[quote name='rapsodist']I certainly wouldn't be surprised if that happened. After all, it's a game that's heavily dependent on the season. But that just means that I couldn't wait till November to play it. They got a full 1200 MSP out of me, all right, but it was well worth it to play the game while we're still celebrating Halloween.[/QUOTE]
It should be 800 points in no time. The game makes me think of Penny Arcade Adventures in that's it fun, but something than I can definitely hold off buying until it's on sale. I held out buying that on PS3 (just recently bought an Xbox 360) until it was available in a bundle for $14.99 (each episode was $9.99 at that time). Eventually they were $4.99 an episode, so I could have gotten an even better deal had I waited.
If you're wanting to play it now (or better yet have free time to play it- with RDR Undead Nightmare, MOH, Halo Reach, Dead Rising 2, I have no time for it), then 400 points isn't that big a deal (especially with the rebate offer).