looking for old or new game that are metroid-esque


anyone know any games that are metroid like? (depth, action, puzzles etc)
looking for such games. any recommandation?

No castlevania series.
Also, Blaster Master was kind of Metroid-esque, EXCEPT the parts where you get out of the vehicle to kill the bosses.
[quote name='Backlash']Also, Blaster Master was kind of Metroid-esque, EXCEPT the parts where you get out of the vehicle to kill the bosses.[/quote]
Heh, I hate Blaster Master. It was too damn hard. But I did think it was a lot like Metroid in the tank parts. Who knew a tank could jump? >=J
Blackthorne is a decent game from the 16-bit era that recently reappeared as a GBA title.

You can find a lot more in that vein if you go through the SNES and Genesis choices.
Tomba 1 & 2. Much more lighthearted than Metroid obviously, but they are two of the best platformers EVER. Both are chock full of puzzles and secrets and you earn new weapons and abilities just like Metroid. Check 'em out
Are you wanting more like 2D or more like Prime? Similar auras in both, but different gameplay...

EDIT: For punctuation.
If you have a Sega Cd you try to find Heart of the Alien. This is a sequel to Out of This world which also includes the previous game.
bread's done