Lou Dobbs: Biggest Under-the-Radar Asshole on TV?


34 (97%)
See topic. Guy's a complete bastard, always has "the best" experts on his show, and spends an hour playing "Six Degrees of Illegal Immigration" with whatever the hot topic of the day is.

Anyway, dude's a fucking megaprick of the most egregious proportions, and gets a free pass because he's not on FOX News.
I believe I have seen him... twice? Something like that. Motherfucker had an ego that would shame Don Cherry, but besides that, I don't really remember anything about him. TV went off pretty quickly.
Most of the pricks on other networks are often considered biased since they support one of the two major parties.

Lou Dobbs is the George Carlin of politics, he's disappointed and pissed off at everybody.

[quote name='The Crotch']I believe I have seen him... twice? Something like that. Motherfucker had an ego that would shame Don Cherry, but besides that, I don't really remember anything about him. TV went off pretty quickly.[/QUOTE]

Don Cherry can't hold a candle to him. I've only seen him once - Jack Layton was on - and watching that was enough to condemn both of them.
I *love* watching Lou Dobbs. He's *so* focused on illegal aliens that it's comical. My wife and I turn it on just to see how long it takes him to say "Mexico" or "Communist China". What makes a guy like Lou dangerous is that he tries to get folks all riled up, but never offers any solutions. He's so big on getting rid of the illegals, but I've yet to here him say anything about what to do with parents who are illegal but have kids born on our soil. Or maybe he missed that whole "birthright citizen" bit in that 'goddamn-piece-of-paper' some call the Constitution.

That being said, I think he has decent guests on. When you can hear them talk over him snarling "Mexico" "Chavez" "random 'Gutless Politician'", they tend to say some interesting things.

Also, at least his show is even presented as 'entertainment' and not dressed up as "news" like some shows.
[quote name='mykevermin']See topic. Guy's a complete bastard, always has "the best" experts on his show, and spends an hour playing "Six Degrees of Illegal Immigration" with whatever the hot topic of the day is.

Anyway, dude's a fucking megaprick of the most egregious proportions, and gets a free pass because he's not on FOX News.[/quote]

can you post a clip of him being an asshole?

and who exactly is giving him a free pass?
Yeah, I never could stand him and always point to him (and Glenn Beck) when friends try to say CNN is biased way to the left.
I bet Lou Dobbs has a maid or something living in his house.

Dood is so completely off his rocker it goes beyond my ability to laugh at him. He's so convinced immigration is what is killing America.

If I got on TV by saying, oh, pinstripe suits were killing America, and goddamit, I fucking hate those pinstripe suit makers, as they are all motherfuckers, I'm sure I'd look like a total dickschlong too.
I actually kinda respect Lou Dobbs for the fact he acknowledges at least one thing other's won't. He knows the North American Union isn't a load of shit, it's coming. It's just called the SPP instead of the NAU. Oh and he's at least consistent in saying he's against Illegal Immigration and makes it clear he has no problem with the legal kind. I frankly was furious watching Democracy Now! when they had him on and Amy Goodman tried to pigeonhole him, making it look like he was against immigration in general. Time and again she kept pulling shit out, most of which I think he easily defended himself against. If it was a mistake or a fuck up in him having a guest on against Illegal Immigration he made it clear they screwed up or whatever.
The guy wants to have some credibility in his stance against it.
Oh and level1 I LOVE the Ron Paul bit in the sig. with him against McCain. Great stuff dude.
Folks... trust me on this.

Don't let the "white guilt" cloud your judgment.

I'm a hispanic and I agree 100% whole-heartedly with Dobbs on this, the illegal immigrants need to go.

Don't fall into the left/right deception of "whatever a Republican is for, I'll be against it." & vice versa.

