Mario Kart 64 = 1000 wii points

[quote name='oasisboy']Yeah man, give all your $$ to Nintendo and make them happy. I was pointing out how Nintendo is milking everything nowadays... That is my opinion and if you dont like then I am glad!

I love the deep thoughts. I love the "fuk you , shut up because I am right attitude". As a FYI this is called a messageboard, people can express their opinions about not liking something.[/QUOTE]

Okay wonderboy, you've expressed your opinion. We don't need to hear it six times, just because you're alone in your opinion. That's what children do. They whine until they get their way. The general opinion expressed in return is we don't give a shit and stop whining.

Seriously, nintendo is not forcing ANYONE to buy these. What is the flippin problem? Why can't you trolls just leave well enough alone without feeling like you're on some kind of crusade to keep people from "wasting" their money on the Virtual Console? Grow up! Do something better with your time. If people want to spend $10 on mario kart (which i'd be happy to do) then more power to them.

Honestly I think most of these kids are just upset because they wanted these things for free or next to nothing, and now they can't afford things they wanted. Thus, they bitch. Why would nintendo de-value their own worthwhile intellectual property? it makes no sense..

As for me, I love the Virtual Console, and I'll continue supporting it. I think the prices are fair, considering the demand in place, their price on the second hand market, and the ease of use of having them on the Wii. I hope someday we won't need to have all the old nintendo consoles out at all, and can play everything worth playing on the Wii.

To the moderators: Please lock these threads from now on, they're nothing but pointless bitching and are borderline trolling.
[quote name='jer7583']Okay wonderboy, you've expressed your opinion. We don't need to hear it six times, just because you're alone in your opinion. That's what children do. They whine until they get their way. The general opinion expressed in return is we don't give a shit and stop whining.

Seriously, nintendo is not forcing ANYONE to buy these. What is the flippin problem? Why can't you trolls just leave well enough alone without feeling like you're on some kind of crusade to keep people from "wasting" their money on the Virtual Console? Grow up! Do something better with your time. If people want to spend $10 on mario kart (which i'd be happy to do) then more power to them.

Honestly I think most of these kids are just upset because they wanted these things for free or next to nothing, and now they can't afford things they wanted. Thus, they bitch. Why would nintendo de-value their own worthwhile intellectual property? it makes no sense..

As for me, I love the Virtual Console, and I'll continue supporting it. I think the prices are fair, considering the demand in place, their price on the second hand market, and the ease of use of having them on the Wii. I hope someday we won't need to have all the old nintendo consoles out at all, and can play everything worth playing on the Wii.

To the moderators: Please lock these threads from now on, they're nothing but pointless bitching and are borderline trolling.[/quote]

[quote name='jer7583']Okay wonderboy[/quote]
Wonderboy. I love it. Can I can call you jerkey?

If you dont like these threads then stop replying. It is more convenient that having mods locking every thread that people like you dont like.
[quote name='oasisboy']Wonderboy. I love it. Can I can call you jerkey?[/QUOTE]

Your responses are terrible...he actually responded to your thoughts, complaints, and beliefs, and countered them with his own. You responded to the second word he said. Bra-fucking-vo.

edit: good job editing your post with the second line there, mac.
[quote name='SMMM']Your responses are terrible...he actually responded to your thoughts, complaints, and beliefs, and countered them with his own. You responded to the second word he said. Bra-fucking-vo.[/quote]

Ahh, he responded by calling me a whiner and said that I was "bitching". Wow, that is really constructive criticism.
[quote name='oasisboy']Yeah man, give all your $$ to Nintendo and make them happy. I was pointing out how Nintendo is milking everything nowadays... That is my opinion and if you dont like then I am glad! [/quote]

Nintendo is not "milking everthing nowadays". They are a company and their number one goal is making money, but if they were "milking everything", the VC games would be all set at different price points regardless of the system it was on. The supply/demand is in the individual games themselves, and to maximize their profit, they would have to be pricing games at individual levels. Whatever their reason for having all the games on each system the same price, it is NOT maximizing their profit, and therefore they are not "milking everything".

