Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Oh... now it all makes sense!!

See guys, that's why it takes so long to get your games from LRG... instead of keeping an eye on the production and distribution process, Josh is sending emails to Pizza Hut to try to get free pizza coupons.

Well, now that that's out of the way, it should be smooth sailing from here... hope you guys are ready for all those shipment emails!!

If Doug had put that same amount of work and time into getting better games and maybe some japanese games, perhaps they would've had a better showing.
I expect some improvement on the Japanese games soon. LRG recently hired Matt Papa, who formerly worked for Inti Creates and is based out of Japan to tackle this.

Be a good little boy and eat your vegetables buy our classic titles interns best efforts latest cash grab from the acclaimed publisher publisher sold to Acclaim, Ljn, who made Friday the 13th Jaws Karate Kid basically made every poop NES game that your favorite screaming YouTuber reviewed in the 2000s is one of the last group of people to return our calls.

If you buy it, then we promise to sell you something you actually want someday some year ... what? I can't hear you over these stacks of money.


Admittedly, I didn’t watch the presentation so I’m not sure if they discussed or not but the biggest issue isn’t getting an extra bonus freebie in a game, it’s the shipping times. If they’re gonna offer this but be 2 months behind every other retailer, who cares about a free pizza to make up for it?

Then I see KotOR 2 in there and can’t help but be reminded what happened last time around with the 2 Star Wars 2 packs where they finally shipped their singles out and made it out about 2 weeks before the retail releases of the double packs that were effectively half the price of LRG. Even there the single vs double packs would have been a bit easier pill to swallow if they hadn’t dragged their feet so long on fulfillment to the point that the double packs were announced and released in the span it took them to have the preorders period, produce, and ship.

It’s the shipping times, it’s always the shipping times. The prices I can handle, the poor customer support isn’t great but internet shopping just seems to carry that with it these days. Their poor shipping packaging is probably the other biggest pain point but thankfully has never affected myself.

Ordering a game for 6-12 months out is just crazy though. I still have preorders that are pending from them that as of now easily look like they’re going to cross the 1 year mark and those aren’t even the first products I’ve had that happen with.
Because it's not a good game. And I was one of those youth. I bought the game for $10 at a KB Toys, because it was rare to get an N64 game new for so cheap, and immediately was frustrated by its controls and level design. But then again, given what some people buy through LRG, and what was just announced along side 'Glover,' you're right, it shouldn't surprise me.
To be fair, the Bill & Ted games aren't any great shakes either. (What's next, The LJN Collection? Maybe they can have a super deluxe edition autographed by AVGN?)

To be fair, the Bill & Ted games aren't any great shakes either. (What's next, The LJN Collection? Maybe they can have a super deluxe edition autographed by AVGN?)
Well and I alluded to that in my post when someone asked what was announced.

After seeing LRG Josh's post about the work that went into licensing older games for reissue, it just boggles the mind they won't go after better games. A good, license game would say way more than a bad license game. The people holding the rights to bad license games aren't going to make any money anyway, so of course they would jump to LRG wanting to reissue their product.

It’s the shipping times, it’s always the shipping times. The prices I can handle, the poor customer support isn’t great but internet shopping just seems to carry that with it these days. Their poor shipping packaging is probably the other biggest pain point but thankfully has never affected myself.

Ordering a game for 6-12 months out is just crazy though. I still have preorders that are pending from them that as of now easily look like they’re going to cross the 1 year mark and those aren’t even the first products I’ve had that happen with.
I admit... it bothers me that a new person can be made faster than Limited Run can fulfill a pre-order.

Horrible line but a few.

Way too much current stuff shown vs upcoming or new

Way too many old game ports

Way too many FMV games

Who cares about Doom Eternal as the big finale

The TMNT CE is so cringe with the Pizza Hut coupon. Who is goning to open it up for a $5 dolla pizza at Pizza Hut. Waste of time and effort to include it.

Most of the XBOX stuff is again recycled releases just like PS5 mostly are now.

I said it back then and I'll say it again, LRG is milking SWTOR when 1 came out, you had to be BLIND to not know part II was coming separate and with another $200 CE box instead of a combo pack. We will see a Combo pack of 1/2 from THQ this Fall for $29.99 or less. Watch!

Lots of generic trailers not even inclusive to their releases. Reusing the D 3DO trailer.

Another 3DS game, ugh.

The stuff I did like and will buy:

Konami Arcade (obviously this was coming if the other two packs were coming)

DoDon and EspGa Shooters

Maybe that SNES I can't even remember the name from Turrican creator. So F probably skip it since I can't even remember it.

The youtube video of the event...