You guys know me by now. You know i look at things from the conspiratorial point of view. I look at the big picture in which ultimately "who benefits?" and "who suffers?". I've studied the big money corporations behind this seemingly particular "grassroots" movement.
It is a well documented fact the Ford Foundation supports and funds organizations such as the National Council of La Raza and the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA). In addition, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) enjoys contributions from the Ford Foundation, Fannie Mae Foundation, San Antonio Spurs, The Rockefeller Foundation, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc., Department of Water and Power, City of Los Angeles, Chicago Tribune Foundation, Chrysler Fund, Citibank, Walgreen’s, Washington Mutual, Wells Fargo Bank, St. Mary’s University, California State University Foundation. “California is going to become a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should go back to Europe. Eventually we will take over all the political institutions of California,” Mario Obledo, co-founder of MALDEF and former California Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, stated in June 1998.

And i can tell you 100%, it has nothing to do with "helping out the unfortunate little brown people. :cry:" In fact, it has everything to do with raping YOU :twisted:, while getting the "illegals" locked into our "legal" grid system. :shock:

The easier it is to "harmonize" our two countries under the guise of "security & prosperity", the easier it is to achieve the desired end game.

We have a situation in this country where illegals are practicality begging to be become legal citizens. When in fact they're pretty much begging to be tracked and traced like slaves. Just do a Ctrl-F for "biometric" on the SPP.gov reports.

Biometrics and secure documentation vision. We will work to develop systems that prevent high-risk travelers from coming to North America, and facilitate legitimate travel to and within North America, by enhancing our ability to verify traveler identities.
• We will test technology and make recommendations, over the next 12 months, to enhance the use of biometrics in screening travelers destined to North America with a view to developing compatible biometric border and immigration systems.
• We will develop standards for lower-cost secure proof of status and nationality documents to facilitate cross-border travel, and work to achieve optimal production before January 1, 2008.
• We will devise a single, integrated global enrollment program for North American trusted traveler programs within the next 36 months.

And remember folks, eventually this "standardization" will apply to everybody. It already trickled into my workplace a year ago. I now have to thumbprint to clock in.

And lastly, once again, to my "white guilt" stricken buddies: Your heart is in the right place, but just be aware that there are powers out there who are trying to deceptively manipulate and steer your good intentions.

The end, and now back to your regularly scheduled propaganda.
I agree, Lou can be pretty douchy at times, but he has the guts to say a lot of the stuff other shows aren't. Also, he's very consistent in his views, whether you like them or not.
Lou Dobbs is an MAJOR asshat! The first time i saw him i wanted to jump into the tv and beat the shit out of him. Lou to me is an angry out of touch asshole who blames the problems with America on the Illegals.
Thanks level1. I hope people looked at the spoiler tag level1 included. The very fact Citibank sponsors a radical group like La Raza should be a HUGE red flag. Citibank is a J.P. Morgan company and these people are owned by a banking family to my knowledge.
I haven't even gotten into the translation of La Raza. Supposedly it translates to "The Race". Now if that isn't racist in and of itself and smack of Hitlerology I don't know what does. I mean it sounds just like something Hitler would've say, cough his bit on Aryan's cough. There's more. Hispanic people are for the most part mixed now with Asian blood. Most of the Spaniards(Whites) bred with the native people's of Mexico, Puerto Rico and others, giving us Hispanics now. So to technically be honest they're Biracial to use the PC term. After all there are three discerning racial genomes or races imo if you pay attention: White, Black and Asian.
[quote name='Sarang01']Hispanic people are for the most part mixed now with Asian blood. Most of the Spaniards(Whites) bred with the native people's of Mexico, Puerto Rico and others, giving us Hispanics now. So to technically be honest they're Biracial to use the PC term. [/QUOTE]

Holy shit, where in the hell do you people get your information? You could NOT be more wrong on this entire thing.

First off, let's start with the assumption that we're talking about illegal immigrants from Mexico, especially since that's the group that Lou Dobbs gets a chubby out of. Ok. Spaniards != Mexicans.

I'll repeat that, but reversed, so as to really drive the point home.

Mexicans != Spaniards.

