Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Not sure it's really "rare" in terms of production numbers but it runs about 70-80 bucks for a loose copy so it's in enough demand that not perceived as a common NES title anymore. And since it was near the end of the console's lifecycle, there were probably fewer of them produced than the earlier games, but I'm just guessing there.

And I agree with the concept that if I was going to have someone sign something, I would want them to be someone directly affiliated with what they were signing. No point in having Mick Jagger sign my copy of Dark Side of the Moon.
Rarity is so skewed for retro games lol

I swear people on the net say shit just to make the stuff they own go up in price. All the fucking sheep collectors swear by stuff that's never been verified and never will be.
I'm going to be heading up to PAX this year. It's not an every year event for me. Traveling up to Seattle can be a bit pricey. But this year I'll be attending with a few friends, and I will definitely be stopping by the LRG booth. I don't know what games I will get. I've been pretty successful at snagging the releases in 2017. Pretty much any of the titles I wanted, I've gotten. So I'll just be perusing the variant covers, looking for art I like.

Lili sounds a little short, but it also looks like it might be a decent experience. I'll probably go for the standard version on that one. While the art book is tempting, it is an in-case booklet art book, which is not quite as alluring. N++ is obvious. I will definitely try for a copy of that one.

Looks like he hasn't left that room since the turn of the century. The sad thing is looks like he's in his mid to late 30's too if not early 40's.

Find another hobby besides gaming, find a woman, or at least get some damn sun holy crap. Dude looks like Ted Kaczynski
Wow, this guy has some serious issues. I love video games but its not my entire life, I have others hobbies. I get feeling this guy's whole life is video games and nothing else. What is up with his beard? It looks gross and dirty, if your gonna grow beard at least do it right.

Rarity is so skewed for retro games lol

I swear people on the net say shit just to make the stuff they own go up in price. All the fucking sheep collectors swear by stuff that's never been verified and never will be.
I've sometimes thought the same thing... I collect old games and there's a few that I've been trying to get and I swear, sometimes I'll see a game sell for $50-60 and a week later, they're selling for $200 out of the blue. Not true for all games but for any game that's somewhat obscure but in reasonable supply- some games randomly just seem to have their stock disappear and price skyrocket.

Also, my Oceanhorn order shipped. Yay!

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Rarity is so skewed for retro games lol

I swear people on the net say shit just to make the stuff they own go up in price. All the fucking sheep collectors swear by stuff that's never been verified and never will be.
It's all a mater of what people are willing to pay for these games though. Something like Panzer Dragoon Saga has been a rare and expensive game for years before YouTube was really a thing, but that's because the print run was so low and the Saturn was pretty much dead by the time the game released. But then you'll see stuff like Turtles in Time or Contra, both pretty common titles that sold very well, but still are selling for way more than they should be, but people will buy them. As a collector I hate that I rarely come across decent deals any more. I don't have the time to get up early and hit up yard sales, which seems to be the best way to get a good deal on retro gaming stuff anymore. I'm personally on the hunt for a good deal on a TG16 console, but it's rare that ever see them for sale around me and when I do they want way more than I am willing to pay for it.

It's all a mater of what people are willing to pay for these games though. Something like Panzer Dragoon Saga has been a rare and expensive game for years before YouTube was really a thing, but that's because the print run was so low and the Saturn was pretty much dead by the time the game released. But then you'll see stuff like Turtles in Time or Contra, both pretty common titles that sold very well, but still are selling for way more than they should be, but people will buy them. As a collector I hate that I rarely come across decent deals any more. I don't have the time to get up early and hit up yard sales, which seems to be the best way to get a good deal on retro gaming stuff anymore. I'm personally on the hunt for a good deal on a TG16 console, but it's rare that ever see them for sale around me and when I do they want way more than I am willing to pay for it.
Yeah, when Panzer Dragoon Saga was released, it was hard to get. I remember barely getting one, as I just happened to have a few friends at the time working at Electronics Boutique, but I'm pretty sure that print run was super low.

I've sold many classic game collections over the years(SNES, NES, Saturn, PS, Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket ETC), and prices can be like the stock market for sure, up one day, and down the next. Sometimes I got way more for collections than I thought I would, and then it will seem like I'm giving away some collections, as the prices get so low. I guess it all averages out in the end, but it sure stings when certain items go for well below what you may have thought an item was worth.

This would be a fairly easy scam to pull off.

Step 1: Become a popular YouTuber. With the amount of screamy let's-play maniacs that manage to get followings, it can't be that hard.

