MAG Discussion Thread

[quote name='Frank Deluded']Nifty website there.

~ I want to change factions to change things up a bit and see how it's like attacking/defending with as Valor/Raven.

I haven't reached level 60 though. u_u[/QUOTE]

DONT DO IT!!! i miss sver

though, you can always join the dark side with valor and we can team up again! WE CAN RULE THE WORLD!
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Anyone in Valor opened up the 3rd AR? I don't know whether to stick with the 2nd one or switch over for the stopping power. Does the accuracy it lacks made up for if I have the previous perks selected?[/QUOTE]

Stay with the second one, the third one doesn't really improve much. I used AR's in Raven and Valor, and I have to say the 3rd tier in general is not worth it.
Holy crap...the_grimace and fatmanforlife were putting up serious numbers. Ridiculous.

Edit: Good playing with you guys. Had to cut out after two domination matches. Limiting myself to two game modes or else I might get sick of the game too fast. Didn't use a mic since I have a bad cough going. Certainly amazing to see the numbers you guys were putting up.
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[quote name='SteveMcQ']Holy crap...the_grimace and fatmanforlife were putting up serious numbers. Ridiculous.

Edit: Good playing with you guys. Had to cut out after two domination matches. Limiting myself to two game modes or else I might get sick of the game too fast. Didn't use a mic since I have a bad cough going. Certainly amazing to see the numbers you guys were putting up.[/QUOTE]

ehh, ive been playing weak with valor. The lack of team work still bothers me. before i left sver, i was averaging about 45 kills a game. my best was 76 and 2 k/d ratio. my kill streak is 62. I'm just a killing machine in any shooter I choose to get in to

we will definitely need to play more, and hopefully we can get some more people in the clan and valor can stop getting their ass kicked!
[quote name='the_grimace']DONT DO IT!!! i miss sver

though, you can always join the dark side with valor and we can team up again! WE CAN RULE THE WORLD![/QUOTE]

The world, huh?! *rubs chin* I'm in!

After, I reach level 60 >_>. I have fun with the game, it's just I haven't the urge to play it.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']I have fun with the game, it's just I haven't the urge to play it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Im just trying to finish this before March 2nd myself. Breaks are good.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']For BFBC2, I'm assuming? Anyone else going to move on to that?[/QUOTE]

*raises hand

I played the first BF BC to death. imo one of the most underrated games all year. Nobody talked about it, no awards, it was a ghost. but a damn awesome one

The funny thing about that game was that I had absolutely no intentions of buying it, because I watched gameplay videos of it like a month before it came out, and was like wow, this looks lame and boring. Then the demo came out....

I was blown away, i think really what hooked me was the destructibility. It was damn awesome in itself, but it literally made every round different in drastic ways. That equals massive replay value right there.

I will admit though I am disappointed with a lot of what they did for BF BC2. they call of duty'd it, and frankly, it pisses me off. Most upsetting is the health system. Its both regenerating and numeric. The worst part though is that you cant see how much health you have, and if your wounded, it takes like 2 minutes to regenerate without a medic. just not being able to see your health is a major downer.

then theres the new class system and perks. I really liked the fixed classes in the first game as it added that team fortress type of feel where you would pick your class, and everyone worked as a team. now we can have frigging snipers with assault rifles and shit. i miss the old class system and the perks seem stupid.

then they added a mini kill cam which REALLY pisses me off. I hate killcams, and i think it ruins the game. They are just lucky they minimized it to what they have.... but still, it sucks.

Then there's the way you die. Before you got a 3rd person view of your death, but now you kinda just fall over.... the same way everytime.... I miss being able to see myself getting blown 30 feet away by a tank. Now you get hit directly with a tank shell and you just fall over... lame.

I just wish they would fix the health thing before release, just show the number damnit! PLEASE.
Once march 2nd and the 16th get here, I wont be playing as much. I was doing really good before I joined up with you guys, but I had that one good game and the last one was shit. I think I was all MAGed out.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']Once march 2nd and the 16th get here, I wont be playing as much. I was doing really good before I joined up with you guys, but I had that one good game and the last one was shit. I think I was all MAGed out.[/QUOTE]

yea, march is going to be big for me too. even this week in itself was huge. Got bioshock 2, dantes inferno, and star ocean the last hope international.

then march will be god of war 3, bf bc 2, and final fantasy 13. man, what a great first quarter for gaming.

im still waiting for my tales of vesperia localized ps3 release though....:bomb:
I didn't play BFBC1. I just recently got into FPS', I wasn't a big fan of them. But, the BFBC2 beta (not the demo) changed that. After got into MW2 and MAG.