Please note further that Spaniards = Hispanics. That's literally what the word means - "Of Spain," in both instances.

The Mexican people are generally a mix of Hispanic and Native American blood. So they are technically already biracial. I have no damn clue in the world where you got this notion that Mexicans are getting all up ins Asians, but that's got to be a wild ride if I've ever heard one.

And while we're on the subject, "Mexican" is not a derogative term, since I'm almost sure someone will call me out on that. It's 100% completely appropriate and can accurately describe someone's ethnicity (and, I guess, nationality as well). And if YOU are saying it IS, then that is showing YOUR inherent racial bias and bigotry on the matter.

"La Raza" isn't even remotely Hitlerish by the way. And since we've now upheld Godwin's Law, technically this thread ought to be closed. Or sent to the corner, or spanked or something. I dunno.
First of all, I think Dobbs goes too far but he has some good points.

I'm gonna get flamed for this but some Mexicans are trying to breed out the white people in the Southwestern US. If you go to some concerts in LA, there will be alot of imagery used. These groups from Mexico come to play music but behind them will be video screens with brown people toppling a wall and conquering the state of California.

I've talked with lawyers that do everything they can to keep illegals in America. I was told the story of a man that had been in the legal system as an illegal alien for over ten years. They defended him every time and when he lost his last appeal, they took him out for "dinner" and he never came back.

Mexico also is implicity involved because of the amount of money that is sent back. Some town's sole income is dollars from migrant workers in the San Joaquin Valley.
[quote name='Strell']Holy shit, where in the hell do you people get your information? You could NOT be more wrong on this entire thing.

First off, let's start with the assumption that we're talking about illegal immigrants from Mexico, especially since that's the group that Lou Dobbs gets a chubby out of. Ok. Spaniards != Mexicans.

I'll repeat that, but reversed, so as to really drive the point home.

Mexicans != Spaniards.

Please note further that Spaniards = Hispanics. That's literally what the word means - "Of Spain," in both instances.

The Mexican people are generally a mix of Hispanic and Native American blood. So they are technically already biracial. I have no damn clue in the world where you got this notion that Mexicans are getting all up ins Asians, but that's got to be a wild ride if I've ever heard one.

And while we're on the subject, "Mexican" is not a derogative term, since I'm almost sure someone will call me out on that. It's 100% completely appropriate and can accurately describe someone's ethnicity (and, I guess, nationality as well). And if YOU are saying it IS, then that is showing YOUR inherent racial bias and bigotry on the matter.

"La Raza" isn't even remotely Hitlerish by the way. And since we've now upheld Godwin's Law, technically this thread ought to be closed. Or sent to the corner, or spanked or something. I dunno.[/QUOTE]

I was referring to Hispanics in general Strell. Original Spaniard's, before they went to the New World, were WHITE period unless you want to infer all of them mixed with the Moor's when they were there. When they went over there they mixed and became Biracial. Native Americans ARE transplanted Asian's, get it RIGHT. They traveled over the land bridge many, many years ago.
edit: Strell I like you but if the translation I put up is even close to accurate I would disagree. In fact I'd argue you have your head in the sand if that's the case. Any group named "The Race" of any origin smacks of Hitler and his whole Aryan schtick. I mean seriously, you're just fucking asking for it or TELLING people you're like them with a name like that.
With an easy 10,000 years of generations separating Asian and Indians, are they really the same genetic category?

The difference between Europeans and Africans and Asians is only 100,000 years in some texts.
Foc is right. After 10,000+ years, Asians and Native Americans are pretty different genetically. Case in point, small pox wiped out the Native Americans but the Chinese had no problem with it during their travels or when Marco Polo and his entourage were around. The Chinese had developed a genetic resistance to it because of exposure while the Natives didn't.
[quote name='Sarang01']
Strell I like you but if the translation I put up is even close to accurate I would disagree. In fact I'd argue you have your head in the sand if that's the case. Any group named "The Race" of any origin smacks of Hitler and his whole Aryan schtick. I mean seriously, you're just fucking asking for it or TELLING people you're like them with a name like that.[/quote]
An' I suppose the CEO of Proctor & Gamble announced his allegiance to Satan on fucking Oprah, yeah?
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']I have to set level1 straight.



