[quote name='Roman']I've heard joining games as a new player now isn't fun.
"Oh look a level 1." *Everyone votekicks you*
This is probably because MAG, from what I gather, isn't a free-for-all like most online shooters. You're expected to work together toward objectives, obey your squad leader, and not wander off on your own. The experienced players probably assume level 1 player = n00b who doesn't get this, just because they've seen so many newcomers with the COD mentality.
Now, if a bunch of CAGs get this and start out as new players, it might be easier to find a team that'll accept you.
Of course the game becomes instantly worthless when they shut down the servers, which will happen eventually. I tend to avoid online-only games for that reason. But for just a buck, you'll probably get your money's worth.