My annoyances with the BFBC2 beta and demo are only being able to play with 4 other people in your squad and not being able to chat with the other squad members of your team.

But, MAG will have some add on content (check the back of the box, it's probable) and I wonder how much that will spruce up the game and I'll keep playing it when other friends want to party up with me.

I don't really stick with 1 game. I always have a nice rotation to keep things fresh.

Frank Deluded said:
For BFBC2, I'm assuming? Anyone else going to move on to that?
Yep, because I'm a BF1942 veteran. It would just feel odd not to move with the community on day 1. Still awaiting the potential awesomeness that Battlefield 3 may bring like its epic predecessor. Besides, I ordered 3 other games in March: Yakuza 3, God of War 3, and the RE5 Gold Edition.
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so to you guys that are moving on, are you just dropping any hopes of getting platinum on mag? im beginning to think that getting the three level 60s are good enough for me. im half way through my second one and i still dont have a single knife or sidearm ribbon, let alone hoping to get a the 3 AAAs or 1,000 bunker rocket kills.

and i keep getting one short of the ribbon eg: 2 sensory arrays, 2 bunkers destroyed, 8 charges, or 2 mortars.
I might grind on it during the summer after I finished my March & May backlog....Idk, maybe. I have to say that Eager Beaver trophy is insane, just because of the grinding required for some of those medals. Honorable hate to the repair/destroy 200 AAA medal and AAA ribbons---those are just evil.
I dont know if you can check other peoples stats but if you check Soodmeg you will see his pwnage of Sver in domination.

87 kills 24 assistants cant even count the amount of objectives taken.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']MAG, BFBC 2 and GOW 3 were the only games that I was really looking forward to. So far MAG has delivered and I know GOW 3 will.[/QUOTE]

did you get a chance to play the BFBC2 Beta? or the recent demo out?

I too had the same 3 games on my wish list.

are you a SVER-ian too?
[quote name='Romis']did you get a chance to play the BFBC2 Beta? or the recent demo out?

I too had the same 3 games on my wish list.

are you a SVER-ian too?[/QUOTE]

I played the beta, it was better than the demo. I might go to sver after I reach lvl 60, I am at 56 right now.
My first real complaint: Ressing is unbalanced. Numerous times now I've downed and gotten a kill on the same person 3 or more times, and they kept being ressed right in front of me. I realize the solution is pretty simple, just keep shooting till they can't get back up, but that itself is unbalanced, given it takes 2-3 times the amount of bullets it took to down someone in the first place to fully kill them. Worse yet is head shotting people with my LMG and having them just pop right back up. I think it needs to be toned down, alot. If explosives and knives can fully kill in one hit, why not headshots? I also think everyone should have 200 HP "total". Meaning, you have 100, or 120 in your normal life, get downed, then rezzed and you can go back to your full 100 or 120, but once you go down again, you're down for good.
[quote name='drbutchevil']My first real complaint: Ressing is unbalanced. Numerous times now I've downed and gotten a kill on the same person 3 or more times, and they kept being ressed right in front of me. I realize the solution is pretty simple, just keep shooting till they can't get back up, but that itself is unbalanced, given it takes 2-3 times the amount of bullets it took to down someone in the first place to fully kill them. Worse yet is head shotting people with my LMG and having them just pop right back up. I think it needs to be toned down, alot. If explosives and knives can fully kill in one hit, why not headshots? I also think everyone should have 200 HP "total". Meaning, you have 100, or 120 in your normal life, get downed, then rezzed and you can go back to your full 100 or 120, but once you go down again, you're down for good.[/QUOTE]

Sniper rifle headshots fully kill in one hit, unless I'm mistaken?

I've noticed some excessive rezzing, I don't necessarily think it is unbalanced though.
[quote name='fizzywix']Sniper rifle headshots fully kill in one hit, unless I'm mistaken?

I've noticed some excessive rezzing, I don't necessarily think it is unbalanced though.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure grenades fully kill as well. Mortar strikes and the other explosive tactical stuff, I'm not so sure of.