Step 2: Go out and pick up a large number of copies of a game that costs next to nothing. Ideally, you make it a game that is reasonably obscure, but not worth anything at present on the second hand market. There are tons of these. Shoot for something from the cartridge systems, as that will give it greater credibility.

Step 3: Produce a YouTube video on your channel extolling the virtues of this hidden gem you've discovered, and your personal story of how you found a rare copy at some out-of-the-way flea-market. Tell all your viewers that the second hand price is going to be rapidly rising soon, so NOW is the time to get in on it.

Step 4: When the manufactured buzz spikes the demand for the title, dump the stock you acquired in Step 2. Profit.

Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for a different title. Also, be sure to post a video showing how the second-price of the first title spiked recently, and congratulate everyone who got a copy at a lower price. Congratulate yourself in the video for having accurately predicted this turn of events, and then start into the pitch for your latest flip-bait.

This would be a fairly easy scam to pull off.

Step 1: Become a popular YouTuber. With the amount of screamy let's-play maniacs that manage to get followings, it can't be that hard.

Step 2: Go out and pick up a large number of copies of a game that costs next to nothing. Ideally, you make it a game that is reasonably obscure, but not worth anything at present on the second hand market. There are tons of these. Shoot for something from the cartridge systems, as that will give it greater credibility.

Step 3: Produce a YouTube video on your channel extolling the virtues of this hidden gem you've discovered, and your personal story of how you found a rare copy at some out-of-the-way flea-market. Tell all your viewers that the second hand price is going to be rapidly rising soon, so NOW is the time to get in on it.

Step 4: When the manufactured buzz spikes the demand for the title, dump the stock you acquired in Step 2. Profit.

Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4 for a different title. Also, be sure to post a video showing how the second-price of the first title spiked recently, and congratulate everyone who got a copy at a lower price. Congratulate yourself in the video for having accurately predicted this turn of events, and then start into the pitch for your latest flip-bait.
That's pretty much what all these "hidden gems/top x games for y/rarest most expensive games for z" youtube spam is.

The Youtube phenomena is definitely weird to those of us that aren't young.  I really don't get it at all.   But it's basically the same thing as the way a friend described Twtich to me.   That is, they watch it because its entertaining.  That's it.  It's nothing personal.   It's like choosing your own television channels on the PC where you get to watch the games you're interested in.  I'll never be one to watch other people play video games on a channel.  But I'm trying to understand it. 

The one thing I'm really struggling with these days though is just how detached all young people have become from being regular, normal people.  Youtube and Twitch are just additional echo chambers like Facebook and Snapchat.  Kids surround themselves with similar, like-minded people and then think it's okay to bring eccentric, outlandish, and often anti-social behavior into society.   Meaningful relationships are struggling these days.   Teens don't even date at the rate they used to because the boys and girls they know aren't good enough for them; they think they're hotter shit than they are. 

Kids don't even use forums anymore.  Just think about it.  Forums are a thing of the past for the younger generation.  We don't even see kids popping up on here occasionally.  They don't pay for things like games, movies, physical media in general.  I guess one way they are superior is that they are less materialistic?

Even my friends have a similar problem.  They struggle with being present.  They can't put their phones down for five minutes.  They always look like they're missing out on other things.  They're just so distracted by their social media feeds that they are very rude company.  I'm starting to sound really old at this point, but half of people don't have manners anymore.  Everything is available at the palm of their hands to the extent that they don't know how to behave properly around other people. 

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The Youtube phenomena is definitely weird to those of us that aren't young. I really don't get it at all. But it's basically the same thing as the way a friend described Twtich to me. That is, they watch it because its entertaining. That's it. It's nothing personal. It like choosing your own television channels on the PC where you get to watch the games you're interested in. I'll never be one to watch other people play video games on a channel. But I'm trying to understand it.

The one thing I'm really struggling with these days though is just how detached all young people have become from being regular, normal people. Youtube and Twitch are just additional echo chambers like Facebook and Snapchat. Kids surround themselves with similar, like-minded people and then think it's okay to bring eccentric, outlandish, and often anti-social behavior into society. Meaningful relationships are struggling these days. Teens don't even date at the rate they used to because the boys and girls they know aren't good enough for them; they think they're hotter shit than they are.

Kids don't even use forums anymore. Just think about it. Forums are a thing of the past for the younger generation. We don't even see kids popping up on here occasionally. They don't pay for things like games, movies, physical media in general. I guess the one way they are superior is that they are less materialistic?

