- Closes It's Doors & Says Farewell

Got a shipping confirmation for Assassin's Creed last night. I'm assuming this is just a preemptive thing because I'm pretty sure you're shipping them out this morning.
I ran some numbers, and while it's not a bad deal overall if you buy 5+ games / year from lion it's still probably not the cheapest way to buy your games.

I do question your shipping costs. $5 for First Class on a game is an absolute money maker for lion.

It only costs $4.60 to ship via priority 2-3 day mail. Why isn't priority listed as a shipping option? It's cheaper and a hell of a lot faster and more reliable than first class. It even benefits lion as the USPS will provide FREE boxes, further cutting their expenses.
I'm turned off by the discount card idea. Maybe the timing of it's introduction plays a part, as there aren't many games I foresee myself buying which I have not already pre-ordered. Whats the use of a card if there is nothing to buy/preorder in the immediate future?

Sorry no one bought your used games Tony. Maybe try Ebay/amazon to sell em? Good luck in the future.
[quote name='daminion']Why isn't priority listed as a shipping option? It's cheaper and a hell of a lot faster and more reliable than first class. It even benefits lion as the USPS will provide FREE boxes, further cutting their expenses.[/QUOTE]

Actually, 1st Class is a LOT less expensive than Priority -- it's just about $2.00 for a 4-6oz. package (most games). It's a lot cheaper than Priority and if the USPS is at its usual speed, it's actually only a day or two slower on average I've found as well.
You also gotta realize that Tony and his peeps have to stuff all those envelopes it is called shipping and HANDLING. It takes time and money to ship all those games.
Got my Super Mario Galaxy today. Fast as always, Tony, thanks for the deal!

Whenever you update the front page with some more specials I'll more than likely order again.
[quote name='Bubbakja']You also gotta realize that Tony and his peeps have to stuff all those envelopes it is called shipping and HANDLING. It takes time and money to ship all those games.[/quote]
So does Amazon and Family Video.
I don't buy quite as many games from Liongames as I should because the shipping is so high.
[quote name='NWgamer666']I'm turned off by the discount card idea. Maybe the timing of it's introduction plays a part, as there aren't many games I foresee myself buying which I have not already pre-ordered. Whats the use of a card if there is nothing to buy/preorder in the immediate future?

Sorry no one bought your used games Tony. Maybe try Ebay/amazon to sell em? Good luck in the future.[/quote]

I have to put this post in perspective because I believe in customer service and I really dont like someone saying they are turned off. I decided to check and see what deals turned you on. I felt a bit better about your words when I saw you purchased 0 used games from me. You purchased 0 games from $50 to $59.99, You purchased 0 games from $40-$49.99{these were $60 retail games} Basically my site only was worth purchasing for you when a $60 retail game sold for $39.99. So far you only made a purchase from me when I was willing to sell games $10 under my cost. My point is I feel it wasn't very nice of you to jump on this thread using words like turned off when you have taken advantage of a couple of fantastic deals in the past. I have no regrets selling those deals. I am happy you took advantage of them. I just don'y see any appreciation for them. I am not even talking about other purchases. I guess i feel the post was a bit strong and uncalled for considering your buying habits so far. In the end maybe your post is good as it really puts a lot of the negative feedback in perspective. I want to be clear that I am not Jabbing you, or upset with you. Maybe disappointed that you wouldnt feel some loyality or some appreciation toward my website where if you really didn't have something nice to say then why say it at all. I hope you see where I am coming from.

Liown'd :lol:

[quote name='liongames']I have to put this post in perspective because I believe in customer service and I really dont like someone saying they are turned off. I decided to check and see what deals turned you on. I felt a bit better about your words when I saw you purchased 0 used games from me. You purchased 0 games from $50 to $59.99, You purchased 0 games from $40-$49.99{these were $60 retail games} Basically my site only was worth purchasing for you when a $60 retail game sold for $39.99. So far you only made a purchase from me when I was willing to sell games $10 under my cost. My point is I feel it wasn't very nice of you to jump on this thread using words like turned off when you have taken advantage of a couple of fantastic deals in the past. I have no regrets selling those deals. I am happy you took advantage of them. I just don'y see any appreciation for them. I am not even talking about other purchases. I guess i feel the post was a bit strong and uncalled for considering your buying habits so far. In the end maybe your post is good as it really puts a lot of the negative feedback in perspective. I want to be clear that I am not Jabbing you, or upset with you. Maybe disappointed that you wouldnt feel some loyality or some appreciation toward my website where if you really didn't have something nice to say then why say it at all. I hope you see where I am coming from.