The only thing I dislike about some medics in the game are the ones that have tunnel vision and don't look at the whole battle situation. I hate getting rezzed right in the middle of the pack of attackers that just killed me. I can't press X fast enough and bleed out!
[quote name='fizzywix']Sniper rifle headshots fully kill in one hit, unless I'm mistaken?

I've noticed some excessive rezzing, I don't necessarily think it is unbalanced though.[/QUOTE]

Only the heavy ones, the initial ones don't, atleast I don't think so.
[quote name='fizzywix']I've noticed some excessive rezzing, I don't necessarily think it is unbalanced though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, in most cases I usually end up so disoriented after being resuscitated that I can't even take advantage during really heavy firefights. Speaking of which, anyone figure out exactly how you end facing after a res?
heh, was playing tonight and had a few times where I single handedly cleared like 6-8 guys away from a burnoff tower of bunker with just my machine gun. That wasnt the awesome part. I've done that in the past. The awesome part was what I heard over the proximity chat from the enemies. It was grade A material. Use your imagination. ;)
Ok some basic questions. I loaned my buddy my copy and stopped by today to play for about 2 hours. I noticed that when he died he would not respawn. Even the countdown counter would come up but hit 0 then start over. He thought the game was hanging, is that the case? We tried changing spawn points etc.. I noticed that there was a red bar behind his name and the countdown timer would count down as the red bar lessened. Then it would hit that 0 and start over at the 19 or whatever. I noticed a red skull next to his name sometimes as well. Keep in mind this was either on the first spawn or after he had spawned and died.

That seemed really odd to me.

Has anyone else had this happen?
[quote name='dmunkee']Yeah, in most cases I usually end up so disoriented after being resuscitated that I can't even take advantage during really heavy firefights. Speaking of which, anyone figure out exactly how you end facing after a res?[/QUOTE]

same direction you were facing when you died. well, you need to move your camera in the same direction too. otherwise, you'll get confused. for example, I lost a 1 on 1. then i pan and spin my camera around looking for any medics. in the rare chances that someone is coming along and the enemy is still there, i need to reposition my camera to where it was when i died. then spray and pray.
[quote name='enufs8d']same direction you were facing when you died. well, you need to move your camera in the same direction too. otherwise, you'll get confused. for example, I lost a 1 on 1. then i pan and spin my camera around looking for any medics. in the rare chances that someone is coming along and the enemy is still there, i need to reposition my camera to where it was when i died. then spray and pray.[/QUOTE]

Nice tip.

Also, headshots are buggy in this game, I think. Sometimes, you can res some people if it a headshot and sometimes you can't.

The only definitive times you can't res people are when they've been run over by an vehicle, blown up by a grenade, or stabbed (IIRC).
Oh my fucking god dude.

Is there any way to block someone who is in another squad but using the Team Chat to constant talk?

This guy was something else constantly yelling through out the entire 30 min match but since he was in another squad and using team broadcast I couldnt find a way to block him.

If you cant...that is a huge over sight.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Oh my fucking god dude.

Is there any way to block someone who is in another squad but using the Team Chat to constant talk?

This guy was something else constantly yelling through out the entire 30 min match but since he was in another squad and using team broadcast I couldnt find a way to block him.

If you cant...that is a huge over sight.[/QUOTE]

Up on the d-pad, scroll to squad/platoon/etc chat and press R1 or L1.

Can you mute someone in your own squad? I don't think you can, because that's a huge over sight.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']Nice tip.

Also, headshots are buggy in this game, I think. Sometimes, you can res some people if it a headshot and sometimes you can't.

The only definitive times you can't res people are when they've been run over by an vehicle, blown up by a grenade, or stabbed (IIRC).[/QUOTE]

theres been many posts complaining on being able to revive the undead headshot on .

i still think the preorder armors are insane. they have the benefits of heavy at the medium cc weight. plus, i dont think you get knifed in one stab. hence, they fetch insane ebay prices.
[quote name='enufs8d']same direction you were facing when you died. well, you need to move your camera in the same direction too. otherwise, you'll get confused. for example, I lost a 1 on 1. then i pan and spin my camera around looking for any medics. in the rare chances that someone is coming along and the enemy is still there, i need to reposition my camera to where it was when i died. then spray and pray.[/QUOTE]

Good to know, I always end up circling for any medics so I usually end up facing bullets :lol:
[quote name='enufs8d']

i still think the preorder armors are insane. they have the benefits of heavy at the medium cc weight. plus, i dont think you get knifed in one stab. hence, they fetch insane ebay prices.[/QUOTE]

I wished I would of pre-ordered it.