Even my friends have a similar problem. They struggle with being present. They can't put their phones down for five minutes. They always appear like they're missing out on other things. They're just so distracted by their social media feeds that they are very rude company. I'm starting to sound really old at this point, but half of people don't have manners anymore. Everything is available at the palm of their hands to the extent that they don't know how to behave properly around other people.
Its funny, in my office, people that are friends sit around in the kitchen area just staring at their phones, not talking to each other. I find it legitimately disturbing!

Its funny, in my office, people that are friends sit around in the kitchen area just staring at their phones, not talking to each other. I find it legitimately disturbing!
Exactly, man. That's exactly what I'm talking about, and this includes many friendly, intelligent people. Relationships are suffering. Everyone is just bored or distracted and wears it on their sleeves. People aren't even interested in other people anymore, they're interested in virtual people and personalities. Like Youtube and Instragram. It's disturbing.

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Exactly, man. That's exactly what I'm talking about, and this includes many friendly, intelligent people. Relationships are suffering. Everyone is just bored or distracted and wears it on their sleeves. People aren't even interested in other people anymore, they're interested in virtual people and personalities. Like Youtube and Instragram. It's disturbing.
Replicants are right around the corner and then once machines are more like people than people are, we all get wiped out.

Luckily our copies from LRG will live on with our replacements.

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I'm too old school for most people around me. Of course during outings with friends I force myself to not use the phone or such, as I feel it's pretty rude and frankly boring to others around me. I just mainly find it hard to interact with people, because I try to talk to them and it's like they're not all there. I'm a little bit socially awkward as well when first meeting someone, but after that I'm pretty fine.

I already see my niece (about 5 years old) becoming one of those people with how she doesn't want to stop watching Youtube videos of people playing games and other junk. She does like swimming and toys, although the toys only keep her interested so long. Heck I remember half my toys were beaten up because I played with them often. I used to like having all types of figures wrestle each other.

Just different and slightly sadder times since I often feel like I don't connect to anyone and no ones seems to want to connect with me.

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Just different and slightly sadder times since I often feel like I don't connect to anyone and no ones seems to want to connect with me.
Hell, your describing my perfect life. LOL

Seriously, do you want to have a relationship with people who can't peel themselves away from a device for a few minutes to even hold a conversation? I say your better off honestly, as that's no way to live.

I'm already seeing my son getting swept up, as when he's not gaming, he's watching shows of others gaming. I can't wrap my mind around it, but if he's happy, more power to him. I always tell him I would rather be doing "x", instead of watching others doing it, but he seems content, so I let it go.

He doesn't have any smart devices, at least none where he can communicate with others, so I'm trying to have him keep at least one foot in reality, even if he's got the other one in the clouds. He's heading in to teenager territory, so no telling how that's going to play out, but I'm here for the long haul, so I'll see where this journey leads soon enough.

just got night trap pc steam key. just a heads up to the few other pc geekers out there

man i wish they could get a phantasy star game. 

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So from the above video, basically the experiment LRG is considering for Ys Origin is to run their current stock as normal, but also have a different cover variant separate from that stock, which will have a 24-hour pre-order window with flexible quantity and be manufactured/ship later.  This definitely sounds reasonable to me.  Only con would be there will probably be complaints from the full-set crew about how they are "forced" to buy more variants, but I think the pros for everyone else that simply want a copy to avoid the bloodbaths of the last few weeks far outweighs that.

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phoenixlau thanks for taking one for the team there. With it being 50+ minutes, I didn't have time to watch the whole thing to dig out that nugget.


Anyone else notice the email today for Friday's games includes details on N++ to suggest the content is the ultimate edition of the game. Note the number of levels is over 4000 and it includes hardcore mode. I wonder if this is an LRG oversite copying the wrong info (provided the wrong info from the dev), if the game updated and no one has noticed yet, or if this really does have the content mentioned. If it's ultimate edition content on the disc I might be very tempted to get it, but I think it's more likely a misprint.
So from the above video, basically the experiment LRG is considering for Ys Origin is to run their current stock as normal, but also have a different cover variant separate from that stock, which will have a 24-hour pre-order window with flexible quantity and be manufactured/ship later. This definitely sounds reasonable to me. Only con would be there will probably be complaints from the full-set crew about how they are "forced" to buy more variants, but I think the pros for everyone else that simply want a copy to avoid the bloodbaths of the last few weeks far outweighs that.
My only hope is that its put up for sale after the normal sale day as all I really want is one copy of the CE (so this would be a back up in case I missed that).