Yes familyvideo may have cheap shipping but why dont you go over to their thread and see their happy little family. Some people hadnt gotten their Cod 4's that they ordered before release date.
The biggest problem tony has had was the bioshock thing but that was the usps's fault.
Seriously, some of you guys are the biggest whiners. You CAN NOT expect any company to consistently have the best deals for every single game. It's just not realistic and you all should be thrilled that Tony does have great deals here and there and also has great customer service. I have not had a single complaint in the 3 purchases I've had with him.

I've tried FV twice and both times I was incredibly disappointed. Did I get a great deal on the price of my games, yes. But the customer service was horrible and BOTH games that I preordered well ahead of time ended up getting backordered and I had to wait an extra week. I know that when I order a game from Tony, I'll get it 2 days later in California. I don't worry if the game will be in stock for me after I've ordered it. To me that's worth a few extra dollars.
The only games I have purchased from Tony are Mass Effect and Bioshock for $39.99 when they were on the preorder special, but then again, those are the only games I have purchased that aren't a downloadable VC title since summer.

My next purchase is going to be from liongames to show my appreciation and encourage Tony to run deals in the future. Not all of us are the type of CAGer who lowballs and looks for handouts almost exclusively.

Tony, your great deals on the above games accomplished exactly what you set out to do. I was a skeptic who was wary because you didn't have EBGames or Amazon logos on your website, but now I'm a believer after our two transactions and you're right up there with the big guys in terms of name recognition in my eyes.

P.S. I expect Mass Effect to arrive in my mailbox as quickly and lovingly as Bioshock did! :D
[quote name='NWgamer666']

Sorry no one bought your used games Tony. Maybe try Ebay/amazon to sell em? Good luck in the future.[/QUOTE]

Wha? Liongames shutting down? This statement make no freakin sense
[quote name='a_secret_boss']can u start shipping those Mass Effect orders. pretty please :D[/quote]

The earliest I am allowed to ship is monday and thats when they will get shipped.
[quote name='liongames']The earliest I am allowed to ship is monday and thats when they will get shipped.[/quote]

Knowing my Post luck I won't see it until well after Thanksgiving. I'm glad I have a few other great games to play until then.
[quote name='liongames']The earliest I am allowed to ship is monday and thats when they will get shipped.[/quote]

got the email. WOOOT!
[quote name='liongames']I have to put this post in perspective because I believe in customer service and I really dont like someone saying they are turned off. I decided to check and see what deals turned you on. I felt a bit better about your words when I saw you purchased 0 used games from me. You purchased 0 games from $50 to $59.99, You purchased 0 games from $40-$49.99{these were $60 retail games} Basically my site only was worth purchasing for you when a $60 retail game sold for $39.99. So far you only made a purchase from me when I was willing to sell games $10 under my cost. My point is I feel it wasn't very nice of you to jump on this thread using words like turned off when you have taken advantage of a couple of fantastic deals in the past. I have no regrets selling those deals. I am happy you took advantage of them. I just don'y see any appreciation for them. I am not even talking about other purchases. I guess i feel the post was a bit strong and uncalled for considering your buying habits so far. In the end maybe your post is good as it really puts a lot of the negative feedback in perspective. I want to be clear that I am not Jabbing you, or upset with you. Maybe disappointed that you wouldnt feel some loyality or some appreciation toward my website where if you really didn't have something nice to say then why say it at all. I hope you see where I am coming from.


First of all, I don't think you should be telling everyone about his buying habits. If the man doesn't like the fucking idea of a discount card, that is his choice.

Secondly, you get a ton of pub from CAG and basically a free advertisement on the forums when you have deals. If it wasn't for CAG, no one would know who you are around here.

Thirdly, people can voice their complaint or a pleasure on a so called discount card regardless of their buying history if they want to, because it might effect their future purchases postively or negatively.

Fourth, don't be shoving your discount card down people's throats. If they want one, they will buy one. There is a difference between making people aware of it and doing what you did to this one CAG.

Fifth, people don't owe you anything for your deals. They give you money, you give them games. That is how transactions work. No one has to appreciate you or like you. Business is not about being loved, it's about making money.

Get over yourself and don't be classless next time someone questions a deal you choose to give people. Don't bring up their purchase histories either. That is wrong and you owe that person an apology.
"people don't owe you anything for your deals. They give you money, you give them games. That is how transactions work. No one has to appreciate you or like you. Business is not about being loved, it's about making money."

