Major League Baseball 2K8 - Gen. Discussion & Info - Demo Out Now

[quote name='doubledown']Glad they have a demo now....I still plan on getting THE SHOW, but I like to compare...anyone compare yeT?[/quote]
I lost badly in the demo 15-8, 6-4 in just homeruns. Pitching was hard to get a hold of in just three innings. Beckett beaned the first two guys and was thrown out. What's up with 2K games looking great in screens and being ugly in motion? I thought MLB 2K was supposed to look amazingly realistic?

I can easily see that it takes time to get used to some of these new mechanics, so I look forward to the game arriving from Gamefly.
[quote name='drbutchevil']

Basically says signing out of Live and turning off VIP, and not using roster update fixes the framerate issues. I was fine before I did it, as it wasn't too bad for me, but doing what it mentioned there absolutely makes it better. Odd, really odd, but I hope this means its fixable.[/quote]

I really hope 2K sports stays in business as I have bought the vast majority of their sports games since NBA 2K2 on PS2, and I created the CAG 2K Sports gamertag for this board, but sometimes I just slap my palm on my head and wonder WTF?!

How do you send 2 of your last 3 baseball games out the door with debilitating bugs that almost ruin your ability to play the game? At least this one there's a fix, albeit a sucky one. I got burned by 2K6 and The Show wasn't that good I didn't think on PS2 at that time so I had to stay with MVP until 2K7 proved to be pretty decent. Wasn't getting the lead developer of MVP 05 supposed to fix some of this?

2K has lost my support on baseball, they seem to be doing worse in hockey, there's no chance of another football game coming from them since All-Pro is just lining bargain bins across the US, and now they're losing college basketball. Oh how I remember the fond times of sports games during the NES/SNES/Genesis era and also the PS2 era until 2005 and now see what it has become and just cry.

And how does X-Play give 2K a better score than The Show when it's silky smooth and you have to disable ALMOST EVERYTHING in 2K8 to achieve the same framerate?!
The demo is really bad, I'm glad I didn't go buy it this year. Its the same game with some now and a lot of rehashed commentary. Whats more is they make the wrong color commentary plays!!! Sloppy work 2k. This game feels like they were spending time on GTA and remembered they needed to release a baseball title, so they grabbed last years game and made minor tweaks.
[quote name='MSUHitman']How do you send 2 of your last 3 baseball games out the door with debilitating bugs that almost ruin your ability to play the game?![/quote]

My guess is the fella upstairs told em they needed it out by THIS date so it could be out same as the Show and they didn't get to properly test is like they should have. Its happened before, lets just hope they fix it with patches.

Also, more random notes

Breaking up double plays DOES happen, the player slides, and the throw can either go wild, or the person trying to turn it will just get knocked over.

4 out of 5 times the pitcher has been hit by a line drive they left the game with an injury and they are accurate as far as what the ball hit. Hamels got hit in the leg, and has a bruised shin, some relief pitcher on the Nats got hit in the head and had a concussion (really funny ball physics when that happens too, btw, the ball literally bounced off his head and flew about 25 feet)

Fenway looks gorgeous.

Seems only way to get credits for buying card packs is by selling duplicate cards, but you can rarely get a pack from a wild card, which you get for doing various things, such as theres a chance when you hit a double and a triple, a chance when you turn a double play, a chance when you make a diving catch, etc. Chance for wild card to be given increases on higher difficulty levels.

The new pitching system on harder difficulty levels is HARSH. I played a game on All Star and lost 19-6, because of all the meat pitches. They don't mess around with them, they crush them.
This game isn't as bad as people are saying, but in my opinion, The Show is better... more polished... if they used the sticks instead of buttons, The Show would be the greatest baseball game of all-time...

Just my 2 cents.
Are you having the framerate problems discussed in other places? Lots of people complaining on Gamefaqs, IGN, and Operation Sports saying the framerate is unplayable unless you turn off VIP and Roster Updates.

Also it seems 2K is removing all negative threads about the game on their boards. It's a shame that out of the 3 semi-exclusive baseball games they've made, only 1 has been good/decent/playable (2K7.)
[quote name='seen']The demo is really bad, I'm glad I didn't go buy it this year. Its the same game with some now and a lot of rehashed commentary. Whats more is they make the wrong color commentary plays!!! Sloppy work 2k. This game feels like they were spending time on GTA and remembered they needed to release a baseball title, so they grabbed last years game and made minor tweaks.[/quote]
I agree. The demo is terrible. I was playing as the Sox and Dustin Pedroia was up. Then a picture of Manny Ramirez flashes on the screen and Jon Miller starts talking about how Manny Ramirez is batting in the 4-hole tonight.

