Madden 25 Official CAG League - 3 Seasons Completed. Shutdown for 2013-2014.

i joined website btw nice babe of the week photos lol

is all that info some how auto gen from the league or do you guys manual enter it all? thing looks epic sweet.

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Just wanted to ask because i'm not sure how it worked last year, but are we doing free agency at the beginning of week 4 or after week 4 games have been played?

He said he did that a couple times against you last game staticz and you didn't seem to have a problem with it? Can you clear it up?
I actually thought my game with Timbo was decent, but yeah he did roll out instantly a few times.

Timbo - I realize you have a running QB (surprise, I do too) and you want to use him. However, you should not be playing like this is Madden 04 with Super Vick. You can roll out, but should not be sprinting to the sideline as soon as the ball is hiked. This is a SIM league and our owners play as close to sim football as they can. By signing up for this league, you agreed to our rule set not what the NFL does or what you think everyone else is doing in Madden 25.

If you are running a designed rollout, have at it. If you are hiking the ball and sprinting to the sideline, that is not OK.

Nice. When I got my Elgato, Roxio only had a standard def device. The Elgato software is pretty nice for quick edits. The option video I made with the demo -

I used iMovie which was allowed for way more control but was a lot more difficult to use.
At this point, i'm trying to learn the ropes. I'll be looking into different editing programs when I get the basics down. At this point, there definitely has been a learning curve, mostly with being able to edit the video quickly. Can I ask, do you do just one big video and edit out the highlights or do you do smaller videos(by quarter or drive)?

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I actually thought my game with Timbo was decent, but yeah he did roll out instantly a few times.

Timbo - I realize you have a running QB (surprise, I do too) and you want to use him. However, you should not be playing like this is Madden 04 with Super Vick. You can roll out, but should not be sprinting to the sideline as soon as the ball is hiked. This is a SIM league and our owners play as close to sim football as they can. By signing up for this league, you agreed to our rule set not what the NFL does or what you think everyone else is doing in Madden 25.

If you are running a designed rollout, have at it. If you are hiking the ball and sprinting to the sideline, that is not OK.
honstly i don't mean to do it and cheat at all its just a habit but i will try to stop doing it so much i do applogize if it upset him i really im

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i reached out to the giants earlier today... he said he could play after 5 est... i been online for over 5 hrs waiting for him.
The Bucs are presently destroying all film from the game with the Patriots. New England routes Tampa...24-3. Great defense Widow, warning to the rest of the league. If you get behind widow you're probably going to lose lol.
You should apologize that you broke a rule, not that you "upset" me. It doesn't sound like you get it unfortunately.
it was not in the rule book. inthe rule book it says 5 wr package and just scramble up the middle i think you missunderstood the rule but what ever i will tone it down seeing the commish asked me to. i never ONCE did a five wr set with all wr's going out for a pass and run with qb it was mostly short pass or cut backs

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it was not in the rule book. inthe rule book it says 5 wr package and just scramble up the middle i think you missunderstood the rule but what ever i will tone it down seeing the commish asked me to. i never ONCE did a five wr set with all wr's going out for a pass and run with qb it was mostly short pass or cut backs
LMAO...league newbie explaining the rules to a multi-year vet. The balls on this one...Jesus Christ, lol.

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LMAO...league newbie explaining the rules to a multi-year vet. The balls on this one...Jesus Christ, lol.
im not explaining ANYTHING im looking at the rules when i say that and it never once says that in the rules other then the thing where you can't do five wr set and then run up the middle. can we just drop the subject and move on my god.

plus i beat him thanks to lynch running like a beast and him being beat on two long option runs by wilson this thing is being over done i did the sideline thing for like 4 or 5 pass plays all game if i did it non stop i would see a issue with it. like i said it's not im doing it on purpise its just a habbit of mine for any team i use and been that way for at least since ps2 days of madden mostly because up until recent years it's been needed to get past awful offense line blocking. But i told static i will not do it anymore so move on.

