Manhunt 2! October 31, 2007! $33.99 From DeepDiscount! IGN: 7.7! 1-Up: 4.0!

Whats funny, is here they spout all this "freedom of speech" and "Games are art" bullshit, but when the chips are down... they do whatever it takes to make profit. They'd turn this game into a disney game if they had to.

"Dont believe the hype"
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Whats funny, is here they spout all this "freedom of speech" and "Games are art" bullshit, but when the chips are down... they do whatever it takes to make profit. They'd turn this game into a disney game if they had to.

"Dont believe the hype"[/quote]

These companies are in the business to make money. Rockstar spent a lot of time and money creating this game and when faced with either editing the content or not releasing the game at all (total loss), which decision did you think they were going to make?

Also, for the people who have asked why Rockstar didn't just sell the game directly from their website - it wouldn't have mattered. Getting the AO rating means the game would not play on the Wii or PS2. Those systems will not play AO-rated games.

I wish there was an option for games to just go unrated. Although most consoles would probably not play an unrated game either.

This whole thing is no different than what film directors go through everyday with the bullshit MPAA ratings system. Sometimes they have to sacrifice their artistic vision in order to get the film in theaters. Shit, Ang Lee just edited 30 minutes out of his latest movie so that it will actually get shown in China. The movie is getting an NC-17 here which means it will get no play.
Zen Davis, the beta you have do you play it on the PC or does it have to be a moded PS2 or Wii?

As for your comments lebowsky, I don't know if it was here or IGN but I had said some place that they should just say screw the ESRB. Just like Marvel did for a comic back when they could not put one out without the Comic Code. They could still put the game out with a AO rateing but they would have to sell it on their site and it would have to be on the PC.

I do think it was stupid with all that bullshit about art and freedom of expression. If it was a game I was makeing I would have said screw this lets put it on the PC. Then just sold it at places that would sell the AO version. I still would like to see how the AO version is different then the M version. I bet nothing was really changed if anything at all. For all we know like someone else has said, this could just be to sell the game.
[quote name='sendme']Zen Davis, the beta you have do you play it on the PC or does it have to be a moded PS2 or Wii?

As for your comments lebowsky, I don't know if it was here or IGN but I had said some place that they should just say screw the ESRB. Just like Marvel did for a comic back when they could not put one out without the Comic Code. They could still put the game out with a AO rateing but they would have to sell it on their site and it would have to be on the PC.

I do think it was stupid with all that bullshit about art and freedom of expression. If it was a game I was makeing I would have said screw this lets put it on the PC. Then just sold it at places that would sell the AO version. I still would like to see how the AO version is different then the M version. I bet nothing was really changed if anything at all. For all we know like someone else has said, this could just be to sell the game.[/quote]
PS2. Although mine isn't modded. Sad part is that overall this was less violent than the first one.
[quote name='VipFREAK']If I ever feel like becoming a serial killer I'll check this game out...[/quote]

Nevermind it's only on the Wii.
[quote name='sendme']Zen Davis, the beta you have do you play it on the PC or does it have to be a moded PS2 or Wii?

As for your comments lebowsky, I don't know if it was here or IGN but I had said some place that they should just say screw the ESRB. Just like Marvel did for a comic back when they could not put one out without the Comic Code. They could still put the game out with a AO rateing but they would have to sell it on their site and it would have to be on the PC.

I do think it was stupid with all that bullshit about art and freedom of expression. If it was a game I was makeing I would have said screw this lets put it on the PC. Then just sold it at places that would sell the AO version. I still would like to see how the AO version is different then the M version. I bet nothing was really changed if anything at all. For all we know like someone else has said, this could just be to sell the game.[/quote]

