Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Holiday 2022 LRG Releases at Best Buy

Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Do people honestly think that businesses shouldn't adapt and grow in order to remain competitive and survive? Wow!
Is this your first day on the Internet? LOL

I've been shopping with LRG since their first release, and I'm beyond happy to see a few guys on the verge of closing their doors, become a force in the industry. These guys could be given away free games and someone would complain..........Oh wait, that's already happened, as the "free" rewards program has been the discussion of issues in the past. It's just the world of "everyone knows best", when in actuality most don't know shit(myself included). :dunce: LOL

Is this your first day on the Internet? LOL

I've been shopping with LRG since their first release, and I'm beyond happy to see a few guys on the verge of closing their doors, become a force in the industry. These guys could be given away free games and someone would complain..........Oh wait, that's already happened, as the "free" rewards program has been the discussion of issues in the past. It's just the world of "everyone knows best", when in actuality most don't know shit(myself included). :dunce: LOL
Yep, always the same handful of trash posters here and elsewhere playing armchair CEO. Just a toxic circlejerk.

Do people honestly think that businesses shouldn't adapt and grow in order to remain competitive and survive? Wow!
I think they should do what is in their best interest. I like the best buy move for many reasons mainly because it creates sustainability (and allows the company to have some financial stability to take a few risks), access for LRG to publish more games, and the possibility to use GCU. What I don't like is that they openly advertised multiple times that they have 10,000 copies of Golf Story in hand that will ship out in October. I think people complain a bit too much about timelines because LRG cannot control processing times, and we go into the purchase knowing that there is a wait time. But they actively advertised this as a selling point to say you will get the game faster, and didn't deliver. I don't claim to understand their business, and I will continue to be a customer as long as they keep making quality products that are really cool. But I do think they would have less criticism with setting realistic expectations for themselves. Under promise then over deliver.

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We all know that LRG is dishonest, and just not a very reputable operation. Lot's of PR bullshit. We all know the problems.

However, they are in the business of making as much money as possible and there's nothing wrong with that. If BB sells these at the same price it's good for consumers. Free shipping and GCU. Though mine expires in March.
uh oh, here they come.

I can hear galloping in the distance.

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Has anyone successfully used their reward tickets for something other than a game? I know they initially said they would accept them for cards and such, not sure if that ever came to be though.
"But LRG dealing with Best Buy is already screwing the customers!"
I asked them for a refund on my order of golf story. I bought multiple copies for a couple reasons, namely the fact that to me, this is the best switch title they have released and Im genuinely excited about playing it as opposed to the other games I buy from them simply for collection purposes. How is the game a limited run if best buy is going to order them as well? I dont hate LRG or anything but them dealing with best buy on the game after pre orders have closed is not right. If they had put in the description that the game would also be available at retailers or something along those lines I wouldnt have purchased it and no harm no foul. This was the case for salt & sanctuary. Yooka laylee as well as outlast was already published and thats totally fine but to me this golf story deal with best buy should have been advertised on the description page. I could go on about these insane shipping times (CSH im looking at you) but thats whatever, I expect that.
We all know that LRG is dishonest, and just not a very reputable operation. Lot's of PR bullshit. We all know the problems.

However, they are in the business of making as much money as possible and there's nothing wrong with that. If BB sells these at the same price it's good for consumers. Free shipping and GCU. Though mine expires in March.
Very shady indeed. They don't even print numbers on the back of each game like all the other smaller companies. I wonder how many they are really printing the greedy little bastards.

Very shady indeed. They don't even print numbers on the back of each game like all the other smaller companies. I wonder how many they are really printing the greedy little bastards.
Probably hundreds of thousands. Makes more business sense for them to hoard thousands of copies and lose money by not selling them than to print how many they say they are printing. Since Sony monitors and actually manufactures the games for LRG they are clearly in on the racket to hoard games and let LRG lose money as well. It's all a big conspiracy to lose money and deceive customers.

I do love a good sarcastic explanation!