And you don't even own a Wii? THEN WHY THE fuck ARE YOU BITCHING ABOUT THIS.
[quote name='oasisboy']Ahh, he responded by calling me a whiner and said that I was "bitching". Wow, that is really constructive criticism.[/QUOTE]

...and that's exactly what you continue to do. I fail to see the problem here..

[quote name='oasisboy']Same to you.[/QUOTE]

1. I indicated it was an edit
2. I didn't want to double post exactly how you did right above me here
[quote name='drfunk85']

And you don't even own a Wii? THEN WHY THE fuck ARE YOU BITCHING ABOUT THIS.[/quote]

Can we act like adults (unless you are teenager) and stop using this kind of language and respond in a more constructive matter. Please, is that too much too ask?
[quote name='SMMM']

1...and that's exactly what you continue to do. I fail to see the problem here..

1. I am an expressing my opinion not bitching. I have never requested anyone to "Stop bitching". I dont talk like that. It is degrading and insulting...
[quote name='oasisboy']Can we act like adults (unless you are teenager) and stop using this kind of language and respond in a more constructive matter. Please, is that too much too ask?[/QUOTE]

$10 to play it on Wii with crisp 480p(and possibly a wavebird), or $30+ to play it on N64. Please just give us a coherent answer as to why you would prefer the second choice. Please.
[quote name='SMMM']$10 to play it on Wii with crisp 480p(and possibly a wavebird), or $30+ to play it on N64. Please just give us a coherent answer as to why you would prefer the second choice. Please.[/quote]
I dont prefer either choice. My choice is to not buy this because the price is high in my opinion. I already made that clear in previous posts. I was not aware that all n64 games were $10 and I started this thread because I thought MK 64 was too much $$.

edit (so you dont complain about my edits): you get 480p if you buy the component cables...
[quote name='oasisboy']I dont prefer either choice. My choice is to not buy this because the price is high in my opinion. I already made that clear in previous posts. I was not aware that all n64 games were $10 and I started this thread because I thought MK 64 was too much $$.[/QUOTE]

That's your opinion, then. I, and a lot of people here, personally believe Mario Kart 64 is one of the greatest all time, and that we would gladly pay $10 to play. Judging from your posts, it sounds like you think the game's a piece of a shit you wouldn't pay over $3 for.
[quote name='SMMM']Judging from your posts, it sounds like you think the game's a piece of a shit you wouldn't pay over $3 for.[/quote]

Mario Kart 64 is one of the best games for N64, I had the original game back in the day. I would pay $5 for it, thats it. Goldeneye was the best game for N64 and I loved it. But, now will games as Rainbow 6 and Gears of War, I would only pay $5 for it. End of story.
[quote name='oasisboy']Can we act like adults (unless you are teenager) and stop using this kind of language and respond in a more constructive matter. Please, is that too much too ask?[/quote]

Nintendo is not "milking everthing nowadays". They are a company and their number one goal is making money, but if they were "milking everything", the VC games would be all set at different price points regardless of the system it was on. The supply/demand is in the individual games themselves, and to maximize their profit, they would have to be pricing games at individual levels. Whatever their reason for having all the games on each system the same price, it is NOT maximizing their profit, and therefore they are not "milking everything".

And if $5 is your price limit, wait until you can get the points cards at a discount.
[quote name='oasisboy']Wonderboy. I love it. Can I can call you jerkey?

If you dont like these threads then stop replying. It is more convenient that having mods locking every thread that people like you dont like.[/QUOTE]

It is not locking every thread that we don't like. There is a thread for VC discussions. There have been two such threads like this complaining about $10 N64 games in the past week. It clutters the boards, and it produces no valuable discussion.

You don't even respond to my comments, you just tell me to stop replying, because you can't produce a coherent response beyond "Well I want to pay $5 so Nintendo is a big meanie to me" so please, just grow up.