Wow dude, screw off. I don't like your personality already. You think Tony's doing this because it's all for the money? You think he puts this much effort into Customer Service because he's all about the money? You have no appreciation for Customer Service, no appreciation for people who work their asses off to please, who else, scumbags like yourself. You've literally taken to "the customer is always right" and slapped it on your forehead just to remind workers when you step into their store that they should treat you like loyalty and not like the ungrateful person that you are.
Blow him all you want, but I am right.

I never said he did it all for the money. He shouldn't demand respect for selling his games at cost. He gets his free advertisement. Demanding respect is like those people who donate to charity and then tote it everywhere they can.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']Blow him all you want, but I am right.

I never said he did it all for the money. He shouldn't demand respect for selling his games at cost. He gets his free advertisement. Demanding respect is like those people who donate to charity and then tote it everywhere they can.[/quote]

Dude, seriously, screw off. Tony does his absolute best to deliver the games. If you don't like him or his business, then go somewhere else. No one here needs to hear you bitch.
[quote name='degenerazn']Dude, seriously, screw off. Tony does his absolute best to deliver the games. If you don't like him or his business, then go somewhere else. No one here needs to hear you bitch.[/quote]

I'm sure he does, I am sure he is a great guy as well. You totally missed the point of my post. You just tell me to screw off, when you don't understand my post. I think his deals are excellent at times. Won't find anything like it. Next time, READ my post and try to UNDERSTAND my point.
[quote name='Trenchalicious']First of all, I don't think you should be telling everyone about his buying habits. If the man doesn't like the fucking idea of a discount card, that is his choice.

Basically he is still Anonymus, He basically dropped by the thread and threw what I considered a flame. I accept the flame, but I just added a little color to the post. I feel his buying habits have everything to do with being turned off. I also feel just because this is the internet, and most people are anonymus, it doesnt mean we shouldnt all have respect for each other.

Secondly, you get a ton of pub from CAG and basically a free advertisement on the forums when you have deals. If it wasn't for CAG, no one would know who you are around here.

I do get exposure but the truth of the matter it is far from free.

Thirdly, people can voice their complaint or a pleasure on a so called discount card regardless of their buying history if they want to, because it might effect their future purchases postively or negatively.

I agree that people can voice complaints and compliments. Imagine how neat it would be if there was full discllosure behind every post. It would explain a lot more and my guess is people would take some time to think about what they write. I am not in total disaggreement with what you say in this post but
I do think people need to be a lot more responcsible in what they write about other people and businesses for that matter.

Fourth, don't be shoving your discount card down people's throats. If they want one, they will buy one. There is a difference between making people aware of it and doing what you did to this one CAG.

I am not shoving the card down people throats. I am telling people my thinking behind the card. I dont feel it was nice of this one CAG to say what he did enlight of his buying history. I basically felt the need to defend myself agaist what I considered a baseless post becuase of his history.

Fifth, people don't owe you anything for your deals. They give you money, you give them games. That is how transactions work. No one has to appreciate you or like you. Business is not about being loved, it's about making money.

I would say you are right here for the most part. I would also say if everyone in the world thought like this it would probaably be a pretty ugly place. Money doesnt buy the right for people to be rude. Some people don't realize this. I just feel it would be nice if people learned to respect each other. If you get a chance take a look around at people. What how they interact with each other. It is amazing how many people only care about themselves. It is also amazing how many angry people are out there. I believe if every single person in the world had respect for each other then there would be no war. There would be no murder and no crime. I feel all the crap that goes on in the world starts with lack of respect for each other. I made it clear in my origianl post that I wasnt jabbing him and I was happy he took advantage of the deals. I have no regrets there.

Get over yourself and don't be classless next time someone questions a deal you choose to give people. Don't bring up their purchase histories either. That is wrong and you owe that person an apology.[/quote]

I am sorry you feel like I am classless. All I can say is I try pretty hard to please people because I respect them for being people. It isnt about money. Money can cause people to be pretty ugly sometimes, and I try not to get caught up in that. Every once in a while I guess i can be accused of defending myself if I feel someone flamed me and really shouldnt have. I do have an open mind about what you are saying here. Do you have an open mind to my points here?
Hes not shoving the discount card down our throats...Im the one that posted it. And you have way to much anger. Im not saying it is right that tony brought up that persons purchase history but he has a point. Why is the point of someone coming in here and slaming tony when the only games he bought were $20 under retail. These are the kinds of people that want liongames to sell everything for 39.99 and thats just not realistic.