I thought people's main concern was having physical copies and then the complaining was it was too hard to get said physical copies. Now there are more ways to do that, and people hate it. Oy. If you don't like LRG anymore, just don't purchase from them. Then go somewhere else to find something else to bitch about.

I asked them for a refund on my order of golf story. I bought multiple copies for a couple reasons, namely the fact that to me, this is the best switch title they have released and Im genuinely excited about playing it as opposed to the other games I buy from them simply for collection purposes. How is the game a limited run if best buy is going to order them as well? I dont hate LRG or anything but them dealing with best buy on the game after pre orders have closed is not right. If they had put in the description that the game would also be available at retailers or something along those lines I wouldnt have purchased it and no harm no foul.
Not defending LRG in this instance as they should've definitely stated something in the description, but the games are still limited because it only gets the one print, that's it. Best Buy also didn't put in an order after preorders were closed, they already had a deal in place, and just needed to finalize details, sign, etc., before making it public.
I do love a good sarcastic explanation!

I thought people's main concern was having physical copies and then the complaining was it was too hard to get said physical copies. Now there are more ways to do that, and people hate it. Oy. Go somewhere else to find something else to bitch about. If you don't like LRG anymore, just don't purchase from them.
So let me get this straight, BB ordered during the "open" preorder just like everyone else, and the numbers are limited to the total amount sold like every other NS preorder right? So what's the issue exactly?

So let me get this straight, BB ordered during the "open" preorder just like everyone else, and the numbers are limited to the total amount sold like every other NS preorder right? So what's the issue exactly?
Because it's not limited enough. Rather than 10,000 its 20,000! Instead of 8000, it's 13,000! "LRG is now MRG!!"

Last edited by a moderator: was posted by a guy who didn't have the self-awareness to realize his shirtless avatar photo was laughable, so I doubt many will give much thought to his attempts to troll.
Maybe funny to you as you were the only one to comment on it multiple times. The pic was neck up.

A few times I've posted something about LRG you either personal attack or come back with nothing. Either you're a LRG account or a blind supporter.

Nothing factually wrong with what I said. If you think LRG is an honest, transparent company good for you....

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I think they should do what is in their best interest. I like the best buy move for many reasons mainly because it creates sustainability (and allows the company to have some financial stability to take a few risks), access for LRG to publish more games, and the possibility to use GCU. What I don't like is that they openly advertised multiple times that they have 10,000 copies of Golf Story in hand that will ship out in October. I think people complain a bit too much about timelines because LRG cannot control processing times, and we go into the purchase knowing that there is a wait time. But they actively advertised this as a selling point to say you will get the game faster, and didn't deliver. I don't claim to understand their business, and I will continue to be a customer as long as they keep making quality products that are really cool. But I do think they would have less criticism with setting realistic expectations for themselves. Under promise then over deliver.
💯 percent this. As they’ve grown so quickly they’ve gone into the habit of over promise and under deliver, which is a cardinal sin of business you don’t break.
uh oh, here they come.

I can hear galloping in the distance.
I mean, he's not completely wrong. There have been a few times where I felt like LRG over-promised and under-delivered with their older CEs, werein the quality wasn't all that great IMO. But it's no different than any other company who advertises a $200 CE as super limited/high quality or a retailer saying they're having sales.

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Maybe funny to you as you were the only one to comment on it multiple times. The pic was neck up.

A few times I've posted something about LRG you either personal attack or come back with nothing. Either you're a LRG account or a blind supporter.

Nothing factually wrong with what I said. If you think LRG is an honest, transparent company good for you....
So, not only do you lack self-awareness (although you did finally remove the photo after multiple people mentioned it, so I guess you're not completely oblivious), but you also don't understand the difference between a fact and an opinion. Got it.

We have a lot of updates.
Previously, when sending out production updates, we made an attempt to segment the production emails based on actual purchase data. This seemed to result in a lot of people missing updates. In order to correct this, we're sending out this production email to all 90,000 mailing list subscribers in the hopes that this better connects updates with customers. Let's dive in!