So from the above video, basically the experiment LRG is considering for Ys Origin is to run their current stock as normal, but also have a different cover variant separate from that stock, which will have a 24-hour pre-order window with flexible quantity and be manufactured/ship later. This definitely sounds reasonable to me. Only con would be there will probably be complaints from the full-set crew about how they are "forced" to buy more variants, but I think the pros for everyone else that simply want a copy to avoid the bloodbaths of the last few weeks far outweighs that.
Thanks, really didn't wanna watch that entire vid.

This sort of makes it a bigger gamble... not a bad solution but now there's a chance that the standard run might not be the more limited one, but this does open things up more people.

So from the above video, basically the experiment LRG is considering for Ys Origin is to run their current stock as normal, but also have a different cover variant separate from that stock, which will have a 24-hour pre-order window with flexible quantity and be manufactured/ship later. This definitely sounds reasonable to me. Only con would be there will probably be complaints from the full-set crew about how they are "forced" to buy more variants, but I think the pros for everyone else that simply want a copy to avoid the bloodbaths of the last few weeks far outweighs that.
So I was partially right.

Is anyone else having problems trying to listen to the video?
There is another interesting topic in the video at 44:55 that will affect future games.  I don't want to post exactly what he said since I think they're not supposed to talk about it officially, so I don't want to get them into trouble.

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There is another interesting topic in the video at 44:55 that will affect future games. I don't want to post exactly what he said since I think they're not supposed to talk about it officially, so I don't want to get them into trouble.
Sounds like an HOA business model where the whole model is about finding ways to skim off the top of someone else's business via extortion and partnerships at the top to enforce it. Gross.

Sounds like they've been stalking LRG licking their lips and waiting for some loophole to get free money from LRG.

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So I was partially right.

Is anyone else having problems trying to listen to the video?
Whomever uploaded the video says there is a hum from the lights or something, so yeah, the audio sucks. I'm gonna try and watch it with the headphones when I get the time, as I can't hear it otherwise.

Whomever uploaded the video says there is a hum from the lights or something, so yeah, the audio sucks. I'm gonna try and watch it with the headphones when I get the time, as I can't hear it otherwise.
The problem I'm having is trying to hear Doug and everyone else. The hum is a bit annoying but that's different.

Not hating on whoever uploaded it, it's just a personal issue I'm having.
I'm not sure the pre order thing will make folks happy. They've pretty much showed they're after scarcity and not the actual content on the discs. I guess we'll see what happens.
The problem I'm having is trying to hear Doug and everyone else. The hum is a bit annoying but that's different.

Not hating on whoever uploaded it, it's just a personal issue I'm having.
It's not you, the audio is just bad. The mic isn't hooked up directly to camera, the camera is just recording is simply recording the audio that's being relayed from the speakers and is picking up a lot of background noise.

That ESRB issue sounds fine by me. It's always bugged me that these seemed less "official" looking compared to regular retail games. Still, it's kind of cool Night Trap, of all games in the world, slid through without it since it was part of what started the whole ESRB coming into existence. I'd put more blame on Mortal Kombat as it was in arcades and super popular compared to Night Trap back in the day though certainly NT came up as an example during the government hearings and stuff.

So I'm guessing here that it is what may delay things for Ys. Hopefully it doesn't, but totally understandable if they have issues getting the upgrade from the digital rating.
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I don't think the LRG investment worked out for this guy. Similarly, I saw a a booth at Otakon last weekend with at least 10 of their games - all listed for $35 a piece. I can't imagine buying the games was worth it in either case.

Normally when you rent those convention spaces, your required to be there all days. At past shows, they have always been there all days,so I would assume this time they will be as well.
Technically you don't have to be there all day since you paid for it. The people that run the convention actually can give less of a fuck if you're actually there or not because you've already paid for the lot. The only ones they really care about are the big names, like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, and as long as they're at the stalls, I don't think they give a crap what people do in their stalls, as long as it's not too outrageous. But not being there for the amount of money you pay for that stall is just silly, so it's more like they're forced to be there as a result of a financial obligation, rather than a contractual one. That said, hope they're there all day. ;D

The problem I'm having is trying to hear Doug and everyone else. The hum is a bit annoying but that's different.

Not hating on whoever uploaded it, it's just a personal issue I'm having.
You're not alone. I tried watching the video too, but found it really hard to hear Doug speaking so I just skipped around to see if it gets better. It doesn't. I actually didn't even find the humming lights to be bothersome since I was more annoyed with trying to hear what was said.

Not saying it's your fault Zeb, glad you recorded what you did. It's mic and sound system there that was bad.
bread's done