Looking for a good free MMORPG game.


7 (100%)
I'm not much of an RPG guy, but lately, since school is going hellishly slow and I'm finding myself not doing anything from about 9-midnight except for waiting for sleep to take me over, I've figured that I should get into some games.

All MMORPGs I've played (WoW, ROSE, Runescape) I've gotten bored with pretty quickly. Do any of you know of any free MMORPGs which would keep an impatient little bitch like me entertained for quite some time?

Thanks in advance.
I recommend Guild Wars plus all of it's chapters, but the game hasn't really been the same as it use to be in the last 6-8 months.

I've read many are currently enjoying Grenado Espada as a free MMO. I tried the beta, but the lack of "opfh" in the combat system and meager char customization left me unintrested.

Theres also Dungeon Runners which isn't half bad if you like playing Diablo style action RPGs (not for me personally)

So i'm kinda in the same boat as you right now; looking for a good free action mmo that dosn't focus too much on micro transaction.

Fortuanately, Monster Hunter for the PS2 is currently holding my intrest. The game essentialy has all the main core features I would like to have in an MMO.
Gpotato is the word.

Flyff is the one i enjoyed the longest, i have a character named Gybrush on the Mushpoei 3-1 server. It reminds me the most of WoW when it first came out.

Rappelz is apparently just like Lineage II, but better.
Dungeon Runners is a Diablo clone, and other than Monty Python-ish jokes and the ability to teleport instantly to your teammates, it doesn't offer anything new. But if Sean Connery impressions and weapons named "Cardboard Axe of the Ghetto" sound like your thing, it wouldn't hurt to try it.

Granado Espada/Sword of the New World is pretty fun for a while, but it's more automated than any other MMO because you don't actually control your party (of up to three members) - you give them orders - so it's like an RTS. Sword of the New World is completely free to download and play, but it's been consolidated to just one server, and there are already a lot of bots and AFK leveling.

Archlord recently became free to download and play; that's the one where the best player can directly influence the game's world. It's not as bad as reviews claim, but it is a PvP game where you can be attacked anywhere except towns by other players.
Good and free, please.

I worked on a private ROSE server. It was great for a while, but then I became bored. I'm quite restless. It gets really boring for me towards the higher levels. I don't have enough patience to get to the secondary class, and primary is quite dull.

Well, what about a normal RPG game? I have Oblivion. I didn't think it was too great, but then I realized that it's because I haven't been exploring. Now I've barely completed the frist "talk to this guy" quest and I've logged about 15 hours into it.
now, mind you, i have only been a serious gamer since like last year, but i honestly think oblivion is my favorite game. i have logged over 60 hours into it.

i may pick up guild wars later, probably the GOTY edition
bread's done