Same thing on the Rockies side. Tulowitski was up and then Jon Miller says it's Garret Atkins. That's not the way to get me to buy this game. And I probably won't.
I picked it up and played through a game last night. I really like the new pitch mechanics and the batting feels about the same as last year. My team had 2 or 3 errors though on routine fly balls and that just pisses me off. No reason for a professional baseball player to ever make an error on a routine flyball in a video game.

Overally, I'd concur with the 7 to 7.3 scores that I've been seeing.

One thing I didn't get into was the card trading part, that will likely make or break the game for me. I did notice that I didn't get any "tokens" after finishing a full 9 inning game which worries me when you need 500 to buy a single pack.
Really with the card trading thing, it's the Wild Cards that you earn that'll get you packs. Dont even worry about the credit system. I've already gotten some rediculously awesome cards by redeeming wild cards (earned sometimes doing "rare" stuff, the more rare the more likely you'll get a wild card; diving catches, robbing homers, stealing bases, even scoring runs).
I do have some frame rate issues but its only really when a ball is hit into the outfield


Quick Fix for Framerate Issues Until Patch 1.1
As owners of MLB 2K8 know, there is currently an issue with framerate which is being worked on. Until the fix is put in place, here is the work-around so that you can play the game as it is intended to be played. The temporary fix takes just a second of your time, but we do apologize for any inconvenience.

For Xbox 360:
- Sign out of your Xbox 360 profile by hitting the Xbox Guide button (the center button with the large green X), and pressing the blue X button.

- You can still save your franchise by signing back in to the gamer profile before attempting to save in the franchise menu. Simply press the Xbox Guide button (the center button with the large green X), select "Sign In," and select the gamer profile you wish to save the franchise to. You will need to sign back out prior to playing another game if you wish to alleviate the framerate problems currently being experienced.

Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue in a better manner,

2K Sports Moderator
Finally got a chance to play the demo last night. Visually the game is great, but I don't know If I like all the analog controls. I probably need to spend more time with the game but I just think they are making it too complicated.
[quote name='doubledown']Glad they have a demo now....I still plan on getting THE SHOW, but I like to compare...anyone compare yeT?[/QUOTE]

I actually went out and bought 2K8 on launch...and my friend at the store said they were sold out of The Show. So I take the game home, have this odd feeling and just took it back the next day and exchanged it for the Show. Im very glad I did now. I have loved 2K8 for years, but after playing The Show this year I thought "This is as good as baseball can get right now!" VERY VERY cool (And Im FAR from a SOny Fanboy)

The little touches in The Show are REALLY neat. I always play as the Cardinals and when I fouled a ball down by Jose Oqeundo their third base coach. The commentator says "The Secret Weapon better look out!" I was really impressed. They had the third base coaches nickname in there! The little touches like that do add a LOT to the game.

The graphics in the Show are incredible too on PS3 (FINALLY have some reason to play it again!) If you have a PS3, download the demo and see.

Well this morning I downloaded 2k8 demo on 360...I felt dirty after playing it. What the heck is up with the look of it now? Did they try to cel shade it or something? I'm very happy I chose The Show this year.

If you can compare them side by side, there just isn't much of a comparison. The Show would win hands down this year.
Yeah, I finally played the demo and it was horrible (at least to me). The analog controls are the WORST thing they could've done to the game. I know you can switch it, but something still felt off. I will be getting the SHOW today....just have to find it. GameRush did not get to Best Buy now.
Wow, the Cardinals play like the real Cardinals - 12 hits and only 1 run. Wooo. :(

edit - 14 hits + a walk and one run, and the Astros got the lead 2-1 in the top of the 13th with only their 6th hit (solo hr)

edit2 - HOMERUN... bottom of the 13th, tied again 2-2...

edit3 - holy shit! after Carlos Lee knocks someone in in the top of the 17th, down 2-3. With one out, I get two consecutive hits from Ankiel and Pujols, then Glaus blasts his second homer of the game for the walk-off. :) Now I can finally go eat some lunch.
[quote name='DustHimself']Wow, the Cardinals play like the real Cardinals - 12 hits and only 1 run. Wooo. :(

edit - 14 hits + a walk and one run, and the Astros got the lead 2-1 in the top of the 13th with only their 6th hit (solo hr)

edit2 - HOMERUN... bottom of the 13th, tied again 2-2...

edit3 - holy shit! after Carlos Lee knocks someone in in the top of the 17th, down 2-3. With one out, I get two consecutive hits from Ankiel and Pujols, then Glaus blasts his second homer of the game for the walk-off. :) Now I can finally go eat some lunch.[/quote]

I got in a game like that too, except it ended with David Wright taking me deep and winning it for the Mets :( I swear, hes the toughest out in this game thus far.