The VC is not based on what you want to pay. Ebay is, but then you see where prices end up. Lots of people are willing to pay more than you, too bad.
[quote name='jer7583']It is not locking every thread that we don't like. There is a thread for VC discussions. There have been two such threads like this complaining about $10 N64 games in the past week. It clutters the boards, and it produces no valuable discussion.[/QUOTE]Man, I hate it when people debate about cost in that thread tho. The thread gets bumped over and over again, and I keep checking it, hoping somebody has news about a VC release or something.
[quote name='jer7583']1. There have been two such threads like this complaining about $10 N64 games in the past week. It clutters the boards, and it produces no valuable discussion.

2 .You don't even respond to my comments, you just tell me to stop replying, because you can't produce a coherent response beyond "Well I want to pay $5 so Nintendo is a big meanie to me" so please, just grow up.

3. The VC is not based on what you want to pay. Ebay is, but then you see where prices end up. Lots of people are willing to pay more than you, too bad.[/quote]
1. I didnt find the threads talking about this. I clearly made a disclaimer asking the mods to delete this thread if the info was not news.

2. I didnt respond to your comments because you just stated the obvious which is that Nintendo has set up these prices because there are people like you who want to pay $10+ for a n64 game. Also you told me that I was bitching, called me a whiner and wonderboy (therefore I called you jerkey - an eye for an eye). You want me to grow up? How about you mate, dont call people whiners if they complain about something. Also, bitching doesnt sound like a word a grownup would use. I mean, you are the adult here and I need to "grow up".

3. Good for those people. I am glad they are happy.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Man, I hate it when people debate about cost in that thread tho. The thread gets bumped over and over again, and I keep checking it, hoping somebody has news about a VC release or something.[/QUOTE]

Ideally people would just shut up and speak with their wallet, but people like oasis feel they're some kind of evangelist come to save us from the VC devils.

Two threads is too much though, and the kind of attention this one is getting is bound to just encourage copycat threads. I'm out.
Im glad they are releasing Mario Kart 64 before the SNES version. I don't like Mario Kart 64 much except for 2 of the battle mode boards.

I want them to wait on releasing the SNES version on the hope that they will add online play to it. I am probably only dreaming but I haven't given up hope yet.
Uhhh... just pull out your N64 and MarioKart and play it you lazy bums.

Please tell me you didn't trade in your 64 and all of your games for ten dollars of EB store credit :( :( :(

You people make me sick
[quote name='Ace-Of-War']Uhhh... just pull out your N64 and MarioKart and play it you lazy bums.[/quote] younger brother let somebody borrow Mario Kart 64 to one of his high school friends back in the day and I never saw it again:bomb:
[quote name='msdmoney']Is there any chance of online play with this, if not now, later?[/quote]

I strongly doubt it but it would be nice if Nintendo would revamp a few of their older games on the VC to use online play. I guess I dont really see why it couldnt happen but with the added developmental costs it might cause a price increase on those games.
There isnt going to be online multiplayer on VC, ever, these are straight ports. If they can't even remove the black bar from the original street fighter 2 on the SNES you really shouldn't get your hopes up for online VC titles.
[quote name='Metal Boss']There isnt going to be online multiplayer on VC, ever, these are straight ports. If they can't even remove the black bar from the original street fighter 2 on the SNES you really shouldn't get your hopes up for online VC titles.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say never but I wouldn't get my hopes up either. They don't even have online play setup on their regular games yet so I think it is still too soon to say for certain.
[quote name='Ace-Of-War']Uhhh... just pull out your N64 and MarioKart and play it you lazy bums.

