MAG Discussion Thread

Well I called around and couldn't find any Gamestops with beta codes locally so I had to bite the bullet and buy one of Ebay for $9.99. All the rest were $15-30. People actually paid $30 to get a beta code...:roll: Received the code when I woke up today and the DL/install/update took forever. I ended up just leaving it running and forgot about it. Tried to get on tonight and it was about to shut down and I couldn't join. I got my soldier and settings all set up though so tomorrow shall be my day, I hope at least haha.

Hopefully they expand the beta hours, I work 2nd shift so most of the time i'll only be able to play for a couple hours in the early time period if I get hooked on it.
I haven't been keeping up with this at all lately. Should have my PS3 up again sometime next work, though I haven't been keeping an eye on the BETA regardless.
I been going to all the gamestores in my area and nothing. I really want to get into beta but I just can't cuz no store will even sell me a key.
hmm got an email with a link to preorder through gamestop..

I clicked the link and on the gamestop page it reads:

Online / In-Store Pickup Customers: A unique code and download instructions will be emailed within 1 business day of when your order is placed.
I'm so disappointed in myself. I got in the beta during the first round of invites (because of G.A.P I'm assuming) and then again through Qore and I didn't play once.
Hey guys, just wanted to let you guys know about the Official MAG Blog for people that are interested. It will be updated constantly with dev interviews (Test Leads interview up right now), game updates, etc.
Hey guys, does anyone know if the beta will be up until the game comes out? If not, when does it officially end?

I am a beta tester and I am wondering if there are any CAG Beta Clans for S.V.E.R.?? I want to be on a squad that knows what to do for a change...

This game has exceeded my expectations!! It runs surprisingly well with full teams and makes me wonder why I didn't switch over from Xbox 360 and XBOX Live sooner
I got a code from Destructoid today. Can't wait to give it a go.

Many people still playing from here? Verdicts?

EDIT - and yeah, Joystiq already gave theirs away too... I would definitely keep glue to Kotaku if you want one. Hopefully they post some later.
I don't know if it's because I don't have an HDTV, or because I'm sensitive to all of the new colors and lighting effects this generation is producing, but this game literally makes me want to vomit. From the two minutes I could stomach to play it seemed fun in a Counterstrike/Battlefield kind of mesh.
Well to give Zipper credit with their "stupid" update method they wont be waiting 3 weeks for a patch to pass Sony QA.

But yes, its still there and has a 2gig update
Ok so the CAG Clan, is no more. It was for the last phase of the beta BUT we can make a new one.

PMC preference? Raven this time perhaps???
This game is awful. If you didn't get a code, don't be sad about it. Just a few things right off the bat:

- Graphics suck
- Gameplay is boring and too convoluted
- You have to go in a Queue to get in a game and wait like 5+ minutes sometimes. This is ridiculous and will turn off the casual crowd immediately. I just wanna jump in and play.
- To throw a grenade, you have to switch to it two buttons just to throw a nade.
- When going into ironsight/zoom, there is no animation of the gun going into that view. It just pops right into it...looks really cheap and last-gen.
- Gunplay is average, run-of-the-mill stuff.
- Sound effects are poorly done. The guns, especially, sound really weak. They also have no weight to them.

Mediocre game in every way. Stick with MW2 and the upcoming BFBC2 for your shooter fix.
Yeah I downloaded this beta last night and played one game as raven and 1 as valor. The game is terrible in so many ways. Id say killzone 2 was much better, even if it had no multiplayer. I don't like modern warefare 2 all that much so I'm sticking with killzone 2, resistance 2, uncharted 2, and gta for online games right now.
I didn't see one good thing in mag the whole hour that I was playing it.
I haven't tried socom yet since getting the bundle, but I hope it is a hell of a lot better than this trash.:lol:
[quote name='Neo-Nut']Yeah I downloaded this beta last night and played one game as raven and 1 as valor. The game is terrible in so many ways. Id say killzone 2 was much better, even if it had no multiplayer. I don't like modern warefare 2 all that much so I'm sticking with killzone 2, resistance 2, uncharted 2, and gta for online games right now.
I didn't see one good thing in mag the whole hour that I was playing it.
I haven't tried socom yet since getting the bundle, but I hope it is a hell of a lot better than this trash.:lol:[/QUOTE]
It really is one of the worst high-profile online shooters I've ever played. Everything about the game is awful. I'm kind of stunned it's this bad.
I got in the beta. love to join the clan "Ramdomwolf" is my PSN.

