Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

Beast is the reward for the Falcon PvP event, which really isn't much of an incentive.
It's funny how fast things change. I know some people were very excited for Beast. Mine is 1/1/1, so I'll take whatever covers I can get for him, but I'd much rather get more Colossus or Deadpool covers.

It's funny how fast things change. I know some people were very excited for Beast. Mine is 1/1/1, so I'll take whatever covers I can get for him, but I'd much rather get more Colossus or Deadpool covers.
Hahah I was thinking the same thing!

But yeah as much as I would like more Beast covers I most definitely would prefer more Colossus ones. I hope for a Deadpool one soon too to get that last cover I need and then so that the rest of the Alliance will hopefully score more of his awesome covers!

Thats the issue with releasing a new 3* character every other event.  Havent played enough of Beast to know if I care, same with Collosus or Captain Marvel.  Falcon is my most recent 3* that is up to a point where he's in normal rotation for my main attack team. There are still many people out there who don't have a useable Falcon.  It gets hard to know who I want and why.  1-2 more covers isnt going to put Beast on any of my teams, more so because his colors are better used elsewhere.

Then there's my 4 stars which is getting weird. Everyone and their momma has been putting Devil in their teams because of all the (purple) covers they got. Still debating if they're using it as a meat shield or they're newbs and thinking lookit me Im rocking a 4*!

X-force is now in my normal rotation and Im beefing him up. Something Ive never thought Id do.  IW's green is coming as my daily reward soon.  After having that she'll be maxed & I could level her up to 270 if I so desire. 

I went off on a tangent but bottom line is: There's too man rare characters.  Hard to build a team then use the iso to build them up.  Then they release a new character, which isnt put into token rotation & arent put up as a prize until they get tossed into that cycle.  Ive probabaly seen more Steve rewards than Captain Marvel since she was released.  Stormhawk was only recently put back as a prize.  Now Thorgarita......Which of course wont be it, as someone will be released before the season is even over.

As for Terra Battle, dl it now! Its not as fully fleshed out yet. The story is just developing. They havent added a PVP or many other things quite yet. Its nice to be able to go at your own pace and not worry. The battle mechanics are the simple yet .... you know. 1 minute to learn a millennia to master type deal. It does however run on a typical f2p energy meter. You have x energy per level. So you're never playing for hours like MPQ. So honestly as much as I hate that in other games, it kinda works here.
I'm also gradually focusing more playtime on Terra Battle over MPQ, but grinding for the upcoming NeoBahamut Arc is absolutely impossible for my meager party (only at lvl 20) Do the metal arenas ever allow lvl 20s to earn exp? Sorry for the off-topic hee-hee.

Just a quick note, will catch up on all the latest later. I just opened my Hunt: Alaska PvE token, and... it was gold...


It was only Red Wing, but still... it is a Falcon! SUH-WEET!!!

Ok, so now where do i find the info on who is rotated out? I can list my 1-cover toons here, if you want.

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From the forum:

Great news - we're finally going to add the new characters to the comic packs.

Going forward, new characters are going to rotate into the comic packs in sync with Versus seasons. New characters will be added into the packs, and older characters will be given some time out of the packs. As a result, we'll be getting all the new characters into the packs without reducing the rates of any of the 3 and 4 stars, so your character progress won't slow down.

Our first rotation will happen on October 17th with Season 7.

In: Beast, Captain Marvel, Colossus, Deadpool, Doctor Octopus, She-Hulk
Out: Daredevil, Doctor Doom, Human Torch (Classic), Loki, Ragnarok, Wolverine (Patch), Punisher

The first characters that are taken out of packs will start rotating back in during Season 8. We'll always communicate in advance which characters will be rotating out.

This will put the latest characters into the packs sooner and allow us to work on the characters that are out of the spotlight.

Thanks and keep the feedback coming!

Koju posted that a while back and we discussed it at length ; P


Hey, just because you're a cranky so-and-so doesn't mean you get to be the banana to gravel's goat for being helpful. (Or whatever the heck is in your avatar.)


BTW, my PvE score sucks because life is in the way. Even the final progression award might not be in my cards, and I probably will only barely hold on to one Blade cover.
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BTW, my PvE score sucks because life is in the way. Even the final progression award might not be in my cards, and I probably will only barely hold on to one Blade cover.
Same here. I've been lucky to play 7 matches per location (the opener and two runs through the essentials). It doesn't help that I absolutely HATE having a worthless character on my team for those essentials.

Even Terra Battle has been suffering. I get my 1 login per day to keep my consecutive rewards rolling.

Same here. I've been lucky to play 7 matches per location (the opener and two runs through the essentials). It doesn't help that I absolutely HATE having a worthless character on my team for those essentials.

Even Terra Battle has been suffering. I get my 1 login per day to keep my consecutive rewards rolling.
I have been using Patch and Deadpool as my go to team for the Essential nodes with Marvel and it actually works well. Marvel's Black is the only move I have but if I pair it after pulling Patch's Green and have some Strike Tiles on the board it is a pretty decent team damaging move. By then I hopefully have Deadpool's Purple ready too and then the match is over!

Yeah, I was only trying to help Thunder Chief. 

Also, I used my bolts to recruit three more characters in Terra.  One of the three I got was an SS character named Camellia the Pleasure Seeker:


"Camellia is a 24-year-old woman whose wanton ways are no secret around the city's pleasure quarter.

She revels in all the pleasures of the flesh and has earned some highly unflattering nicknames."

Also, I have no idea how I'm going to be ready for Neo-Bahamut in time.  Level 35, ugh.