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it was not in the rule book. inthe rule book it says 5 wr package and just scramble up the middle i think you missunderstood the rule but what ever i will tone it down seeing the commish asked me to. i never ONCE did a five wr set with all wr's going out for a pass and run with qb it was mostly short pass or cut backs
Dude..."Running with the QB", read the whole thing man...I've told you like 4 times now. All you're doing is quoting one excerpt from it and neglecting the lines before and after it that are actually applicable to what you're doing. Here let me help you since you seem to have a case of selective comprehension: "Scrambling is allowed. However, you need to do it in a way which is realistic and consistent with how real NFL players do it"..."Scrambling should generally either be from designed QB run plays or occur after a play breaks down". So you're telling me that in the real NFL, an OC will call a passing play complete with routes for the receivers and everything...but instead of hiking the ball and following through with the play that was called, the QB sometimes says "f that" and takes the ball and immediately scrambles lateral to the line of scrimmage and takes off upfield? All immediately after the snap before he gets a chance to experience any pressure whatsoever? honest with yourself man, you're either being dishonest about reading/following the rules or you're not the sharpest tool in the shed. And you were neither doing it during designed QB runs nor after the play broke down. I've been in this league for at least 4 years and I'm misunderstanding the rules over you in your third week of your first year who has clearly never bothered reading them before he started playing? Thank you for pointing out the irony in that N8.

And you shouldn't "tone it down" should be getting rid of it altogether. Cheesiness/exploitation isn't something that's okay as long as it's done in moderation.

There is really something off about you. First you spend your first 10-20 posts hailing this Madden as the greatest of all time (as if you're simply reading off the back of the case) and refuting every bit of criticism people throw out about it, and then you switch to talking about your frustrations with it and how you're ready to trade it back in after playing it for less than a month.

Then you engage in some questionable strategy during our game, after which I very politely told you that for future reference that kind of stuff isn't allowed so that you'd be spared when someone who is more vocal calls you out on it in the thread. And 2 days later, after I had let the whole thing go without as little as a peep to either commissioner, you have the nerve to bring it up yourself but completely flip the table and play the "victim" card. You come off as either bipolar or just sorta fake...maybe both.

And for everyone who thinks I'm overreacting here...I have been here for years and feel like I've built myself a pretty good reputation over that time, and my reputation means a lot to me...more than any Superbowl victory, that's for damn sure. I'll gladly sacrifice a few wins just to be able to say I played an honorable game. Just ask anyone in the GroupMe chat how vocally annoyed I got at Chetty for trying to paint me as cheesy because I ran one HB streak in our meaningless tournament game last year (which I lost anyways) all goes back to reputation. I've always above all else tried to play a sim game so that no one could possibly complain about my gameplan. Anyways... for this new guy to come in here and paint me as essentially a whiny asshole who "bashed" him because I couldn't stop his dumb exploit, of course I'm gonna get defensive. Especially when, believe me, I went out of my way to be cordial with him in some very polite private messages instead of aggressively calling him out on here in front of everyone like lots of people do. I would love it if he'd post my messages verbatim just to gauge how many of you feel like I bashed him...I would, but I don't know how to access "Sent" messages. Obviously the game is over and he won...I don't dwell on losses days after they happened. My issue is with him (intentionally or not) taking a jab at my character.

Just to clear that all up...sorry for the rant. I'm pretty much done....PROBABLY (?)
That rule is pretty much garbage now with the read option.... yea u can pass but there are still a lot of qbs with 100 yard games... NFL's changing its not really cheese anymore cause qbs will spread everyone out and immediately take off... Pryor will prob do it all yr
There is really something off about you. First you spend your first 10-20 posts hailing this Madden as the greatest of all time (as if you're simply reading off the back of the case) and refuting every bit of criticism people throw out about it, and then you switch to talking about your frustrations with it and how you're ready to trade it back in after playing it for less than a month

just like most ea sports games the game issues don't start showing till you start playing online and i don't play random people online so did not see the awful def issues till online leagues i play in started.

So you're telling me that in the real NFL, an OC will call a passing play complete with routes for the receivers and everything...but instead of hiking the ball and following through with the play that was called, the QB sometimes says "f that" and takes the ball and immediately scrambles lateral to the line of scrimmage and takes off upfield? All immediately after the snap before he gets a chance to experience any pressure whatsoever?

yep it's called playaction qb run so it does happen in real nfl which is why i don't see it as a cheesy thing to do. but if people running this league don't want it being used then it will not be used by me plain and simple.

yup the stuff i did couple times in a game never happens :bouncy:

but im done with this topic and moving on. 

