 bucks is very nice for a game i never play, BUT only 1500 copies made

OTher than Breach and Clear, is there any other release that has increased in value? I picked up SMRPG VITA and sold it for about 68 cuz I hated it after testing it out on Steam a week later... looks like it's still selling for that price.

Do any of you know anything about Looks like they're copying LRG but they're from the UK. Their first release (Aragami) is something I actually want and it's only like $10 more than the standard release in the States, and you get a phsyical soundtrack and an "artbook" (looks pretty weak).

I was trying to say it seem that the people who cares about the stock or how fast it sell out is just worried about the value as oppose of just wanting a physical copy.
I'm sure there are some people who want physical b/c digital isn't an option (maybe due to slow internet or bandwidth limits) but lets be honest... an overwelming number of people are buying physical copies b/c they're collectors. As for whether or not they're also gamers, that's another argument, but if someone wants to buy something, it makes the decision easier when you know that in the future, you could get something back for it.

OTher than Breach and Clear, is there any other release that has increased in value? I picked up SMRPG VITA and sold it for about 68 cuz I hated it after testing it out on Steam a week later... looks like it's still selling for that price.
I think Soldner skyrocketed in value b/c demand was higher than expected and there was some kind of a glitch with Shopify that resulted in some people being able to get copies early (I think, not super sure on this part?) and a lot of people missing out.

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Do any of you know anything about Looks like they're copying LRG but they're from the UK. Their first release (Aragami) is something I actually want and it's only like $10 more than the standard release in the States, and you get a phsyical soundtrack and an "artbook" (looks pretty weak).
Interesting. I wonder what's included with Super Meat Boy

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that dont get much does it.. seems around 70
A game purchased for $25, and $5 shipping, which is then sold for $70, equals, "that dont get much"?

I'm glad I finally get to experience the slidecage math.

This was almost as amazing of a discovery as the $1.25 shipping cost discussion we had awhile back.

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Most collectors are hoarders i have stopped buying games I am not interested in. I think it is funny most have no insurance on their collection so it could go bye bye in a instant (flood, fire, etc) so thats why i dont collect as much but i have a lot ppl like metaljesus and reggie cannot get insured for what they are worth because the market fluctuates. I looked this up before and spoke with an insurance company and they stated you would need to take pictures individually of all of them one by one and values are not guaranteed at all due to rarity of items and not having prices to compare them too.

I'm pretty sure he didn't mean that, he's just talking about the resellers that hoard one specific title thinking they are going to retire on it. I doubt either one of these releases will reach Panzer Dragoon Saga prices.
I sold a sealed Panzer Dragoon Saga for around $250 to one of the CAG many years back. Now I regret it lol.

A game purchased for $25, and $5 shipping, which is then sold for $70, equals, "that dont get much"?

I'm glad I finally get to experience the slidecage math.

This was almost as amazing of a discovery as the $1.25 shipping cost discussion we had awhile back.
say your lucky to get 65.. ebay takes what 10% knocking you down to 59.. take in paypal fees knocking you down to 57 or so.. so that gives you what like 27.. take in gas and time your down to 25 to 20... Sorry but would rather have someone else have a game who wants it then to flip it and just to make 20 bucks

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say your lucky to get 65.. ebay takes what 10% knocking you down to 59.. take in paypal fees knocking you down to 57 or so.. so that gives you what like 27.. take in gas and time your down to 25 to 20... Sorry but would rather have someone else have a game who wants it then to flip it and just to make 20 bucks
Hey, if you wanna sell it to me for cost, I'd take you up on that offer.:p

Most collectors are hoarders i have stopped buying games I am not interested in. I think it is funny most have no insurance on their collection so it could go bye bye in a instant (flood, fire, etc) so thats why i dont collect as much but i have a lot ppl like metaljesus and reggie cannot get insured for what they are worth because the market fluctuates. I looked this up before and spoke with an insurance company and they stated you would need to take pictures individually of all of them one by one and values are not guaranteed at all due to rarity of items and not having prices to compare them too.
Worse yet is I once had 8 Earthbounds, 15 Super Mario RPGS, and a couple of Lufia 2's all were sealed. Those were the days in the late 90's when TRU had Mario RPG for $15, Best Buy Earthbound for $10 and I believe the Lufias I grabbed in the early internet days at $40. I do still have 2 copies of Magic Knight Rayearth (one is sealed). The only rare Saturn game I don't really have is Panzer Dragoon Saga because I too sold my copy for about $200 in 03 because I though it was maxed out. ;-)

Worse yet is I once had 8 Earthbounds, 15 Super Mario RPGS, and a couple of Lufia 2's all were sealed. Those were the days in the late 90's when TRU had Mario RPG for $15, Best Buy Earthbound for $10 and I believe the Lufias I grabbed in the early internet days at $40. I do still have 2 copies of Magic Knight Rayearth (one is sealed). The only rare Saturn game I don't really have is Panzer Dragoon Saga because I too sold my copy for about $200 in 03 because I though it was maxed out. ;-)
And if you take collectors from collecting no one will pay the high prices except collectors
Looks like they have lifted the purchase restrictions for these releases. You investors better get your extra copies so you can buy your beach houses.

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Looks like they have lifted the purchase restrictions for these releases. You investors better get your extra copies so you can buy your beach houses.

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It's been lifted since late last evening.