If you read the IGN article, some of the kill animations were completely removed and the actual death scenes are altered so that the screen goes dark and blurry - to the extent that you really can't tell what is going on sometimes. IGN noted that this was the only thing that was changed but that is a pretty significant change.
Eventually, Danny and Leo make their way through the ground-level S&M club complete with naked pole-dancers and a variety of total freaks to an underground section where the real debauchery unfolds. In locked rooms that blanked a long corridor, psychopaths mutilate and murder victims in a number of disgusting fashions. In one cut-scene, a masked killer uses a power saw to slice into a man's bulging belly, as the victim lies helplessly strapped to a table. In another, a hunter prepares to electrocute a separate prisoner. Manhunt 2's new M rating does not appear to have any bearing on these sequences, as they look and play exactly as they did when we first saw them so many months ago. Indeed, the majority of main gameplay functions are intact, violence, gore and all. If Danny beats a hunter with a mace, the carnage will play out uncensored, and blood will splatter onto the main character's clothes.

But there have been some unfortunate content omissions, too. When we first wrote about Manhunt 2, we referenced a particularly nasty death sequence, in which Danny could use a pair of pliers to literally rip the testicles off a hunter. That murder has been completed removed from the updated build of the game. Not a big deal for us, as it only amounts to one kill out of dozens. Danny can still saw into the heads of enemies, or bludgeon them with a blunt object, or stab them, or use a syringe on them, or even use the environments to take them out. In one sequence, Danny uses a sewer cap to decapitate a hunter, at which point the enemy's body fell into the sewer hole. [...] The biggest and most disappointing change relates to the major death strikes. When Danny sneaks up on an enemy, gamers can hold the A button down, at which point they will be given the option to pick from three different murder animations (on Wii, they get to act them out with Nintendo's motion-sensitive controllers). In the AO-rated build of Manhunt 2, we could clearly see these over-the-top and horrific animations. In the M-rated version, Rockstar has added both an extreme blur effect and in most cases darkened the graphics so that it is nearly impossible to make any sense of what is going on. Players will be able to see character movement, blood splatters, and sometimes they may catch a glimpse of an identifiable action (for example, Danny jamming nails into the legs of a chair-bound opponent), but mostly it's guesswork - a garbled, motiony mess that's far less satisfying. This truth is doubly unfortunate because both everything else is unchanged and because these death strikes are what gamers will want to work toward; they're the pay off for a job well done, but now the pay off is not nearly as rewarding.

Apparently some decapitations are more violent than others. Never mind the fact that they still lead to the same end.
[quote name='Zen Davis']PS2. Although mine isn't modded. Sad part is that overall this was less violent than the first one.[/QUOTE]

So are you playing it on yours or someone elses? If i can get it to work on mine I might just try and track down a beta copy online.
My favorite was the part where you start to drown a guy in a toilet and you take the top half the toilet where the water is and bash the guy's head in. :)
[quote name='Zen Davis']My favorite was the part where you start to drown a guy in a toilet and you take the top half the toilet where the water is and bash the guy's head in. :)[/quote]

Are the execution levels handled the same was as in Manhunt? I thought the IGN article said that you hit the A button and then chose which animation you wanted - which I didn't think was the case. I'm not sure if they just worded that part poorly (which wouldn't surprise me) or if they really changed it in Manhunt 2.

Is there a proper story in this one, or any kind of like... story-like development? I'm certain if that aspect of the game is solid, that I will have a decent time playing through it. Otherwise, it'd have to do some awesome gameplay that's memorable - something that Rockstar has yet to wow me with. I will most certainly check out Bully to see if that changes, since I heard a lot of praise (where I didn't expect to hear it) for that very title.
[quote name='lebowsky']Are the execution levels handled the same was as in Manhunt? I thought the IGN article said that you hit the A button and then chose which animation you wanted - which I didn't think was the case. I'm not sure if they just worded that part poorly (which wouldn't surprise me) or if they really changed it in Manhunt 2.[/quote]
I played the PS2 version. It's exactly like the first game. You hold the button down and wait for the attack indicator to change colors from white to yellow to red. However, environmental kills go straight to red. New firearm kills, which IGN hasn't played, go straight to red as well. Essentially, they worded it poorly.

