Madden 11 League-OFFICIAL CAG LEAGUE-That's all folks! Mini-tourney still coming tho!

[quote name='ubernes']let me know if anyone i'm not playing this season wants to scrim around 7pm est. 8 should work too. if no one is around for 7.[/QUOTE]

I play you in week 15 (I think) so no scrimmage :(
good scrim master awesome. you're pretty damn good with beason. especially in coverage. I threw a ton of garbage that game, I dunno why. like I said on XBL, i'm slightly concerned about your blitzing method with him though. I don't want to call it an exploit but I'm never experienced that in a game before.

edit: did some brief research and it looks like nano blitzing. the LB is in a certain spot close to the line and the AI o-line never picks it up. what is everyone's thoughts on this? I know we're hesitant to call things exploits and I never feel 100% comfortable with it. it wasn't technically gamebreaking, all I had to do was play in shotgun the rest of the game but it definitely forced me to play one dimensional.
49ers over Falcons 45-21. Good Game gbpackers, I was worried when Gore fumbled early in the game. 49ers defense showed up today Forcing a Fumble and Holding Michael Turner to 26 yds rushing. We also had 2 picks and Ted Ginn found a way to get a Kick return in this game. Matt Ryan also showed up for the Falcons causing alot of trouble for me in the 1st half.
Hey sorry about that man, I spent 15 minutes on Xbox live writing you a message addressing that (I told you it takes me forever to type things out on Madden). Alright I see you just sent me a message back but yeah, I think it's better to just discuss it on here. The blitzing has nothing to do with the position of my linebacker. I do it all the time in my franchise against the CPU. I've never really done it in an online game, so I appreciate you bringing it up. About the positioning...I blitz from all over the line (not on the outside though) but it seems to be just as effective wherever I blitz from. I sometimes blitz between the center and the LG/RG and between the LG/RG and the LT/RT and it's equally effective either way. Regardless of whether or not it can be considered an "exploit", I do agree that it has too high of a success rate. Against the CPU it is easier to get accustomed to the opposing QB's snap count, so I kind of perfected blitzing right before the snap and that's why I always suspected my success rate was so high. Like I said, it really comes down to the timing of the play rather than the position. Against the CPU, if I was a half a second too late then I would get picked up by one of the guards or tackles.

So let's just assume it is an exploit though, are there any instances where I can blitz with Beason? I like to switch things up and blitz some downs while dropping into coverage on others, but I'm not sure what a legitimate way to do that would be. Should I just try blitzing from the outside? Or take a second pause after the snap before I blitz? Let me know what you think would be appropriate...but if it comes down to it, I just won't blitz with him's not a big deal either way.
Ubernes, you wouldn't happen to have saved the replay of those blitzes would you?? I wish I would be pretty helpful to post the replays of the blitzing on here and then have everyone decide if they think it's an exploit or not. Regardless though...I'm just not gonna do it anymore, if I felt like I had to resort to a questionable tactic like that to win, then that would be pretty sad on my part.

Oh and thank you for your kind words about my coverage :) I get the most joy from comments of my LB play.
I don't want to take away your best player from blitzing either. So let's not jump too far ahead here. Maybe we'll have to play again and save some replays this time to take a closer look. Or try to dig up similar ones on YouTube and see if that's what you're doing. I just wanted to open a discussion here for now and see what we come up with.
Oh and one more thing (sorry for my separate posts instead of editing...I just want to make sure nothing gets overlooked):
The blitzing thing definitely works just as well against the shotgun formation too. Again, everything I'm saying about it comes from my 12-13 games in my franchise season where I'm pretty much blitzing 2/3 of the game with Beason. Of course it takes a little longer to get to the QB when he's in shotgun...but the O-linemen have just as hard of a time picking up the blitz if I can time it just right.

I've never heard of nano-blitzing (I just started playing Madden regularly last year) but if it's what I think you're talking about, then I would hate to be doing it. I remember one particular opponent last year would get to my QB within 1 second every single play with his LB, but I definitely remember him lining up in the same spot every time. I don't think my blitzing technique is the same one you're talking about (with lining the LB up in the same spot which the O-line can't ever pick up) but that's not to say it isn't an exploit of its own.

Instead of lining up at a specific spot on the line of scrimmage, I usually start from farther back and start blitzing before the QB even snaps the ball. That way I can get the timing just right to get to the QB as fast as possible. Against the CPU, I get like 5 encroachment penalties a game because I sometimes blitz too early and run into someone because I mis-time the QB's snap.
Nano-blitzing is definitely bull and shouldn't be allowed. That being said, in my couple of games with Master Awesome I didn't really notice him doing it, intentionally or otherwise.