I'm up past 40,000 in the Hunt and might play a little more on my dinner break at work. I'm sitting comfortably at 110 for now. Thankfully all I need to be is past 150 for the blade cover.

I use Psylocke and Falcon for the goon nodes and Steve Hulk/Thor for the others. Looking forward to selling off Ms Marvel at the end of this event.

Need to work my way up to 3000 in the Season progression rewards for that Stormhawk cover as well.

Just realized I can actually use those "retired" boosts. I tapped one by accident and it added and worked during the battle. I had always assumed retired meant inactive.

NON MPQ post upcoming!

Also, I used my bolts to recruit three more characters in Terra. One of the three I got was an SS character named Camellia the Pleasure Seeker:
Now I understand why you guys play that game.
I was thinking the same thing hahah

Get off your pervy game and get us a Blade!! : P
Dammit, congrats! The second I saw the pleasure seeker I knew I wanted her!

So thats why we play this game? That could be why Grace is always on my team:


Although I usually like her second job pic better, either way, BOOBS!

Bahls not too shabby


Her second job is too covered up for me!

Unfortunately Maralme is lacking in the boobs department,


It was only Red Wing, but still... it is a Falcon! SUH-WEET!!!
WTG, I think if you're only going to get one cover, it might as well be Redwing. Even at one Redwing can clear away enemy protect & Strke tiles, so with him powered up he'll be great against Bullseye and Daken. Just remember you do not have to wait for the countdown tile to end for Redwing to come back. Once you match that tile and clear it off the board, Redwing will come back on the next turn to take out another enemy special tile.

This event is off, even with rubberbanding and such, points are slow as hell to accumulate. I thought it would be easy to get the 70k progresssion reward but I think I just made 40k last night, or thats my next one? IDK its just taking a while, I think Im at 35k. That sounds right. Im having stupid luck with my Hunt tokens. Id love to get a gold, correction Id love to get a Gold I could use. Standard token netted me a Blue Panther last night, uh thanks? Hunt Token? Same roller coaster again, but more ups than downs. 2* star, boo, Ms Marvel? Yay, Yellow? indifferent. Oh well I have 2 powers for her and will be lucky if I maintain 1 cover for blade. Oh well opened up another Roster slot with my HP for blade. I have no more Bagman, boo hoo. I forsee Ms Marvel being powered up again soon, so I m probably not selling her off soon.

PS my Doc Ock says hi with his 1 cover! What was the point of him again? To be an afterthought?


Doc Ock makes my nipples hard
Yeah there is like no rubber banding at all it feels like and so when I hopped in late I got screwed. I still have been able to pump up the points enough but overall it is a much harder climb than I was expecting.

Also like I said when he was released, he looks like a crap character anyway, stupid Doc Ock.

I get 1.5k per essential nodes - have been rubberbanding and getting at least 100th for a token. The battles are taking too long either because I have crappy covers. Most dmg I am doing is 300. I need want to see 500-600 to clear the node quicker.

Just realized I can actually use those "retired" boosts. I tapped one by accident and it added and worked during the battle. I had always assumed retired meant inactive.
Yep. You can use them until they're gone, kind of like tokens for events that are over. You can't replace them, and if you have the specialized tokens for Heroic events, those will pop up when appropriate, too.

I have a bunch that I'm saving like a potion hoarder in Final Fantasy. Also sitting on like five 395 Thor team ups.

PS my Doc Ock says hi with his 1 cover! What was the point of him again? To be an afterthought?
He's part of the new villain LR list? I dunno.

I think Ms Marvel would be fun with a maxed Classic Magneto. Throw out her yellow, then his red. Pair up with X-Force's black, and makes for a nice three part harmony. Too bad she's a 2*, and I don't have the covers/levels in the other two to really test it out.
So, didnt realize the event ends in 9 hours, hovering on the 150 line, around 140s, so I may get blade, maybe not. 

Alliance is shot due to whoever has left/been kicked.  I dont even know, we've got a bunch of "Hi, Please dont kick me's even though I suck!" going on right now. 

I just saw Ock was on the lightning rounds, I just shook my head.


Yeah I kicked our lowest random this morning on the train and still have not gotten a decent scorer to help boost our rank.

We all need to push you guys! We are so close to 100! We can do ittttttt

Also I giggle quite a bit on the doc hentai meme : P

i agree. I can see blade going the way of doc ock. Sitting at the back of my roster waiting for more covers in order to be usefull.

Of course, I felt that way about Steve & Falcon too and they've turned out to be pretty usefull once powered up.

some of the art in Kaizen Rumble is kinda creepy too
Just wasnt a fan of Kaizen's slot machine "gameplay". If I was going to do that Id rather go to a real casino and possible win some money. Plus the story was too much for me. You're a bad guy trying to kill good guys that werent really good?

AS for blade, the difference for him is I want him to be good, Doc Ock, Beast, and Cap Marvel: I look at their moves and go, meh they're ok. Blade seems to have potential to be something. Then again Im with you, I thought Falcon, damn that guy sucks, but he's a really good support character.

Havin to post stuff to distract alliance from my Tentacle interactions with Doc Ock.
Im wondering if they're going to over saturate like they do with their comics. Too many stories all at once. The amazing thing is that Marvel tries to have a continuity in their movies like their comics. So this will be EXTREMELY interesting.

Im a little interested as to why Cap 3 is civil war and Avengers has moved to infinity war. That move is partially ass backawards to me. Basically Civil war is Cap vs Iron man, so why not do it like the Batman/Superman movie? As for infinity war thats digging up some past stuff. At least Age of Ultron just happened, even if its no way related to the movie.