Please tell me you didn't trade in your 64 and all of your games for ten dollars of EB store credit :( :( :(

You people make me sick[/QUOTE]

I never owned a SNES or an N64 so I'm willing to buy (some) of these games for $8 and $10. MK is one of them, though I probably won't buy the SNES version. And don't assume ANYTHING - I'm probably much older than you ;).
for my perference i rather buy a hard copy then a virtual copy at least you can resell the item.

virutal copy is pretty good for covience purpose
1.easy to purchase
2.don't have bring out your old system
3don't have to clean cart
4.much more affordable compare to ebay prices

1.can't resell it
2.bit expensive for classic games(when your comparing it to gametap or any collection series)
[quote name='pimpinc333']"You can buy games $5 for gamecube, yet Mario Kart is 1000 wii points? Get out of here..." said OasisBoy

I ove this part of the OP's rant. Sure you can buy GameCube games for 5.00 but are they as good as MK64? Most Def Not.[/QUOTE]

yeah most n64 games are worth their price. only games that arent are gennesis game(some like gunstar heroes was worth it tho).
I just can't understand the OP's problem. $10 is more then worth it for Mario Kart 64. I would much rather spend $10 on the VC version of Mario Kart on the Wii then go looking for the most likely just as expensive as, or more expensive N64 cart.
The OP's point is pretty simple. OP thinks Nintendo should be selling/giving away N64 Mario Kart simply because they can and it'd be a nice thing to do.
[quote name='UncleBob']The OP's point is pretty simple. OP thinks Nintendo should be selling/giving away N64 Mario Kart simply because they can and it'd be a nice thing to do.[/quote]
Oh I see. I guess the OP would be happier if he just downloaded a ROM of MK64.
[quote name='oasisboy']I dont prefer either choice. My choice is to not buy this because the price is high in my opinion. I already made that clear in previous posts. I was not aware that all n64 games were $10 and I started this thread because I thought MK 64 was too much $$.

edit (so you dont complain about my edits): you get 480p if you buy the component cables...[/quote]

So basically you are a giant asshat and a stupid troll causing mass IQ drops all over the world on the interwebs because you have nothing better to do with your time? Thanks.
I do agree that all the VC games should drop in price a few dollars (maybe $2-$3 each), but we all still pay for them at this price, and such is capitalism

Unless no one buys them, they won't lower in price
[quote name='Puzznic']Im glad they are releasing Mario Kart 64 before the SNES version. I don't like Mario Kart 64 much except for 2 of the battle mode boards.

I want them to wait on releasing the SNES version on the hope that they will add online play to it. I am probably only dreaming but I haven't given up hope yet.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree with everything you said. MK64 was a solid game, but I had nowhere near the fun I did with it as I did with the SNES version. Nintendo needs to step up and offer some kind of online functionality. I would settle for generic leaderboards at this point, but online battle mode from the SNES version would be incredible. I know myself and my friends have almost no desire to repurchase any game on the VC due to the prices, but we all would jump on a 15 dollar Super Mario Kart with online play.

IMO, basic online functionality for VC is a monster money making opportunity Nintendo is missing out on right now. I refuse to buy anything at these prices until something else is added in and I know there are others who feel the same. I just hope Nintendo takes the initiative since it sounds like everyone (even CAG's!?) is scooping up these overpriced titles (not MK64 necessarily) with no new features.
[quote name='io']I never owned a SNES or an N64 so I'm willing to buy (some) of these games for $8 and $10. MK is one of them, though I probably won't buy the SNES version. And don't assume ANYTHING - I'm probably much older than you ;).[/quote]

I'm not, if you have to make that statement then you probably are.

You have a different case though, if you've never owned it then this sounds like a great deal for you.

My beef if with people who have an N64 and a copy of the game, yet they still feel the need to purchase it on VC. Even worse, the people who previously owned a N64 and/or MarioKart and then had sold it some years ago for however many pennies Gamestop gave them for it. How disgusting. If VC was actually adding some new options to the game, especially like an online capability, then I could understand. But why would you sell it in the first place if you were just going to buy it again as a Wii rom of sorts?

You know what they say though, a fool and his money...
[quote name='Ace-Of-War']I'm not, if you have to make that statement then you probably are.

You have a different case though, if you've never owned it then this sounds like a great deal for you.

