Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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But here's the thing - if they over produce and don't sell they lose money. They sit on unsold inventory which is tough to sell. They likely cap it at a specific number to protect their margins (i.e. we sell 400 out of 500 and we break even - the other 100 is pure profit). If they never sell up to 400 they lose on that title and hope to make it up in future titles.

Its such a gamble for them to even release these titles in physical format where a few bad release could cause them to close up. The blind boxes help sell through crap inventory no one would have bought in the first place by placing a few gems they have extra copies of (if you think they only made 500 out of 500 you're wrong. They make 10% extra to account for defects/returns/etc.)
I definitely get where you're coming from (though my original comment really wasn't about LRG, so I'm not sure the blind box thing was applicable, but their business model is, indeed, similar). And, like I said, it totally makes sense from a business stand point. I'm a consumer, though, and I typically look at things from that angle first, as that's more important to me. When PA/EAS release a game with a print run of 500-1000, it becomes valuable simply because they made that decision. Then the consumer needs to either buy it at full price as soon as its available--no waiting for a sale, no time to consider or shift spending priorities, etc--or it goes OOS and becomes crazy expensive. I get that that is literally the business model--create inflated demand by releasing small numbers--but it does kind of suck for the consumer.

Over the past year I've just been getting more and more soured on the new limited release trend in video games. If one wants to keep up with every release that they find interesting, then there is a ton of money to be spent every month on limited releases alone. And heaven forbid if you are away from your phone for the first 5-10 minutes that one goes on sale. It's become laborious, expensive, stressful, and has eaten up an awful lot of shelf space (lol). I was more okay with it when it was only LRG, and they weren't releasing 10-15 games (counting PS4/Vita versions) a month. Now we have numerous copy cat companies (SRG/SLG/SEG/PA/Iam8Bit/Fangamer/Vblank, not to mention the limited retail releases from Soedesco and Nicalis that do tend to dry up rather quickly) and LRG making it rain titles and versions (I know they're scaling back; LRG wasn't really the focal point of this anyway).

I know that one could make the trite internet argument of "just don't buy them!" But I am a game collector. If a physical copy of a game that I think looks interesting exists, then I'd like to have it. And that mind set alone has become increasingly difficult to keep up with over the last year--in a way that is rapidly making it not fun anymore.

Just some thoughts based on yet another game being released--that's honestly worth $5 - $10 at most--being sold for $30 plus S/H and with only 1,000 made. Isn't video game collecting great? :3

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For those who signed up over at Play-Asia for the One More Dungeon pre-orders, it's now available. Make sure your signed in, and you should be able to get a copy if you signed up before hand. PS4 & Vita are both limited to 1000 copies, so this probably won't last long.
I hate to be off topic since this is the LRG thread, but how much did Play-Asia charge you for shipping? I had both the Vita and PS4 version in my cart and they wanted $15.90 to ship both. Previously, when I ordered two special editions it would be $7 to $8 to ship both, with Vesta/Coma being $10. Now its $16?

I hate to be off topic since this is the LRG thread, but how much did Play-Asia charge you for shipping? I had both the Vita and PS4 version in my cart and they wanted $15.90 to ship both. Previously, when I ordered two special editions it would be $7 to $8 to ship both, with Vesta/Coma being $10. Now its $16?
I was charged $15.90 on shipping as well for those 2.

I was charged $15.90 on shipping as well for those 2.
Well at least I'm not the only one getting screwed. Guess they were taking a hit on the $7 - $10 international shipping.

This has got me thinking to be a lot more selective on these Play-Asia exclusives.

For those who signed up over at Play-Asia for the One More Dungeon pre-orders, it's now available. Make sure your signed in, and you should be able to get a copy if you signed up before hand. PS4 & Vita are both limited to 1000 copies, so this probably won't last long.
Thanks, I bought one of each plus an Asian Vita copy of Ys Origin (on sale for $24.99 as part of PA's Lunar New Year sale) to be able to use a $5 coupon; my total was $96.87 after shipping.

Well at least I'm not the only one getting screwed. Guess they were taking a hit on the $7 - $10 international shipping.

