Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Just wait and see when the posting comes on BB has been pretty active lately with Ion Fury, Doom 64, Shantae, etc

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Is there anyone releasing the standard edition of Hitman 3 physically? Cause $80 for a deluxe edition on LRG seems steep

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Which Shantae is on BB? I just searched but only see digital versions for sale...
None are listed yet, but in the item descriptions at LRG, BB is shown as to be carrying all the recent LRG Shantae releases for Switch.

The first one listed will probably be the one from several months ago.

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None are listed yet, but in the item descriptions at LRG, BB is shown as to be carrying all the recent LRG Shantae releases for Switch.

The first one listed will probably be the one from several months ago.
I hope BB has the PS4 version for the last one.

"USB with All 5 Games" Forever Physical...
Not sure what the issue is. USB drives are estimated to last 60-80 years if stored properly. That's probably about the same as a CD-Rom or Blu-Ray assuming there aren't manufacturing defects in which case, both a USB drive and a CD-Rom/Blu-Ray are not "forever physical".

I've had more USB drives fail over time than burned CD & DVD's.  Being a writable media, USB also doesn't feel like a real archived game.  But I guess this should be super easy to backup.  Not worth $160 for that lot though.

I've had more USB drives fail over time than burned CD & DVD's. Being a writable media, USB also doesn't feel like a real archived game. But I guess this should be super easy to backup. Not worth $160 for that lot though.
Meh, there are plenty of examples of PSOne games that don't work anymore and tons of CDs from the 80s and 90s. I mean, if you're constantly reading and writing to a USB, it will wear out, but if you are using it for archival purposes, it's actually a pretty safe repository.

Looking back, the only disc I've had go bad(at least that I noticed), were actually some old Lucas Arts collections that rotted sitting in the CD folder back in the day. So pretty funny seeing this being a discussion currently in this thread, as I'm still salty over that situation, as I never had the chance to even try them before they went bad. 

Looking back, the only disc I've had go bad(at least that I noticed), were actually some old Lucas Arts collections that rotted sitting in the CD folder back in the day. So pretty funny seeing this being a discussion currently in this thread, as I'm still salty over that situation, as I never had the chance to even try them before they went bad.
Optical discs can definitely go bad, especially from certain replication facilities.

Optical discs can definitely go bad, especially from certain replication facilities.
Failing optical discs are a real thing, but if it's a pressed disc, that failure is almost assuredly a manufacturing error vs. anything else. Rewritable flash drives are more unstable, and likewise more prone to failure.
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Purely speculation here, but I think LRG will open preorders for Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 and Castlevania Anniversary Collection on 10/30.  Kind of makes sense with the Halloween holiday being the next day.

Purely speculation here, but I think LRG will open preorders for Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 and Castlevania Anniversary Collection on 10/30. Kind of makes sense with the Halloween holiday being the next day.
Castlevania Anniversary Collection was delayed to Q1 2021.

Castlevania Anniversary Collection was delayed to Q1 2021.
Delayed the delay? It's a preorder lol every game is delayed and doesn't arrive on time. What's an extra month to be thematic on Halloween?

I get it, I'm just curious how they arbitrarily decide on delays.
Not sure what the issue is. USB drives are estimated to last 60-80 years if stored properly. That's probably about the same as a CD-Rom or Blu-Ray assuming there aren't manufacturing defects in which case, both a USB drive and a CD-Rom/Blu-Ray are not "forever physical".
"Forever Physical" is LRG's tagline/motto/saying/company statement...

Is there anyone releasing the standard edition of Hitman 3 physically? Cause $80 for a deluxe edition on LRG seems steep
The only other place put Hitman 3 up so far is Gamestop. Interestingly enough, IO Interactive might have ditched WBgames (could be a while back too, Hitman 2 didn't get any repackage re-release like other titles published by WBgames) and going to publish Hitman 3 by themselves, physical print could be smaller this time around.