Once gas really becomes scarce (a few years) or the economy crashes (um, last month), I look forward to us bailing on this "agreement".[/quote]

As the cop hits somebody over the head with his club, the cop screams to the man, "Why are you assaulting me?"

As the cop slaps the cuffs on the man, and throws him into him the jail cell, the cop says, "Relax, this is not an arrest."

And as the government is openly planning a North American Union right under our noses, they create a myth vs facts page saying "There is no North American Union."

[quote name='The Crotch']An' I suppose the CEO of Proctor & Gamble announced his allegiance to Satan on fucking Oprah, yeah?[/quote]

Funny you say something like that. Did you know there is actually a clip of Walter Cronkite accepting an award from the World Federalist Association, then giving a speech about world government and saying "I'm glad to sit at the right hand of Satan."

he also says "First we Americans are going to have to yield up some of our sovereignty, and that to many is going to be a bitter pill."

So yeah.... and then Hillary Clinton congratulates him at the end.

[quote name='depascal22']Mexico also is implicity involved because of the amount of money that is sent back. Some town's sole income is dollars from migrant workers in the San Joaquin Valley.[/QUOTE]
Remittances are Mexico's biggest source of foreign income, bigger than Oil. Its in their interest to continue the flow of illegal workers.

Certain industries love illegal workers, agriculture, meat packing, construction, landscaping... It reduces their costs while giving them a great amount of control over their employees. Its shameless exploitation and it needs to stop.

If a Mexican wants to become a productive, tax paying American and not just a Mexican working in America, fine. But if you just want to come here for a little while and make some quick cash, screw you.
[quote name='Sarang01']I was referring to Hispanics in general Strell. Original Spaniard's, before they went to the New World, were WHITE period unless you want to infer all of them mixed with the Moor's when they were there. When they went over there they mixed and became Biracial. Native Americans ARE transplanted Asian's, get it RIGHT. They traveled over the land bridge many, many years ago.
edit: Strell I like you but if the translation I put up is even close to accurate I would disagree. In fact I'd argue you have your head in the sand if that's the case. Any group named "The Race" of any origin smacks of Hitler and his whole Aryan schtick. I mean seriously, you're just fucking asking for it or TELLING people you're like them with a name like that.[/quote]
That is so ridiculous, the years of separation between native American and Asian races is so great that to call Native Americans Asian is ridiculous, you might as well call Europeans African.
[quote name='level1online']Funny you say something like that. Did you know there is actually a clip of Walter Cronkite accepting an award from the World Federalist Association, then giving a speech about world government and saying "I'm glad to sit at the right hand of Satan."

he also says "First we Americans are going to have to yield up some of our sovereignty, and that to many is going to be a bitter pill."

So yeah.... and then Hillary Clinton congratulates him at the end. [/quote]

Christ Jesus you're paranoid. Cronkite makes a joke about Pat Robertson in what is essentially a speech about wanting world peace (through a federalist world government, I grant you) and somehow this means something terrible?
[quote name='Sarang01']I was referring to Hispanics in general Strell. Original Spaniard's, before they went to the New World, were WHITE period unless you want to infer all of them mixed with the Moor's when they were there. When they went over there they mixed and became Biracial. Native Americans ARE transplanted Asian's, get it RIGHT. They traveled over the land bridge many, many years ago.
edit: Strell I like you but if the translation I put up is even close to accurate I would disagree. In fact I'd argue you have your head in the sand if that's the case. Any group named "The Race" of any origin smacks of Hitler and his whole Aryan schtick. I mean seriously, you're just fucking asking for it or TELLING people you're like them with a name like that.[/QUOTE]

Hoo boy.

