Manhunt 2! October 31, 2007! $33.99 From DeepDiscount! IGN: 7.7! 1-Up: 4.0!

How's the story? I throughly enjoyed the story/director thing in Manhunt 1. I beat Manhunt 1 and gave it a good solid 8. I don't have money to buy this game right now, but if CAG impressions are good I might pick this up after Xmas.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']How's the story? I throughly enjoyed the story/director thing in Manhunt 1. I beat Manhunt 1 and gave it a good solid 8. I don't have money to buy this game right now, but if CAG impressions are good I might pick this up after Xmas.[/quote]
I only got halfway through but its more like almost Psycho than 8MM - It's not nearly as moral-bending as Manhunt though but the graphics seemed more refined.
I chose D) Stop wasting your time with this garbage and buy Zack and Wiki
[quote name='jer7583']I chose D) Stop wasting your time with this garbage and buy Zack and Wiki[/quote]

Actually yeah! I change my pick! Go with D!
Well I played it a bit last night....

I unlike most others found Manhunt 1 to be a fairly decent game. beyond the obvious problems in either of these titles (the hunters cant see you in any shadows is dumb especially if they are like 2 feet from you).

beyond that the kills are hard to see. I didn't buy it for the kills but you are looking at the motion so much you miss the cut scene entirely..... that is until you start to get familiar with the motions per item. Then you go through the motions and watch the cutscene.... so i think in the long run this will hold up better than Manhunt 1 did as far as repetitiveness. By the mid to end of Manhunt 1 I had been there seen that and wanted to get through the hunters quick and move along... the blur is helping prolong that feeling.

As much as I hate to say it this game could have looked better. It seems to be a close match to the first manhunt... now with that said i have not played that game in 3-4 years (whenever it was first released). So I may be forgetting how it would stand up today. RE4 is better looking visually of course.

So far I like it. I have not played it enough to give it a score personally but will be able to as I get more time in with it.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Russian hackers have figured out how to undo the censorship on the PSP version.[/QUOTE]

Apparently Rockstar didn't learn their lesson about leaving "AO" content on the disc after the whole Hot Coffee situation...
[quote name='Zen Davis']Russian hackers have figured out how to undo the censorship on the PSP version.[/quote]

No suprise there. I may have to hang on to my PSP just to check it out.
I had it preordered with GS credit but decided to cancel and just give it a rent. Not working this weekend and Hollywood Video free rental FTW! I loved Manhunt but this one looks weaker and weaker all the time. With the limited replay value and all the other games coming out soon no way this is getting my $.
I'm really enjoying this game a lot. Yeah, the censorship sucks, but to be honest, the blurring really does fit the tone of the game, and I like trying to figure out what horrible things are going on behind the censor.

I didn't expect the S&M level to turn in "Hostel: The Game" though...
[quote name='Zen Davis']Russian hackers have now uncensored the PS2 version.[/quote]
It's only a matter of time until we get an uncensored Wii version.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Russian hackers have now uncensored the PS2 version.[/quote] Ok, I'm curious, how did they do that exactly? The Punisher I remember got uncensored with Gameshark if I remember correctly.
I really wish there was a way to turn off Leo's voice, although that would probably ruin the story considering it's fairly obvious that
Danny has MPD and Leo is just his alternate personality/ voice in his head.

That's my guess at least...
Apparently Target stores will not be carrying the game. Interestingly, this must have been a last second decision as copies of Manhunt 2 were still on the way to stores, but will be sent back.

Gotta love sensationalism.
[quote name='voidcoefficient']Apparently Target stores will not be carrying the game. Interestingly, this must have been a last second decision as copies of Manhunt 2 were still on the way to stores, but will be sent back.

Gotta love sensationalism.[/QUOTE]

Wow that could make the deman dspike especially if walmart drops it etc. i did see copies at Walmart this morning however.
[quote name='Squall835']So is this game worth a buy? How glitchy is it?[/quote]
I would definitely recommend it. It's not really glitchy at all, there are some small camera problems here and there, but other than that it's fine. The censoring really isn't that bad either; in fact, it looks kind of cool at times. It's still good ol' Manhunt if you ask me.
I think I found a cheat code. It's not the uncensor code, but... it's something.

Enter UUDDLRLR x3 at the "Press A" screen and you'll have unlimited ammo for the shotgun and pistol.

I haven't seen this anywhere else and I'm not sure if there's any other effects, but that's all I've noticed. My guns don't run out of ammo or need reloaded.

Can someone else try this out to let me know if it worked?
I really wish the Pervs made a bigger appearence in this game. They were only in that one level towards the beginning; I haven't beaten the game yet, but they don't seem like they'll be returning. Shame. They're the coolest gang in the game IMO.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Russian hackers have now uncensored the PS2 version.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully the Wii version next. If they do I think I'm gonna break my budget before ESRB/Retailers change their mind and stop selling it.
bread's done