For all of you Valor assault rifle guys, Which assault rifles do you guys like and what attachments do you guys like to use with the assault rifle?
The reason I ask, I am about to veteran and I am tired of the machine gun and would like something else to use.
from what i read, the tier 3 (or last) machine gun is marginally better than the tier 2 machine gun. so get the second one only. of course, add the nice perks, grip/bipod, scope(reflex/4x), suppressor and grenade launcher.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']I wished I would of pre-ordered it.

For all of you Valor assault rifle guys, Which assault rifles do you guys like and what attachments do you guys like to use with the assault rifle?
The reason I ask, I am about to veteran and I am tired of the machine gun and would like something else to use.[/QUOTE]

I use the SFCR-LW (2nd AR) with a silencer and the dot scope when I'm attacking, and either the SFCR with no attachments or the m4a1 when I'm defending (to use more points on repair/medic kit and stuff)
Looking for some S.V.E.R. people to join a clan with. You don't have to be great, just not a jerk.

my K/D is around 1.8 now, so I'm not too bad. My PSN name is the same as it is here
the pre-order armors are not the medium weight either. It's half way between the heavy (1000) and the medium (600), making it a cool 800

and yes, you DO get knifed in one stab. everyone does. the reason the Valor armors are so expensive is because the only retail chain that had those specific faction armors were GameCrazy. Who the fart shops there? lol
[quote name='kurrptsenate']the pre-order armors are not the medium weight either. It's half way between the heavy (1000) and the medium (600), making it a cool 800

and yes, you DO get knifed in one stab. everyone does. the reason the Valor armors are so expensive is because the only retail chain that had those specific faction armors were GameCrazy. Who the fart shops there? lol[/QUOTE]

I thought gamecrazy got raven? Best buy got the valor.
Any of your guys play from 11pm-3AM Pacific time? I just got it to try and want to join a faction with more people I know. I played last night and could only hear someone breathing into a mic and sometimes an Aussie accent.
kurrpsenate I play at random times, send me a friend req. on psn to join the CAG SVER clan.

Boneless same as above if your SVER.

GGs last night sver cags, great communication.

btw i have the enhanced armor plus extra health and i have to be stabbed twice to die, which is impossible.
[quote name='boneless']Any of your guys play from 11pm-3AM Pacific time? I just got it to try and want to join a faction with more people I know. I played last night and could only hear someone breathing into a mic and sometimes an Aussie accent.[/QUOTE]

I usually play at those time, starting at 11 PM or midnight and going until I fall asleep and I'm on Valor
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']I thought gamecrazy got raven? Best buy got the valor.[/QUOTE]

well, the dudes on ebay selling the code for like 30 something state they got it from gamecrazy, so IDk

alright, ill send ya friend request next time im on
[quote name='fizzywix']I usually play at those time, starting at 11 PM or midnight and going until I fall asleep and I'm on Valor[/QUOTE]

I'll need to add you. I started a bit on Valor but only been doing the suppression training. If you remember, my psn handle is sandokan6220.
@ Frank Deluded : Those were some GG's last nite, SVER CAG's work pretty well as squad, (I know I'm a no mic player but just give some orders I'm a team player lol)

I can usually be found online on the hours of 11pm est - 3am est (SVER of course) PSN: Captnstryker {Typical Loadout: Repair/Medic often w/Claymore or Mines)

as someone who's a prior VALOR soldier, and looking at that MAGTOOLs website, doesn't it look like the complaint on the unbalanced-ness of the game a bit unfounded, I mean c'mon the weapons are almost evenly powered, in each weapon category, and sure the layouts are challenging but if people work as a team and strategize you can beat a chaotic larger team.
The shotgun in this game is insane. I racked up over 1k xp while using it.

I just respec my guy on level 60 picking things I havent played with so that when I go vet I can play a different style.

I really fucking love this game.
[quote name='Soodmeg']The shotgun in this game is insane. I racked up over 1k xp while using it.

I just respec my guy on level 60 picking things I havent played with so that when I go vet I can play a different style.

I really fucking love this game.[/QUOTE]

i hate the shotgun.... it sucked. often took 2 shots close range to kill people when i had it on sver.
bread's done