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That rule is pretty much garbage now with the read option.... yea u can pass but there are still a lot of qbs with 100 yard games... NFL's changing its not really cheese anymore cause qbs will spread everyone out and immediately take off... Pryor will prob do it all yr
that's the point im making nfl offense is changing and seattle playbook in madden has alot of qb runs including a playaction play that is qb run even when wr's run routes. But i have agreed to stop doing it but it's unfair for the oppentint to judge why it was done. What happens if right away i snap the ball and the lb or dline guy is on my tail that means i can't run to the right side of field fright away? i understand people in this league want to play like a real nfl sim but lets be honest madden is more like a arcade football game at this point thanks to no def being in the game then a real nfl sim.

i'm tired of reading about no defense being in this game... there are a couple wrinkles that need to he ironed out, but overall, the defense is there if u know how to actually use what you have. a little hint for those who have no clue what I'm talking about: play recognition, block shedding, and pursuit matter just as much as speed, hit power, and tackling
There is really something off about you. First you spend your first 10-20 posts hailing this Madden as the greatest of all time (as if you're simply reading off the back of the case) and refuting every bit of criticism people throw out about it, and then you switch to talking about your frustrations with it and how you're ready to trade it back in after playing it for less than a month

just like most ea sports games the game issues don't start showing till you start playing online and i don't play random people online so did not see the awful def issues till online leagues i play in started.

So you're telling me that in the real NFL, an OC will call a passing play complete with routes for the receivers and everything...but instead of hiking the ball and following through with the play that was called, the QB sometimes says "f that" and takes the ball and immediately scrambles lateral to the line of scrimmage and takes off upfield? All immediately after the snap before he gets a chance to experience any pressure whatsoever?

yep it's called playaction qb run so it does happen in real nfl which is why i don't see it as a cheesy thing to do. but if people running this league don't want it being used then it will not be used by me plain and simple.

yup the stuff i did couple times in a game never happens :bouncy:

but im done with this topic and moving on.'re thinking of the Bootleg PA, which you never ran even once. You act like I didn't already address this after the game in my messages. I specifically told you the Seahawks DO scramble outside of the pocket right after the snap but almost exclusively on PA (typically bootleg plays) and a big part of that is because of Russell Wilson's height so that he can get in open space and see downfield better on his throws...which obviously isn't a factor in Madden. NONE of your scrambles in question were off of PA...they were immediate scrambles to the right immediately after you snapped the ball. So that's funny you're specifically using PA runs as proof when you didn't run any of those.

You're really gonna link a 17 minute long video as proof? Is that whole thing evidence or you wanna be a little more specific?

i'm tired of reading about no defense being in this game... there are a couple wrinkles that need to he ironed out, but overall, the defense is there if u know how to actually use what you have. a little hint for those who have no clue what I'm talking about: play recognition, block shedding, and pursuit matter just as much as speed, hit power, and tackling
i agree it's not NO def but some things in the game should be fixed by now. In both ncaa and madden most of the time the y jump button don't even work on offense and def which makes for big gains alot.'re thinking of the Bootleg PA, which you never ran even once. You act like I didn't already address this after the game in my messages. I specifically told you the Seahawks DO scramble outside of the pocket right after the snap but almost exclusively on PA (typically bootleg plays) and a big part of that is because of Russell Wilson's height so that he can get in open space and see downfield better on his throws...which obviously isn't a factor in Madden. NONE of your scrambles in question were off of PA...they were immediate scrambles to the right immediately after you snapped the ball. So that's funny you're specifically using PA runs as proof when you didn't run any of those.

You're really gonna link a 17 minute long video as proof? Is that whole thing evidence or you wanna be a little more specific?
i said im done with this topic don't you read? but one thing packers does scramble like that right away do you think that is because of rodgers height even if he is tall enough to pass in pocket? do you think 49ers do it because of kapernick height? Just because you have been here for 4 years don't mean your logic is 100 percent correct. I just think it's not fair that the opponet can decide if it was right to do or not. i could understand if someone did something like that which in my mind is not cheesy at all seeing alot of teams roll their qb's out now adays on designed pass play and if nothing is their they run the ball up field. If someone did it EVERY single play yes i could see the need to say in a message hey i don't think you should be doing that every play seeing it is kind of cheap move but for crying out loud i did it 4 or five times in a game. I'm not a new madden player i have been playing madden online since ps2 days in early 00's so i know what is game glitching and what is not.

like i said before i told static i will stop using that kind of playstyle so i will keep to my word on that moving forward all night tonight i have been playing a friend using seattle to figure out stuff and getting my self not to do it like i said it's just a habbit for me to play that style heck i don't even think it's a a exploit anymore seeing most people stop it now adays but from now on i will not be doing it.