Have you ever been to If so wow your an idiot. He came onto cag offering his prices as low as he did so it could replace advertising costs. So obviously we are giving him lots of advertising, that was his point of joining. Theres no reason to come on here and be a jerkass
What advertisements? This is a forum about lions games. It isn't anymore of an advertisement then almost every other thread on this website. From my experience I have never seen a lions games ad on any CAG page. Plus if you don't like how he handles his customers or his reaction to the post then you should take your business elseware. Hey there are plenty of places that you can pick up games for retail price. All the games I have ordered were priced great and shipped fast.
It's not funny.

Tony offered great deals to get word out that his online operation was reputable and to shore up business, and he accomplished both of those missions well.

Now that the deals are off, the very people that took advantage of them are attacking him and his newest promotion as if it was some kind of bait and switch.

He didn't replace one with the other. Someone started a thread that once had game deals in the OP but now mentions the card because that's the only promo running right now. That's not Tony's doing.
Wow, there are some real immature douchebag assholes in here.

This is what Tony did. He took a loss by selling a handful of HUGE games at a loss. He did this to generate interest and build trust with potential customers.

Now that his reputation has been cemented here, he's earned his spot as a potential place to buy your games right there with amazon, gamestop, or whatever. His purpose was NOT to sell all his games at $40 just so you could get a great deal all the time. His purpose was to get himself into the fold of typical businesses you buy your games from.

I think the main reason so many people are bitching and moaning is because they got a great deal in the past and they want him to continue taking a huge loss so they can make a small gain. These idiots don't understand that he didn't sell those games at $20 under retail to help them out. He did it to get his name out there. He's accomplished that and some little assholes who he helped out are now stabbing him in the back.

fuck you guys. Tony provides an amazing service and it's your loss that you can't see that.
[quote name='degenerazn']Dude, seriously, screw off. Tony does his absolute best to deliver the games. If you don't like him or his business, then go somewhere else. No one here needs to hear you bitch.[/QUOTE]

I understand your point and partially agree with it, but Tony shouldn't be getting bashed because he's offering an extra service some people don't want. On a lighter note...

Tony: Is the used copy of Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3) you have listed a complete copy? Thanks :)
I like the idea of a discount card that's eligible for new releases, but it's a no go for me since I don't buy 250 dollars of new release games a year. I don't think I would come even close to breaking even although 2001 was a magical year for gaming for me...
You know, I'm trying to take all of this in, and frankly, no one is complete right here. I appreciate the deals Lionsgames has brought, even if I've only taken advantage once (I have been looking at the used games as well, just haven't purchased any yet), and like the personal handling, but I'm starting to wonder if that's a good idea. If there's one thing I know, it's that being too friendly with those you do BUSINESS with usually leads to someone feeling like they're owed something, and when they don't get it, well, feelings get hurt and resentment follows.

One thing that I'm going to note is that this *IS* Most people come here looking for a deal on games, that is, to save as much money as possible. Loyalty and appreciation are fine and good, but ultimately, I'm going to buy my games wherever I can get the best price (give or take a dollar or two). I would assume that such would be the philosophy of most consumers on this board...hence the name. If I can buy my games from Lionsgames/Tony at the same price as I can elsewhere, then sure, I'll be buying them from Lionsgames. If on the other hand I can get a deal elsewhere, where I'm saving quite a bit on the total price (product plus shipping), my business goes there.

On one hand, I don't think anyone is saying that Tony should operate at a loss, and I'm sure not asking him to, but sometimes, that's what it looks like. I like getting tossed a $20 bone on a new game, and honestly, I was absolutely floored when I saw that was how much Mass Effect would be (preordered immediately), but at no time did I think that was going to be a typical deal. Considering how little a break you get from the big retailers, I think Liongames has gone to great lengths to make themselves competitive and garner some repeat business, and for that, they should be commended for that, not criticized for being unable to continue selling games at or below cost. If you want them to stay in business, you shouldn't be asking for that either. Considering that the independent game retailer seems to be a dying breed, I'm sure most of use want them to be around for a while.

