Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Technically you don't have to be there all day since you paid for it. The people that run the convention actually can give less of a fuck if you're actually there or not because you've already paid for the lot. The only ones they really care about are the big names, like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, and as long as they're at the stalls, I don't think they give a crap what people do in their stalls, as long as it's not too outrageous. But not being there for the amount of money you pay for that stall is just silly, so it's more like they're forced to be there as a result of a financial obligation, rather than a contractual one. That said, hope they're there all day. ;D
Yeah, I guess I'm basing my thoughts on what I've seen over the years, but your right, that probably has more to do with the amounts paid for the Booth than possibly any rules that where in place. But I've always assumed those shows didn't want empty floor space, as it looks tacky.

I've gone to probably at least 20 E3's, CES's, and Comdex over the years in total, and I've never really noticed any places that where scheduled to have a vendor, and then them not showing up. Or any that leave before the show has ended. Where a lot of the local little gaming expo's, I see vendors leave early, or not show up at all.

I don't know if it was mentioned here, but according to lrg forums, according to a quote on neogaf, according to an interview with the lrg guys....

There will be a regular sale for ys, and then an alternative cover art for preorder. Open for 24 hours.
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I don't know if it was mentioned here, but according to lrg forums, according to a quote on neogaf, according to an interview with the lrg guys....

There will be a regular sale for ys, and then an alternative cover art for preorder. Open for 24 hours.
Or just the interview that was posted in this thread.
Will the CE be available for the 24 hour preorder?
I don't believe so, as that number has already been predetermined, due to what is included within the set. The 24 hr. preorder will be for an alternate cover version of the standard release, so that any users who miss out on the standard version can get a copy.

So looks like they're not going with night1c's idea, but frolow's idea, of course that's not to say they already had something like this in the works, but still. ;D

But now that we're at this point, and there seems to be confirmation...

Isn't this just a reprint...? ~_~

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So looks like they're not going with night1c's idea, but frolow's idea, of course that's not to say they already had something like this in the works, but still. ;D

But now that we're at this point, and there seems to be confirmation...

Isn't this just a reprint...? ~_~
I've been waiting for someone to use the "reprint" word. I would say since this is available for purchase at the same time as the original, and has been clearly stated beforehand, no. If it really bothers someone and they want to complain about a reprint, they don't have to buy the release. This is the absolute best way to go about it imo.

And oh, sorry. I didn't see the interview posted. I didn't really see it discussed on the previous page. I was on mobile though so I'm stupid.

Isn't this just a reprint...? ~_~
No, a re-print would require that it have the same cover. A variant cover qualifies as a different, separate physical release, even if the content on the disc is identical. And technically, they will probably only do one actual disc printing, after having gotten the total number of pre-orders required. This is why the pre-order period is being made so brief. (so the initial regular approach won't be held up in production by the pre-orders)

I've been waiting for someone to use the "reprint" word. I would say since this is available for purchase at the same time as the original, and has been clearly stated beforehand, no. If it really bothers someone and they want to complain about a reprint, they don't have to buy the release. This is the absolute best way to go about it imo.

And oh, sorry. I didn't see the interview posted. I didn't really see it discussed on the previous page. I was on mobile though so I'm stupid.
No, a re-print would require that it have the same cover. A variant cover qualifies as a different, separate physical release, even if the content on the disc is identical. And technically, they will probably only do one actual disc printing, after having gotten the total number of pre-orders required. This is why the pre-order period is being made so brief. (so the initial regular approach won't be held up in production by the pre-orders)
Yeah, I don't care as much as this point since I'm no longer a full collection guy, so it's not as big of a deal to me as I just want the game. I may have cared much more about it back then, but now it's a wash, so bring on the alt variants.

I basically just compare this to a Kickstarter variant offering, but without the actual Kickstarter, which is the good part that everyone can appreciate. ;D

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Or just the interview that was posted in this thread.