First, please remember that you can get updates for products on our Production Updates page. You can also check what the shipping team is currently shipping out at any given moment by watching the Shipping Room page (though this may not be updated as frequently as normal when the shipping team is super busy).


We have a lot of games in-hand that we are currently in the process of shipping out. Many of these games came in at the same time and the result is that we currently have about 80,000 orders to ship. It is going to take a lot of time to work through all of those, so please be patient as we get those things out the door! You may see other people receive their items before you, don't get worried! We ship our things out by sending the most common order combinations out first. For example, for Night Trap we had nearly 8,000 orders that contained just one copy of Night Trap and nothing else. Those 8,000 orders shipped first; meanwhile, orders that were more infrequent, like orders with Night Trap and other items, will ship out towards the end of our shipping cycle.

It's also worth mentioning that CEs - especially big ones like the Saturday Morning RPG CE - take a lot longer to ship than standard copies of games, so the total amount of time it is going to take to ship out all 46 of the in-hand items, is pretty staggering.

Please bear with us as we get all this stuff out! We have a core team of four shipping staff - so they're being pushed to the limit right now!





So what do we currently have in-hand and ready to ship?

Collector's Editions:
  1. Night Trap
  2. Saturday Morning RPG
  3. Cosmic Star Heroine
  4. Tribute Treasure Box
  5. Slime-San
  6. Super Hydorah Vita
  7. 2064
  8. VA11 HALL-A
  1. Antiqua Lost
  2. Super Hydorah
  4. Xenon Valkyrie+
  5. Exile's End
  6. VA11 HALL-A
  7. 2064
  8. Phantom Breaker
  9. Hue
  10. Gunhouse
  11. Cosmic Star Heroine
  12. Salt & Sanctuary (not pictured)
  1. Magicka 2
  2. Volume
  3. Escape Goat 2
  4. Cosmic Star Heroine
  5. Thumper
  6. Antiquia Lost
  7. Toto Temple
  8. Iron Crypticel
  9. Splasher
  10. Observer
  11. Kingdom
  12. MUSYNX
  13. Xenon Valkyrie+
  14. Exile's End
  15. Hue
  16. Phantom Breaker
  17. Bastion
  18. Gunhouse
  19. Late Shift
  20. Salt & Sanctuary (not pictured)
  1. Flinthook
  2. Mercenary Kings
  3. Saturday Morning RPG
  4. Slime-San
  5. Night Trap
  6. Oxenfree
  7. Oceanhorn (not pictured)
All of these games are in-hand and are in the process of shipping out! Again, we want to stress that there are 80,000 orders to ship out so that will take us a while to get through but we're doing our best. If you ordered any of these games alongside a game that is not listed here, that order will not ship until that game comes in. Updates on outstanding games are below.


We have a ton of games that are ordered and have arrival dates assigned by Nintendo and Sony. Please note that these dates represent when we expect to have them in-hand, but depending on where our shipping team is on the previous 80,000 orders, these just get integrated into our current stack of outgoing orders. This stuff will likely not start going out the minute it arrives in, so please do not be alarmed if shipping on these doesn't start until days or weeks after the arrival dates noted here.

  1. Yooka-Laylee - expected in-hand on the week of November 19th. CE expected mid-December due to retro cartridge arrival times.
  2. Kingdom - expected in-hand next week. Includes CE.
  3. Golf Story - initial 10,000 expected in-hand next week. CE still expected in January as noted on product page.
  4. Thumper - expected in-hand this week. Includes CE.
  5. Furi - cartridges in-hand now, final assembled product expected next week. CE expected mid-December due to SteelBook.
  1. Bastion - will be in-hand on Friday, November 2nd.
  2. Senran Kagura Bon Apetit - will be in-hand on Tuesday, November 13th. Collector's edition will be ready the following week.
  3. Salt & Sanctuary CE - we will have these either late this week or early next week.
  1. Salt & Sanctuary CE - we will have these either late this week or early next week.