They say in the video at 29:32 that all preorders for TMNT Shredders Revenge including at major U.S. retailers will include the coupon for the personal pan pizza from pizza hut.

I went ahead and watched/fastforwarded through the trailers and watched a tiny bit of the fluff presentation.  Overall, it was actually a pretty clever presentation.  Not that it's saying much as the others were complete shit, but this was easily their best presentation.   I'd say it was even better than past Digital Devolver presentations.

I don't think they had anything that I need to own physically from them.  I will wait for a KOTOR 1&2 combo pack at retail (if it doesn't happen, I just wont buy the physical versions and will wait for a serious digital sale).   TMNT Shredders Revenge... I will go retail for it too.   Blossom Tales 2 ... I'd probably just go digital for that.  I'm over the shmup genre as I just can't keep up with so much crap on the screen.  Also the retro first person shooters... the trailers were a pain to watch, I know I don't want to play any of that stuff.

I know there's a lot of hate for many of the licensed games on the NES & GB (especially the LJN games)... but I had some good fun with them back in the days before the internet and long before youtube existed to tell me I was crazy for playing these games.  So, I do have some nostaglia there... though I'd tap into that nostalgia by just firing up my NES Classic (or snes classic)... PSP Go... retropi... wii ... Playstaton Classic... etc... and just play them that way since I usually only get the itch every few years to even play retro games like that.

Those bill and Ted games are really bad. I'm curious about blade runner, is scummvm licensable, I don't see how anyone could've gotten it going on a modern console otherwise, source was lost to my knowledge
I may get massive flak for all this, but I think the reason why some of these releases just don't work IMHO, is that these releases don't have that oh man it's out digitally and now I can get physically, like many indie games just don't have that magic for me. They may earn it over the years, but by then physical copies are long gone. Some like Shantae/Oddworld/Star Wars are well established and will sell very well. Stuff like those old FMV games, Bill & Ted (disgusting), newer indie games don't have that pizazz for someone to shell out at the minimum MSRP + $15 + $5-ish for shipping + about 8 months wait. It's not sustainable IMHO. I do support indies, but generally they're not that expensive, and good word of mouth helps a lot. I'm even not likely to get the yuri VN double pack up right now, but that's more because I got the Asian-English release already. I'm pretty much done with LRG, but have Gotta whatever coming in the far future I'm sure.

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Is the dual pack for the 3DS just both games together in a package or is it both games on one cart?
I'd like to know this as well. They haven't clarified. My gut says two separate carts and cases with a slipcover, because they will be available individually, but I hope it's one cart.

Is the dual pack for the 3DS just both games together in a package or is it both games on one cart?
My guess is the Dual Pack is just the same two individual games with a cardboard box to hold them... or a special case that holds both games on their separate carts. The collectors version specifically shows the both individual games with an outer box which makes me think it's possible this is just a cardboard sleeve.

Both Go Go Kokopolo games look casually fun... but not $70+shipping+tax fun which is likely what the dual pack will go for. For $5 each at five below or family dollar.. etc... I'd probably seriously consider them and then likely pass as I mostly play switch and it's dumb for me to buy any more 3ds games.

There aren't any Indie darlings coming out anymore.

Wake me when they get the Supergiant games on PS5. I missed one or two of those releases.

I may get massive flak for all this, but I think the reason why some of these releases just don't work IMHO, is that these releases don't have that oh man it's out digitally and now I can get physically, like many indie games just don't have that magic for me. They may earn it over the years, but by then physical copies are long gone. Some like Shantae/Oddworld/Star Wars are well established and will sell very well. Stuff like those old FMV games, Bill & Ted (disgusting), newer indie games don't have that pizazz for someone to shell out at the minimum MSRP + $15 + $5-ish for shipping + about 8 months wait. It's not sustainable IMHO. I do support indies, but generally they're not that expensive, and good word of mouth helps a lot. I'm even not likely to get the yuri VN double pack up right now, but that's more because I got the Asian-English release already. I'm pretty much done with LRG, but have Gotta whatever coming in the far future I'm sure.
I bought Deedlit on PS5 for like $18. Gonna play that one this week.

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There are great indies that would really be awesome physical releases, but getting them takes more effort and more cost/profit sharing versus $1.99 eShop shovelware.

Huge fan of indie games and have many I'd buy (more so of the SRPG variety) if they'd just release more and/or reprint some. But they don't, so I just import English friendly physical copies from other regions or just get the game on Steam.

Instead we get pizza hut coupons, meme games, terrible games, and others that will obviously get another release elsewhere.

Hard to get excited. That one RPG double pack from Red Art is way better than most of LRGs announcements.