Also hate to be that guy but Black Panther, Captain Marvel, The Inhumans, and even Dr Strange; not what I call movie worthy. Marvel needs to get all Mutant Rights (See what I did there?) back and make the deadpool movie top priority! I dont trust fox for shit. Id say get Spiderman back from sony but there's no saving spiderman, that needs to be said as well. Funny how no one cares about Punisher even after 2 shitty movies....or Ghost Rider.

My 2 cents? If we want a Black Panther/Dr Strange movie, combine them and make an Illuminati movies....which would require rights from Fox for the Fantastic 4. Plus Robert Downy Jr for Iron man again, you know you're all down for that!

Also the Illuminati (Aka current "New Avengers") deal with the infinity gems after infinity wars. so perfect tie in with Infinity wars.

After playing for over an hour today, I'm going to be lucky to get Blade. We're a good 30k from getting top 100 as an alliance, and the points just aren't there for the essential nodes. I'm scraping by in the 130's at the moment, but if I have to miss my full point recycle in about 2.5 hours (a very real possibility... family flu shots tonight), it's going to be a serious stretch.

I don't know if I've made myself clear, but I fuck ing HATE this event.

I wonder if the tagline for Cap 3 has nothing to do with the comic version. They've really invested in this SHIELD/Hydra thing, and it could be more a story in that vein.

Considering Guardians did so well with characters nobody knew, they can probably flub on an Inhumans movie and still come out okay. They have to have Black Panther and Cap Marvel for the diversity check marks, but there's enough going on with their stories to find something interesting. I hope.

I guess rubberbanding is working in my favor, picked up some progression awards at lunch. I might make top 50 if I'm lucky.
After playing for over an hour today, I'm going to be lucky to get Blade. We're a good 30k from getting top 100 as an alliance, and the points just aren't there for the essential nodes. I'm scraping by in the 130's at the moment, but if I have to miss my full point recycle in about 2.5 hours (a very real possibility... family flu shots tonight), it's going to be a serious stretch.

I don't know if I've made myself clear, but I fuck ing HATE this event.
Ditto, I hate when they run this event. I mean at least fix it where you dont have 2 sub events running at the same time. Sure they're hours apart but still. Anyways Im 5k away from the last Hunt token progression reward 50K. SO screw Ms Marvel and her 70k black progression reward, just not happening. Maybe 1 blade cover but next event is probably more beast reward covers or something like that so I dont think I'll care. No way in hell you'll need blade to get another new introduced character. Oh crap Bite my tongue. Needed Ms Marvel to get blade it looks like....

I wonder if the tagline for Cap 3 has nothing to do with the comic version. They've really invested in this SHIELD/Hydra thing, and it could be more a story in that vein.

Considering Guardians did so well with characters nobody knew, they can probably flub on an Inhumans movie and still come out okay. They have to have Black Panther and Cap Marvel for the diversity check marks, but there's enough going on with their stories to find something interesting. I hope.
Interesting take on Cap 3, although I wonder what the backlash would be if they didnt use the actual civil war story line yet still call it civil war. Im glad theyve introduced hydra more, as opposed to how they handled Advanced Idea Mechanics (AIM) in Iron Man 3. What no bee keeper suits? How dare they!

As for the Inhumans, god that will be one boring ass movie. Black Bolt cant really talk. A whole movie of pantomiming? Back to the Illuminati movie idea I had, takes care of the inhumans too, Black Bolts part of that. Boom done Thank you.

Going back to Black Pather, I still have to wonder how that will play out. A movie with him in Wakanda seems too boring, but him in the big city? Why they hell is he there? A movie with bits in the jungle and the city? Im having bad flash backs of Billy Zane in the phantom. I guess we replace Billy zane with Black Panther and we'll have our movie right?

I think they are comfortable changing things from book canon at this point, that they probably don't care much about Comic Book Guy versus the huge box office these things are pulling in. See: Mandarin, Hank Pym-less Ultron, alien race nobody has heard of in Avengers, etc.

I think you can do Inhumans by having someone really good as Medusa and someone who can emote well as Bolt. Maximus in a Jafar role seems the most obvious story, but it's also the only story they ever seem to use - just saw it recently on Hulk and the Agents of SMASH. Throw in an Inifinity Gem McGuffin and Bob's your uncle. Although, I'm kinda surprised they aren't part of the Fantastic Four license for live action.

Black Panther should be Coming to America with a super suit. (No, not really.) Wasn't there a story where BP got deposed as king, and started hanging out in Hell's Kitchen with some female bodyguards or something? But to be honest, I think people would be okay with a Wakanda based story if they focus on the high tech over the tribal elements (don't throw them out, but rather make it obvious this isn't a backwater). I just have no idea who makes for a movie-worthy Panther villian. Klaw?
I think they are comfortable changing things from book canon at this point, that they probably don't care much about Comic Book Guy versus the huge box office these things are pulling in. See: Mandarin, Hank Pym-less Ultron, alien race nobody has heard of in Avengers, etc.
No Hank Pym at all? As for Mandarin there was a snippet somewhere about him. Ben Kingsley did something on Yotube about him and how what was in Iron Man 3 wasnt necessarily the whole story. As for the Avengers when it comes to them they're always fighting something so I mean that was just another story. As far as comic cannon goes, Marvel films does a hell of a lot better than any other studio.