This has got me thinking to be a lot more selective on these Play-Asia exclusives.
Wow! Talk about "shipping kills the deal". Not to mention, that paying with credit card there is a $2-3 international transaction least with mine.

Yep. I've scaled back my LRG and PA purchases to only titles that fit my interests. Fun while it lasted.

I hate to be off topic since this is the LRG thread, but how much did Play-Asia charge you for shipping? I had both the Vita and PS4 version in my cart and they wanted $15.90 to ship both. Previously, when I ordered two special editions it would be $7 to $8 to ship both, with Vesta/Coma being $10. Now its $16?
I was charged $10.90 for a single Vita copy. I saw on Twitter that they were looking into the shipping charges.
Anyone have a Blind Box copy of Nex Machina (should be the CE variant) they would be willing to sell?  Looking for one without having to buy the CE.  Just toss me a PM.

If anything the last year has been great motivation to only buy the truly important games and start fine-honing your Playstation collection. It has been an awakening. I used to want to buy everything too. But with every passing week that feeling becomes more the opposite. I look at my collection now and I become kind of disgusted. I'm now considering selling off several PS4 games in order to have a finer collection.

The market is flooded with PS4 games and the shovelware rush on the Switch is a full go. Thankfully we are still getting really cool limted releases like Hyper Light Drifter, The Sexy Brutale, Shadow Warrior, and Dear Esther. Wish I wouldn't have bought so much crap when there's seemingly an endless amount of great games to buy. I still haven't picked up things like Okami HD, Axiom Verge PS4, and Azure Striker Gunvolt Switch edition.

The landscape has changed. The market is saturated. Gamestop can hardly even sell many games anymore. You don't even get the full game when you buy the (new or used) box off the shelf. Publishers release so much crap and western gaming has gone completely downhill outside of a few development studios. However, it's a great time to be a consumer. We have so much to choose from.

So many publishers have forgotten their niche as well as their core competencies. Square Enix can't even sell out of their collector's editions anymore. Greed has taken over. While western companies have been floundering, most of the things I bought in 2017 were Japanese. Zelda, Nioh, Persona 5 = good, complete games. Now I am fully enamored with Monster Hunter World. Companies in the west have simply been failing at doing a good job. It's not a free cash grab anymore. They actually have to compete to get our money now. Start doing a better job offering things consumers actually want to buy.

2017 was the year of lootboxes, microtransactions, and forgettable collector's editions.

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2017 was the year of lootboxes, microtransactions, and forgettable collector's editions.
I'm hoping the poor sales of Battlefront 2 help companies like EA and Activision understand that their business models suck. I got the feeling that Dice didn't even want the microtransactions but were forced to do it. When they wrote that letter to the fans I felt like the guy was stepping through a minefield to word it in a way that would keep EA from lashing him with a whip and raining down a team of 50 legal executives from slamming them with a breach of contract suit. In the end, even though the game sold less than projections it still sold too well for EA to really think about meaningful change.

I'm hoping the poor sales of Battlefront 2 help companies like EA and Activision understand that their business models suck.
Battlefront 2 sold 9 million copies last quarter and was one of the most profitable games of 2017... soooo... unlikely EA will change shit. People have to learn that just because a very vocal minority puts up a stink doesn't mean the average person gives a shit. Every 16 year old got the game because all their friends got it.

Battlefront 2 sold 9 million copies last quarter and was one of the most profitable games of 2017... soooo... unlikely EA will change shit. People have to learn that just because a very vocal minority puts up a stink doesn't mean the average person gives a shit. Every 16 year old got the game because all their friends got it.
We don't know how profitable it was since it under sold in comparison to BF1 and how much EA paid for the rights to publish Star War games.
Blind Box time! Got 3 PS4 boxes and got...

Runner 2 (standard)

Night Trap (Blue Cover)

Pang Adventures

Could have been worse, glad there was no dupes!

The Night Trap is extra so if anyone needs one let me know

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Blind Box time! Got 3 PS4 boxes and got...

Runner 2 (standard)

Night Trap (Blue Cover)

Pang Adventures

Could have been worse, glad there was no dupes!