Spaniards are - more or less - still white. In fact if you were placed in a room with a bunch of different people from various countries from Europe, you probably would have a difficult time telling each one apart from another based solely on appearances. This is not necessarily something you can be faulted for, since most Americans couldn't do it (much like how we couldn't do this for any group of people from various countries, such as the Middle East or Asian cultures).

So this "original Spaniards" claim is really weak.

As for Native Americans....I can attack this a few different ways.

1) It wasn't called Asia back then, so by technical history, you're wrong. Granted this is semantics, but still - you're labeling something based on current information as opposed to what was the deal at that time in history.

2) As others have pointed out, there's a huge disparity in heritage, culture, genetic makeup, and thousands of other factors between present descendants of Native Americans versus Asians.

3) If they really traveled over the land bridge, then they most likely would have been either A) extremely early man, which would be an entirely different classification (no nationality or ethnicity really discernable outside of early man), and this is based on the generally-agreed upon theory that they were following prey (mammoth) instead of making any real conscious decision of "Hey man, I feel like movin' a few thousand miles away, you up for it?) and/or B) potentially those of Russian descent, which may or may not have included some Mongolian blood, but even that isn't all that likely given the first theory being considered the forerunner.

Now then, as to La Raza.

Please drop the Hitler analogy. There is a reason I told you to do it earlier.


The only reason people do it so much is because it is so recognizable by most people. But it is because of this familiarity that I can assume that someone MUST be aware of the degree of atrocity commited by that group, and the problem with me knowing that is simply that no other group in modern history measures up. At some point there might be in the future, but for the time being, NOTHING is comparable.

Further, La Raza originates from circa 1925. A quick look at Hitler's history shows that he didn't really start pulling strings until a few years after that at best, and didn't even really ascend to his notoriety until even longer.

It's a group based around the principle of earning respect and recognition for citizens of (primarily) Central America and their cultural heritage. Yeah, factions of it are militaristic (think Black Panthers) and there have even been some bad apples in the basket, but it is nowhere near even approaching anything remotely comparable to Hitler at the Nazis. So while you've got a few people touting that they need to kill whitey, it's no different than any other nutcake you'd find in any non-white group (and hell, even some white groups).

Additionally there's no all supreme commander rising up under the guise of blaming certain specific groups for their ills against the backdrop of nationalistic imperialism, nor is there a huge group of people buying into the bullshit of those nutcakes, nor is there any real current war-like diplomacy taking place with these groups.


It's cultural, and yearning for recognition, as well as celebrating that history.

People need to stop comparing any ill they can target to Hitler. It's a poorly-framed and tired argument and it NEVER makes any sense.
Maybe they should replace "Hitler" with "jingoism" or "National Socialism" or simply "Nationalism".

God forbid they use the term Fascist. :)
[quote name='level1online']Funny you say something like that. Did you know there is actually a clip of Walter Cronkite accepting an award from the World Federalist Association, then giving a speech about world government and saying "I'm glad to sit at the right hand of Satan."[/quote]...

See, I used to have a policy of not watching any videos on this subforum. That's because I was on dial-up. I am not on dial-up anymore. However, I am reinstating that policty.
[quote name='The Crotch']...

See, I used to have a policy of not watching any videos on this subforum. That's because I was on dial-up. I am not on dial-up anymore. However, I am reinstating that policty.[/quote]
You're off the tin cans and string? Congrats.:applause:
[quote name='Strell']Holy shit, where in the hell do you people get your information? You could NOT be more wrong on this entire thing.

First off, let's start with the assumption that we're talking about illegal immigrants from Mexico, especially since that's the group that Lou Dobbs gets a chubby out of. Ok. Spaniards != Mexicans.

I'll repeat that, but reversed, so as to really drive the point home.

Mexicans != Spaniards.

Please note further that Spaniards = Hispanics. That's literally what the word means - "Of Spain," in both instances. [/quote]

Even though the dictionary definition of the word Hispanic means "of Spain", the culture here in US has changed it to an all encompassing term meaning "anybody from a Spanish speaking country"

That would include: Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, South Americans, Central Americans, and yes Spaniards.