My beef if with people who have an N64 and a copy of the game, yet they still feel the need to purchase it on VC. Even worse, the people who previously owned a N64 and/or MarioKart and then had sold it some years ago for however many pennies Gamestop gave them for it. How disgusting. If VC was actually adding some new options to the game, especially like an online capability, then I could understand. But why would you sell it in the first place if you were just going to buy it again as a Wii rom of sorts?

You know what they say though, a fool and his money...[/QUOTE]

Those people are idiots to trade it in to Gamestop to begin with. I sold most of my N64 games on Ebay for double and triple what it will cost for me to download on the Wii, and let's not forget the Wii cleans up the N64 graphics as well.

I sold my Mario 64 for $25 on Ebay (maybe more, it was awhile ago) which is more than enough to get a Points card (I can get Mario 64 AND have points left over) and $5 left over.

IMO, it's a much better deal. Eventually the batteries in your N64 carts will die just like the ones on the NES / SNES will, so yea, I'd much rather take the VC version.

I sold mine in the first place to make some cash on it and get a superior version for cheaper down the line. I'm not a "collector" anymore and I could really care less if I have a physical copy... I just want the best and most conveinent copy for me, and that is on the VC. It's alot easier to play it on the Wii then to bother with hooking up the N64.

If someone thought this way, and owned Mario Kart 64 for N64, why wouldn't they sell it for $30 or so on Ebay? Even after buying a points card, you're not only getting two N64 games for the price of one, you're also getting about $10 back.
[quote name='Ace-Of-War']I'm not, if you have to make that statement then you probably are.

No, I just didn't want some smart-ass comment about being a teenager and missing out on these "classic" Nintendo consoles. To me, Nintento is the new kid on the block ;). My dad gave away my old Atari and Colecovision and over 50 games without telling me (or even offering me the chance to pick them up first), and I'm a bit pissed about that. (Also, my TRS-80 Color Computer.) Now, if only some of those games would show up on the VC (but they better be $1 apiece :lol:). I get nearly zero nostalgia factor out of these NES through N64 games since I pretty much skipped all those (had a NES for a month when I was laid up with knee surgery in the last 80's, so I played SMB for a bit), but would get that feeling if I could play pong and tank and adventure and some of the others. Sure, I believe I have a sealed Atari collection for the PS2 that I never bothered opening and I do have a few of those plug-n-play things, but those are a pain.
I mainly will be using the VC for n64 games since everything else can be emulated on PC. I personally cant wait for MK64 as well as goldeneye.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Oh I see. I guess the OP would be happier if he just downloaded a ROM of MK64.[/QUOTE]
Which makes me curious as to why people aren't...they sell usb adapters for just about every controller... or maybe people are and haven't posted here.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Which makes me curious as to why people aren't...they sell usb adapters for just about every controller... or maybe people are and haven't posted here.[/QUOTE]

Lol, the N64 usb adapter is almost 200 dollars last I checked so thats not an alternative... they have a shitty psx/n64 usb adapter but it is awful and doesnt work with the joystick.
I really dont have a problem with paying $10 for a N64 game myself, but it does kind of bother me to pay the $10 for a game I already own on the N64 if I want to play it on the VC (which I might do just because of the convienience of not lugging my 64 down to school with me). It would be nice if Nintendo would let you enter a serial number or something for a game you already own and download it to the VC for free, but that would most likely take alot of work on Nintendos part to make such a method work. Oh well $10 is a small price to pay to enjoy some old school gaming with my friends.
[quote name='telemundus']I completely agree with everything you said. MK64 was a solid game, but I had nowhere near the fun I did with it as I did with the SNES version. Nintendo needs to step up and offer some kind of online functionality. I would settle for generic leaderboards at this point, but online battle mode from the SNES version would be incredible. I know myself and my friends have almost no desire to repurchase any game on the VC due to the prices, but we all would jump on a 15 dollar Super Mario Kart with online play.