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So looks like they're not going with night1c's idea, but frolow's idea
The preorder part of the idea is my exact preorder suggestion to them a couple months back in the Obscure/Limited thread. The new addition is the main production run going like normal and the preorder version getting a variant cover. I'm actually for this enough that I'm likely going to skip the feeding frenzy version and just opt for the preorder. This is the kind of thing that'll win over a lot of regular gamers. The main cover version stays rare and collectable. The alt also might or might not be collectable but those just wanting a NA region version can still get it. I just hope this works and that they do it for Cosmic Star Heroine and Dragon Fantasy VoW. Especially Dragon Fantasy because like the Vita version of The Black Tome of Ice, the Vita version of Volumes of Westria is only going to be available in NA through this physical print. The PSN versions for vita are staying with the original Book 1 & Book 2 names.

Interested to see how the Ys release pans out with the new system. Hope the variant cover isn't clearly inferior to the standard release.

I would love to see them start getting some of them  ps vr games. so many digital only ones that i would love to have. 

and to be honest i think it would be one of the first LRG that i would open and play right away.

I would love to see them start getting some of them ps vr games. so many digital only ones that i would love to have.

and to be honest i think it would be one of the first LRG that i would open and play right away.
Douglas mentioned that they had signed several a few months back that I assume will release in the Fall. It will be interesting to see how well they sell given the limited market penetration of PS VR. I hope they don't severely underprint them.

I would love to see them start getting some of them ps vr games. so many digital only ones that i would love to have.
and to be honest i think it would be one of the first LRG that i would open and play right away.
Volume for PS4 will have its VR elements included.

Looks like he hasn't left that room since the turn of the century. The sad thing is looks like he's in his mid to late 30's too if not early 40's.

Find another hobby besides gaming, find a woman, or at least get some damn sun holy crap. Dude looks like Ted Kaczynski
This makes me want to support LRGs more. Typing in his address? This guy has never tried to get a rare item before apparently.... need to send him a copy of the 'how to get amiibo' guide from 2014.
You could also open it in to put the disc back in.
Why do that when I can fix it without opening the game and degrading it's value? I already own NeuroVoider digitally and have been playing it for a while, no need to gut my physical copy just to fix the problem (which was already fixed without opening it).
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Finally got through that whole 50+ minute video from that conference.  Despite the volume/background noise issues, it was well worth the watch and I highly suggest anyone interested in the company to watch it.

To recap some of what Doug talked about:

  • ESRB is the reason for the possible delay
  • They don't do their own shipping.  They still use a shipping partner, just not the one that messed everything up before.  Personally I don't care who ships as long as they do a good job.
  • Details on the East Asia Soft stuff was interesting
  • It's clear why, on occasion, Doug seems a bit more on edge over certain issues.  I can tell he seems to passionately care about the issues.
  • Preordering stuff was detailed as noted & discussed her.  He even gave some recognition to the argument I made (and surely others made) that Skull Girls was a bad test for preorders because it was unfinished and that argument was the reason to try this.  They are only going to do a preorder for something done, approved, and ready for production.
  • Vita stuff is running out and the future left for it is likely in bringing games over that haven't been localized.  Right now that is a VN they are working with a dev to localize.
  • Doug mentioned other avenues LRG is considering for the future of the company as a whole and how to some degree LE's are a big part of that.   I hope they never stop doing standard edition games.  I understand wanting to add value to a cheap digital game going physical, but ultimately I hope they don't go overboard and are forced to start inching the price upwards to cover all the included stuff.

Overall I'd say it was more than worth my time to watch through the whole thing and I gained a lot of respect for the company and specifically Doug from that.   Thanks for recording the video and posting it here.  It was even better than the My Life In Gaming thing they did because Doug was just more natural and real.

2 out of the 5 PS4 games I got during the Prime Day glitched, but luckily I was able to pop them both back in pretty easily without opening them.

Looks like if you ordered Wonderboy CE/Plague Road for Vita you're stuck waiting for a while:( still no shipping information for those orders.. want to play ocean horn/wonderboy but looks like it'll be a while:/
2 out of the 5 PS4 games I got during the Prime Day glitched, but luckily I was able to pop them both back in pretty easily without opening them.
Unrelated to LRG, but when I bought some PS4 games from google express (with the $15 for $40 groupon voucher), 2 of the 4 games were floaters and 1 had a broken disc holder/spindle or whatever you call it. I honestly don't care if it's a floater because I'm going to play these games anyway, but when the inside of the case is damaged it's frustrating. Means I'll have to buy a replacement case. Google Express shipping it in a thin bag with zero protection probably didn't help.