SO I created a character in Valor but after that I'm pretty much not sure what to do. no manual, no tutorial and i can barely read the text on the screen
I struggled to make it through an entire round of this. The premise sounded really cool but the actual gameplay is just horrible. Still waiting for BF3...
maybe it's because I'm not awesome as FPS or maybe it's because of my TV but i can barely tell where the enemy is. I can identify the objectives to a point and I can follow the tracker to that but I usually die as soon as I finally see an enemy. It's very annoying. On the plus side the official PS forums do have some very useful looking guides I plan to check out this week. Actually knowing what the controls do was massively helpful last round. Figured out how to lie down and everything.
I said it a year ago, this game will never work...This is a waste of Zippers time. Basically this game is nothing more than a test of their new server architecture for Socom 4. Godspeed Zipper!
for me this game is like the new Home. Everytime I want to get in and play I get annoyed at the thought of waiting in the queue so I don't bother, but I really should see how the queues are normally so I'll be on later this week.
you get used to it once you start upgrading your character what sucks ass is when the stupid respawning meter recounts i once had to wait 4 mins just to respawn and that was just awful luckily I had some yellowcard to listen to that helped eased the pain. (old yellowcard with ben dobson to be specific)
I actually enjoy but maybe that's just me. add me though "phillyphill". I also have socom. so i guess it might be because i love zipper and have all the socom games
I think Mag is deeply flawed right now. The fact that Sevr is so overpowered is terrible. It takes 40 rounds from a Raven LMG to put a Sevr down, but it rarely happens because as soon they get shot they turn around and kill me.
The people who like this seem to be playing with friends. I remember when MisterB was charging a station, and I was covering him picking off as many guys I could to help from afar. That was pretty fun, even though we didn't get to far. Would have been better with a real squad.

I don't think this is a solo, jump in and play type game. Which is what I think they were going for.

The wait times are just terrible before matches BUT this is a beta and I doubt they have all the servers live. Not all the play modes are even open yet.
I have not downloaded my beta yet.

I actually am not a huge fan of socom, not becuase I dont like it, just because I have not played many.

Whats the possibility that they are doing this with a set of low res graphics and will release it with a bit better graphics at retail launch? Not very likely I know, but would it bring the attention they may want?
I'm not surprised, although a little sad, to hear the game isn't that good. In theory it sounds great, like a real battlefield with that many players but in reality how on earth did they expect to fill a game with that many MEANINFUL players, i.e. not jerks who are just messing around and team killing.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I think Mag is deeply flawed right now. The fact that Sevr is so overpowered is terrible. It takes 40 rounds from a Raven LMG to put a Sevr down, but it rarely happens because as soon they get shot they turn around and kill me.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, but this is a stupid post. Most people will go down with 4/5 shots from any gun or rifle.

You were missing or you're grossly exaggerating to make a false point. S.V.E.R. is more team oriented and communicate better. That's why they were winning. This is coming from a person who tried out the 3 clans.

The game is great and the netcode for it is the best I've seen for any FPS.

I'll be buying this.
[quote name='smiggity']I said it a year ago, this game will never work...This is a waste of Zippers time. Basically this game is nothing more than a test of their new server architecture for Socom 4. Godspeed Zipper![/QUOTE]A FPS Socom. ;)
bread's done