Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Any news on the Night Trap release? I spoke with a LRG rep at TooManyGames and he couldn't reveal anything other then it'll come out this summer. I've never bought anything from LRG before but I really really want this one!
Damn...LRG was at TooManyGames? I almost went to that this past weekend. It would have been cool to see their booth.

It occurs to me that LRG's biggest competition isn't Play Asia, or IAm8bit. The company they have to worry about the most is 505 Games. They just announced that they are going to be doing a physical release of Playdead Studios' titles Limbo and Inside. They will be bundled up on a single disc, and sold at retail for $30. And 505 has been doing physical releases for a lot of titles that would have been only digital otherwise.

The primary difference is that while LRG has limited quantities by nature, 505 has been doing sizable print runs, with their games showing up at major retailers. Also, while quite a few of 505 games have been high-quality indie titles, they also tend to only be the more well-known and high-profile indie titles. So LRG's catalog frequently has deeper and more obscure cuts.

It occurs to me that LRG's biggest competition isn't Play Asia, or IAm8bit. The company they have to worry about the most is 505 Games. They just announced that they are going to be doing a physical release of Playdead Studios' titles Limbo and Inside. They will be bundled up on a single disc, and sold at retail for $30. And 505 has been doing physical releases for a lot of titles that would have been only digital otherwise.

The primary difference is that while LRG has limited quantities by nature, 505 has been doing sizable print runs, with their games showing up at major retailers. Also, while quite a few of 505 games have been high-quality indie titles, they also tend to only be the more well-known and high-profile indie titles. So LRG's catalog frequently has deeper and more obscure cuts.
I don't know, 505 only does releases every few months and it's usually just one game at a time. In addition, they are pursuing a retail model which means much larger print runs and greater risk. As you point out, LRG is able to release far more obscure titles that 505 wouldn't touch. In my mind, LRG occupies a niche where they can be highly successful and 505 is more mainstream. Gamers and collectors will continue to support both companies.

Gamers and collectors will continue to support both companies.
Oh no doubt. Their business models are different. But their competition isn't necessarily a matter of direct financial competition so much as one of opportunity cost. An indie game that signs with 505 Games is much less likely to pursue a release with LRG. Limbo and Inside are very high-profile indie games. They would have been a feather in LRG's cap to have such titles in their catalog. But with those titles getting a wide physical release through 505 Games at an affordable price, a LRG version of those games will likely never come.

505 Games is able to poach some of the biggest and most well known indie digital titles for their releases. That's how they are competing with LRG. Now, the current competition and quantity in the development scene is able to provide ample supply when it comes to titles, so this isn't really an issue at the moment. LRG isn't going to be hurting for titles to release any time soon. And as you pointed out, 505 isn't exactly cranking releases out regularly. But it is still worth thinking about.

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It occurs to me that LRG's biggest competition isn't Play Asia, or IAm8bit. The company they have to worry about the most is 505 Games. They just announced that they are going to be doing a physical release of Playdead Studios' titles Limbo and Inside. They will be bundled up on a single disc, and sold at retail for $30. And 505 has been doing physical releases for a lot of titles that would have been only digital otherwise.

The primary difference is that while LRG has limited quantities by nature, 505 has been doing sizable print runs, with their games showing up at major retailers. Also, while quite a few of 505 games have been high-quality indie titles, they also tend to only be the more well-known and high-profile indie titles. So LRG's catalog frequently has deeper and more obscure cuts.
As I know some people at 505, we don't consider each other competitors, we do two different things. They are retail and we are direct to the consumer while being limited. When 505 gets a title I would have liked it's not a big deal to me, it makes me happy to see these titles getting a wider release. I only wanted to do them because it seemed like no one else would.

When 505 gets a title I would have liked it's not a big deal to me, it makes me happy to see these titles getting a wider release. I only wanted to do them because it seemed like no one else would.
That's a very mature attitude. I also like seeing these smaller games get physical releases, no matter who is responsible for putting them out. I picked up the Switch copies of Binding of Isaac and Cave Story, which are quite choice.

That's a very mature attitude. I also like seeing these smaller games get physical releases, no matter who is responsible for putting them out. I picked up the Switch copies of Binding of Isaac and Cave Story, which are quite choice.
Same here! Love those two releases!

I would prefer to get Monster Boy on the Switch. But that said, I am still going to be showing up for the PS4 LRG release. I have no objection to getting and playing that game on the PS4.

What about Bard's Gold? That's a title I haven't heard of before. Any opinions on that one?

Is Lawbreakers online only or will it have couch co-op/single player campaign?
My understanding is online only.

I definitely don't have much interest in the collector's box. I feel like compared to TSC it's kind of lacking. I am somewhat tempted by the standard ps4 edition, but I also feel like the game is going to be wayyyy better for PC. So idk.

Definitely excited for Night Trap. And still waiting for S&S
I would prefer to get Monster Boy on the Switch.
I should probably stop saying things like this. Going forward, I imagine that the Switch is going to be my go-to platform for most indie games. But whining about a lack of physical copies for the smaller digital titles is a waste of time. It's unlikely to happen for anyone any time soon, let alone LRG. The Switch isn't nearly as established as the rest of the major platforms, until it gets its legs under it we probably won't be seeing widespread Switch cartridge production. Disc production for platforms like the PS4 are a lot easier when it comes to limited print runs.