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I've gone from caring that a game is limited to just wanting whatever game I do order in a physical form. I'm not really looking at the games anymore going "there is only 1500 of these." I just want a physical copy and am happy with that. So LRG can continue to do the pre-order method as it makes ordering games far easier.

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This Streets of Rage 4 Collectors Edition delay has really dismayed me......all because of the statue? The only game that might get my money again would be Scott Pilgrim vs The World

The only thing LRG’s fast about is taking our money!
To be fair, this is every company's objective. LRG expanding their "mission" isn't surprising given how corporations operate nowadays. Video game publishers have especially gotten more and more creative about how to squeeze out every dollar from their fan/customer base. And that there are folks out there that buy in and defend it are just more signs that consumers have generally gone either blind or tolerant to greed, opportunism, and cynicism. All very bad signs for us as a society.

Does anyone know the projected release date for Carrion? I know that they are fulfilling a variant for SRG but can't find any release date info from either website.

To be fair, this is every company's objective. LRG expanding their "mission" isn't surprising given how corporations operate nowadays. Video game publishers have especially gotten more and more creative about how to squeeze out every dollar from their fan/customer base. And that there are folks out there that buy in and defend it are just more signs that consumers have generally gone either blind or tolerant to greed, opportunism, and cynicism. All very bad signs for us as a society.
This is how every company has operated since capitalism was created. There isn't some greater lesson about the decline of our society. It's pretty simple, if you don't like what a private for-profit company is doing, don't buy their products. Nobody needs to own physical copies of games and complaining about the greed of a company selling them is the ultimate form of entitlement.

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This Streets of Rage 4 Collectors Edition delay has really dismayed me......all because of the statue? The only game that might get my money again would be Scott Pilgrim vs The World

that's literally the only reason to have kept an order with LRG for that release when it was made available through plenty of other channels. If you didn't care for it and ordered it anyway, thats on you.
that's literally the only reason to have kept an order with LRG for that release when it was made available through plenty of other channels. If you didn't care for it and ordered it anyway, thats on you.
It wasn't "literally" the only reason. That CE came with other stuff besides a statue that the wide releases do not have.

It wasn't "literally" the only reason. That CE came with other stuff besides a statue that the wide releases do not have.
Exactly, the collector's edition came with wayyy more than just the statue. But the statue is what's the delaying the order from shipping. The poster, the Genesis case and the metal cartridge are some of the other extras that LRG offers. Not to mention that they waited til the orders were done and counted for before they released the statement that the collectors edition would be delayed. If I had known that ahead of time, I probably would have just ordered the vanilla version.

Y'all realize there was a deluxe edition right?

My bad, didn't realize poster and metal cartridge sweetened the pot that much
You still haven't covered everything in the LE. I'm not saying anything LRG puts out is worth the money. But, you're the one that said that the statue was "literally" the only reason to get it. Not sure why you're still intentionally leaving out the full contents of that LE unless you think it's going to start making your statement looks less and less valid.

It's still overpriced, but some people might actually place value on the art book and soundtrack that you keep leaving out. They might not be worth an extra $90 over the "classic" edition, but they can sure add value for some who may not have been willing to pay an extra $90 just for a statue.

I can't spend any more money with LRG until they actually start shipping shit out. Sorry. There's still stuff from months ago where it just says "sold out" with no production updates or anything. If the owners decided to close their business down and disappear to a foreign country tomorrow many of us with hundreds of dollars tied up with them would be screwed.

I never minded waiting a few months but it's at the point where games are being held up much longer than that while they continue to keep putting out new products, many of which are arguably worthless. Destroy All Humans PS2 port, really? Fatal Fury Battle Archives 2 was a budget PS2 game for $15 over a decade ago and no one thought it was a good deal then. To not include the first Archives with it and charging over $35 after shipping is really pushing it. Before you say this is "only my opinion", look at how slow it took these games to sell out this time around. Fatal Fury Battle Achives was for sale all weekend before I stopped checking it. I can see it finally sold out now but it shows that less people are interested in some of these crappier releases.