IMO, basic online functionality for VC is a monster money making opportunity Nintendo is missing out on right now. I refuse to buy anything at these prices until something else is added in and I know there are others who feel the same. I just hope Nintendo takes the initiative since it sounds like everyone (even CAG's!?) is scooping up these overpriced titles (not MK64 necessarily) with no new features.[/QUOTE]

Not only would online battle mode be good, but if they really tried I think that they could do 8 player racing. That would be insane. I would pay alot of money for that since the SNES Mario Kart is my favorite game ever.

Mario Kart 64 has a ton of problems. I tend to refer to it as Straight Away 64 since they decided to take out all of the challenging and fun turns from the original. Not to mention alot of the new weapons are completely unbalanced and the cheap computer AI.

Mario Kart 64 also started the retarded mini-boost thing. The mini-boost makes the game too "busy" and leads to annoying crap like snaking. Does anyone if the miniboost is in the DS version? I haven't played that one yet.
[quote name='Puzznic']Mario Kart 64 also started the retarded mini-boost thing. The mini-boost makes the game too "busy" and leads to annoying crap like snaking. Does anyone if the miniboost is in the DS version? I haven't played that one yet.[/QUOTE]

I have played the DS version very little despite getting it on day 1. I have never taken it online because apparently everyone wins online races by doing some hand-numbing procedure called "snaking" that I'm not really sure how to do (I know how in concept but I've never tried it). But I do know from the descriptions that it sounds like no fun at all. So I'm guessing the answer to your question would be a resounding YES! And apparently it has ruined the online experience (at least as far as playing random people).
[quote name='io']I have played the DS version very little despite getting it on day 1. I have never taken it online because apparently everyone wins online races by doing some hand-numbing procedure called "snaking" that I'm not really sure how to do (I know how in concept but I've never tried it). But I do know from the descriptions that it sounds like no fun at all. So I'm guessing the answer to your question would be a resounding YES! And apparently it has ruined the online experience (at least as far as playing random people).[/QUOTE]

That's such a good point. We all can be hopeful and say that the VC Online Goldeneye and Mario Kart would be just as fun as it was in our living rooms way back when with our brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, etc. But it won't. Griefers and hacks and exploits and cheats would probably ruin most of the fun to be had with any online matchmaking in these old games. It's sad but true.

I'm sure some of us have already experienced it with XBLA games adding multiplayer. UMK3 is so much fun.. until you get a Robo Smoke griefer who not only offers no challenge but turns the game into a formulaic monkey see monkey do, all while singing the latest MTV Rap garbage over the microphone, and lag stops the game every few moments.

The grass is always greener on the other side, until you're on that side. Don't get too idealized about what Online VC games would be like..
[quote name='jer7583']The grass is always greener on the other side, until you're on that side. Don't get too idealized about what Online VC games would be like..[/quote]I agree whole-heartily. I have no doubt that Xbox Live is very cool, but I want online multiplayer for essentially one reason: playing with real-life friends (or CAGs :) ) who are across the country. I learned many moons ago with Unreal Tournament and other PC FPS games that it's just not worth playing online with random people. There are folks who either are hacking the game, are just too good for me to even touch, or are so bad or playing stupid that it's just no fun. Playing with people you know is the way to go, and playing with people you know in your own living room is ideal.

I don't need an 11 year old kid teaching me new adjectives to describe my immediate family while he uses his cheat device to get a ? box with 75 red shells and smashes into me 16 times. Likewise, I don't want to feel like I have to play a game day-in-and-day-out from release day in order to stand a chance in the game. I wanted to get Metroid Prime Hunters but didn't have the money when it came out. Now, I think I wouldn't even stand a chance in online so I'd only get it for single player anyway.

While I'm certainly for online play and encourage it in every game that it makes sense, I myself won't be making massive use of it with any games, I don't think. It lost its novelty around 2000 or 2001 for me. :)

While online play is kinda "meh" for me, other online features like level trading ala Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 or Elebits is a really cool idea, and really would support that a lot.
bread's done