I'm sure dozens of people have already left the country, and sipping on margaritas by now while they watch their listings on eBay earn them bank. ;D

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This line of thinking that games need to immediately increase in value is weird. Retro City Rampage on Vita was selling for $40 ($10 over retail) for over a year after release then suddenly jumped to $140. Hell, Breach & Clear was $40 - $50 for months on eBay. Games don't appreciate in value immediately unless they're underprinted and underprinting to inflate secondary prices isn't our driving goal. Everything we release will rise in price in due time just because the supply is fixed. As more copies settle into permanent collections, secondary prices will rise. It won't be instant though and that expectation is bizarre.
That's why instead of a savings account I just invest in LRG vita releases and Neo Geo AES games.

That's why I collect. Games in general are a terrible investment for short or long-term profit. The industry is so volatile on every level, there is no way to accurately predict which way anything is going to swing. A successful company could hit some rough patch and close down a month later. The game they had just released could go from a sure-fire hit to a limited-run super-rare item. Titles that do almost no business on their initial runs could become sleeper hits or develop cult followings. Happens all the time. Everything about the video game industry, top to bottom, is constantly shifting and changing.

I understand that investing in games to eventually flip can be exciting. But don't go into it expecting to make a proper living off of it. The markups just aren't there. If you do it for the thrill, and maybe a modest profit, more power to you. Have fun! But otherwise, you would be far better off sinking your money into real-estate, or something else slightly more tangible, with better long-term returns. Heck, you'd even be better off trying to make your own games. At least then you'd have some IP you could eventually sell off.

I only collect for Limited Run Games. For games in general. I'm just a librarian at heart who loves organizing, cataloging, and preserving classic games.

As a note on the longterm value potential of One Way Heroics: not many people realize this but OWH is a licensed game and the license for it expires in two years. As is always the case with licensed games - it will eventually be delisted from PSN and Steam, it's just a matter of time. At that point our release will be the only way to get the game outside of piracy. Considering the wealth of Danganronpa and Mystery Dungeon connections and cameos in OWH, I can't imagine this becoming a forgotten game.

Again, always expecting huge immediate increases in value is kind of silly but these will rise with time and as other factors kick in.
As a note on the longterm value potential of One Way Heroics: not many people realize this but OWH is a licensed game and the license for it expires in two years. As is always the case with licensed games - it will eventually be delisted from PSN and Steam, it's just a matter of time. At that point our release will be the only way to get the game outside of piracy. Considering the wealth of Danganronpa and Mystery Dungeon connections and cameos in OWH, I can't imagine this becoming a forgotten game.

Again, always expecting huge immediate increases in value is kind of silly but these will rise with time and as other factors kick in.
Always good to hear from you Josh, keep up the awesome work! Also... you should still look into getting Layers Of Fear physical for PS4 ;)

I will add though, it seems like ps4 copies tend to move a lot slower unfortunately. I think 2500-3000 is the sweet spot on PS4 releases.

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LRG should approach the Sky Force Anniversary publisher (idreams inc) to get the game on Vita/PS4. I know that it's only a 9.99 cross buy game, but it's a shmup, pretty much guaranteed to sell out. I've been playing it on both the Vita and PS4, really fantastic shmup. Just look at how Soldner sold, this would go fast as well.
That's why I collect. Games in general are a terrible investment for short or long-term profit. The industry is so volatile on every level, there is no way to accurately predict which way anything is going to swing. A successful company could hit some rough patch and close down a month later. The game they had just released could go from a sure-fire hit to a limited-run super-rare item. Titles that do almost no business on their initial runs could become sleeper hits or develop cult followings. Happens all the time. Everything about the video game industry, top to bottom, is constantly shifting and changing.

I understand that investing in games to eventually flip can be exciting. But don't go into it expecting to make a proper living off of it. The markups just aren't there. If you do it for the thrill, and maybe a modest profit, more power to you. Have fun! But otherwise, you would be far better off sinking your money into real-estate, or something else slightly more tangible, with better long-term returns. Heck, you'd even be better off trying to make your own games. At least then you'd have some IP you could eventually sell off.

I only collect for Limited Run Games. For games in general. I'm just a librarian at heart who loves organizing, cataloging, and preserving classic games
I only buy stuff I like as well, I don't perceive games a worthwhile investment, it's nice but not what I look for. Definitely a plus if it does end up on the positive side of things.
Everything is sold out! Thanks for your support, everyone!

Silver Case preorders will probably open in a few days so keep your eyes peeled for that if you're interested. They'll be individually numbered and earlier orders will get lower numbers.
Everything is sold out! Thanks for your support, everyone!

Silver Case preorders will probably open in a few days so keep your eyes peeled for that if you're interested. They'll be individually numbered and earlier orders will get lower numbers.
Gahh no announcement as to what day!? Alright... now I'm gonna being checking like an addict. Sorry work. TSC comes first.

Everything is sold out! Thanks for your support, everyone!

Feels like we need more love here though, Josh. ;D

We always seem to learn about things late because it's only been discussed on the GAF first. :*(

Show us some love too, bro!


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Gahh no announcement as to what day!? Alright... now I'm gonna being checking like an addict. Sorry work. TSC comes first.
I hope that's not the case... the thing I like about LRG is that there are no surprises. I know when a listing is going up and how many copies... I really hate when stuff goes on sale at random times.

It's hard enough to try and shop while at work, it's another when you have to check regularly.

bread's done