We have placed orders for several games with Sony, but those games do not have a confirmed ship date from Sony. We expect that these will be received within the next 15 - 35 days. So we would say to expect us to have these in-hand mid-November to early-December. Production times can be somewhat random, so it is hard for us to give you an accurate timeline on these, but there are no snags that will hit these listed products or cause delays.

  1. Another World
  2. Narcosis
  3. Layers of Fear
  4. 8-Bit Adventure Anthology
  5. Dragon's Lair
  6. Defender's Quest
  7. Mages of Mystralia
  8. Dragon Sinker
  1. Another World
  2. Defender's Quest
  3. Dragon Sinker


There are several games that are still outstanding for unexpected reasons. Each game will get an individual update here:

PixelJunk Monsters 2 (PS4/Switch) - The intention for this release was to create a final, archive-ready, release with all DLC and patches. The developer continued to patch the game based on player feedback and things were only 100% finalized as of two weeks ago. Our first attempt to submit a disc image to Sony failed due to slow load times during the install process (when the game was running from the disc). We had to fix that issue and resubmit. The latest disc image is being tested by Sony now. A final ROM for the Switch version has been prepared and we are just awaiting Spike Chunsoft's confirmation that the build is approved. We hope to be able to finally ship this game in December. If things seem like they will miss that date, we are going to, at our own expense, ship any items out that are held up due to PixelJunk Monsters 2 - so if you have either Tribute game or Saturday Morning RPG held up waiting for PJM2, we'll make sure you get those before the year is over. Sorry for the delay on this!

Dust (Switch) - The developer is attempting to secure the physical long-form ESRB rating but the ESRB's antiquated process is slowing things down. In order to get an account with the ESRB, a developer must mail in an application through snail mail. The developer sent off an application two weeks ago, but has not been granted access for ratings. If the ESRB does not respond by tomorrow, we are going to get the game rated through our account as a last resort. Once the rating is secured, there will be no roadblocks to getting this into production. We will update you again as things move closer to production!

West of Loathing (Switch) - The developer was sick for quite some time after the sale ended for the game and that caused a severe delay with getting the approval from Nintendo needed for production. The game is currently being rated by the ESRB and once that is done, we don't expect any hurdles to getting the game certified with Nintendo.

Broken Age (Switch) - We have submitted a label for the Switch cartridge and once that is approved, the game will be ready for manufacturing. We are completely on track for this title - no delays expected and we may even beat our estimated ship date!

Everspace (PS4) - We have had a nightmare of a time getting this game transferred over from BadLand Games. We're hoping that this situation is resolved and production will complete in time to get this title shipped in December. We're very sorry for the delay! This was a headache we not expect or predict!


We have a lot of updates.
Previously, when sending out production updates, we made an attempt to segment the production emails based on actual purchase data. This seemed to result in a lot of people missing updates. In order to correct this, we're sending out this production email to all 90,000 mailing list subscribers in the hopes that this better connects updates with customers. Let's dive in!
First, please remember that you can get updates for products on our Production Updates page. You can also check what the shipping team is currently shipping out at any given moment by watching the Shipping Room page (though this may not be updated as frequently as normal when the shipping team is super busy).
We have a lot of games in-hand that we are currently in the process of shipping out. Many of these games came in at the same time and the result is that we currently have about 80,000 orders to ship. It is going to take a lot of time to work through all of those, so please be patient as we get those things out the door! You may see other people receive their items before you, don't get worried! We ship our things out by sending the most common order combinations out first. For example, for Night Trap we had nearly 8,000 orders that contained just one copy of Night Trap and nothing else. Those 8,000 orders shipped first; meanwhile, orders that were more infrequent, like orders with Night Trap and other items, will ship out towards the end of our shipping cycle.
It's also worth mentioning that CEs - especially big ones like the Saturday Morning RPG CE - take a lot longer to ship than standard copies of games, so the total amount of time it is going to take to ship out all 46 of the in-hand items, is pretty staggering.
Please bear with us as we get all this stuff out! We have a core team of four shipping staff - so they're being pushed to the limit right now!