Now, if Lou Dobbs got on TV and said "All Hispanics need to go! It doesn't matter, all you wetbacks are the same!" then I would have a severe issue with the man. But he's not. He's talking about people who illegally enter this country from our neighboring country of Mexico.


Now... moving on.

Do you know who the real "under the radar" assholes on TV are???

These fuckers you see on Univision. Guys like Jorge Ramos
who openly say every night on their news shows and every morning on Despierta America that if you are Hispanic and are against the illegal Mexicans, that you are in fact a traitor to your own people.

The channel caters all types of people of people, not just Mexicans. Here's an example of what they'll do. They'll say something like, "Thank you for joining us. And tonight we will talk about a subject that I'm sure many of our Hispanic viewers out there are deeply, deeply concerned about and want to see addressed immediately by our politicians. And that is immigration reform." They'll also have debates, where the first questions is "So... Mr. Sanchez, you're against immigration reform... why are you against Hispanics?"

Also, that word "immigration reform". It's a phrase that can be applied either way, which adds to confusion. Ask any American born, Puerto Rican or Cuban on the street whether they're for "immigration reform". Of course, they'll probably say yes, because it sounds like a good thing. But then you ask them specifically "oh, so you want the illegal Mexicans to be allowed to come over?" They'll tell ya straight up, "What? Hell No! kick those fuckers out!"
This should have been a poll. I think Hannity's a pretty big asshole on TV, much bigger than Dobbs, but only slightly more than Olberman.
In regard to this term "La Raza", I think Carlos Menicia said it best when he spoke of this term.

Let me do a semi-loose interpretation of what he said:

You Mexican people talk about La Raza this... & La Raza that...

Yet, every time I walk into one of your barrios and pick up a newspaper, I read about how you people are killing off each other in the streets or getting carted off to prison... Yeah... some "Raza" you've turned out to be, eh?


and btw, he said this on Spanish television, on a serious news show. He wasn't joking. He was actually being confronted by the interviewer as to why he hasn't been as vocal on the immigration issue like other prominent Mexican comedians like George Lopez. He even told the guy, "Dude! I'm not even Mexican, I'm from Honduras."
Carlos Mencia should be banned from television. And for quoting him you should be banned from the internet.
[quote name='depascal22']I agree that Hannity is a bigger asshole than Lou Dobbs and Olberman is closing fast.[/QUOTE]

Finally, something we can agree on !

I'm really hard pressed to find the assholishness in the first video myke posted on page 1. Lou Dobbs isn't the republican hack Myke wants him to be. In fact, sometimes he sounds like myke would actually LIKE him :

I said Lou Dobbs was a Republican asshole?

News to me. Huh. Thanks for the update on my opinion. I wasn't aware what they were.
Sorry, I must have mixed up Asshole=Republican with Republican=gay sex child molester. My apologies. I'm still not getting how Dobbs is an asshole, though. Becuase he wants us to enforce immigration laws?
More the fact that he opines all over creation, and isn't really often brought up when we have discussions about the "journalist" versus "entertainment" aspect of the news media.

IOW, when we watch O'Reilly or Olbermann, we aren't watching "the news," contrary to what we may think. Likewise, with Dobbs, he's not "news" either, but it seems to me that his show avoids scrutiny and deserves a place at the pedestal among the other blowhard infotainment types.

There's also the logical absurdity in how he ties everything to illegal immigration. The logical leaps he makes are pretty amusing sometimes, but again, he does influence people, so the humor doesn't go all that far.
[quote name='level1online']Even though the dictionary definition of the word Hispanic means "of Spain", the culture here in US has changed it to an all encompassing term meaning "anybody from a Spanish speaking country"

That would include: Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, South Americans, Central Americans, and yes Spaniards.

Congratulations on missing the point as well as pidgeonholing anyone who speaks Spanish as all being virtually identical in terms of culture and heritage. Futher points for reinforcing it from a United States point of view, which tends to be the most simplistic - and therefore dismissive - angle available.

