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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Quantity wise, it looks like Papers Please is pretty high compared to other Vita releases. 3000 copies (minus whatever they put in blind boxes and hold for damaged ones). A lot of their later Vita releases were 1500 to 2000 copies if memory serves correctly. Still I'm betting it sells out within 5 minutes.

Hey, at least they didn't force bundle a soundtrack this time.

It is gonna be hard to snag this and the Obra Dinn CE (1000 copies) at the same time. I'll probably try it though!
Never heard of Obra before. It looks like a b&w adventure game.. pretty unique.

How does selling preorders through ebay go? I'm looking at a collectors edition that hasn't been shipped via LRG that I missed out on but its its apparently preordered under the seller. If I were to buy it, how would it work?
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Very limited quantities on several items, one of the final Vita games, extremely high-profile, well-known, critical-darling indie releases. Yeah, gonna be an absolute blood-bath tomorrow, no doubt. Obra Dinn and Papers Please are both high-profile well-received indie darlings. Throw in the Vita angle, and its just a perfect storm of demand. Brace yourself for the complaints.

How does selling preorders through ebay go? I'm looking at a collectors edition that hasn't been shipped via LRG that I missed out on but its its apparently preordered under the seller. If I were to buy it, how would it work?
Honestly, I would wait, as there are very few items LRG sells anymore that aren't cheaper down the road once actually available. Now if it's something really rare, and the price is only going to go up, I would still wait. As LRG is playing the guessing game with production right now and I'm expecting HUGE delays for most of their items over the next year.

As for Ebay, preorders are only supposed to be for 30 days or under(time for item to be shipped), as it's an item not in hand, so when you go that route, it's YMMV type deal. I personally never sell preorders, and as such, I never buy them either, as there is just to much to go wrong. Whatever the going rate is today, imagine what that price will be with 10x more of that same item listed? Maybe look at similar type CE that are currently listed, and see how well they are selling currently, and that may give you a better idea if you need to buy ASAP.

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How does selling preorders through ebay go? I'm looking at a collectors edition that hasn't been shipped via LRG that I missed out on but its its apparently preordered under the seller. If I were to buy it, how would it work?
The seller will ship it once they get the item.

Honestly, I would wait, as there are very few items LRG sells anymore that aren't cheaper down the road once actually available. Now if it's something really rare, and the price is only going to go up, I would still wait. As LRG is playing the guessing game with production right now and I'm expecting HUGE delays for most of their items over the next year.

As for Ebay, preorders are only supposed to be for 30 days or under(time for item to be shipped), as it's an item not in hand, so when you go that route, it's YMMV type deal. I personally never sell preorders, and as such, I never buy them either, as there is just to much to go wrong. Whatever the going rate is today, imagine what that price will be with 10x more of that same item listed? Maybe look at similar type CE that are currently listed, and see how well they are selling currently, and that may give you a better idea if you need to buy ASAP.
Didn't even think about more copies being listed once it's actually on hand for people, thanks for bringing that up! Only reason I thought about buying the preorder is I only see two listings for the game in question, but I assume more will go up in the future. The price isn't bad, but I'd rather wait just in case. Thanks again!
Very limited quantities on several items, one of the final Vita games, extremely high-profile, well-known, critical-darling indie releases. Yeah, gonna be an absolute blood-bath tomorrow, no doubt. Obra Dinn and Papers Please are both high-profile well-received indie darlings. Throw in the Vita angle, and its just a perfect storm of demand. Brace yourself for the complaints.
I'm a little surprised the Obra Dinn CE numbers are so low... also not sure if I'd want that on the NS or PS4.

also not sure if I'd want that on the NS or PS4.
It does seem like it might be a better fit for the PC. But for collecting, console physical copies are a bit easier to go with, so I understand why they went with that direction. Considering that it is more of a puzzle game than a shooter, I don't think playing it with console controls would be a problem. I'm leaning toward Switch, but I'll read some reviews to see if the performance is there.

For the first time I ever consider buying more than one copy, LRG decide to limited the copies of Paper Please to 1.  I don't know if I should be feeling disappointment or relief. lol

For the first time I ever consider buying more than one copy, LRG decide to limited the copies of Paper Please to 1. I don't know if I should be feeling disappointment or relief. lol
Meanwhile the Obra Dinn Collector's Editions have no purchase limit and far lower production runs. I can't see that backfiring in any way.

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Meanwhile the Obra Dinn Collector's Editions have no purchase limit and have far lower production runs. I can't see that backfiring in any way.
Probably, at 750 there's almost definite will be salt. Luckly for me I'm at the point of my life I have run out of room for all this collector edition stuff. I've pretty much regulated myself to only steelbooks (even those I've started to cut back on) or if it's something that I'm a absolute dire hard fan of, like if they ever release the Lunar series.