The other league I'm in has a rule that you're not allowed to manually (user controlled) blitz linebackers or defensive backs because the OL AI simply doesn't pick them up nearly as well as regular blitzes. This could be a symptom of that.
Well, I wouldn't say shotgun prevents it. It just gives the QB at least a sliver of a chance to get the ball out of there. If you're taking the ball from under center and the LB gets through then forget about it. You'd be throwing the ball at the back of your WRs, if you can even get it off at all.
Alright well from what BigAT says about manually controlling linebackers...that's reason enough for me to just refrain from blitzing altogether. I obviously didn't even consider it as possibly being an exploit or I would have probably saved it for my game with Scotts tonight instead of wasting my one warning on a scrim against Ubernes :(

And yeah I just started actually trying to blitz with Beason literally a week ago, so I definitely never did that against you BigAT. I used to use Beason (and all MLB's for that matter) 100% for coverage (I don't know why), so that's another reason why I didn't know I was using an exploit. I had never blitzed with my LB before so I didn't know what to expect when I actually tried it. If you look at the player stats for the season so far, Beason only has one sack (and that was against the Bengals last week). Urlacher had 0 sacks throughout 16 games last season when I played as the Bears.

But anyways...I guess we can just drop this whole thing since I'm not gonna blitz with Beason anymore anyways. I only blitzed like 3 or 4 times with him in my entire game against Ubernes so it wasn't like I was trying to blitz my way through an easy win. Sorry again to all that I have offended and all the lives I have ruined tonight, I am very ashamed :'(
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I think me and Scotts might be playing tomorrow night at 10:00 EST instead of tonight...I realize I was kind of ambiguous in my message to him so I think there was a mix-up.

Nevermind we're starting now.
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[quote name='Doomtime']

NFL targets 2012 for 18 game season.


I just dont see how the NFL can say that concussions and players health is their #1 priority when you go to an 18 game schedule.

So many questions come to mind with this 18 game season.
- How many bye weeks?
- How much more do the players make?
- Whats the off season look like?
- What will happen to all the current season stats records?

We all know what its about with the owners...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
From what I've heard, it will only work if there's 2 bye weeks which isn't too bad. They claim it will make for more meaningful games so it's a plus for season ticket holders but I don't see it. One, with two bye weeks that means there's only one game added per season right? So with two byes it'll actually probably be just as much as a plus for the players as the owners. Only one extra game, but one extra week off. Pretty fair trade imo. I just don't see how there will be more important games in the season. If the Lions are 2-13 going into the last week, what's going to make fans want go out and see loss number 14? (no offense to Detroit). Or on the other side of the coin who wants to see a playoff team with a 13-2 record sit their starters for the 2nd week in a row. I dunno, I just don't see any real benefit at any level of the game.

Back to MasterAwesome for a second: don't beat yourself up for it. Obviously you didn't think you were doing anything wrong. I don't think we need to come up with a rule in writing, it doesn't seem like this has been a league problem. So as you suggested we will just drop it for now. And now I want a rematch :D haha.

edit: i'm an idiot. apparently 18 GAME season = 20 WEEK season. So 3 extra games. I still don't think it'll matter. Okay, maybe you'll get 1 extra "meaningful" game a year. in close races you'll get 2 instead of 1. of course even 1 highly watched game extra a season = big bucks. so maybe that's worth it to them. I won't get too worked up either way.
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Do you all know what happens when the following happens when you're playing a franchise game:

I'm currently losing and my oppponent quit, however I am in position to win the game with a field goal with no time left. If I choose "Quit and Count Game" do I get to finish against the CPU and win the game?
[quote name='disruptor108']Do you all know what happens when the following happens when you're playing a franchise game:

I'm currently losing and my oppponent quit, however I am in position to win the game with a field goal with no time left. If I choose "Quit and Count Game" do I get to finish against the CPU and win the game?[/QUOTE]

Quit generally does not mean Finish.
Uh, Panthers what happened?

I was getting whooped 35-7, manage to get back to 42-28 when a screen popped up an told me Master quit? I still have the screen up, haven't selected anything, but I guess his internet or power went out? bad man...what a game too. It was my internet...went out for no reason. This is literally the first time in a year that I've ever seen my internet go out. I can't believe that just happened. I have to be up at 7 a.m. tomorrow so unfortunately I can't get another try in tonight...but would you mind playing again tomorrow night at 10 or 11 (it's up to you)? I'm really sorry man...I'm so pissed right now. You were on fire though it was still easily winnable for you. I can't believe you came back from 35-7...that was a pretty crazy start. Oh well let me know what you want to do, if you can't fit in a rematch then Ubernes can just boot me so you can play the CPU since that was my fault.
Hey with the way DeAngelo was TORCHING me, its no big deal. I should be free around that time tomorrow night but can't guarantee.
I worked on Nano blitzing last season, but it was hit-and-miss. It's also hard to see with all that's going on before the snap. If a guy is bringing a linebacker behind a lineman and highlighting and audibling a triangle of guys, there's a good chance he's trying to Nano.
[quote name='PacerPerspect']I worked on Nano blitzing last season, but it was hit-and-miss. It's also hard to see with all that's going on before the snap. If a guy is bringing a linebacker behind a lineman and highlighting and audibling a triangle of guys, there's a good chance he's trying to Nano.[/QUOTE]