I think you can do Inhumans by having someone really good as Medusa and someone who can emote well as Bolt. Maximus in a Jafar role seems the most obvious story, but it's also the only story they ever seem to use - just saw it recently on Hulk and the Agents of SMASH. Throw in an Inifinity Gem McGuffin and Bob's your uncle. Although, I'm kinda surprised they aren't part of the Fantastic Four license for live action.
I really would love to know what kind of story they're gonna use for inhumans. I mean inhumanity just happened and that was pretty interesting. Maximus and Loki would be a natural team up in future Marvel films. I can only imagine its going to be a inhuman kree story of some sort.

Black Panther should be Coming to America with a super suit. (No, not really.) Wasn't there a story where BP got deposed as king, and started hanging out in Hell's Kitchen with some female bodyguards or something? But to be honest, I think people would be okay with a Wakanda based story if they focus on the high tech over the tribal elements (don't throw them out, but rather make it obvious this isn't a backwater). I just have no idea who makes for a movie-worthy Panther villian. Klaw?
Now thats a question right there, who is Panther's Arch nemesis? I mean really a story where they're in Wakanda and he fight Man Ape?


The other story about him going to hells kitchen and replacing Daredevil? Idk, maybe they could use it to introduce namor? I mean the battle between Wakanda and Atlantis was pretty major. I have a bad feeling that they will make Wakanda seem too native than technologically advanced.

OUCH really? So Tony Stark will be the one who invented Ultron? Someone let something slip, big time. Either that or girls really dont know comic books because the chick says it at around the 3:15 mark.


I can see Klaw being put into a Black Panther movie. As lame as he is normally I feel like they could tweak him to make him a decent villain. I tried to do a quick search for a silly picture with Klaw but I will just leave that up to DS haha

Finished #40 in that event last night and so I got a Black and Green Blade. Too bad we just couldnt break top 100 as an Alliance though. I saw ltrain didnt even get a single cover, that sucks : / How did everyone else clean up?

Hopefully since it looks like our rewards were so scarce that the next event he is required in has lackluster rewards that we do not need!

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I can see Klaw being put into a Black Panther movie. As lame as he is normally I feel like they could tweak him to make him a decent villain. I tried to do a quick search for a silly picture with Klaw but I will just leave that up to DS haha

Finished #40 in that event last night and so I got a Black and Green Blade. Too bad we just couldnt break top 100 as an Alliance though. I saw ltrain didnt even get a single cover, that sucks : / How did everyone else clean up?

Hopefully since it looks like our rewards were so scarce that the next event he is required in has lackluster rewards that we do not need!
Yep. I cleared top 100 in every single sub, and finished 155 overall. Didn't get to play at the end, so I guess that's what I get for having a life. It's been a long damn time since I've been without a required character for an essential node, so I'm going to be pretty much worthless for the next PvE. Pretty pissed about it, so probably won't be too active in the game. PoS keeps finding ways to pull me back in, so take that with a grain of salt.

I also just pulled an A class Sleep mage on TB, and using her, defeated every single enemy in the metal zone for the first time. Actually having fun in that game, when MPQ almost feels like a job right now.

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OUCH really? So Tony Stark will be the one who invented Ultron? Someone let something slip, big time. Either that or girls really dont know comic books because the chick says it at around the 3:15 mark.
No, that's what I was referring to. Ultron is going to be a Stark thing. It makes sense for him to think he could build an advanced AI armor in the wake of Iron Man 3 or some such. Just doesn't match the books. Not saying they will be bad stories, or that the source was bad, or even if there's a non-story reason for things - just pointing out they don't have issues changing things to fit whatever story they want to tell.

How did everyone else clean up?
Man, I am really tired of scaled Ragnarok and Venom. I can beat them, but they take so freakin' long because I'm watching someones student art film over and over called "Ragnarok and the Infinite Cascades, featuring Symbiotic Snare", with the subtitle of "Did You Actually Want to Do Something Yet?"

So, that's why I didn't make top 50. Picked an easier node to push some final points into the pot and got stuck in a match twice as long as was left. Ah well. Funny thing is, the Family Guy rerun on Cartoon Network last night was the "Backscratcher!" episode, so I kept hearing Peter say "Daywalker!". Sometimes I just amuse myself.

I hope the next PvE is the Simulator or even the Gauntlet. I don't even need a new story, I just need to stop fighting the Dark Avengers on every node.
No, that's what I was referring to. Ultron is going to be a Stark thing. It makes sense for him to think he could build an advanced AI armor in the wake of Iron Man 3 or some such. Just doesn't match the books. Not saying they will be bad stories, or that the source was bad, or even if there's a non-story reason for things - just pointing out they don't have issues changing things to fit whatever story they want to tell.

Man, I am really tired of scaled Ragnarok and Venom. I can beat them, but they take so freakin' long because I'm watching someones student art film over and over called "Ragnarok and the Infinite Cascades, featuring Symbiotic Snare", with the subtitle of "Did You Actually Want to Do Something Yet?"

So, that's why I didn't make top 50. Picked an easier node to push some final points into the pot and got stuck in a match twice as long as was left. Ah well. Funny thing is, the Family Guy rerun on Cartoon Network last night was the "Backscratcher!" episode, so I kept hearing Peter say "Daywalker!". Sometimes I just amuse myself.

I hope the next PvE is the Simulator or even the Gauntlet. I don't even need a new story, I just need to stop fighting the Dark Avengers on every node.
I hope it's not the Gauntlet. I would be completely screwed on the top progression rewards by not having Blade. I like that event, and the challenge of it, but automatically excluding people doesn't sound good for business. I guess that doesn't rule it out, then...