So what do we currently have in-hand and ready to ship?
Collector's Editions:

  • Night Trap
  • Saturday Morning RPG
  • Cosmic Star Heroine
  • Tribute Treasure Box
  • Slime-San
  • Super Hydorah Vita
  • 2064
  • VA11 HALL-A
  • Antiqua Lost
  • Super Hydorah
  • Xenon Valkyrie+
  • Exile's End
  • VA11 HALL-A
  • 2064
  • Phantom Breaker
  • Hue
  • Gunhouse
  • Cosmic Star Heroine
  • Salt & Sanctuary (not pictured)
  • Magicka 2
  • Volume
  • Escape Goat 2
  • Cosmic Star Heroine
  • Thumper
  • Antiquia Lost
  • Toto Temple
  • Iron Crypticel
  • Splasher
  • Observer
  • Kingdom
  • Xenon Valkyrie+
  • Exile's End
  • Hue
  • Phantom Breaker
  • Bastion
  • Gunhouse
  • Late Shift
  • Salt & Sanctuary (not pictured)
  • Flinthook
  • Mercenary Kings
  • Saturday Morning RPG
  • Slime-San
  • Night Trap
  • Oxenfree
  • Oceanhorn (not pictured)
All of these games are in-hand and are in the process of shipping out! Again, we want to stress that there are 80,000 orders to ship out so that will take us a while to get through but we're doing our best. If you ordered any of these games alongside a game that is not listed here, that order will not ship until that game comes in. Updates on outstanding games are below.
We have a ton of games that are ordered and have arrival dates assigned by Nintendo and Sony. Please note that these dates represent when we expect to have them in-hand, but depending on where our shipping team is on the previous 80,000 orders, these just get integrated into our current stack of outgoing orders. This stuff will likely not start going out the minute it arrives in, so please do not be alarmed if shipping on these doesn't start until days or weeks after the arrival dates noted here.
  • Yooka-Laylee - expected in-hand on the week of November 19th. CE expected mid-December due to retro cartridge arrival times.
  • Kingdom - expected in-hand next week. Includes CE.
  • Golf Story - initial 10,000 expected in-hand next week. CE still expected in January as noted on product page.
  • Thumper - expected in-hand this week. Includes CE.
  • Furi - cartridges in-hand now, final assembled product expected next week. CE expected mid-December due to SteelBook.
  • Bastion - will be in-hand on Friday, November 2nd.
  • Senran Kagura Bon Apetit - will be in-hand on Tuesday, November 13th. Collector's edition will be ready the following week.
  • Salt & Sanctuary CE - we will have these either late this week or early next week.
  • Salt & Sanctuary CE - we will have these either late this week or early next week.
We have placed orders for several games with Sony, but those games do not have a confirmed ship date from Sony. We expect that these will be received within the next 15 - 35 days. So we would say to expect us to have these in-hand mid-November to early-December. Production times can be somewhat random, so it is hard for us to give you an accurate timeline on these, but there are no snags that will hit these listed products or cause delays.
  • Another World
  • Narcosis
  • Layers of Fear
  • 8-Bit Adventure Anthology
  • Dragon's Lair
  • Defender's Quest
  • Mages of Mystralia
  • Dragon Sinker
  • Another World
  • Defender's Quest
  • Dragon Sinker