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I'm actually kind of glad the Vita stuff is tapering. I love the system, but my shelf for it is limited, and I buy both versions because I'm not sure which one I'll want, and I don't have the opportunity to go get the other one later. Only having one version to buy will be a nice change of pace.

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You're not alone. I tried watching the video too, but found it really hard to hear Doug speaking so I just skipped around to see if it gets better. It doesn't. I actually didn't even find the humming lights to be bothersome since I was more annoyed with trying to hear what was said.

Not saying it's your fault Zeb, glad you recorded what you did. It's mic and sound system there that was bad.
I was pretty far back, that's zoomed in. I guess I could pull the audio, enhance it and re-encode it BUT it takes 6hrs to upload with my shit Charter upstream. Also I'm going to assume everyone trying to listen to it is using a cell phone or internal laptop speakers? I just have my Logitech speakers cranked to about mid way and it isn't so bad.

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Finally got through that whole 50+ minute video from that conference. Despite the volume/background noise issues, it was well worth the watch and I highly suggest anyone interested in the company to watch it.

To recap some of what Doug talked about:

  • ESRB is the reason for the possible delay
  • They don't do their own shipping. They still use a shipping partner, just not the one that messed everything up before. Personally I don't care who ships as long as they do a good job.
  • Details on the East Asia Soft stuff was interesting
  • It's clear why, on occasion, Doug seems a bit more on edge over certain issues. I can tell he seems to passionately care about the issues.
  • Preordering stuff was detailed as noted & discussed her. He even gave some recognition to the argument I made (and surely others made) that Skull Girls was a bad test for preorders because it was unfinished and that argument was the reason to try this. They are only going to do a preorder for something done, approved, and ready for production.
  • Vita stuff is running out and the future left for it is likely in bringing games over that haven't been localized. Right now that is a VN they are working with a dev to localize.
  • Doug mentioned other avenues LRG is considering for the future of the company as a whole and how to some degree LE's are a big part of that. I hope they never stop doing standard edition games. I understand wanting to add value to a cheap digital game going physical, but ultimately I hope they don't go overboard and are forced to start inching the price upwards to cover all the included stuff.

Overall I'd say it was more than worth my time to watch through the whole thing and I gained a lot of respect for the company and specifically Doug from that. Thanks for recording the video and posting it here. It was even better than the My Life In Gaming thing they did because Doug was just more natural and real.
Yeah, Douglas was super awesome to hang out with. Him and Justin from LRG came out to eat with us after the first night, both super nice guys that also collect retro stuff. He made up that power point just for us when I invited them out, major props to you if you read this Josh/Douglas!

I was pretty far back, that's zoomed in. I guess I could pull the audio, enhance it and re-encode it BUT it takes 6hrs to upload with my shit Charter upstream. Also I'm going to assume everyone trying to listen to it is using a cell phone or internal laptop speakers? I just have my Logitech speakers cranked to about mid way and it isn't so bad.
You should've just clicked record and then slide the phone up to the table like a spy so we could hear the audio better. ;D

Nobody will ever know...just make sure to attach a string to it so you can pull it back towards you afterwards. ^___^

Got Drive! Drive! Drive! and NeuroVoider today. This was the first time where I received 2 boxes sealed with a baggy with a shipping label on top of it. Also got Jotun and that one was a floater.

So Y's is going to have a standard LRG release and then a pre-order w/different cover there after?  I'm cool with that.  Hopefully this will cut down on some of the complaining, though I know some people will never be happy no matter what.  I just hope we can see both covers before hand so I can pick which one I rather go for.

So Y's is going to have a standard LRG release and then a pre-order w/different cover there after? I'm cool with that. Hopefully this will cut down on some of the complaining, though I know some people will never be happy no matter what. I just hope we can see both covers before hand so I can pick which one I rather go for.
*complains even more

I feel like this is the longest that a game has been in stock for. There are apparently 5 copies of Lawbreakers available. Can someone please buy them? lol

bread's done