Ya, but a quick shotgun pass by passes that junk. Epic fails on blitzing.
Panthers vs Saints (10 or 11 tonight)
Lions vs Packers (7pm EST tonight)
Broncos vs CPU Titans (said he's playing it soon)
Seahawks vs Rams

edit: looks like Seahawks/Rams will be the last game of the week unless they schedule it before the Panthers/Saints game. if they play tonight then we'll be advancing a day early. I won't hold the league up for a vs CPU game, so if the Broncos aren't in before these other 3 then it'll get simmed. And for future reference, that's how I'll be treating all vs CPU games. I don't think that's unreasonable.
The Green Bay Packers started off strong in their game against the Detroit Lions today at Lambeau Field, but had to hold on to get the victory in a tight contest.

The Packers scored early and often, beginning with a 56 yard touchdown pass from Aaron Rodgers to Donald Driver. That score was followed up by a 7 yard end zone run by Ryan Grant to make it 14-0 Packers at the end of quarter number 1.

Halfway through the 2nd quarter, the Packers scored again when Mason Crosby booted in a 29 yard field goal. 36 seconds later, Matthew Stafford capped off a quick drive down the field with a 21 yard touchdown pass to Calvin Johnson to put the Lions on the board and cut the deficit to 17-7. On the Packers' ensuing possession, Rodgers threw his lone interception of the evening, but it was returned for a touchdown by rookie cornerback Amario Spievey out of Iowa.

The Packers closed out the half by driving downfield on a 46 yard pass to Greg Jennings, which injured #85 for a bit, followed by a 31 yard TD pass to Donald Lee. Following a 39 yard interception return by Nick Collins, the Packers would score what would turn out to be their final points of the game on a 54 yard bomb from Mason Crosby to make the score 27-14 at halftime.

The remainder of the game was uneventful after the Lions scored on a 5 yard run from Matthew Stafford halfway through the 3rd quarter. Neither team could score after that, and the Packers ran down the clock in the final 2 and 1/2 minutes of the game, both in order to play it safe and to not run up the score (took knees with 1st and goal on the 10).

Great game, ItlnStln. That makes us both 2-2, I believe.

Green Bay Packers 27, Detroit Lions 21
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[quote name='Darth0fTheDead']Anyone wants to scrim, hit me up on live.[/QUOTE]

GF is watching TV otherwise I would be up for a game. :(
Alright I hate to keep bringing up this whole "nano-blitzing" issue, but I'm not sure where to cross the line. Since it appears that one of the main issues is the idea that manually-controlled linebackers can get by the o-line easier than they should be, then that raises the question (for me at least): is it acceptable to run by the o-line to tackle the HB on a run-play if you are able to sniff it out?? I don't see how that is any different from "nano-blitzing" since you're basically just zooming by the o-line to get to the running back instead of the quarterback, but I don't see any alternative. Would I just sit there and let the running back get past the line of scrimmage before I pursue him for a tackle? When I think the other team is running the ball, I try to do the same thing I do when I blitz (I start off a bit further back and try to time my blitz so I can rush past the line of scrimmage right as the quarterback is snapping the ball) so I can get to the running back as quickly as possible. So...if you have any thoughts on this, let me know as soon as possible since I have a match in like 30 minutes :/
No word from Scotts yet...but if he doesn't show up tonight just boot me anyway and let him play the CPU since I was the one who messed things up in the first place.

And can we get a little more action going on in this thread...this is one of my primary methods of entertainment in my sad life. Somebody start a fight or something...

Alright me and the Saints are under way.
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We had another loss of connection (it wasn't on my end this time...I think it was a server issue). He was up 14-0 early in the 2nd quarter and with the ball on 3rd down, so it was pretty much a complete 180 degree flip from how our last game went. I just offered to go ahead and let him play the CPU tomorrow though so go ahead and temp boot me as soon as you get this Ubernes.