I'll definitely be showing up for Wonder Boy. I LOVE the art on the cover, and the art style used for the re-master in general. It annoys me slightly when re-masters just get lazy vector tracings. Seeing one that has genuine artistic illustrations is refreshing.

Never mind, I failed to properly read the post about Lawbreakers by falsedichotomies. And if it is an "online-only" game, it certainly does seem like a waste of time putting it out on disc. Totally agree.

Without a decent amount of SP content, it wouldn't be worth it at all, and I would skip the game in any form.
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Feels like an online only game kinda goes against the whole concept of physical preservation, unless the servers for that particular game stay up forever and ever. A physical copy will still eventually reach a point of worthlessness unless at minimum a bot mode is added.  

Wonderboy & Night Trap are a definite for me.  Night Trap in fact is going to be my first title where I buy multiples on the same platform.  Bard's Gold & Rive, I'm not entirely sure about but will most likely pick a copy of those up. 

If it's true about Lawbreakers not having any type of single player, instant pass for me.  Even if it was just maps with bots I consider, but absolutely nothing yeah no.  I am wondering though as I thought LRG was done with preorders.  Not that I'm complaining, I have had zero issues with the Skullgirls one.  It's just Doomstink has said on here on more than one occasion never again and I'm just curious as to what changed I guess. :)

Yep from what I'm reading about Lawbreakers, it won't have a SP campaign at all. If it has bots for offline play, that would at least offer some SP content, but I doubt that the developer cares about it (Cliff B appears to think SP is a waste of time). Not interested in the game at all really, hard to believe that LRG is bothering.
Be interesting to see if one of the LRG guys cares to explain the Lawbreakers deal. I personally don't care how they make money but it does seem contrary to the entire point of their company.

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This could be the game that breaks my ps4 streak.

I guess it had to happen sooner or later. Think I stuck with it longer than most but it's hard to justify a $40 limited edition coaster.
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Easy pass for me because of no single player, and the irony is not lost on me.... preserving a game physically that can't be played later cause the servers are down.
Note the prices
Note the LRG prices are going up on average. One way to compete with Play Asia and 505 games is to get more notable releases which means higher prices ????

I hope they go with the more niche smaller titles to complete :)
I'm actually more likely to buy LawBreakers on launch because there is a disc now. I probably would have waited for a 50% off digital sale otherwise.

I believe it's a reversible cover going by the website description.
I think that is the case, and then the variant will be offered as the game complete for the 40 tickets, or just the cover alone for maybe 10 tickets. I don't think the exact ticket count has been decided for just the variant cover alone, so don't quote that as fact.

Collecting an online game seems silly too. Once the servers go it's a coaster?
I agree. Didnt someone say, "oh in case psn goes down or get delisted we can still play it on disc."
So how about when servers go down huh. Whats the point? Its probably going to end up crap like Evolve and Battleborn.
While I agree that a physical copy of an online-only game is off message for LRG, it's easy to understand why they are doing it from a business standpoint. It's a high profile get of a brand new release that can be used to elevate LRG's position in negotiations with other publishes/developers, i.e. "Take us seriously, we did deals with Lawbreakers, x, y, and z, so let's do a deal with you guys too". If that in any way helps LRG secure bigger titles they otherwise might not have a shot at, then I say bring Lawbreakers on (I'm still not buying it though, because fuck always online).

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Has there been any LRG games worth getting for playing and not collecting.

Every time I see them online people always talk about the digital vs physical debate. Very little talk on the games themselves.
Has there been any LRG games worth getting for playing and not collecting.

Every time I see them online people always talk about the digital vs physical debate. Very little talk on the games themselves.
They have had a bunch of great games, but like anything where an "opinion" is the order of the day, it comes down to individual taste. One of the biggest arguments I've seen around here in regards to so called game quality came with "Aqua Kitty", as most labeled it a mobile title(which it is/was), and not worth the asking price. For me, it's been one of my favorite releases so far, and one of my favorite Vita titles in general.

Just to name a few of my favs: Xeodrifter, Soldner X-2, Thomas Was Alone, Stranger's Wrath, The Swapper, Runner 2, Nova-111, Mutant Mudds and Broken Age. These are just the games I have actually tried or played, as there are several others I haven't had the time to try, like Risk Of Rain, or Saturday Morning RPG, and Octodad.

So there really isn't much to say in regards to the games themselves, as you neither like a game, or you don't. Sadly, a lot people will bitch and moan they don't like a particular title, which is perfectly fine, but in that case, just don't buy the game. No one at LRG is holding a gun on anyone.

Risk of Rain is awesome.

Flinthook and Shadow Complex are also definitely worth playing as well.
I completely forgot about Shadow Complex, as I've been mostly on the Vita side of things, but that games was amazing, and one of my most played titles in the last 10 years on any system.

bread's done