And I'm with you on the baddies. The middle essential node of the last event actually probably prevented me from getting Blade. I got wiped by it 3 times in a row because of the continuous Rag-scade. Mix in a couple D-strikes on the board and the never-ending green supply from the Flamer, and I was effed. Didn't help that I had to use a living carcass in Ms. Marvel.

I hit my soft cap with Deadpool just now at 153. I want to buy his last purple cover and get him up a few more levels but I do not have the HP for that right now.

That being said then, I am trying to figure out who to focus on next. I am thinking Psylocke since she has a large amount of powers and is already at like 99 I believe. I also am looking at Faclon and Colossus though.

You guys should check my roster and we should have a vote for which character I focus on next haha

Also in terms of the events, I always forget which is which anyway. Lets just have a Hulk one again for the hell of it! : D

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I can see Klaw being put into a Black Panther movie. As lame as he is normally I feel like they could tweak him to make him a decent villain. I tried to do a quick search for a silly picture with Klaw but I will just leave that up to DS haha
Image search led me to the movie that needs to be made!

Klaw vs Dazzler!


Which leads me into just posting more pics on dazzler and how I need her in the game!

I also just pulled an A class Sleep mage on TB, and using her, defeated every single enemy in the metal zone for the first time. Actually having fun in that game, when MPQ almost feels like a job right now.
I got one of those sleep orb things, Im getting too many beasts from battles. If they were useful that would be great. Got a silver B class pull from coins, was so excited. Until I saw it was a Sabertooth king. He looks kinda cool, I guess?


That being said then, I am trying to figure out who to focus on next. I am thinking Psylocke since she has a large amount of powers and is already at like 99 I believe. I also am looking at Faclon and Colossus though.

You guys should check my roster and we should have a vote for which character I focus on next haha

Also in terms of the events, I always forget which is which anyway. Lets just have a Hulk one again for the hell of it! : D
Um Psylocke? Psylocke + Falcon = Bwahahaha Red attack, plus falcons yellow? Oh yes. After looking at Blade's powers if you add him in there too, that could be quite dangerous since he benefits from strike tiles as well. Falcon is just an all around awesome support character. As much as it would piss me off with the randomness, Redwing is great for defense. Almost every turn he'd take out some form of enemy tile. So I guess those would be my votes.

Yes we need another Hulk event! So everyone can get that free green hulk that most people dont need anymore! I think that even is one of the most hated after the hunt. Simply because we ran with it too many times. Who remembers when they ran it for a week just to re run it immediately, for another week? Oh god we were so bored of that shit second time around.

As for enemy AI, Im all about increased AI for difficulty but the tweaks have been ridiculous. Scaling for Dark Avengers is insane. Then as sucky as Venom is, how does the computer make him a magnificent beast in combat? He stuns so damn much I never get a turn and he gets enough web tiles up he can devour? That NEVER happened when I used venom. Also Rags was nerfed on the players end, he sure as hell works better than he ever did for the computer. His Godlike power magic cascades, truly the things of legend.

Scaling aside, things that are supposed to help me, the computer wont even let that happen. Hawkeye's speed shot. If I manage to get a 5 tile critical to make speedshot, it amazes me how all the purples are right next to each other. my 5 tiles will be lucky to have one left by the time they go off. Redwing will usually take the countdown tile that I dont need out first. The computer manages to match any of my steve countdown tiles at the 1 mark just to cock tease me. And if all that doesnt happen, then the only match on the board will be one of my countdown tiles at the 1 count and I have to match it myself because its the only one left on the board.....I mean when did the computer get so evil?

Oh yeah I got 1 black blade, I can see that being useful. Also I couldnt finish one node in the savage land, the one with Ares, Daken, and I forgot who else. It was in the middle, it was deadly, and the enemies were 230. Yeah screw that.

and I just missed the Falcon tournament......Shit.....

Finished #40 in that event last night and so I got a Black and Green Blade. Too bad we just couldnt break top 100 as an Alliance though. I saw ltrain didnt even get a single cover, that sucks : / How did everyone else clean up?
Soooooooooo jelly. How my 87K+ points could not secure me 2 covers is beyond me. Had finished Top 50 in 3 subs, and Top 100 in 3 others. In two of those "others" I also missed it by inches, coming in 52 or 53. At one point yesterday in the main event, I was up to 35. But then stayed away too long and missed the node refresh in the middle of the day. And then, there was this...

Man, I am really tired of scaled Ragnarok and Venom. I can beat them, but they take so freakin' long because I'm watching someones student art film over and over called "Ragnarok and the Infinite Cascades, featuring Symbiotic Snare", with the subtitle of "Did You Actually Want to Do Something Yet?"
I hope the next PvE is the Simulator or even the Gauntlet. I don't even need a new story, I just need to stop fighting the Dark Avengers on every node.
This, in a nutshell. Even denying Spamnarok reds and greens, that little beyotch still manages to make huge dings in hero health and makes things drag out. All he needs is one lucky cascade from hell, and he rolls you. Hawkeye was actually serving me very well this event, as long as I was able to get his Speed Shot to activate. I'm not gonna lie, there were some rounds that were just handed to me, with a 5-match sitting there staring me in the face. Loved those. But then there were those others, the ones that took 8 minutes to complete. Like Koju, my very last match took me 1 min too long. Since it was a 1000 pointer, I think it could have been what I needed to go from 52 (where I was before the match), to over 50, instead of dropping to 53.

<heavy sigh> I digress.