There are several games that are still outstanding for unexpected reasons. Each game will get an individual update here:PixelJunk Monsters 2 (PS4/Switch) - The intention for this release was to create a final, archive-ready, release with all DLC and patches. The developer continued to patch the game based on player feedback and things were only 100% finalized as of two weeks ago. Our first attempt to submit a disc image to Sony failed due to slow load times during the install process (when the game was running from the disc). We had to fix that issue and resubmit. The latest disc image is being tested by Sony now. A final ROM for the Switch version has been prepared and we are just awaiting Spike Chunsoft's confirmation that the build is approved. We hope to be able to finally ship this game in December. If things seem like they will miss that date, we are going to, at our own expense, ship any items out that are held up due to PixelJunk Monsters 2 - so if you have either Tribute game or Saturday Morning RPG held up waiting for PJM2, we'll make sure you get those before the year is over. Sorry for the delay on this!Dust (Switch) - The developer is attempting to secure the physical long-form ESRB rating but the ESRB's antiquated process is slowing things down. In order to get an account with the ESRB, a developer must mail in an application through snail mail. The developer sent off an application two weeks ago, but has not been granted access for ratings. If the ESRB does not respond by tomorrow, we are going to get the game rated through our account as a last resort. Once the rating is secured, there will be no roadblocks to getting this into production. We will update you again as things move closer to production!West of Loathing (Switch) - The developer was sick for quite some time after the sale ended for the game and that caused a severe delay with getting the approval from Nintendo needed for production. The game is currently being rated by the ESRB and once that is done, we don't expect any hurdles to getting the game certified with Nintendo.Broken Age (Switch) - We have submitted a label for the Switch cartridge and once that is approved, the game will be ready for manufacturing. We are completely on track for this title - no delays expected and we may even beat our estimated ship date!Everspace (PS4) - We have had a nightmare of a time getting this game transferred over from BadLand Games. We're hoping that this situation is resolved and production will complete in time to get this title shipped in December. We're very sorry for the delay! This was a headache we not expect or predict!
That’s some serious damage control
So the 10k of Golf Story weren't in hand. That's disappointing. I thought they said they had them already?

That's a sucky thing to quote that entire post. Please edit out most of that quote or use the spoiler tag.
That was his purpose. Dude is a troll.

However, a few comments down they say that they’ve only made the purchase and don’t actually have them on hand. Pretty shitty.
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That was his purpose. Dude is a troll.

However, a few comments down they say that they’ve only made the purchase and don’t actually have them on hand. Pretty shitty.
I don't see where they say they don't actually have them in hand. They say they have them in hand, then a few posts down says: The first 10K copies purchased - whether SE or CE with the ship ASAP option - will ship immediately. Our reorder for remaining units will only take 1 month, so all standard copies will be out by early November, even if they aren't part of the initial 10K orders.

When someone says they will ship immediately, I take that to mean right now. Plus they say the beyond 10k will be out early November. Using this as a major point of advertising is misleading. Didn't deliver on the promise made, and one of the few times I think they deserve the criticism for how this was presented.

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I don't see where they say they don't actually have them in hand. They say they have them in hand, then a few posts down says: The first 10K copies purchased - whether SE or CE with the ship ASAP option - will ship immediately. Our reorder for remaining units will only take 1 month, so all standard copies will be out by early November, even if they aren't part of the initial 10K orders.
When someone says they will ship immediately, I take that to mean right now. Plus they say the beyond 10k will be out early November. Using this as a major point of advertising is misleading. Didn't deliver on the promise made, and one of the few times I think they deserve the criticism for how this was presented.
They originally said they were on hand then later on, as you pointed out, said they were purchased. Not the same thing as on hand.
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They originally said they were on hand then later on, as you pointed out, said they were purchased. Not the same thing as on hand.
When they say "The first 10K copies purchased," they mean by their customers, not by them. There isn't a shady language shift there.

You don't need to read into anything for hidden "Gotcha!" moments in their language usage when they have pubicly stated that they only had the cartridges ready to go and not a complete, boxed product. See the quoted response below, which was posted on Reddit a mere 3 days ago:

We had the carts ready, but we had to wait for the sales to end to know how many covers to print. Should be wrapping up very soon. Getting in Oxenfree next then probably Golf Story and Furi as ordered some of those in advance too.

And of course they, again, stated in the newsletter that they would be receiving them soon. They're been pretty upfront about not having them ready to go now, so while they've thoroughly botched the "ship immediately" claim, they don't seem to be trying to cover that fact up at all.