The Night Trap is extra so if anyone needs one let me know
Man, I don't even like Night Trap, but for whatever reason, I always feel tempted to try to get it when it shows up for sale. :p

In case you guys missed the email. I'm really hoping they have a triple pack or something. I managed to snag all 3 covers for Stranger's Wrath and would love to get all of these as well.


Our limited physical release of Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD retails for $29.99 and is limited to just 6,000 copies. 3,000 are standard editions with beautiful reversible artwork, 2,000 will be available as an incredible Collector's Edition (details soon!), and 1,000 will be available as a PAX East exclusive variant.


I'm getting tired of the show variants having the best cover art. The vast majority of us can't travel to a show. What's the point anyway? It's not like they need help selling these games.

I'm getting tired of the show variants having the best cover art. The vast majority of us can't travel to a show. What's the point anyway? It's not like they need help selling these games.
Show variants are done to get bodies in to your both, nothing more, nothing less. If not for shows, there would be no variants to begin with most of the time. Honestly, LRG is really about the only business I know of that actually offers show variants in any decent numbers online after the fact.

Most places only sell at shows, and if they happen to have any left, the qty's are a joke, and no one can get one any way. So while LRG is far from perfect, their variants are normally pretty easy to get for those that want one.

I've slowed way down on LRG releases, but I absolutely need to get Munches Oddysey next Friday. The first release since Windjammers that has been a must buy for me. 

Show variants are done to get bodies in to your both, nothing more, nothing less. If not for shows, there would be no variants to begin with most of the time. Honestly, LRG is really about the only business I know of that actually offers show variants in any decent numbers online after the fact.

Most places only sell at shows, and if they happen to have any left, the qty's are a joke, and no one can get one any way. So while LRG is far from perfect, their variants are normally pretty easy to get for those that want one.
That's my point though, they don't need to drag people to their booths with a specific variant. I'm fairly certain people are turning up anyway, because if they know about a specific variant of a LRG release, they know of LRG in general.

I'm super torn on Metronomicon. I'm really working on being smarter with my limited release game buying, as I do not want to turn into someone that buys things purely because they're limited, rare, etc. I hate the art style, and it doesn't actually look like very much fun. However, it also looks like an extremely interesting and unique concept, and that's normally a big push for me wanting to get something. Hmm...

As an aside, I'm shocked at how awful that Kemco game looks. Kemco's stuff is all pretty same-y and mediocre, but this just looks like bottom of the barrel even for them.

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That's my point though, they don't need to drag people to their booths with a specific variant. I'm fairly certain people are turning up anyway, because if they know about a specific variant of a LRG release, they know of LRG in general.
I see your point, but for most of those people, they already have any and all of LRG releases, and wouldn't be visiting their both without the variant. When others see the crowd, then that brings others over as well. Of course their not trying to sway the fans they already have, but to get new people interested in what there doing.

It also helps when industry people see the booth crowds, as that turns in to new releases down the road. If someone from a major developer sees an empty booth, why would they think LRG can sell thousand of copies of their latest games? It's all just part of the bigger game being played.

I'm super torn on Metronomicon. I'm really working on being smarter with my limited release game buying, as I do not want to turn into someone that buys things purely because they're limited, rare, etc. I hate the art style, and it doesn't actually look like very much fun. However, it also looks like an extremely interesting and unique concept, and that's normally a big push for me wanting to get something. Hmm...

As an aside, I'm shocked at how awful that Kemco game looks. Kemco's stuff is all pretty same-y and mediocre, but this just looks like bottom of the barrel even for them.
When I see Kemco associated with a game I immediately think mediocre and dated JRPGs.

I've been considering selling off most of my LRG Vita releases recently too. I don't think I will ever go for a complete set at this point and I could put the money towards some other gaming related purchases. I've recently shifted my collecting focus to the PS4 as well.