I would also add, how is some game store in Canada landing reprints on rare 3DS and Switch titles, but LRG is getting bottom of the barrel stuffs?
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I would also add, how is some game store in Canada landing reprints on rare 3DS and Switch titles, but LRG is getting bottom of the barrel stuffs?
When you're the market leader, you spend as little as possible on licenses then hope you don't lose market share. When you're some game store in Canada, you have to spend money to make money.

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I got an email today for a whole 5% off the Contra Collection (or future Konami title).  I got a little laugh out of it because 5% likely wouldn't even cover the cost of shipping.  I am shocked they offered any kind of discount at all, maybe the collection isn't selling as well as they'd hoped.  But at only a 5% discount, why even bother.

Hell freezing over, GME about to rip and cats & dogs are living together: LRG has a coupon discount code (not much) for Contra.
I guess the thing that makes even less sense is I already pre-ordered the Contra Collection from them. Would be nice if they gave me back 5% but we know they aren't going to reward someone who was actual a loyal customer and bought it initially.

Hell freezing over, GME about to rip and cats & dogs are living together: LRG has a coupon discount code (not much) for Contra.
My first reaction was that these must not be selling well. Looked into the data for anyone curious:

  • Standard: 11k (Switch) / 3k (PS4)
  • Classic: 3k (Switch) / 600 (PS4)
  • Hard Corps: 1.4k (Switch) / 500 (PS4)
  • Ultimate: 1.8k (Switch) / 800 (PS4)
Seems to be selling about as well as you could expect based on previous big name sales, but maybe they were hoping to push out more.

I got an email today for a whole 5% off the Contra Collection (or future Konami title). I got a little laugh out of it because 5% likely wouldn't even cover the cost of shipping. I am shocked they offered any kind of discount at all, maybe the collection isn't selling as well as they'd hoped. But at only a 5% discount, why even bother.
I guess the thing that makes even less sense is I already pre-ordered the Contra Collection from them. Would be nice if they gave me back 5% but we know they aren't going to reward someone who was actual a loyal customer and bought it initially.
I was interested in the Contra Collection so this may get me to buy it.

It also states is can be used on Skelattack or Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection in the future.

Ugh, 200 ? the tax and the shipping for this alone is the same price of just buying the standard retail release !

And of course there’s no mention of the one year wait to get it ! but then again everyone knows this now if you’ve ordered a collectors edition before. I ordered that Castlevania collection and I’m still waiting a year later….. as the saying goes, fool me once.
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I got an email today for a whole 5% off the Contra Collection (or future Konami title). I got a little laugh out of it because 5% likely wouldn't even cover the cost of shipping. I am shocked they offered any kind of discount at all, maybe the collection isn't selling as well as they'd hoped. But at only a 5% discount, why even bother.
Yeah, I got the same email. Castlevania was a very special thing for me. Not that I don't care for contra or the konami arcade collection... but those are at best something I'd grab when cheap digitally. Even as special as castlevania was to me... I ended up getting that collection cheap digitally and I'm not sure I'll hold on to the physical version.

That's how I feel about these compilations. Putting my money where my mouth is by buying releases on modern systems, but $5 for a digital bundle vs $35 for a physical seems kinda an easy decision.

I just think a physical version of SotN or the GBA/DS games makes more sense since their physical titles are so expensive in complete versions.
I just think a physical version of SotN or the GBA/DS games makes more sense since their physical titles are so expensive in complete versions.
SotN is on the Requiem Collection they sold.

I'm all for the entire series being on modern platforms personally, I just don't think Konami needs LRG's help to make that happen.

SotN is on the Requiem Collection they sold.

I'm all for the entire series being on modern platforms personally, I just don't think Konami needs LRG's help to make that happen.
Thankfully they did TMNT Cowabunga Collection through retail. I preordered multiple versions to show support for this decision.

About damn time.

Are these going to be some of the final LRG releases at BBY (not counting Shredder's Revenge)? I noticed none of their listings over the last several months have hinted the item would be carried by BBY.
ever since they redid their web site they stop doing the notice on the games listings

here is a list I made back in January

I did a quick look and found these are listed as going to be sold at best buy

Dusk for switch

Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling for Switch

Super Meat Boy Forever for Switch

Double Dragon Neon for Switch

Sam & Max Save the World for Switch

Zombies Ate My Neighbors & Ghoul Patrol for both PS4 and Switch

DOOM: The Classics Collection for both PS4 and Switch

Axiom Verge 2 for both PS4 and Switch

Castlevania Anniversary Collection for both PS4 and Switch

Quake for both PS4 and Switch
bread's done