Whew, got my order in for 'Papers, Please' (as well as a preorder for the 'Samurai Shodown: NeoGeo Collection' Classic Edition for PS4). And hey, I get a $5 statement credit from AMEX because this is a small business. But so is the online SEGA Shop...apparently.

Picked up Obra Dinn CE on PS4 and decided to pick up Papers Please even though I didn't like the game from the little bit I played... figured it's worth picking up simply with it being one of the last Vita games (I think?). But it didn't go live for quite a bit after the Obra CE and during check out, I had some issues but was ultimately able to complete checkout. 

I'm surprised though that Obra Dinn CEs stuck around as long as they did... and that the PS4 version was less popular of the two. 

I missed out on getting Papers Please. Was waiting and everything, but the option to buy didn't show up until several seconds after the deadline, and I must not have gotten into the queue quickly enough. Which was odd, since I only put the one title in my cart, but I was expecting this to be an overly competitive bloodbath, so there you go.

As a consolation, I picked up a regular-edition Switch copy of Obra Dinn, and went ahead and ordered a copy of Carrion as well. (early reviews for that one are really positive)

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Checked out as fast as humanly possible after getting out of the queue. Must have been one of the last people to get Papers Please, since I immediately went back to the product page after checking out and it was already sold out. My clock said 10:02 when I saw it was sold out. It seemed to go up for sale a bit after 10:00. That was a very fast sell out. It would have been even crazier if there hadn't been a one per person limit, and if LRG hadn't made a lot more copies available than most of their Vita games. Hopefully the second batch won't be as nuts so that people who missed out this morning can get a copy.

WOW, Papers Please for the Vita finally arrived uh? When I suggested these last two releases may get stretched out to 2021, I was hoping they would think better of it, but maybe not?  :wall:

Ebay prices for Papers Please are already stupid high. One seller even has 5 copies. Must have been a group effort there.

Ebay prices for Papers Please are already stupid high. One seller even has 5 copies. Must have been a group effort there.
It's always like that right after orders go in. It should go down to sub-100 once people have their copies in hand and start racing to the bottom on pricing. Another thing to notice is how basically all the seller accounts listing right now are dummy scalper accounts, not dedicated ebay accounts. That's because normal people generally wait until they have the item before they list it since having to cancel for out of stock gets you a defect.

It's always like that right after orders go in. It should go down to sub-100 once people have their copies in hand and start racing to the bottom on pricing. Another thing to notice is how basically all the seller accounts listing right now are dummy scalper accounts, not dedicated ebay accounts. That's because normal people generally wait until they have the item before they list it since having to cancel for out of stock gets you a defect.
Not all the accounts with listings are dummy scalper accounts. There are some very legit sellers, as I went through all the listings. It will be interesting to see how much prices do drop relative to other LRG Vita releases. Several copies have already sold ($149.99, $179.95, $115, $296.15).

It's always like that right after orders go in. It should go down to sub-100 once people have their copies in hand and start racing to the bottom on pricing. Another thing to notice is how basically all the seller accounts listing right now are dummy scalper accounts, not dedicated ebay accounts. That's because normal people generally wait until they have the item before they list it since having to cancel for out of stock gets you a defect.
You can always go in and "report item". There is specifically a category for "Listing Practices" -> "Inappropriate Seller Terms" -> 'Presale". If enough people report the items they should be removed.

Report the scalpers on eBay who are selling preorders which is not allowed. Not to mention LRG should really have order limits. It's sad when major game resellers on eBay like Dealtavern are allowed to take advantage and hoard the games then jack up the prices. I'm happy to see some of these resellers are actually losing money, though. I have been able to buy some of the old LRG titles for cheaper than the original prices because the scalpers bought up copies, demand died and now they have to sell them below value if they don't want them rotting forever because everyone who wants them has a copy already.
I got Return of the Obra Dinn in my cart for PS4. If I can get the vita copy of Papers, Please I will buy both. If Papers, Please sells out before I finish checkout I will buy nothing. I missed the morning batch because I forgot about it so we will see how this goes in a few minutes.

Edit: Sold out in less than a minute. I bought nothing.

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Yep, that was about 30 seconds to sell out. Clicked purchase and it was already gone. Damn.

Mega bundle is of course still available. EDIT: Nope, sold out.

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Papers Please sold out in just under a minute of when it went live. Even faster than this morning. Granted there are usually fewer copies in the second batch.

Papers Please sold out while I was waiting for The Return of Obra PS4 CE to let me add to cart and it never came. What a crock of shit.

I wish I didn't order anything because then I didn't want to order the bundle because I had already order the regular edition of Obra. Its stuff like this that makes people cut off their genitals.

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First time I wasn't fast enough. I kept spamming refresh but the add to cart button did not show up until 5:01 and it sold out when I submit payment to PayPal less than a minute later.

bread's done