I originally liked the whole idea of LRG and have quite a few of their games. But many of you have to admit that it's almost like they're running out of releases to milk and are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for any crap to emulate on a disc, charge $35, have you wait half a year to receive (if we even do get these games at this point) and then see what other low quality crap they can flood the market with. Once in awhile they'll have something that's actually worth buying and you can tell because it'll sell out in a few seconds.
I can understand the frustration. However I think when you decide to buy from LRG you run the risk of waiting 6 months or more to get what you ordered (regardless of what the estimated ship date says). There is no doubt they’ve got greedy and want to milk people for as much money as they can. While I was mad about this initially I realized that they are a business and if people are buying over priced junk, of course they are going to sell it (anyone would).

The greed really shows when they break up game sets into individual releases (king of fighters, metal slug, mutant mudds, the list goes on). Most of those games are tiny and have been released in collections before but LRG wants to milk you for every penny so they sell them separately. They’ve also cashed in on FOMO and full set collectors. A good example of this is selling super meat boy and papers please in blind boxes before ever selling them individually. This was a tactic to push blind box sales. Lastly they have forced bundled junk with games to justify jacking up the prices. A good example of this is force bundling soundtracks with the rocket birds games.

Even with all that said, I still hope they stay in business. They have released some cool physical games we would have never got otherwise. Just realize they are a business and aren’t going to give anything to their loyal customers. Speak with your wallet and only buy stuff you really want. Keep in mind it could take forever to get your games before ordering and you won’t be disappointed.
I can understand the frustration. However I think when you decide to buy from LRG you run the risk of waiting 6 months or more to get what you ordered (regardless of what the estimated ship date says). There is no doubt they’ve got greedy and want to milk people for as much money as they can. While I was mad about this initially I realized that they are a business and if people are buying over priced junk, of course they are going to sell it (anyone would).
I get that too, but I think the fear with LRG is that they're leaning too far in that direction and potentially ignoring better and/or worthwhile releases. We don't need all these PS2 on PS4 ports, but we're getting more and more of them because people buy them and they're cheaper for LRG to release. People are dumb and we can't trust them.

Even with all that said, I still hope they stay in business. They have released some cool physical games we would have never got otherwise. Just realize they are a business and aren’t going to give anything to their loyal customers. Speak with your wallet and only buy stuff you really want. Keep in mind it could take forever to get your games before ordering and you won’t be disappointed.
Yeah, just buy the games you want to play. I've long come to the conclusion that I'm only going to buy a few games from LRG since so many of their releases are games I'm not interested in. LRG is now more akin to the movie publishing business equivalent of Kino Lorber or Shout Factory. The big difference, however, is that movie publishers don't have to wait or go through a console publisher to get their discs printed so there are natural delays.

I'm glad companies like LRG and iam8bit exist, and hope they continue to do so. With more and more mid/small publishers opting to keep their games digital only, those who prefer physical games have fewer and fewer options.

I am concerned, however, that rising prices may start to make this already-expensive hobby that much more bonkers. When companies can charge $50+ for a game that sells on Steam or PSN for $5, and still sell out, the physical "tax" or "premium" charge seems out of control. As companies charge more, they'll be an eventual cliff that they jump over, and unfortunately, if/when that happens, they will be taking much of the physical game collecting hobby down with them.

To mitigate risk, only buy items from BB. Sure you'll miss out on some titles you want, but you'll never pay before the item ships.

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The greed really shows when they break up game sets into individual releases (king of fighters, metal slug, mutant mudds, the list goes on). Most of those games are tiny and have been released in collections before but LRG wants to milk you for every penny so they sell them separately.
The KEMCO games. There's like multi-game anthologies in Asia but it's all individual here.

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