My best guess is that the original plan was to have the 10,000 copies ready to go by the time the game went on sale, giving them an, at minimum, 9 day lead time on getting the boxed product assembled. I'm not sure that's enough time (even having the cartridges in hand), so maybe the plan was to have them ready to ship the moment pre-orders closed, giving them an additional two weeks. Either one seems feasible to me and, at worst, both scenarios would frame their original claim as a little less "misleading" and a bit more obfuscating "how the sausage gets made."

But in the end, I suppose it's meaningless to speculate considering they've logistically screwed the pooch and just leaped head-first into misleading their customers, intentionally or not. Just seems like a careless customer service and project management faux pas to me.

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I don't think Limited Run Games ever has exclusivity on anything but production materials (like cover art). If I'm remembering correctly, the rights revert back to the developer after a sale and they can pursue further print runs with other publishers if they so choose.

EDIT: Ah that's right, I forgot Bad Land Games lost this one to Limited Run. Thanks Olengie.

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Did you not see the Publisher? BadLandGames isn't publishing it anymore. Some retailers still have the preorder pages up and never bothered to take em down
I did see that. I thought Target took down the pre-order months ago though, so I was surprised to see it up. Thought maybe they re-listed the pre-order, which made me wonder whether BadLands somehow is still publishing it.

That email pretty much sums up that Limited Run is spreading themselves thin and could do with a slowdown. Unfortunately I don’t really see that happening and we’ll continue to see erratic ship schedules like this.
That was his purpose. Dude is a troll.

However, a few comments down they say that they’ve only made the purchase and don’t actually have them on hand. Pretty shitty.
lot of people are butt hurt about buying from them, people dont have to buy from them, also i assume that they are involved with supplying gamefly for shipments got larger pushing times back and now with bb in the future more times will get delayed, at least they are upfront with timelines people shouldnt buy from them if they cant wait, i would suggest lrg start skipping every other week with releases if that will help catch up but its the holiday season so tough call

That email pretty much sums up that Limited Run is spreading themselves thin and could do with a slowdown. Unfortunately I don’t really see that happening and we’ll continue to see erratic ship schedules like this.
Exactly. Lots of exclamation marks pointing out how hard they’re working and then they mention they only have four people in their shipping department. It’s not hard to hire temporary employees to work on an as-needed basis to provide more timely shipping and adequate customer service.
While I'm not happy about any and all delays, each item I ordered had the same message clearly post in bold red type: "You'll eventually get your shit!". LOL

No, but seriously, there is fair warning so to speak, and I don't see them slowing down either, as why would they? This is the exact situation I presented from the start when they spoke of slowing down, as who the hell is running a business to slow down? I never thought that was a good idea, and I told them that every chance I got. The more funds you have, the better the opportunities, PERIOD! These guys are now making cases for past systems, partnerships with places like Fangamer and trying to bring back some older system games, etc. This is all possible because of these games that most in the industry couldn't be bothered to offer physical for. They saw a need and filled it, WOW what an amazing concept(only ever spoken by someone working for someone else).

They talked of wanting to offer less, with better quality, but that was a dumb statement out the of gate, as who determines that? One of my favorite LRG offerings was Aqua Kitty, and under most peoples bias in these forums, that would for sure not get offered under some form of better quality titles. They now offer more titles than ever before, the delays are greater than they ever have been, and they are selling just as many games(if not more), than always.

The problem of having 80,000 orders to ship out is a problem I would like to have, and I'm sure I would no longer have time or reason to post here either, and that is also another HUGE positive in regards to their current situation. Their making fat stacks, while guys here are complaining on how they make said fat stacks, and then wonder why they don't have their own fat stacks. LOL

When they say "The first 10K copies purchased," they mean by their customers, not by them. There isn't a shady language shift there.
No, the tweet is from 9/19. Golf Story didn't even go up for preorder until 9/28. They said they had 10k copies on hand to ship immediately. That's what I have a problem with.

lot of people are butt hurt about buying from them, people dont have to buy from them, also i assume that they are involved with supplying gamefly for shipments got larger pushing times back and now with bb in the future more times will get delayed, at least they are upfront with timelines people shouldnt buy from them if they cant wait, i would suggest lrg start skipping every other week with releases if that will help catch up but its the holiday season so tough call
Not butt hurt about the purchase. I have no issues with their partnership with Best Buy or any other company. These switch games are open preorders, there could be 5k sold or 100k sold, doesn't matter to me.