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Holy Shit, what's that CE gonna run, $100+? LOL

A few cool items, especially the soda, but another easy pass for me(thank God). I was really worried it might be to good to pass up, then I was going to have to try and get this and the variant. Which my wallet would have strongly protested. LOL

Honestly, the main item most CE need to have for me to personally even consider, are art books/guide. I'll still get a CE from time to time without one, but that's very rare. The little picture cards look cool as well, but the bulk of the cost there I'm sure will be from the box and soda, as well as another folded poster that is all but useless for me being that it's folded.

I'll be happy just trying for the variant and the standard edition game I guess. But with that RPG being offered that day as well. I may just try for the variant and to hell with the rest. Otherwise a $60 day, will be a close to $100 one, and that ain't cool.

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I'm with you on the art book / guide.

FWIW, if you're into Oddworld, you should really get The Art of Oddworld: The First Ten Years from Ballistic Publishing
Yeah, that was on my radar not to long back with a few of their other offerings, as they still had stock on the items I wanted. Did they have a big sale recently or something? It wasn't that long ago I was looking at a few books, and they still had stock. Now it's like everything they offered is gone.

From their latest e-mail:

"The Collector's Edition for Munch's Oddysee includes an awesomely unique die-cut split box that opens to reveal a collectible aluminum drink can, the game itself, a double-sided 18 x 24 inch poster, three 4 x 6 inch glossy art cards, and a soundtrack CD. Only 2,000 of the Collector's Editions exist and each retails for $64.99."

From their latest e-mail:

"The Collector's Edition for Munch's Oddysee includes an awesomely unique die-cut split box that opens to reveal a collectible aluminum drink can, the game itself, a double-sided 18 x 24 inch poster, three 4 x 6 inch glossy art cards, and a soundtrack CD. Only 2,000 of the Collector's Editions exist and each retails for $64.99."
Damn, you beat me to it, I was headed here to post. LOL

Yeah, that price isn't bad for everything you get, for sure on of the better LRG CE offered. Hopefully everyone who wants a copy can get it, as the Oddworld games are normally very popular LRG offerings.

Yeah, that was on my radar not to long back with a few of their other offerings, as they still had stock on the items I wanted. Did they have a big sale recently or something? It wasn't that long ago I was looking at a few books, and they still had stock. Now it's like everything they offered is gone.
Not sure. There was a brief period around 2011 when Amazon actually carried Ballistic Publishing books. That's when I got my hardcover one.

ETA: I wonder if they're out of business or something. Literally everything is out of stock:

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ETA: I wonder if they're out of business or something. Literally everything is out of stock:
Yeah, that's why I asked. Normally when a place shuts down, they remove the site, or plaster the home page with info about it. That's why I figured maybe they had a sale with prices to good to pass up, so everything was sold out. But now I will say it does seem weird nothing seems to have inventory.

It's cool you got yours thru Amazon, did they offer their normal style book discount at the time?

EDIT: I do see they have a list of stores that carries their merch, so maybe they sold all their inventory to local shops, and called it a day?

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Yeah. I paid around $50 instead of $80. I had been wanting it for a while, but could never justify the $20+ shipping cost to order direct from the publisher.

Seems like most people are happy with $65, saw one person somewhere say we should only charge $10 more for the CE and I was like, but that doesn't even cover the box and wrapping... 

Seems like most people are happy with $65, saw one person somewhere say we should only charge $10 more for the CE and I was like, but that doesn't even cover the box and wrapping...
I like the approach you're taking this year with less CEs. I felt like too many sub-par games got them last year and for those of us that like getting CE's it became too much. If you keep it limited to games worthy of it like Oddworld, I don't have any problem spending $65 here and there. Thanks!

I like the approach you're taking this year with less CEs. I felt like too many sub-par games got them last year and for those of us that like getting CE's it became too much. If you keep it limited to games worthy of it like Oddworld, I don't have any problem spending $65 here and there. Thanks!
Honestly, I would have paid $65 for an Aqua Kitty CE if the contents are of interest to me. I don't fault LRG for how many of these they offer, or what's included. If I like whats offered I buy it, if I don't, I pass.

Every CE I passed on, has still sold out and made LRG funds to make other titles happen. I honestly don't get the "I don't like this, so it shouldn't be made" mentality. So long as CE are being offered, and there is a market to buy it, more power to all involved.

bread's done