Madden 12 Demo out Tuesday

[quote name='phantomfriar2002']EA looks be hitting new lows even for them. I couldn't stand NCAA this year either.[/QUOTE]

Care to give details? I went in wanting to hate it but was shocked at how well it played. I get burned every year and didn't expect it to be any different this time but was really surprised. I'm not saying it's the greatest football game ever by any means, but it's vastly improved upon. And while there will always be those that have issues, there seems to be more people enjoying it than not. Oh and as someone said earlier, it's a very old build so the final product should be more impressive.
Can someone please explain to me how Madden is the one game that is allotted the "Its a old build" excuse? Remember when AvP demo sucked....everyone ripped it apart and critics did the same. Even NBA Live was never allowed to show errors. Its always the next year or next version with this franchise. It seems like it so over the top when it comes to madden.

"EA Sports if its in the game its not in the Early Build, Alpha, Beta, Demo or Pre-Patch."
[quote name='Soodmeg']Can someone please explain to me how Madden is the one game that is allotted the "Its a old build" excuse? Remember when AvP demo sucked....everyone ripped it apart and critics did the same. Even NBA Live was never allowed to show errors. Its always the next year or next version with this franchise. It seems like it so over the top when it comes to madden.

"EA Sports if its in the game its not in the Early Build, Alpha, Beta, Demo or Pre-Patch."[/QUOTE]

In the past there have usually been at least subtle differences if not more when comparing the demo to the final product. I agree it's usually BS with most games but for some reason a few EA Sports games actually change. I can't access Operation Sports from work or I would research some examples but I know that's been the case.
Dont get me wrong, I understand that a demo could be different than the final retail version. I get it. But if its an old build DONT fucking RELEASE IT.

Whenever I see something that I find to be just wrong I am usually told its some alpha or prebuild or non patched version. Could you imagination if NBA2k release a video or demo that didnt contain lay ups or MLB The Show that showed balls morphing through the bat? People would rip it apart but thats because they demand quality from those games.

When a company feels it doesnt need to release its best product all is lost.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Dont get me wrong, I understand that a demo could be different than the final retail version. I get it. But if its an old build DONT fucking RELEASE IT.

Whenever I see something that I find to be just wrong I am usually told its some alpha or prebuild or non patched version. Could you imagination if NBA2k release a video or demo that didnt contain lay ups or MLB The Show that showed balls morphing through the bat? People would rip it apart but thats because they demand quality from those games.

When a company feels it doesnt need to release its best product all is lost.[/QUOTE]

I see what you're saying now. As you could probably tell I misinterpreted your point. It does get old and it seems like they just expect the masses to buy the game regardless of the demo. Most companies would want the demo to sell you on a game as opposed to give you a feeling of deja vu.
The demo confirmed that they've basically made the same improvements to the gameplay that NCAA did this year. I'm glad that they ditched the "Pre-order to the Full Demo!" crap and offered a good five minute, four quarter demo this year. Most of my interest is in seeing how improved the franchise and career modes are over last year's game, especially the terrible career mode.

The main issue I have is that they redesign their HUD every year and that score bar seems to be moved around for no reason. It should be at the bottom of the screen so that it gives you full view of the field. but having this bar in the top left corner makes no sense. I'd love for them to just throw all of that crap out and sign deals with NBC, CBS, Fox, NFL Network, and ESPN to use all of their assets to make each game look like they do on TV depending on what channel the games are schedule to air on. The NCAA team already does this with the ESPN integration into the presentation and the last NCAA Basketball game from EA featured the presentation and commentators of both CBS and ESPN, so there's plenty of precedent for that to happen.

It's odd that the Madden and NCAA teams seem to work together on the engine/gameplay improvements while everything else feels like they're on opposite sides of the country.
Do any of you know if madden sports "same console co op" yet? Im a HUGE 2k5 and im starting to feel the changes in madden, im enjoying it more and ive let go of 2K football and the last few years since Madden 09 ive been on board with the series.

But theres one small thing that still gets me, the lack of same console co op. I know they added co op from xbox to xbox last year, but man my cousin and I used to play thousands of co op or 4 on 4 over XBL back in 2003-05 with 2K football and Madden just doesnt have the feature.

NHL does, and i just dont know why Madden wont...we used to have a blast with it and my cousin doesnt have his own 360 and all that, so it would just be incredible if this option was in...anyone know if theyve finally added it?

Either way i think madden has improved alot, it doesnt seem like suction blocking is there like it used to be, and the animations look good on field. Some stuff still looks so old like the refs and even the players at times on their closeups. But im such a huge football fan i just cant let that make me be stubborn about it. So im looking forward too it.
I like the presentation on this demo versus other years. Replays after almost every play are cool.

Not liking the choppy frame rate in between plays though.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Dont get me wrong, I understand that a demo could be different than the final retail version. I get it. But if its an old build DONT fucking RELEASE IT.

Whenever I see something that I find to be just wrong I am usually told its some alpha or prebuild or non patched version. Could you imagination if NBA2k release a video or demo that didnt contain lay ups or MLB The Show that showed balls morphing through the bat? People would rip it apart but thats because they demand quality from those games.

When a company feels it doesnt need to release its best product all is lost.[/QUOTE]

Something you have to remember is that these demos have to be submitted to Microsoft months ahead of when they release. So basically if they wanted a demo before the game releases they had to submit it somewhat early in the development.
[quote name='Dark Rider']Something you have to remember is that these demos have to be submitted to Microsoft months ahead of when they release. So basically if they wanted a demo before the game releases they had to submit it somewhat early in the development.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly what I was talking about are you kidding me with that. What? Because no other game or company has to sumbit it months in advance...just madden huh? Again, I dont get why people have to go out of their way to protect the madden game.

The demo for NBA Elite was responsible for killing that franchise, the demo from AvP was responsible for their crappy sales. Companies should try to impress with their demo no matter when it "needs to be submitted." Most companies do just that because most companies dont have the luxury of having a fanbase that makes very odd excuses. No one every asks what build a Fifa demo is, or a NBA 2k demo or a MLB The Show demo...or a NHL demo. Only Maddens demo has this mystery of what build it is.

Madden reminds me of a under achieving brother, while you bust your ass getting A's your entire live, everyone pats him on the back when he brings home a C-.

Again, this isnt a do you like madden or not, I am just fascinated with how we make certain companies (in this case the same company) work so hard for our dollar but madden seems to skate by. We let NBA LIVE die and it had MORE innovation than Madden has.

EA - Electronic Assassins

They had competition in the football game genre but killed them off. Ever since then they've rested on their laurels.

They're literally the only game in town. Add to that the American public's zombie-like obsession for anything football and the fact that they continually make money hand-over-fist for delivering a sub-standard product should come as a surprise to no one.

The only way'll they'll shape up is if Dat Madden series stops turning a profit and I think we both know the odds of that happening.
Well actually their sales have gone down every year since they have had the NFL deal. I have heard and read that they will most likely not renew the deal because at this point they are only bidding against themselves. No other company has the capital to even try to buy it so there is no incentive for EA to make the purchase again.

They are loosing A LOT of money because the deal did not gain them more sales, just the opposite.
Anyone get a code yet to win the car? I like that they put in all these extra videos with the demo, even if they're ones that have been on the EA site before. Since I don't go there, they're new to me.

You have to remember now that the Madden team is pretty much the old NCAA team from the last 2 years so I hope this leads to a better product.

I would say the pre-game/in-game presentation is much better, but Madden still needs A LOT of work on the halftime/post-game presentation. got a tip hail mary TD pass at the end of the first half and other than the officials debating TD or not the players and coaches looked like they could care less.
bread's done