Man there is something seriously messed up with the fatigue in this game though...has anyone had problems with it on defense? My defense played for about 2 minutes at the start of the game and then intercepted a pass so I got possession. After that, I went 3 and out and then punted it. When the Saint's offense came on the field, half of my starters on defense were benched from fatigue (no exaggeration). I gave up an 80 yard touchdown on the first play because my back-up secondary got completely burned by Devery Henderson. He kicked the ball off to me and I had another 3 and out. After I punted, my defense AGAIN was still benched from fatigue (Jon Beason included...I was controlling my back-up MLB for almost the entire first quarter). Scotts scored again in around a 2-minute long possession and kicked it off to me. This was in the 2nd quarter (my players had the break after the 1st quarter to rest) and I went 3-and-out again (I was struggling immensely on offense). After I punted it, now my ENTIRE defense (not one player excluded) was either red or dark orange with fatigue (at this point, I believe all the starters were in). These were players who had not played since 2 minutes into the 1st quarter and they were ALL extremely fatigued with an entire quarter of rest. I had to use up a time-out early in the 2nd quarter just to get everyone back to green. It was so ridiculous...I'm not sure if I explained it properly, but trust me, something was definitely extremely off about the fatigue setting. On offense, everyone is always green though...just defense is insanely glitchy.
I can temp boot but not til tomorrow. You can just quit yourself. Lot of people seem to ask me to do this when they can do it themselves. :)
[quote name='MasterAwesome']We had another loss of connection (it wasn't on my end this time...I think it was a server issue). He was up 14-0 early in the 2nd quarter and with the ball on 3rd down, so it was pretty much a complete 180 degree flip from how our last game went. I just offered to go ahead and let him play the CPU tomorrow though so go ahead and temp boot me as soon as you get this Ubernes.

Man there is something seriously messed up with the fatigue in this game though...has anyone had problems with it on defense? My defense played for about 2 minutes at the start of the game and then intercepted a pass so I got possession. After that, I went 3 and out and then punted it. When the Saint's offense came on the field, half of my starters on defense were benched from fatigue (no exaggeration). I gave up an 80 yard touchdown on the first play because my back-up secondary got completely burned by Devery Henderson. He kicked the ball off to me and I had another 3 and out. After I punted, my defense AGAIN was still benched from fatigue (Jon Beason included...I was controlling my back-up MLB for almost the entire first quarter). Scotts scored again in around a 2-minute long possession and kicked it off to me. This was in the 2nd quarter (my players had the break after the 1st quarter to rest) and I went 3-and-out again (I was struggling immensely on offense). After I punted it, now my ENTIRE defense (not one player excluded) was either red or dark orange with fatigue (at this point, I believe all the starters were in). These were players who had not played since 2 minutes into the 1st quarter and they were ALL extremely fatigued with an entire quarter of rest. I had to use up a time-out early in the 2nd quarter just to get everyone back to green. It was so ridiculous...I'm not sure if I explained it properly, but trust me, something was definitely extremely off about the fatigue setting. On offense, everyone is always green though...just defense is insanely glitchy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's been like this for awhile (since they updated about throwing down on quitters). When I played the Jags on Tuesday night after 3 plays half my starters were dark red (or even white), and my backups were in on the next play.
[quote name='sayHey']trying to get Seahawks v. Rams going tonight but if not it can be played tomorrow afternoon[/QUOTE]

Assuming you didn't play last night. What time this afternoon you shooting for?

I may have to promote someone to commish for today if these games aren't wrapped by 230pm est.
Sooo, anybody want to do some 3on3's tonight or this or maybe scrim and please somebody send me a qb, nate davis is so bad, is jimmy clausen on the block Panthers owner ?
Hey Matt Young your inbox is full FYI, so I cannot respond to your PM.

So I will just post here, I guess.

Assuming we advance before tonight, let's shoot for a evening game tonight if you can, if not anytime this weekend is fine. Just let me know.
I'm going to hand over the commissioner reigns for the weekend to BigAT shortly. I'll still be able to check into the thread throughout the day so if you have any questions I'll be around. My goal would be to advance us no later than 7pm EST or so tonight, but we're waiting to hear from the two remaining games and when they plan to be played.

We will advance tonight for sure though. It just seems to be a matter of when. 7-9pm EST area seems like a good guess.
I get done with class at 3 EST and i'll be on waiting for gregthomas to get online.

I'll try to stay on pretty much all day waiting
[quote name='Zurezo']I'm in the process of changing playbooks, anybody else done this?[/QUOTE]

I haven't yet, but I plan to. The Chargers one is obviously not suiting me.

Power Rankings should be out tomorrow evening. I'd do them tonight but I have plans. The teams are mostly ranked, I just need to write out the text.
[quote name='Doomtime']Let me know when you want to play bv. My schedule is pretty flexible this weekend.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I'm looking forward to the slaughter. :bomb:

Anytime tomorrow works for me.
bread's done