In case anyone is wondering what the different card types look like

People really need to play this game for more than 5 minutes. Believe me, I hated the analog controls at first but the more you play the better they feel. Im really dissapointed that people give up on games this fast
[quote name='slickkill77']People really need to play this game for more than 5 minutes. Believe me, I hated the analog controls at first but the more you play the better they feel. Im really dissapointed that people give up on games this fast[/quote]

Thing for me is since I have a PS3 also, The Show is just smoother with fewer bugs and less of a learning curve that it makes it an easy decision for me, and most of St. Louis as I had to go to 10 GAME STORES before I found a copy of The Show for PS3. Plenty of 2K8 copies around though.
I'm with Hitman on this one, its hard for me to force myself to like a game when there is a great alternative readily available to me.
[quote name='drbutchevil']I got in a game like that too, except it ended with David Wright taking me deep and winning it for the Mets :( I swear, hes the toughest out in this game thus far.

In case anyone is wondering what the different card types look like


Is there any difference in the different card types other then what they're worth as far as credits go?
[quote name='DustHimself']Is there any difference in the different card types other then what they're worth as far as credits go?[/quote]

Yes. You can make a team out of the cards you've earned, and it has a salary cap, the black version of the cards has the players base salary, gold and plat (plat especially) significantly decrease the cost of them. Utley's Plat is $4m, his Black is $16m, I'd assume gold is $8m. So someone who who has a full team of platinum cards is going to have a pretty beefy team. Been playing on Pro and All Star, so I only have 2 plat, and 1 gold out of 23 total cards, so I don't think there will be a lot of people with a full team of platinum cards made up entirely of superstars. My other platinum is the Cubs 1942 Away Jersey, which I got by coming from 2 runs behind in the top of the 9th to win a game.
I got the Show for the PS3 and 2k8 for the x360... So far, I'd have to say I prefer the Show. It seems just a touch more polished and fun to play. However, the analog pitching system for 2k8 is _a lot_ better than people give it credit for. I used to toss 80-95% meatballs until I saw this: on 2k forums. Extremely helpful for me, and now although I toss an occasional meatball I am very happy with the pitching. 2k8 does have issues, but it is by no means a terrible game. I'd say it is better than last year's The Show...
Decided to give the demo a try, so I started downloading it this morning, set it for background download so the 360 would shut itself off when it was done, and then I left for a while. That was almost 12 hours ago. A half-hour ago, I checked and it was crawling along at 54% downloaded. I've had some things take longer than others to download, but nothing like this. Anyone else have it take forever to download this demo, or do I just have a crappy connection?
[quote name='Danimal']Decided to give the demo a try, so I started downloading it this morning, set it for background download so the 360 would shut itself off when it was done, and then I left for a while. That was almost 12 hours ago. A half-hour ago, I checked and it was crawling along at 54% downloaded. I've had some things take longer than others to download, but nothing like this. Anyone else have it take forever to download this demo, or do I just have a crappy connection?[/QUOTE]
It took me only like an hour on my cable connection. I don't think it's that fast either... Probably your connection??
Is there any other way to earn credits to buy more cards other than selling duplicates?

Is there a way to keep the game from deleting my cards? I got a Joe Borowski and Mariano Rivera card from the first few games I played and when I went to play some more of my franchise later, they were gone. I saved the VIP and my card team and that didn't seem to do any good.
The game rewards you instead with Wild Cards, which you can redeem for more cards, and sometimes even a pack of cards.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']How are those given out? I've gotten only one and that was in my first game.[/quote]

It depends on the difficulty you're playing on, and the difficulty of anything "special" you do.

Ex. Just scoring a run on pro, you have like a 1% chance of getting a wild card, but in All-star you have like, a 5% chance or something. Robbing a Homerun is a much higher %, but I dunno what cause I haven't done it myself.