[quote name='MarioColbert']Zen:

Is there a proper story in this one, or any kind of like... story-like development? I'm certain if that aspect of the game is solid, that I will have a decent time playing through it. Otherwise, it'd have to do some awesome gameplay that's memorable - something that Rockstar has yet to wow me with. I will most certainly check out Bully to see if that changes, since I heard a lot of praise (where I didn't expect to hear it) for that very title.[/quote]
There is definitely a story. It's not like the first one where James Earl Cash was just taken to a different territories and told to kill a bunch of people.

In Manhunt 2, Daniel Lamb basically breaks out of an asylum with no memory of why he was there. The game revolves around following his footsteps from before his capture by the The Project so that he can learn why he is being hunted down. There is even a flashback level. There is also a porno theater level. The Beta froze six levels in so I didn't get any further than that. It's like a hyper violent Memento meets The Running Man.

I can take video of the game for you but I will only put it up on Youtube via private posting to share with friends.
[quote name='IGN']The biggest and most disappointing change relates to the major death strikes. When Danny sneaks up on an enemy, gamers can hold the A button down, at which point they will be given the option to pick from three different murder animations (on Wii, they get to act them out with Nintendo's motion-sensitive controllers). In the AO-rated build of Manhunt 2, we could clearly see these over-the-top and horrific animations. In the M-rated version, Rockstar has added both an extreme blur effect and in most cases darkened the graphics so that it is nearly impossible to make any sense of what is going on. Players will be able to see character movement, blood splatters, and sometimes they may catch a glimpse of an identifiable action (for example, Danny jamming nails into the legs of a chair-bound opponent), but mostly it's guesswork - a garbled, motiony mess that's far less satisfying. This truth is doubly unfortunate because both everything else is unchanged and because these death strikes are what gamers will want to work toward; they're the pay off for a job well done, but now the pay off is not nearly as rewarding.[/quote]
That REALLY sucks.

At least there's still an S&M level. I was really looking forward to the depraved acts of sexually themed violence...
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Exclusive new screens of the M-rated version of the game:

[/quote]Beauty. :applause:

[quote name='lebowsky']Jack, is that you?[/quote]Different Jack.

[quote name='Zen Davis']My favorite was the part where you start to drown a guy in a toilet and you take the top half the toilet where the water is and bash the guy's head in. :)[/quote]Hey, who can blame you?

[quote name='Zen Davis']I played the PS2 version. It's exactly like the first game. [/quote]blarf. Gameplay in the first stunk bigtime.

[quote name='Cyb3-rr']I can't wait for the day when old-fashioned conservatives die.[/quote]Yes, compassionate liberalism strikes again!
[quote name='yukine']Awesome, thanks for the videos Zen Davis.[/quote]
No problem. Just let me know if they unrar correctly. It's one 606mb video.
Will do, I'm still downloading it... I'm on part5 right now.

Where did you obtain this video anyway? Did you record this yourself?
Yeah. I have the Adaptec Gamebridge.

Rockstar is going after Youtube and the quality would be shit so I did this. It's exactly the first three levels.

Keep in mind that this is the Beta and please let me if it's working for you.

Each file will only download 100 times.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Anyone know where to throw up a 600 mb file?[/quote]

You could throw it up on a torrent site.
[quote name='Cyb3-rr']I can't wait for the day when old-fashioned conservatives die.[/quote]

Yeah, cause Hilary Clinton and Joe Leiberman are conservatives. You are so on top of things.
[quote name='aaandrewww']You could throw it up on a torrent site.[/quote]
Creating now. I'll put it up for the night and I expect people to seed. I'll be taking it off tomorrow at 9PM. This will be the high quality 2 gig version.
[quote name='aaandrewww']Nice keep 'em coming.[/quote]
Last time I played, the game froze at the sixth level. That was without a memory card. I hope it doesn't happen again.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Last time I played, the game froze at the sixth level. That was without a memory card. I hope it doesn't happen again.[/quote]

I don't see how you can stomach it! The more I see the more I think I can't handle this game. I think I would be way too freaked out, which I suppose is the point.
[quote name='aaandrewww']I don't see how you can stomach it! The more I see the more I think I can't handle this game. I think I would be way too freaked out, which I suppose is the point.[/quote]
It's easy. The first one was much worse. And it had Pigsy.