I've been pumped for Golf Story and wanted my copy ASAP. I created an order for Another World and paid shipping, then did another order for Golf Story. I paid shipping twice on the same day because Golf Story was supposed to be ready to ship. If the games are going to ship at the same time, I might as well have put them in the same order.

Ok, so what I understand now is that LRG had the carts in hand but hadn't had them in their retail packaging yet.   This pretty much confirms my thoughts that like DS and 3DS Nintendo only manufactures the game carts and getting them packaged is up to the publisher.  There were several self published DS games that covered this.  One where the guy got the carts in and actually did all the packaging and sealing himself (tried to find a link, couldn't... it may not be on the web anymore) and then another that ended up getting Kickstarted (Diamond Trust of London) that ended up using a packaging company to get things ready... though they shipped the games themselves.  Same with Shovel Knight on 3DS except they used a Distributor (to get the games into retail stores) that took care of the actual packaging.  This was talked about in their posts on the retail experience and how things broke down with sales.
So I take it LRG doesn't package in house (at least I hope they don't with only 4 people on shipping) but instead sent the carts on to a third party packaging company to handle putting the games together and they are waiting to get them back.  I don't know why they won't just come out and be up front about the process unless it's part of an NDA or something.
Either way it was still kind of crappy to say they had the games and were ready to immediately ship the first 10K that were sold.

I just hope we (those of us that ordered early) actually get the games early and they don't take 5K of the copies and go ahead and have them packaged for the best buy deal.  It'll be interesting to see when BB puts the games up for sale versus when customers start getting shipping notices for the second batch.

I've been pumped for Golf Story and wanted my copy ASAP. I created an order for Another World and paid shipping, then did another order for Golf Story. I paid shipping twice on the same day because Golf Story was supposed to be ready to ship. If the games are going to ship at the same time, I might as well have put them in the same order.
I did this very same thing for this very same reason.

I thought LRG mentioned they'd be telling customers when BB was putting them up before the listings went up? I could be wrong though, we've gotten a ton of LRG news in the past week

I picked up a copy of Golf Story, price is the same as LRG's, free shipping, and I still have GCU. I was on the fence originally because I don't use my Switch often but for $10 off I'll bite.

I thought LRG mentioned they'd be telling customers when BB was putting them up before the listings went up? I could be wrong though, we've gotten a ton of LRG news in the past week

I picked up a copy of Golf Story, price is the same as LRG's, free shipping, and I still have GCU. I was on the fence originally because I don't use my Switch often but for $10 off I'll bite.
I don't think even BBY knew when they were putting them up when you take into consideration how randomly they do things themselves.

Did a quick look around on BB... it doesn't appear the third unannounced game is on there yet.

I am surprised (in a positive way) these are priced the same as LRG with the devs supposedly getting the same cut of sales.   This definitely would be the way to go if I had GCU (and knew in advance).

Thanks for the heads up. I just ordered both games. I’m so glad I waited, because it saved me $20.

I think the cover arts are good for both games. I like this Golf Story art more than the LRG version. I’ll admit the Yooka-Laylee one isn’t as good as the LRG version, but I do still like it.
Siralam 2 coming this Friday:

I'm pretty excited for this one, I really enjoyed what I played of the first one. Need to get back to it soon.

Siralam 2 coming this Friday:

I'm pretty excited for this one, I really enjoyed what I played of the first one. Need to get back to it soon.
Really glad I never bought this one digital. Glad to add it to my vita collection.

bread's done