Tony, a couple of things though. As far as listing the purchasing habits of customers...that might not be the best move. I know you were trying to prove a point in defense of the previous post, but that seems precariously close to a breach of privacy. I know it's really not that big of a deal, but it doesn't exactly give me the "warm fuzzies." Another opinion, in response to your statement about customers being loyal and appreciative, is that I feel the vast majority of CAGs have been, as has been evidenced in this thread. As long as you're competitive (not necessarily meaning less expensive), a great many of us will do business with Liongames.

As of right now, I'm anxiously awaiting Mass Effect, which is my first purchase from Liongames (and to date, my only one). Provided all goes well, I'll be purchasing more in the future, especially since I see quite a few deals among your used selection.
[quote name='GTZ_NSR']I understand your point and partially agree with it, but Tony shouldn't be getting bashed because he's offering an extra service some people don't want. On a lighter note...

Tony: Is the used copy of Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3) you have listed a complete copy? Thanks :)[/quote]

If it wasnt complete or excellent it would say in right in the game title. so yes it is complete. It just came in thursday or friday.
Tony i'm sorry that some people have been bashing the idea. I think its a good idea but doesn't fit as well here since most of us try to not buy games new unless they are much cheaper then retail aka $40 for Assasins Creed.

What about adding in special discounts for future games exclusive to members who have your card in addition to normal sales?
[quote name='Karyyk']You know, I'm trying to take all of this in, and frankly, no one is complete right here. I appreciate the deals Lionsgames has brought, even if I've only taken advantage once (I have been looking at the used games as well, just haven't purchased any yet), and like the personal handling, but I'm starting to wonder if that's a good idea. If there's one thing I know, it's that being too friendly with those you do BUSINESS with usually leads to someone feeling like they're owed something, and when they don't get it, well, feelings get hurt and resentment follows.

One thing that I'm going to note is that this *IS* Most people come here looking for a deal on games, that is, to save as much money as possible. Loyalty and appreciation are fine and good, but ultimately, I'm going to buy my games wherever I can get the best price (give or take a dollar or two). I would assume that such would be the philosophy of most consumers on this board...hence the name. If I can buy my games from Lionsgames/Tony at the same price as I can elsewhere, then sure, I'll be buying them from Lionsgames. If on the other hand I can get a deal elsewhere, where I'm saving quite a bit on the total price (product plus shipping), my business goes there.

On one hand, I don't think anyone is saying that Tony should operate at a loss, and I'm sure not asking him to, but sometimes, that's what it looks like. I like getting tossed a $20 bone on a new game, and honestly, I was absolutely floored when I saw that was how much Mass Effect would be (preordered immediately), but at no time did I think that was going to be a typical deal. Considering how little a break you get from the big retailers, I think Liongames has gone to great lengths to make themselves competitive and garner some repeat business, and for that, they should be commended for that, not criticized for being unable to continue selling games at or below cost. If you want them to stay in business, you shouldn't be asking for that either. Considering that the independent game retailer seems to be a dying breed, I'm sure most of use want them to be around for a while.

Tony, a couple of things though. As far as listing the purchasing habits of customers...that might not be the best move. I know you were trying to prove a point in defense of the previous post, but that seems precariously close to a breach of privacy. I know it's really not that big of a deal, but it doesn't exactly give me the "warm fuzzies." Another opinion, in response to your statement about customers being loyal and appreciative, is that I feel the vast majority of CAGs have been, as has been evidenced in this thread. As long as you're competitive (not necessarily meaning less expensive), a great many of us will do business with Liongames.

As of right now, I'm anxiously awaiting Mass Effect, which is my first purchase from Liongames (and to date, my only one). Provided all goes well, I'll be purchasing more in the future, especially since I see quite a few deals among your used selection.[/quote]

First of all good post. I would like to address a few points. I like getting friendly with my customers. To me they are more then just a transaction and someone who gives me money. Secondly I don't feel as if anyone owes me anything because I give awesome deals. I feel it is not Cager's responsibility to make me profitable. It is my job to make policys to do so.

Yes this is and I understand that. Every so often I like to throw a little life message around for the benefit of the younger people on the board. Not that I am an expert or anything but some of my philosophys have worked pretty well for me. I think it is okay to look for a good deal and be a good shopper. I am not sure if you want to make it a lifestyle though. If the whole world shopped this tough, none of us would have jobs because no one would be able to afford to employ people. I feel you have a better shot to be achieve success by respecting and caring for the people you deal with. I negoiated good deals in the past. Part of that process is making sure the deal was good for me as well as good for the other person involved. In short I really don't put my self first to often in life, and I have been well rewarded in many areas of my life. Especially in marriage and friendships and family. I needed help packing and getting the mass effects shipments ready this weekend. I had 8 to 10 people working hard over the past few days. It wasnt work we just had a lot of fun together. I also try and be a smart shopper, I just dont want to make an entire lifestyle out of it, because I feel there is more of a chance of a negative impact, if is not put into perspective. I dont feel success is about money, it is about happiness. People can teach each other alot. What I see a happy person or an unhappy person, I like to see how many qualitys I have in common of each person. I think everyone should try that. The results are amazing.