Aside from boffo'ing in the end, this event was actually fairly good to me, as far as Hunt and 1* tokens go. ISO, too. I was able to softcap Thor at 86 (still need 3 yellows to max/rebalance, tho). And even tho I was trolled with my 9th (maybe 10th) oBW purple, I was graced with a yellow Steve (now 3/2/1), a yellow Ares (now 3/5/4), a yellow Panther (now 3/0/0), a yellow Cap** (now 3/5/3, yet still L15, lulz), a blue Falcon (oh, c'mon MPQ! Y U DO DIS??? Break that awesome yellow trend...), a red Wolvie** (now 4/5/4), and last but not least, a red Sentry from my final Hunt token.

Now, onto the big issue at hand... my favorite issue... roster.

I am 100hp away from another slot, and I have the Falcon, Sentry, and Blade waiting in the wings. I know I need Blade for next event, and I have wanted Falcon ever since getting trolled by him the very first time, and as for Sentry ("to prevent rear entry"... can not wipe that from my memory no matter how hard I try... thanks, Tigger... appreciate it... :p ), I am on the fence about him. I hate the idea of self-damage. So much so, that I know *when* I finally get a black Colossus, I am going to try to avoid using it at all until I get 2 (see how I am positive there?? New Chief...)

Just remembered that I forgot to go back and read everything since my last post. Let's see here...

From the forum:

Our first rotation will happen on October 17th with Season 7.

In: Beast, Captain Marvel, Colossus, Deadpool, Doctor Octopus, She-Hulk
Out: Daredevil, Doctor Doom, Human Torch (Classic), Loki, Ragnarok, Wolverine (Patch), Punisher
Thanks, dude! I appreciate this! So, Doom out, even tho he was a login freebie, and I already canned Rags. Punisher, tho... I actually have him 1/1/1, so I believe I am good with keeping him for now. Plus, that was my first event when I scored 25+ and got 2 covers in 1 event, and the third cover was from a token, so too many good memories, hahaha.

My current 1-cover 3* lineup is (insert drum roll): Doom, IM40, cMags, Hood, Hulk, LThor.

Right behind them are Deadpool 0/1/1 (not a chance in dumping him! Another top finishing event...), and Laken 1/1/0.

For 3-covers I have Spidey 1/0/2, Psylocke 3 blue, Doc 1/1/1 (sorry, Tigger), Pun, and Panther (mentioned).

My most covered 3* are Steve and Colossus 3/2/0.

Suggestions? Which two should I can? I am hoping to get 100 hp before the timer runs out (I have 50 still sitting in Ultimate prologue node, I finally decided to take on that L140 Rags after seeing so much of him this last week... already got the first 50 out of it), which will allow me to open another slot. But if not, a 3rd suggestion would also be helpful. Fire away! (Pun intended)

WTG, I think if you're only going to get one cover, it might as well be Redwing. Even at one Redwing can clear away enemy protect & Strke tiles, so with him powered up he'll be great against Bullseye and Daken. Just remember you do not have to wait for the countdown tile to end for Redwing to come back. Once you match that tile and clear it off the board, Redwing will come back on the next turn to take out another enemy special tile.
Hmmm, didn't think about that. Was thinking that even a minor Inspiration of 13 (or whatever it is) would be beneficial. Do you recall at what level Red Wing will start to snake CD tiles? Does he have to wait til 5 like Steve? Hope not. Speaking of Steve, I tell you, once I get him maxed, he will be my go-to guy for the goon squad!

As long as Red Wing doesn't take tiles that are sitting adjacent to two same color basic tiles, I am golden. Last thing I need is to be trolled by my own team... :headache:

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Placed #112 so picked up 1 Blade cover.  Thanks a lot of introducing Terra to me.  Was playing MPQ on my phone and Terra on my tablet so that left me little cross eyed :joystick: .  It's going to be hell for me until last week of November with traveling, finishing up my projects for the year, and planning for projects for next year.  The problems of being underpaid and overworked.

Soooooooooo onto the big issue at hand... my favorite issue... roster.

I am 100hp away from another slot, and I have the Falcon, Sentry, and Blade waiting in the wings. I know I need Blade for next event, and I have wanted Falcon ever since getting trolled by him the very first time, and as for Sentry ("to prevent rear entry"... can not wipe that from my memory no matter how hard I try... thanks, Tigger... appreciate it... :p ), I am on the fence about him. I hate the idea of self-damage. So much so, that I know *when* I finally get a black Colossus, I am going to try to avoid using it at all until I get 2 (see how I am positive there?? New Chief...)

Just remembered that I forgot to go back and read everything since my last post. Let's see here...

Thanks, dude! I appreciate this! So, Doom out, even tho he was a login freebie, and I already canned Rags. Punisher, tho... I actually have him 1/1/1, so I believe I am good with keeping him for now. Plus, that was my first event when I scored 25+ and got 2 covers in 1 event, and the third cover was from a token, so too many good memories, hahaha.

My current 1-cover 3* lineup is (insert drum roll): Doom, IM40, cMags, Hood, Hulk, LThor.

Right behind them are Deadpool 0/1/1 (not a chance in dumping him! Another top finishing event...), and Laken 1/1/0.

For 3-covers I have Spidey 1/0/2, Psylocke 3 blue, Doc 1/1/1 (sorry, Tigger), Pun, and Panther (mentioned).

My most covered 3* are Steve and Colossus 3/2/0.

Suggestions? Which two should I can? I am hoping to get 100 hp before the timer runs out (I have 50 still sitting in Ultimate prologue node, I finally decided to take on that L140 Rags after seeing so much of him this last week... already got the first 50 out of it), which will allow me to open another slot. But if not, a 3rd suggestion would also be helpful. Fire away! (Pun intended)

Hmmm, didn't think about that. Was thinking that even a minor Inspiration of 13 (or whatever it is) would be beneficial. Do you recall at what level Red Wing will start to snake CD tiles? Does he have to wait til 5 like Steve? Hope not. Speaking of Steve, I tell you, once I get him maxed, he will be my go-to guy for the goon squad!