You can get it from almost anything; stealing bases, scoring runs, homeruns, triples, diving catches, whatever.

edit - oh, and youre not limited to only one per game. I once got like 3-4 in one game.
Funny thing just happened. I threw a Fastball with Kazmir, the batter rockets one up the middle, it hits off of Kazmir, then my third baseman Longoria catches the bounce and Kazmir is out of the game with a mild concussion. Can you say Matt Clement?
[quote name='slickkill77']Funny thing just happened. I threw a Fastball with Kazmir, the batter rockets one up the middle, it hits off of Kazmir, then my third baseman Longoria catches the bounce and Kazmir is out of the game with a mild concussion. Can you say Matt Clement?[/quote]

I've had that happen against me like 50 times :(

Also Carl Crawford was safe when he did that against Clement. Totally not the same thing.
PS: I also thought this game sucked :\ I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I've played about 10 games on Pro difficulty and lost all of them. I have hit a total of one homerun and I think I've scored more than 1 run in a game just once.

Either I've lost my skills from MLB2K7 to 2K8 or something is seriously wrong :(
[quote name='prence']PS: I also thought this game sucked :\ I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I've played about 10 games on Pro difficulty and lost all of them. I have hit a total of one homerun and I think I've scored more than 1 run in a game just once.

Either I've lost my skills from MLB2K7 to 2K8 or something is seriously wrong :([/quote]

Switch settings to MLB 2k7 version for batting and hitting and see if you still have same problem? If you've only hit 1 HR in 10 games, you may not be using the swing stick right
I was awful at hitting at first but you will get better. Then when you go to All Star holy crap but dont worry it will get better

Patch Updates

3/7 Update - Please note that some control issues are resulting from players having their guitar / drum controllers plugged into their consoles. These controllers are used for music games such as Rockband and Guitar Hero II & III. Please unplug these controllers prior to playing MLB 2K8 as they were not connected to consoles during pre-release testing and are causing unexpected consequences at this time.*

3/7 Update - 2K Sports has identified the framerate issue as not being server-related. Some users have been suggesting that you only need to log-off of an internet connection (Xbox Live for X360 users), but this is not true. The issue is isolated to the Virtual Identity Profile's data transfer.

3/13 Update - 2K Sports is aware of the Nintendo Wii franchise mode issue in which errors occur within a saved franchise. If you have experienced these problems, please use the following method to restore your franchise to correctly functioning:

- Create a new franchise completely
- Open the old franchise you are trying to fix
- The franchise should operate correctly

3/13 Update - 2K Sports forum moderators have been receiving questions regarding the whether business situations of Take Two Interactive will have any impact on the release of future patches, roster updates, etc, of MLB 2K8. The answer to that is no. So no worries, do not listen to rumors about dates the patch may come out, what it may contain etc - you will have the first information given to you via this thread.

Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue in a better manner,
OK I need some CAG advice here. I want a baseball game and sadly I can't get The Show so I'm stuck with a 2k game of somesort. Now I would rather get 2k8 because it has better pitching and current rosters, not to mention I really like the idea of the baseball cards. But is it worth spending $50 on this game when I can get 2k7 for $14?
If you have the Datel Hard Drive kit I would just get 2K7 and go to and get updated rosters for MLB 2K7.

Do you have a PS2/XBox? You could go to and get rosters for MVP 05 also.
[quote name='MSUHitman']If you have the Datel Hard Drive kit I would just get 2K7 and go to and get updated rosters for MLB 2K7.

Do you have a PS2/XBox? You could go to and get rosters for MVP 05 also.[/quote]
Sadly I don't have a HDD transfer kit. Although I would LOVE to update my MVP 2005, still my favorite baseball game.

[quote name='drbutchevil']Switch settings to MLB 2k7 version for batting and hitting and see if you still have same problem? If you've only hit 1 HR in 10 games, you may not be using the swing stick right[/quote]

Well I used the Swing Stick in 2K7 and did fine while alot of people switched back to classic controls. I've tried switching it to Swing Stick 1.0 but haven't done any better.

I know you can always change the sliders on Pro difficulty but I feel like a dirty video game cheater when I do that.
I use Swing Stick 2.0 and I do relatively fine with it. Results are pretty random for me, but I'll have blow out games next to shut outs, it's just all about timing the step and timing the swing. IF you're having trouble with the step, it's usually when the pitcher has the ball behind them before they throw the ball.
Hey I scored 5 run in a game last night, that's about 5 more than I normally score.

I'm awesome at pitching but I still only get a bout 5-6 hits a game and rarely do I string them together. Also, fo as much as everyone complains abot being too many HRs I sure don't hit many.
bread's done