the TWO continents are called North and south America. Combine them, and you get the Americas... Not sure what's hard to understand about that. Next, Columbus discovered the islands of Norrh America FIVE years before they hit mainland south America for the first time and that's not even considering the Vikings who were in northern north America hundreds of years before. There were slaves in nearly every country in the AMERICAS. Obviously you have had some terrible history teachers or are just mentally inept.
Somebody said the Americas? Don´t we live in North and South America or in a whole continent called AMERICA? You´re saying that Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay are not worthy to live in America? You have to invent a plural of the word to make a difference? Stop monopolizing the term "America", it refers to a continent, in fact South America was discovered before North America, hence called America in the first place. "The Americas" is an offensive term only used by white males living in a capitalist society.
- ok the joke must stop now, bro.
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