As long as Red Wing doesn't take tiles that are sitting adjacent to two same color basic tiles, I am golden. Last thing I need is to be trolled by my own team... :headache:
So who to get rid of eh? Doom and Hood would be my tops, they're out of rotation so you're going to be hard pressed to get another one of those soon. They're usually not rewards for tournaments that often either. I think we just had hood but when's the last time doom was there? We need another "Doctor's Orders" tournament. Hell now that we have Doc Ock, Hulk (Dr Bruce Banner) and Beast (Dr Hank Mccoy) we can have a broader Dr's Order tournament....instead of a stupid "Real Mccoy" Beast tournament. Uh oh Tangent....

KEEP FALCON!!!!!! I dont even know how he could troll you. The worst thing he does to me is take down the wrong countdown tile, but thats at random. He'll never take out your own countdown tiles. Im not sure if I read that right but if 2 adjacent colors where already with a special tile wouldnt they already be matched? Falcon doesnt change a tiles color just makes it into a friendly countdown. Oh and its at level 4 where he takes countdown tiles out and yes you do want Redwing at 4, trust me! If you ever have questions on the characters powers, I use this wiki, it works pretty well. Also you dont have to dig through the official forums which can be a mess.

You're gonna need blade, no doubt about that. As for Sentry, thats a up to you. The self damage sucks but when he's paired with Daken its crazy powerful. Ask anyone on here, if they see a Daken/Sentry team they usually avoid it. Its one of those stupid things, on attack the team sucks. However on defense the team is crazy powerful. If you did want to keep Sentry, Id suggest throwing out C Mags or Spidey. Spidey has gone boderline useless and C mags, being a villian, is in the same boat with Hood and Doom.

Marauder, no problem, we've all been talking about Terra a lot. I think soon there's going to have to be a separate forum in the android section. It seems like we've been talking about it with MPQ & currently its not a distraction but I could see it becoming one soon.

Now, onto the big issue at hand... my favorite issue... roster.


My current 1-cover 3* lineup is (insert drum roll): Doom, IM40, cMags, Hood, Hulk, LThor.
Right behind them are Deadpool 0/1/1 (not a chance in dumping him! Another top finishing event...), and Laken 1/1/0.
For 3-covers I have Spidey 1/0/2, Psylocke 3 blue, Doc 1/1/1 (sorry, Tigger), Pun, and Panther (mentioned).
My most covered 3* are Steve and Colossus 3/2/0.

Suggestions? Which two should I can? I am hoping to get 100 hp before the timer runs out (I have 50 still sitting in Ultimate prologue node, I finally decided to take on that L140 Rags after seeing so much of him this last week... already got the first 50 out of it), which will allow me to open another slot. But if not, a 3rd suggestion would also be helpful. Fire away! (Pun intended)
If you absolutely have to drop from the roster, Doom probably would top the list. I like using him, but the two cover characters can't compete with the three covers. After that, I'd probably drop IM40. He is in serious need to retooling, and even when covered you won't use him unless featured. Hood might be another option, but a fully covered Hood is a beautiful thing, and his covers tend to be rare. If you need to drop the third, I probably lean Magneto.

LazyThor is top tier and his covers are valuable. Hulk might be the easiest 3* to cover, so I guess you can either go the route of "easy to replace" or "first 166 character". Hulk makes a great defensive character.

DST already gave good info on Falcon, I agree.
Lotsa useful info.
OK, Doom and Hood... even tho Doom is supposedly getting a 3rd skill soon? Ehh, you're right... I won't be seeing that anytime soon even if it is released, lol.

Falcon... yeah, there is NO WAY I am getting rid of him. The trolling I mentioned was re: RW taking a tile that was adjacent in the fact that I could match it in the very next turn, rather than the desert island tile stuck out in the middle of no-man's land. That's all. But I want Falcon maxed, and bad! I know you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket, but I have *really* come to appreciate the idea of a diversified team: one attacker, one defender, one healer/disabler (vs having multiple attackers in case one goes down, which I also see the advantage to in certain situations). And Falcon is a Defender/Enabler/Disabler... can't get much better than that! I think I read 5/5/3 as a "best" build, but I think I like the idea of 5/4/4, esp since you can match the RW tile yourself. The ONE enemy CD tile you NEVER want to match, LOL!!! I learned that one the hard way.

But I am getting WAAAAAY ahead of myself... It will be Dino's b-day before I get Falcon maxed, har har har...

Speaking of Dino, I have his semi-useless butt at 2/0/3, thanks to annie tokens. He has decent tile strength, and hp to die for, so I usually put him in a PvP if I am expecting it to drag out, and trying to put him in front whenever I think an attack is imminent. I stopped leveling him at 90, maybe a little too late, but I realized that I needed to pay attention to more usable characters, esp those being boosted. I will still keep him, tho, since he is far better meat shield than my 1-black Hulk. And, the other day I actually got a match out of Baby Arms! I still can't put my finger on how it works, since he sometimes moves tiles from the bottom, and sometimes from the top, and sometimes just moving tiles around in the top row, which is the most annoying. But it seems to always place them black, red, green, so there's that.

Well, good news is I am only 25 hp away from another slot, once I visit Rags again. Just got that Alliance 25 hp from the Falcon PvP. Nice!