Now, if Lou Dobbs got on TV and said "All Hispanics need to go! It doesn't matter, all you wetbacks are the same!" then I would have a severe issue with the man. But he's not. He's talking about people who illegally enter this country from our neighboring country of Mexico.

He's dangerously close though. He just lumps all of them into a homogenous group and exlcaims all the bullshit rhetoric on the matter, which tends to be glorified and repititive spins on "Thur takin' r jrbs!"

Again, I guarantee at some point he had an illegal immigrant working for him, and most likely still does in some capacity of his life. And guess what - I'm betting 99.9% of all Americans do in some form or another. Maybe not directly, but trust me - they are upholding a gloriously fatass nation from their fatasses up. To act like our lives would magically be better by telling them to get the hell out is laughable. Tons of industries would collapse.

Further, this goes into the issue of regulation on hiring practices, and how the minimum wage should be raised, and how if companies were forced to follow better laws in regards to hiring illegals versus having viable living wages, etc etc etc, but don't let 'ole Lou make you think there's anything more to this issue than a one-sentence take.

[quote name='level1online']In regard to this term "La Raza", I think Carlos Menicia said it best when he spoke of this term.

Let me do a semi-loose interpretation of what he said:

You Mexican people talk about La Raza this... & La Raza that...

Yet, every time I walk into one of your barrios and pick up a newspaper, I read about how you people are killing off each other in the streets or getting carted off to prison... Yeah... some "Raza" you've turned out to be, eh?


and btw, he said this on Spanish television, on a serious news show. He wasn't joking. He was actually being confronted by the interviewer as to why he hasn't been as vocal on the immigration issue like other prominent Mexican comedians like George Lopez. He even told the guy, "Dude! I'm not even Mexican, I'm from Honduras."[/QUOTE]

Wow. He really does steal all his material from Bill Cosby.

Please somebody get this joke. Please.

Beyond that, you're just doing a bang-up job proving what I said that La Raza isn't some kind of crazed cultish non-union Mexican counterpart Hitler.

I'd go into how Mencia's comments could be ripped apart, but hardly anyone takes him seriously so I'll just leave it at that.

[quote name='bmulligan'] I'm still not getting how Dobbs is an asshole, though. Becuase he wants us to enforce immigration laws?[/QUOTE]

No, it's because he links every social, political, and economic ill of the US into illegal immigration. Then, when he gets people up there to debate him, he O'Reilly's them to death with condescension and continually cuts them off from making any valid points.

Illegal immigration is an issue, but ever since Dobbs found out he could flimsily link it to every problem in the world, he's just become an obsessed old man who doesn't do much more research on the matter than finding the farmers and ranchers who have their fences torn up every month. Is that an issue? Yeah, but it's the shortest path toward the greatest sensationalism one could drum up on this, and that just turns the whole thing into a subjective pile of shit he's spewing out on an audience who is more than willing to shower in it.
Thanks for the info Strell, I don't make it a habit to watch Dobbs on TV so I really didn't know.

I do have a question for you, though. If American whites started referring to themselves as "the Race," you'd have to make a pretty good argument that it didn't resemble Germany's racial attitudes from last century. Maybe it's the article, "The," that's the most offensive, but the implied superiority can't be denied.

As another note of interest. I visit Mexico frequently and there's a large variety of "races" represented there, from light skinned, to very dark, from mostly native to heavily european, or white, and even a high representation of asians. I even know people who consider themselves of pure Mayan descent and, even though they share the same language, think of most hispanics as half-breeds.

I've also been to "Hispanola", now known as Spain, or Espana, and there are many different ethnic groups in residence all over the country. Only in insular countries like Iceland are you going to get a homogeneous racial profile. Thinking of these areas as inhabited by one race is more than just ignorant, it's demeaning. It's as bad as thinking the US is a "Christian" nation.
bread's done