You third paragraph is very nice but once again I feel it is up to me to the right things to build a business. It would be great though if everyone thought this way. My business plan was to build a website that I would try to give excellent deals as well as customers service. The more business I do the more I would try and give away. I think only a small percentage of my customers are in tune with the longer term benefits of this happening. A good percentage of the customer base could really care less and was here just for the deal. I have no problem with that though.

The thing with your fourth paragraph is I agree with most of it. First of all I only posted one customers info adn he is still anonymus. I was only trying to make a point and most likely wouldn't do this again. The thing is I think it is important for all people to use responsibilty when they make comments not just me. Do you remember when I first got here. People yelled scam and this wasnt just a few times. My point was how could you yell scam when you never dealt with me. So I felt his post was irresponcible and I responded in the same fashion. I am comfortable with what I did as the street needs to work both ways. In this case it did worked both ways but for the wrong reason.

I have built some decent loyality among Cags and other customers. The truth is though, a large part of that loyality ends or will end at a profitable price point. That is the sad truth but I am okay with that. It is up to me to change that not my customers. Once again I have no ill feelings toward the super price sensitive customers. I have had fun dealing with all most all of them. I just feel I will be more effecient in 2008 being committed to the customers that allow me to make a small profit.

Your mass Effect is ready to go at 9am tommorow morning. you should have received an email with your delivery confirmation number.
[quote name='Brian9824']Tony i'm sorry that some people have been bashing the idea. I think its a good idea but doesn't fit as well here since most of us try to not buy games new unless they are much cheaper then retail aka $40 for Assasins Creed.

What about adding in special discounts for future games exclusive to members who have your card in addition to normal sales?[/quote]

I think that is how it is going to be. Basically card holders will get the games at or near cost and be allowed to use the trade in bonuses. I will throw in a coupon code once in a while for the non members. The thing is about 90% or more of the customers base just did the deals and nothing else. I am fine with that but I rather spend 90% less time on those customers and put the time into the other 10% of the customers as well as many areas of my life that I put on hold. Like I said I definetely dont feel like I am owed anything, but I do feel it isn't wrong if I dont cater as much those customers. I just don't want a customer base of people who will only buy games under cost. I feel most people will understand that and I will get bash by the people who dont.
Tony I am going to get it when it comes closer to Battlefield Bad Company's release. Ive bought (PGR 4, Halo 3, Ncaa 2007 used, COD 4, GTA 4, NHL 08, AC6) and proll other things from tony and hes always been curtious to me. That is why I will continue to buy from tony. I have also run the past two threads for him.

Anyway lets stop with the bickering
[quote name='Xo ColdKilla oX']newb question: How much is shipping on used games?[/quote]

$5.00 first class $6.50 priority for the first game and $2.50 for each additional. I instituted the $2.50 for each additional game because of the request from this board.
I don't know if this has been brought up, but I think what WOULD make the Lion Card a bit better of a deal.. is if you got a few things.
Let's say for $25 a year, you get:
-10% off new titles
-15% off of used games
-additional 10% on games you trade in
-free STANDARD shipping
-$3 to upgrade to priority

If something along those lines, I would consider purchasing one. See what I did there? I combined something EB & Gamestop do..AND Amazon with their Prime membership.

Good? Make sense?
[quote name='lilboo']I don't know if this has been brought up, but I think what WOULD make the Lion Card a bit better of a deal.. is if you got a few things.
Let's say for $25 a year, you get:
-15% off of trade ins
-additional 10% on games you trade in

Good? Make sense?[/quote]

I dont get that part
[quote name='liongames']Burnout and truok just to name a few[/QUOTE]

Turok?.... Turok??.... TUROK! Bloody Hell, I think I should just have my job direct deposit my check to you.
[quote name='george21000']Turok?.... Turok??.... TUROK! Bloody Hell, I think I should just have my job direct deposit my check to you.[/quote]

I can have that arranged. We can also call the IRS and have your tax refund forwarded to me also. :D
bread's done