The trolling I mentioned was re: RW taking a tile that was adjacent in the fact that I could match it in the very next turn, rather than the desert island tile stuck out in the middle of no-man's land. That's all.
Then you make that match anyway to destroy the Redwing countdown, and he comes back to strike again the very next turn. Win win!

Then you make that match anyway to destroy the Redwing countdown, and he comes back to strike again the very next turn. Win win!

Speaking of Dino, I have his semi-useless butt at 2/0/3, thanks to annie tokens. He has decent tile strength, and hp to die for, so I usually put him in a PvP if I am expecting it to drag out, and trying to put him in front whenever I think an attack is imminent.

PS. Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers suck! Just FYI!

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More great info.
I really need to type faster, I am getting more responses before I post, lol.

First off, yes, I have to drop from the roster. Don't want to plunk down more moola at this point. And I did indulge in the 50hp Annie Tokens when they were available, since it seemed like a very good deal (the red Colossus was, the 2 purple Moonies not so much...), so that burned through my slot bank. But no regrets.

I was actually thinking about IM40, since I have read up on him and played him boosted once, and I am 100% with you about retooling. Even with the "Best There Is on turn 3" deal. ;-) I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just my own preconceived notions talking.

OK, so Doom and IM40 get defenestrated for Blade and Falcon. And Sentry will have to wait for a slot.

BTW, going to seriously underwhelm on Real McCoy... want that green Ares cover to get him to 4. Then I will have him maxed and will only need another yellow to balance.

Also, forgot to mention, thanks for the link, Tigger. I do go to the wiki often, to see when skills will get what ability, and see what the consensus is on builds, but I had not seen that table before. Most interesting thing to note? How rare certain color combinations are. The most rare is an active Green and Purple (GSBW and Dino).

I was actually thinking about IM40, since I have read up on him and played him boosted once, and I am 100% with you about retooling. Even with the "Best There Is on turn 3" deal. ;-) I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just my own preconceived notions talking.
I guess because I use IM40 as a backup I dont really suggest him. My Backup falcon team is Human Torch, IM40, and Falcon. Recharge is essential to flame jet since Torch is the only green user on that team. Gather blues to activate redwing while gaining blues for Ballistic Salvo, of course red defaults to Torches Fireball but unibeam is there in case youd rather go for that. As you gain yellow for recharge, Torch lays down attack tiles (Black) and Falcon lays down defense tiles (Purple) which are strengthened by Falcons yellow passive.

By no means is that a better team than Steve/Punisher/Falcon or Steve/Panther/GSBW but its a rainbow team, all colors represented and yes when you know how to play them they're very effective. So thats why I dont mention him, sure Torch and IM40 both lose AP with their moves (IM40 on blue/red, Torch on Black) but thats why recharge is so valuable. So just to reiterate even though there's AP loss, Falcon passive yellow + Flame jet (with hoarded green) + Torches attack tiles can lead to some major extra damage per turn.

Still trying to find a 3rd for my Hulk/Psylocke team. It shows that they really need to make someone with yellow and purple skills, now thats rare! Then again Yellow with anything other than Blue, red, or green is out of the ordinary.

Still trying to find a 3rd for my Hulk/Psylocke team. It shows that they really need to make someone with yellow and purple skills, now thats rare! Then again Yellow with anything other than Blue, red, or green is out of the ordinary.
Time to start developing Nick Fury!

I can see the value in IM40, but if he didn't have tanky health, he'd be off the table, I think. Being an AP generator is nice, but I prefer generators that either create matches (GSBW/MNMags) or steal (OBW/Hood). Those yellows are too fragile, plus a stun? IM40 is built for a long game without the benefits you get from Steve.

I've been enjoying Falcon/Daken/Thor lately. Falcon was boosted in two recent events, so it might be colored by that. Playing in LR with Daken/Sentry/Hood, I miss that yellow match bonus.
Time to start developing Nick Fury!
Well crap naturally of all people he'd have the only yellow purple combo. Lucky for me I only have blue and yellow covers....

Also I still dont know who to pick. I wish I had more covers for Falcon.
Falcon to level 100 at least, that way he's effective. as long as you have some yellow & purple you're good. 4 in redwing a must. Other than that & I know this will be odd to say, but X-force? I have mine at 180+ right now, he's in normal rotation if you can believe it. Magically he pairs well with Steve, go figure. His yellow healing is pretty damn good or you can match it for damage. Once the tile goes off he's pretty much at full health, its awesome.

Well crap naturally of all people he'd have the only yellow purple combo. Lucky for me I only have blue and yellow covers....

Falcon to level 100 at least, that way he's effective. as long as you have some yellow & purple you're good. 4 in redwing a must. Other than that & I know this will be odd to say, but X-force? I have mine at 180+ right now, he's in normal rotation if you can believe it. Magically he pairs well with Steve, go figure. His yellow healing is pretty damn good or you can match it for damage. Once the tile goes off he's pretty much at full health, its awesome.
Hmmm. X-Force is at 2/2/4 currently and can get to 168 and then Falcon is 2/4/2 with a soft cap of 102.

I do have my Psylocke at 2/5/4 and can get her up to 140 though as well.

You really think Faclon over Psylocke?

Either way I would love to level X-Force but I feel I will wait until I have a couple covers more at least. Thinking about it my main go to guys are primarily heavy hitters with Hulk, Thor and Steve. BP and Hood are my supports and then Deadpool is middle ground of both kinds. I suppose by that logic a solid support with Falcon would be nice. I just hate that he is so underpowered right now.

bread's done