[quote name='Kendal']Yeah, cause Hilary Clinton and Joe Leiberman are conservatives. You are so on top of things.[/QUOTE]

What the hell are you talking about?
[quote name='Cyb3-rr']What the hell are you talking about?[/quote]

You said you can't wait for conservatives to die. The other poster was just pointing out that liberals like Hillary and Joe Lieberman have been pretty gung-ho about censoring videogames or at least trying to get the government involved.
[quote name='lebowsky']You said you can't wait for conservatives to die. The other poster was just pointing out that liberals like Hillary and Joe Lieberman have been pretty gung-ho about censoring videogames or at least trying to get the government involved.[/QUOTE]

Wow, Lieberman is considered a liberal?

I don't really consider either of them liberals, but I'm not much for "official" political alignments.
I almost wish games like this weren't made -- talk about the fuel it'll give all the game-haters for life. As someone who plays and enjoys violent videogames, even I'm tempted to say that this is bordering excessive -- imagine what all the critics will say. Manhunt got lost in the void on the PS2 and never received as much negative press, but something tells me that a fuss may be made over this game, seeing as it's coming to the Wii and all.

That being said, I'll still pick it up out of sheer curiousity :)
Lame. I don't know why they didn't just do what The Punisher did, and put a black and white filter on the violence instead. At least we'd still get to see the stealth kills then.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Watched the whole video.

Game looks stupid.[/quote]
For once, you're correct about something.

I'm convinced that this game will only sell because of all the controversy surrounding it, otherwise I don't think that many people would be interested (even if it is a rarely seen M-rated game on a Nintendo console). I guess it's not fair to judge a game based purely on video, but it looks incredibly boring.
[quote name='yukine']For once, you're correct about something.

I'm convinced that this game will only sell because of all the controversy surrounding it, [/QUOTE]

I don't care why it sells. I just hope it does. It will just help convince other studios that Mature works on the Wii.
[quote name='Corvin']I don't care why it sells. I just hope it does. It will just help convince other studios that Mature works on the Wii.[/QUOTE]

First of all RE4 has already proven that M games sell on the Wii. Secondly, the Manhunt franchise is not what you call a popular or big seller. Combine that with the fact that a lot of gamers will be passing on the game now because of the censorship (like me), and I would not be surprised to see mediocre sales for this game. Of course T2 probably never expected huge sales, but they probably won't meet their target now.
[quote name='Corvin']I don't care why it sells. I just hope it does. It will just help convince other studios that Mature works on the Wii.[/quote]I'd prefer that the message that good games sell rather than just "mature" crap sells to get across. Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime, etc. seem to be doing well for that.
I might have picked this up had it hit its original release date of July. But now, there's too much coming out at the end of October so its off my radar.
[quote name='daroga']I'd prefer that the message that good games sell rather than just "mature" crap sells to get across. Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime, etc. seem to be doing well for that.[/quote]
True. I haven't yet understood why supporting M-rated games is a good thing. How about I'll support good games no matter what rating they are. Manhunt 2 is not what I care to play, so I won't buy it and won't care if similar games are ever brought to the Wii.

As for whether it will sell or not, I think it will actually sell much better than was originally expected. I don't think that many people were aware of the game before the AO news broke out. I read game news more than the average joe and had never heard of it until that point, anyway. Now a good portion of people probably want to play it to see what the hubbub was all about.
Might be a dumb question but I don't have a Wii (yet) so I haven't kept up with the whole Wii scene... Is this going to be the exact same game that releases on the PS2 or will stuff be cut? I assume it'll be the same on both consoles only the Wii might have more in depth controls? At a MSRP of only $10 more than the PS2 I might just have to wait rather than buying the lesser version and having to deal with long load times.

I could care less about the controversy surrounding this game I wish they would have kept the AO version intact but I know that's bad for sales. I enjoyed the 1st one and have been looking forward to the sequel. :)
bread's done