With that said im now DONE with this topic we both said how we feel now lets both move on and worry about week 4 come tommow night.

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Timbo I was speaking my mind not taken up for u... ma is a good player and deserves respect in this league and situation... u keep going on and on keeping it going... I spoke my mind about the situation I didn't like that rule when it was made cause I feel some qbs will do that its a new era... like most of us who are in the league we've all done something to piss a commissioner or vet member off and tried arguing to make it right.. try to adjust ur game a lil and not immediately run with the qb as often and everything is strait... I think the main point here that was overlooked is u did break a rule gay rule or not so own up to it say sorry and carry on
Also still no word from chargers I'll play the game tonight try and get another owner of possible hate cpu games... also would like tamme if possible thanks
yup the stuff i did couple times in a game never happens :bouncy:

but im done with this topic and moving on.
this isn't my battle but this video proves nothing! Almost every time Wilson took off was because a man came free of the line on a blitz meaning the play broke down and run was his best option at the time. thats not the same as running right after you hike the ball. I also didn't see the game so im not saying anything bad about you im just saying thats bad proof!!

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Hope we advance tonight!! i play MA next and tonight is one of the only nights i can play late!! that being said every body better get there games done :)

Colts vs Jags Midnight.

i was thinking the same thing!

I was watching this argument closely too being that I have a scrambling qb lol but I played Masterawesome and I ran some exotic plays but nothing like what's being mentioned so I think I'm good lol
still no word from itlnstln... i won't be available to play between 4 and 8 est so if we're set to advance in that time frame, coulda commish set the Giants to auto so i can be 2-1 going into my bye week?
Re-posting this since it got buried;)


I've opened up my wallet and spent a Little over $60 to get our Stats website up and running again. $33 of that went to daddyleagues directly to host the Website. The rest went to a designer to help me "make it pretty!"

Staticz and I talked it over, and we just couldn't live without the stats that this thing provides.

Click "Register" down near the bottom right of the page, and once registered, there's a Join Button Right above that, it will get you joined up right and proper and you can post blogs, post to the shoutbox, view stats, and post to the forums.

I really want to utilize this site to it's full potential this year, guys. So feel free to write blogs about your team's wins, Trades, etc.

Here's the link. Hope everyone likes it.

P.S. There's a Donate button on the site if anyone is feeling especially generous;)

tldr: Go the link above.

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Games Left:

Bengals @ Packers: Packers Play the CPU Bengals

Saints @ Cardinals: MileHigh/Zurezo...Status?

Titans @ Chargers: Titans play the CPU Chargers

Panthers @ Giants: Panthers can play the CPU if no word by 8pm EST from itlnstln

Ravens @ Texans: Ballhawk/Tanabeo...Status?

Eagles @ Chiefs:

So, we're only waiting on 3 User Games. advance tonight is looking very likely.

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Games Left:

Bengals @ Packers: Packers Play the CPU Bengals

Saints @ Cardinals: MileHigh/Zurezo...Status?

Titans @ Chargers: Titans play the CPU Chargers

Panthers @ Giants: Panthers can play the CPU if no word by 8pm EST from itlnstln

Ravens @ Texans: Ballhawk/Tanabeo...Status?

Eagles @ Chiefs:

So, we're only waiting on 3 User Games. advance tonight is looking very likely.
Me and ballhawk tried to play earlier and we got kicked out towards the end of the 3rd so we are going to try again sometime after the ravens game

When I yet to register for the site I get an error message that says :"the req honeypot has already been taken"
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question about progression; in some stats they seem to go from 'enabled' to 'no' (stuff like big hitter i think, a bunch of stats that don't have a number)....and i don't get what that means. it looks like there's no point to progressing those abilities but surely that can't be it?

question about progression; in some stats they seem to go from 'enabled' to 'no' (stuff like big hitter i think, a bunch of stats that don't have a number)....and i don't get what that means. it looks like there's no point to progressing those abilities but surely that can't be it?
Those are traits that don't have a number. If you have the big hitter trait there is a better chance you'll cause a fumble.

Those are traits that don't have a number. If you have the big hitter trait there is a better chance you'll cause a fumble.
yeah but what is the difference from 'enabled' to 'no'? that just sounds're going from 0 to 0 <_<. is it a case where you have to progress 0-0-1 (if you get what i mean), or is 'no' better than 'enabled'? because it doesn't sound like it is lol?

bread's done